Quotes Adages Proverbs
"The History of Civilisation is the History of England and France."
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel "
Samuel Johnson
" If I don't putsch I don't accomplish anything."
Otto Von Bismarck
" Youth is Everything "
Oscar Wilde.
" For Evil to triumph it is only necessary for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke.
"Democracy is a Dictatorship periodically renewed at Election time."
Sam Dolgoff.
" I am responsible for everything, except my own responsibility."
JP Sartre.
" I have no affection to be of a party." William Cecil, Elizabeth 1st's Secretary of State in 1601,
"Ireland is the graveyard of English reputations "
Various? Hehehe...... Be interesting to hear anyone's ideas about the origins of this particular quote.
"Freedom, is ownership of land and the means to defend it."
"The World is my Country and to do Good is my Religion"
Thomas Payne, American Revolutionary and Humanist thinker.
" It is an Offence to drive while unfit for any reason "
Me again
"Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest" which means "Let no man that can belong to himself be of another."
Paracelsus, Swiss born late 16th century Alchemist, Physician, Scientist who is rightly credited for key advances in Renaissance medical science.
" Until the people who make the rules live by the rules there are no rules it's as simple as that! "
Andrew Turner
"Lord Henry by God's ungrace King of England knowingly and consciously fabricates lies against the majesty of my King in Heaven, this damnable rottenness and worm. I will have the right, on behalf of my King, to bespatter his English Majesty with muck and shit and to trample underfoot that Crown of his which blasphemes against Christ."
Martin Luther on Henry the 8th in 1522: Henry complained to the Duke of Saxony that Luther was "threatening the social fabric of Christendom," A fine comment coming from the murderous Grandson of a Welsh hedge robber. (nb) This article was included as a fine example of 16th century diplomatic language.
Not bad that badMr Turner
The Good Lord helps those who help themselves.
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