Emails InAbbreviations: SRA is the Solicitors Regulation Authority, IPCC Is the Independent Police Complaints Commission and THB is the Law Firm who were supposed to have been representing me. It can be seen broadly speaking that given it is the case that I have been seeking to protest about unhelpful Legal Representation I have had for nearly thirty years that I set out to make sure nothing could go wrong or be misunderstood. When I first found that letters from the Duty Solicitor didn't make much sense I sought to contact regulatory bodies with a view to finding out exactly what could be expected. When the worst example goes missing I ask for copies and it is ommitted. I make enquiries of Regulatory bodies with regard to what I can reasonably expect and am disappointed and concerned with the fact I can't really seem to make myself understood and can't obtain any straightforward concise information about what I can expect from a Duty Solicitor. There are also many letters appertaining to the case which I may get around to similarly itemising very soon.
20th August 2010I'm shocked when I go to Answer Bail to find that the Solicitor hasn't turned up, that I'm charged with Assault and that no-one knows anything about the CCTV I've been told I can rely on. I subsequently find an email from her.
20 8 10 Duty Solicitor On January 7th I contacted the CPS to say I would have to be representing myself as no response for a week to a promised phone call from Law Firm
26 01 11 IPCC 28 01 11 Magistrate's Court Appearance: Adjournment Obtained
28 01 11 IPCC 5th and 6th May I was Absent from a Court Appearance. In the prior few days I had almost broken my leg and lost my complete set of keys. There was a break in next door and I went down with an excruciating migraine over the weekend. I don't hear back from my Doctor as promised by the Surgery and assume in view of what I am told that my request for an exemption is accepted. The Doctor eventually writes to the Court confessing that she failed to return a call and I end up with another complex mess of correspondence in seeking to make a complaint to the Local Area Health Authority: this completely writes off any chance I had of preparing for an August Appeal as I am still acquiring garbled details from Doctor's Surgery in previous days.
14 06 11 Magistrates Court 12 August Crown Court Appeal. I get no response form CPS to requests for information about what Police Witnesses are saying in prior days as they have clearly told different stories to different parties. An Adjournment request is also ignored. I arrive at Court thinking that I am simply to argue my case for an Appeal. The CPS or Court Official brushes aside my objections and I am forced to go through an Appeal Trial without knowing anything much at all about what is going on. The Conviction from May was upheld and I've no idea as to why: I assume that I wasn't heard particularly well and that a key negatory phrase was ommitted from consideration. I had also assumed that the Court knew about the Video evidence but it seems not, and to date I have not been able to make sense of what documents I have about what Police said on the night in question. I was clearly sleepless, sick, generally unwell and coming round from dental extractions in previous days.
17 08 11 IPCC
Emails Out
30 06 10 Emailed Local Law Firm JSM about Father's Death |