Of course to a certain extent most natives have grown accustomed to this to a significant
extent. Apart from observing that this is particularly relevant in the field of
diagnostics generally, part of the present debate is going to have to addressed toward the
question of the fact that an awful lot of twaddle is being peddled around about so called
Britishness and that contemporary political correctness has very arguably excessively blurred
some necessity for plain and accurate speaking.
I feel that a lot of ordinary people who have their own career roles firmly defined want to
be represented by relevantly skilled and competent thinkers and speakers are put off by the
bewildering variety of ethnic and linguistic types claiming to be British. The domestic working
class have complained consistently that foreign communities here compete for the skilled jobs
they traditionally want and there are always ongoing arguments about the relative merits of
positive discrimination by some means.
It might be widely felt that at a time when British
political leadership probably thought of as by default as largely a stabilist two party system by
its voters who have always sensibly treated political rhetoric with a pinch of salt, that domestic society has
barely adjusted to an often vaguely defined notion of multiculturalism and that for Politicians who are
too notable for failing to keep promises and for what they can't do rather than what they can, it is
remarkably clever of them to have acquired so many foreign communities and obvious economic logistical questions
in as short a time as the decade it takes for the traditional media to try and orchestrate the familiar post war recipe of a
Labour to Tory shift in administration: which realistically has been very disappointingly seen to have little to offer but
failure at home and abroad in terms of what the British public wants and what it realistically might be able to achieve.
Don't get me wrong I'm not willing or ready to seek to awaken the nationalist devil in that until fairly recently UKIP has been
seen as far as most moderately interested parties are likely to have observed, to be just another right wing faction of Colonel Blimps, disaffected
and marginalised ethnically British working class and oddball entrepreneurs.
I am however willing to concede that it might be very necessary or that it might become necessary in the very near future ................
The recent defective hiccups to the Tory dominated administration really
are unusual in their scope and focus and One can't help but hope that something might just be able to break the cycle of failure at the top of British
politics. In commenting on the question of for instance, the question of a focus on nationalism in seeking to break the political mold, that Monsieur Farage has an apparently French surname, and a second marriage to a German after having first married and presumably divorced a Frenchwoman and it might seem fair to query the nature of his family history in more detail. Insofar as this makes an interesting contrast with the fact that the Labour Leader is strictly speaking not a Briton, has an obviously painfully recently acquired Britishness for the Job he is eyeing up, it is an immediately interesting observation that in general terms his specialist field of political science is also arguably near obsolete in dealing with what is what the author Alvin Toffler once described as "the future shock" at the point in history when technical and scientific development explodes exponentially.
In stark terms this means his traditional background in Marxist and Socialist ideology may have some recognisable appeal to the working class though it would probably be more accurate nowadays to say the low paid and dependent elements of domestic society, who Blair told that was in too many ways effectively forbidden and unrealistic has consistently been cultivated around and upon assumptions and limitations imposed by 1970's technology.
I think it clear that many British voters want to see something like a Property revolution!
Too many sincere and deserving people with little or nothing are being told to sweat about
the Nation, its finances, and the demands of its moneyed classes whilst being nagged to get
up and work for a pittance under the direction of dirty Cops, deceitful Lawyers and other powerful
and sometimes sinister interest groups who Politicians are far too keen to surrender to on the basis of some historical
pretext. Many work hard, some at extremely demanding Jobs, only to hand over a vast proportion of their income for a home that belongs to someone
else on the basis of another historical pretext.
I'm heartily sick of being told that I belong to the Nation and owe the Landlord, sick of waking up to nagging about how the ground under my feet belongs to someone else, sick of being told about public services that are considerably less than completely worthless, sick of being treated with contempt by the GP and, sick of being violently abused by Solicitors, sick of being told about britishness that isn't composed of anything else, sick of being told about living in a Democracy that is entirely worthless, rotten to the core and and has no legal guarantees of what it's supposed to stand for besides the whims of reactionary Lawyers, sick of finding the Papers full of nauseating royal fashion stories and sick of hearing its not politically correct to challenge the notion of Land and Home ownership!
