Brief Advisory Note about the Dating on this Page

27 10 16 Document Begins

This Page/Weblog is really more of a recapitulation of facts, events and circumstances relating to preceding social and predominantly personal legal matters associated with and relating to the death of my Father at the end of 2008.

From April 2019 the dating of entries has been painstakingly and precisely recorded and should be fully up to date by the end of Mayish: having frequently returned to dated entries on the document to emend, embellish and elaborate, it had become more like a series of notes interspersed with odd jokes about the plausible corruptibility of public figures in the light of contemporary scandals, along with what I like to think is perhaps some reasonably useful comment on life, society, law, and politics in the present day.

In saying I am in the process of attempting to summarise what has gone before in an introductory section on the Archived Weblogs page before restoring them, I do firstly concede it is long overdue, secondly that there are various ways of going about presentation and thirdly it isn't going to happen any faster than it's going to happen.

Someone asked me about the Royal Family Recently

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18 01 17 last emended

28/02/17 last emended

06 03 17 emended

15 06 17 emended

20 07 17 emended

26 07 17 emended

29 08 17 emended

08 09 17 emended

11 09 17 emended

15 09 17 emended

16 09 17 emended 23 07 21 & 19 10 21

24 09 17 emended

21 10 17 emended

25 10 17 emended

24 11 17 emended

15 01 18 emended

18 01 18 emended 04 06 21

06 08 18 (emended 27 03 19)

08 08 18

20 10 18emended 04 04 19 & 27 05 19

27 11 18

15 12 18

14 01 19 (emended 27 03 19)

21 01 19 emended 29 04 19 & 21 05 19

10 03 19 (emended 28 03 19, 14 04 19, 11 05 19, 22 05 19, 27 05 19 & 27 10 19) Particulars of Actions of Rogue Landlord in Process of Being Itemised and Details of being Arrested in the Middle of the Night and Summarily Imprisoned for Some Days at the Beginning of March.

11 04 19 emended 05 05 19 & 09 05 19

18 04 19 emended

22 04 19

24 04 19

26 04 19

13 05 19

20 05 19 emended 21 02 20 Some reiteration of what seems to have emerged in the way of explanations

13 05 19

14 05 19 About Irish Troubles

20 05 19

26 05 19

20 05 19

01 06 19

08 06 19 Critique of Hepatitis C Report emended 25 01 20

My apologies if this document unfortunately like much of the Website is a bit rough and ready. I have been increasingly moving toward the conclusion that I really need some better software and a little professional help with it. I am still using very basic software that I was using almost twenty years ago and I am increasingly aware that I need to be more fluent with it as it takes me too long to manually encode everything and make alterations with several different bits of software.

" We play with the Toys the Gods give Us ....................... "

The purpose of this new entry on a third ongoing Weblog is principally to reassure various parties that I have not abandoned certain legal suits. I came into unexpected possession of a new motorcycle late in the summer and decided that it was best I take a sort of short touring holiday which I had badly needed and (I believe) deserved in 2002 and which I should certainly have been allowed to take in 2008 when my Father died. What being of the remark that I had to relinquish all monies and valuables appertaining to my Father's Estate of any significance under the threat of violence from my paternal half brother when reports about his behaviour were rejected/ignored by the local Constabulary.

Earlier in the year I had taken a great deal of trouble over a lengthy letter to the then Home Secretary about related matters not the least of which is in respect of the fact that the New Tory MP for the Constituency Ben Gummer might not find it the easiest of matters to deal with certain scandals and dysfunctional matters as for instance, it is a curiously plausible remark that without them he wouldn't have even acquired the Tory Candidacy let alone been elected as MP. I also felt some need to seek to investigate and resolve the suggestion that matters of historical importance might underlie some of the appalling life experiences I have had. I have talked a fair bit about how accurate recollections of childhood have only returned during the last decade or so and what is overwhelmingly this year, of the conclusion that my Grandparents knew Ted Heath was (much as it seems an inadequate comment on human behaviour) a practising pervert who was being protected by Security Services: many it seems now must have known this but had little or no motive to say so. As a general comment it seems therefore unsurprising that the Wilson/Callaghan Government of the late seventies had managed to run up huge national debt as other Conservatives have more recently been complaining about whilst other establishmentarian Sex Weirdos in the Woodwork have more recently been the subject of Police attention and a rather unseemly dysfunctional sort of public debate.

What is unfortunately of the remark that the disc on which a document many dozens of pages in length had been put for convenience was returned to me with our present Prime Minister's then Home Office claiming they couldn't afford a CD Rom to read it with. Some remark about an investigation was included but I didn't understand it. I had made reference to quite a number of separate investigations but if someone didn't read it how could they have known what it was about? I haven't yet looked at it again as the opportunity to take much needed break arose and I found the fact of yet more mystifying official twaddle profoundly upsetting though I will do, I expect within a few days now.

