Strange Facts   

Given the current attention being paid to friendly fire incidents and the behaviour of different armies, nations and politicians I wonder how much the coalition forces for example know about their own military history and the intrigues in which they have become involved. It isn't often said that General Patton, an icon of all Imperialist minded Americans delivered vast tracts of Germany into Russian hands by his glory seeking antics on the western front in 1944 which were in direct contravention of Eisenhower's orders.

Both Major Superpowers employ teams of Psychics with proven track records.

Since 1952 there have been 32 nuclear/atomic incidents and six missiles have simply been lost !

The British Police recently equipped themselves with new security software for their computer systems only to discover subsequently that the software was pirated. :)

The European Police force (Europol) are under investigation by the Dutch Police who have strong suspicions that their Euro colleagues are lining their own pockets.

Up to 15% of the criminal records for the Greater London Area have been mislaid or corrupted since computerisation in the UK.

The explosion in Siberia which is variously reported as having occurred between 1908 and 1916 and devastated an area the size of the Iberian peninsular was an atomic explosion. This we know for a fact because nothing else creates the necessary temperatures and the heat effects that it did: this is an especially interesting fact in view of the claim that atomic technology did not exist until 1946 when the US dropped two atom bombs on the Japanese mainland. Sorry Folks More recently I have to admit that it seems this might have been a hitherto unknown form of hybrid Comet.

The US government was the first to employ Nazis after the War: these included Otto (scarface) Skorzeny and Klaus Barbie whom they assisted to escape from Justice in Europe in order to conceal the fact that he was then employed by the US.

Elizabeth the Second has been looking suspiciously like a certain Eastern Olive clad Eastern Dictator in odd newspaper photos in recent years.

The World has been plagued with mysterious sightings of 'flying saucers' and the like for millenia. Far too many well documented and recorded sightings of apparent craft with the ability to travel at superhuman velocity exist for there not to be some sensational explanation or other. There are many apparently well informed sources who focus on German pre war saucer technology (no pun intended) and the ability of a well funded US programmes which after WW2 systematically pillaged Germany for all it's weapons technology whilst allies were counting the cost and settling down to pay the US interest payments on loans which had preserved it from becoming a German/Japanese protectorate.

In an age when US commercialism & imperialism have run rampant across the globe bombing approximately 10% of the worlds' nations on en route to it's post war hegemony over international affairs it seems appropriate to point out that complaints of many other older countries including some of the world's oldest civilisations about the nature of the 'culture' being foisted on the rest of the world seem all too justified. Of course such observations apply in many less significant situations and can lead us only to deplore the the capitalist dogma of exploit or be exploited. I personally find the fake religio/moralism of Blair and Bush and their ethical masquerading as utterly nauseating for behind the smiles and the teeth they are nothing more than stooges for moneyed interests which refuse various life saving medicines to the most abjectly unfortunate poverty stricken individuals in the most sickening and unconscionable possible way.

To my mind governments should be more interested in establishing historical and cultural truths than in facilitating growth and sweeping aside all objections to any course of action which will apparently maintain the living standards of first world electorates at all costs. For example it is typically understood, even by the comparatively well educated populations of the western hemisphere that civilisation goes back perhaps four or five thousand years and that Columbus discovered America in 1492.

There are in existence I believe several ancient maps, of which the Piri Reis map (named after a 16th century Turkish Admiral) and kept in the Topkapi museum in Istanbul, is perhaps the best known example, which have been mooted as evidence of a historical civilisation in the Antarctic continent. The argument had apparently gained some currency because a US Government report in the sixties backed up the idea which geophysical research now tends to disprove. This map unquestionably very accurately draws some of the coastline of Antarctica amongst much else of the southern hemisphere which is particularly arguably impossible to map without sophisticated 20th century technology and, it is alleged drawn perfectly to perspective as coastlines would appear from a point precisely 5000 miles above Cairo though in some respects it is not perfect. Many claims have been made about this map though almost all very up to date research tends to dismiss the suggestion that it derives from remains of an historical Antarctic civilisation as we have discovered; the fact of aspects of it's accuracy being uncanny to say the least remain difficult to explain, and along with the discovery in the 1960's that most ancient Egyptian Pharoahs habitually used Coca and Tobacco derivatives in embalming (from plants which only grew in South America) provides if not quite absolutely incontrovertible and conclusive evidence to substantiate the profound suspicion that the version of History we are being fed by the powers that be is so much hogwash and doesn't even remotely resemble the truth about life on our planet then it at least ought to give rise to some healthy scepticism!


The Moon Landings Were Faked?    (24/02/05)

I have been noting with immense interest some documentaries which apparently demonstrate that the Moon Landings of 1969 were faked out in Arizona somewhere. For those fed up with the enigma of official denials of apparently incontrovertible evidence it so happens to be the case that a Japanese probe is expected to verify if the equipment supposedly abandoned there can actually be found, and within as little as another two years and I think the explanations for observable phenomena are quite good.

Last updated 24/02/05