This has been fashioned by historical conflict and mere fortune and I'm not willing to believe the wealthy parasites in my society are endowed with wealth as the result of hard work and deserving. I'm afraid I don't feel at all to blame for the national debt & I haven't at any point agreed to any of the actions precipitating its hypothetical existence. Of course there have to be practical constraints on wealth redistribution if those capable of making a worthwhile contribution to society are to be rewarded without fear that the fruits of their endeavour will be legislated away unfairly but the basis or model we are presented with is far too conservative, reactionary, and in the final analysis a morally repugnant deception we no longer have to accept, much as those with an interest in the present shape of the political landscape would have us believe that we do.
Monsieur Farage's comments about multiculuralism in the Daily Express 20 01 15 are still hitting wide of the mark. He does quite well in pointing at some of the more negative aspects of post war Britain and the evolution of societies within our society but in the final analysis talking about multiculturalism as a mistake that needs to be terminated is a mistake. There can be no debate about multiculturalism without defining in fairly precise terms what multiculturalism is and what multiculturalism is not. Whilst the facile attitude toward ethnicity that we often see reaching the most absurd heights of illogicity in local government forms, all too obviously betokens some kind of misunderstanding or failure to define simple truths, what on earth does he mean by segregation and identity politics? This sounds more like a reference to north american Sociology than european politics. The fact of perhaps millions of illegal immigrants in the UK is one of the most embarrassing disparities between government as it portrays itself and government as it is and some of the statistics are quite mind boggling when you think about how little control it seems to have over the country's borders. I don't think it can reasonably be said that multiculuralism is good or bad in this that or the other respect without an extensive and far ranging debate and in the first instance aside from anything else it seeems reasonably appropriate that a post colonial society like the UK should have communities from these nations within it. Insofar as this tends to occasion debate about society in general I myself have repeatedly pointed toward the fact of a sort of collectivised guilt in Western nations which is most arguably responsible for a continual tendency which might be said to originate from the upper echelons of the political nation of Western Europe's largely ex colonial societies, to continually fudge the issues in failing to confront widely varying misapprehensions about what integration does and does not mean. Such a diagnosis as that of multiculturalism being the identifiable source of great social ill in the UK and perhaps in western europe generally is virtually impossible to prove or disprove even were the term to be particularly well defined which it clearly is not. People are particularly gregarious animals and all sorts of contrasting and contradictory remarks could be made about the idea in general: this includes the allegation that multiculturalism resulted in the genocide of the native american. Quite frankly I think its too much in people's nature to mix with other nations, individuals and ethnic groups for anyone to easily organise serious limitations on interactions that have evolved over time, even illegal ones, and that the kind of command and control that it takes to even slow, let alone stop or reduce immigration has rarely if ever existed outside of wartime.
We're arguably too good at giving away the vote to those
merely working or residing with comparatively little long term interest, since
for instance the present shape and state of the NHS now represents a
significant investment of resources on the part of generations of British
Too many wealthy foreigners are buying homes as an
investment to be left empty until huge rents can be extracted while British citizens
are increasingly shut out from acceptable housing and their own Capital city.
If my experiences of the bungling and sinister attitude of
our own Police Forces toward routinely contrived appearances of criminal
records is anything to go by, we need to be much more wary of the assertion
that foreign criminal records are likely to have been largely invented in a
huge number of cases with originator countries within the EU routinely
laundering the records of their own people.
The Lisbon Treaty not increased not just the scope of the EU
but added millions to it and what is of the remark that either action or
decision deserved more widespread and in depth consideration than it got.
The Commonwealth Office has long been neglected in
comparison to its EU counterpart.
Free holidays for British unemployed?
useful? popular? Such a
measure might silence many domestic critics of the EU ...... :)