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The only plausible interpretation of the response I have yet conceived of, is as an admission that someone among Ipswich Conservatives had been misreporting that I was willingly engaged in Housing Benefit Fraud during the eighties. It seems logical to consider that this was almost certainly someone connected to Blackmail victims of my Mother's family or something such. I have clearly and repeatedly stated that the behaviour of my legal representative in 1985 was so violent that it constituted an assault and that owing to his deliberate negligence I then had no real choice but to do what criminals told me to: among other things he categorically denied that Sex Offenders even existed. I am not willing to believe that I am deluded, and more corroborating details suggesting that my Secondary School authorities had been generally too guilty to do other than surrender to the misreporting of the doings of dysfunctional parents is continuing to emerge.

Incidentally, has anyone noticed the astonishing resemblance between our new Leaderene and Davros of Skaro the well known BBC Children's TV Presenter, Drug Fiend, Environmental Hobbyist and Creator of the Daleks: are they perhaps by any chance related?

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Maybe not ..............

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I think we should be told!

18 01 17

I need to issue some further apology in that I had been planning to get a lot of things done over the festive season. The simple fact is that I have been struck down by a recurrence of severe dental problems. I have spent the last month enduring severe agonies and haven't been able to do much at all. Given that the free NHS Medicine I have been subjected to over many years is largely responsible for this situation there is obviously no point in trying to find help. Not least in view of the fact that attempts to establish this have merely rubber stamped surgical errors which have arguably had all sorts of unfortunate consequences: I do hope to be at least temporarily recovered within a few days now.


About two days after removing another bad tooth I've gone down with a most appalling back strain. The manner in which these complaints have arisen does tend to support criticisms I've made of the way my medical history has been handled. If you don't believe this sort of thing about your friendly local GP checkout the Express article from 10 05 15 at

The Express Website

As far as recent and ongoing legal difficulties are concerned when it is the case that many such matters as relate to Computers and IT are surprisingly relevant to both legal and medical issues in that as they say 'all roads lead to Rome,' and I am it seems likely now going to be saving time by swiftly upgrading my personal technical capability. It seems like false economy to seek to pursue these other separate issues without at least making some brief attempt to ensure that for instance I can keep up with contacts who might provide me with testimony as to why for example the fact of to say the least a torrid and troubled background had completely disappeared at around school leaving age when it was the only visible fact and the first relevant observation about my condition at that time which should have been made by any responsible authority claiming to act for or represent me in any way.

It tends to give some idea of the determinedly hostile ignorance with which I have been consistently and incongruously faced since that time, that I have been effectively condemned by the actions of Lawyers. To recap very briefly: the Firm of Lawyers most recently mismanaging my Case in respect of an incident in a downtown Pub sent me a letter from its Complaints Handler comparatively recently in which they claimed to have thoroughly investigated my Case in respect of my difficulties with the Essex Police and found nothing wrong with their Employees actions. Only trouble is that whoever wrote the letter assuring me of this didn't even know which County the incident took place in as I hadn't been anywhere near Essex for several years and it took place in Ipswich Suffolk. To claim to have thoroughly investigated an incident could not possibly be more likely to be false if you can't even remember where it took place, when you write to the Individual whose future depended on your competence and integrity.

I do not understand why I should be the one to have yet another huge life tainting problem once I have pointed this out.

Here's some more funny Cartoons just to lighten the monotony of so much bad news

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I hope my meaning isn't being mistaken here: if there's one thing I approve strongly about our Michael it is his evident contempt for deceptive image making, of which there is far too much about. This makes an interesting contrast with recent media comment about the PM's appearance ranging from Schoolmistress to Biker Chick.

Thatcher and sidekick

Or not so funny as the case may be ..............


Donut, Melanoma & the Frump Family at Home ...........


I'm going to be having some real fun with this one sometime soon

Kim Wrong Un

Here's a serious question for you: does anyone have any idea why all these hordes of militarist and religious fundamentalists in the Middle East obviously aren't going to end up like this?


Answers on a Post Card to the Diddy Men's Clan Chief, Knotty Ash, Scouserland: the best answer wins a crispy new plastic five pound note


I have to admit to being a little surprised by some of the fallout from the Brexit vote.

Whilst I cannot help but feel satisfaction at the result since perhaps the central aspect of ongoing long term legal problems has among other things been a, or it might not be an exaggeration to say, the, hidden agenda of personal detractors that doesn't in itself necessarily mean that things are bad about the EU itself. Negative points are easy to find in that there are so many matters that should be planned on (at least) a continental basis if only because there is no general point in having separate jurisdictions for what is in essence the same thing. If we examine the fact of something as essential to the development of civilisation as the supply of clean water the management of Europe's main waterways is among the most obvious of examples. The Danube runs through ten European Countries and nationalistic jurisdictions benefit very few of those who have an interest in maintaining it in a wholesome condition.

I'm a bit puzzled as I say by the impact the Brexit vote has had on what it is trendy to call 'hate crimes.' I don't really understand how a hate crime is supposed to differ from so called ordinary crime. Surely some kind of hate must be involved in every crime or it wouldn't be called a crime in the first place. I can only assume their is some significant widespread misunderstanding about the vote and the various questions raised about political and social realities in this country.

