Oh yes she's quite a girl is our Angela! As a matter of fact quite a lot of different girls to judge from these Montages published by the Daily Express.
I'm still puzzling over certain other incongruities in the pictures. I'd say the fourth from the left or the top left in the second set tends to refer to those events of the early seventies. then the fifth from the left or second in the second set to the mid eighties when my nose was scarred and broken with airways blocked for most of a decade.The two on the top right of the second set look like Tessa Jowell ex MP especially the one on the right. the bottom left in the second set arguably referes to the rash of Murders in the Town at around the time of my Father's death. Pip Wood who was the Chief Prosecution Witness in the Murders of Rosie Hunt and Desmond Thorpe has a habit of scratching his Beard that way. The next one along looks like an understanding smile for some poor Paranoid Schizophrenic. I dunno about the rest of them they look vaguely like my Mother except for the one in the first set with hands crosed in Prayer mode which tends to remind me of attempts to persuade a local Church Congregation that the conduct of Lawyers was a matter of general not merely selfish concern. Interesting Stuff eh