Its no real surprise that voters in the English speaking world are rejecting the directions of the so called 'liberal establishment.' I never really liked the phrase myself. Its too reassuring and convenient just for a start. Good things don't happen in real life and real politics as the result of wishful thinking and optimistic spin. I really think most people are trying to define post war attitudes toward social issues when they use this phrase and in evaluating the question it seems substantive to the assertion that most people if they do identify with a particular politic grouping do tend if only very generally to identify with them/it on the basis of a very few key concepts in this area whether it be: Abortion; Immigration; Healthcare; the Economy and so on.

The general truth is to my mind very arguably that so many Politicians in the western world perhaps mostly those who have accepted the label of post war liberalism to some significant extent have been fatuously proselytising altruistic values for self interested motives for far too long. The Chickens are coming home to roost in the shape of: Oceans full off Plastics; swarms of Refugees and Economic Migrants traipsing through Europe and the continental US in search of social mobility; vast tracts of the Middle East laid waste by various bombing campaigns; even vaster tracts of south american rainforest disappearing even faster than a demented War Veteran's Welfare Claim or a LibDem MP.

The overall sense of a sort of nebulous disorder on the Continent's streets is rather compounded by the chaos in its Legislatures with internationally known political figures queuing up to make fools of themselves with various garish and empty pronouncements. The sight in this country of so many Politicians who clearly felt their career futures quite assured only months ago, now staring fatuously into the middle distance and gaping like the proverbial Goldfish in a Whirlpool, all goes to explain some apparent willingness on the part of electorates to vote with their feet in electing unconventional right wing mavericks and support unconventional or politically incorrect right wing policies.

06 03 17

I was just reaching the point of making a few more increasingly incisive and discerning insights into personal matters in this column when it reaches my ears that my Father's Sister died on January 22nd.

A Solicitor tells me I don't get a mention in her Will which is rather odd considering that she spent my whole lifetime telling me I would be the heir to the family Property.

Yes it certainly is a funny old world at times!

Before I say anything specific about that I should recap quickly on one or two of the news Stories of relevance. Someone tells me for instance that the stories that have been floating around about the Miner's Strikes in the early eighties and the strange ongoing intermittent kerfuffle in the Press is due to the fact that the people who duffed the Miner's up were in fact largely Professional Soldiers in Police Uniform.

Rather more to the point I suppose is the fact rather coincidental to the suggestion I opened this new Weblog section with a terse reiteration of my legal position in respect of my Father's death and her disingenuous role in events circumscribing the fact. This tends to point to unworthy machinations on the part of newer relatives who are unable or unwilling to incriminate her in incidents of criminal behaviour dating from the '60s '70s or '80s and have contrived a story that fits the illusions she had chiefly contrived about the fact of my existence when I was about School leaving age at the end of the '70s: this by virtue of the fact she was the new owner of the family home.

It is in fact quite the precise truth that no-one knew me better than she did and it is difficult to imagine anyone ever will. In saying that the only obviously plausible exception is the Queen herself I have to remark that the Queen, or at least her clerical department, have twice sent me back evasive and rude responses to queries about the fact they are allegedly involved in the most curious legal history which characterises the fact of my own personal existence.

These occurred once in the late nineties and again in 2012ish.

Perhaps the most interesting coincidence in respect of the alleged historical connections between these personal matters and news events is the fact that as will be noted the main clause my new Weblog (of course it does depend on how good a student of English you are) that I had focused on the suggestion that Teachers were too caught up in incidences of under aged sex with Schoolgirls to be able to report my familial problems accurately at the end of the 1970's.

What is of the remark that I had never suspected that anyone from the sixth form I qualified for in September 1980 would have had fictions related to them by students from the High School I had finished in June of 1980. Of course it figures that if Teachers had manipulated my official history to avoid a debate/conversation about their own plausible shortcomings when it comes to legal technicalities, then it does logically follow that individuals who had read the superficial cover story authored generally speaking by them, tended to echo those fictions. It's so logical it's boringly simple to take the hypothesis one step further and deduce that this was connected with the idea of pursuing successful strategies for advancement: by then it had it seems become too convenient for too many parties to admit the truth.

One of the remarks I've been toying with since I first realised there was some unusual and consistent explanation for such serious misunderstandings at this point in my life was that I was down and out; the protestation that no-one was conducting anything more than a pretence of helpfulness or constructive interest in my complete lack of wherewithal has been more than fully borne out. In seeking to refute the suggestion that I was somehow celebrating a libertarian chaos then some ten years out of date I tend to point out that I was doomed to acquire the company of less desirable elements of society and there wasn't much point in feigning to be much other than another rootless looking and penurious piece of youthful wannabee Biker Trash as many might put it. There were quite significant numbers of relatively anonymous and impoverished youths visible on the streets in those days. I tend to suppose that society still resembled its pre war appearance to some extent then and that it no longer recognisably does.

Point is that of two females from High School who went up to Lower Sixth neither had ever specifically heard what I thought was known. People don't tend to discuss that kind of dysfunctional semi-criminal attitude toward familial interaction openly except under another and further set of highly unusual circumstances. When I feigned to be sarcastically affined with increasingly out of date youth culture it was in addition to being as I've said something of an expression of resignation at impoverishment as well as what might be assumed to be a cover story for a situation that was more than a major embarrassment. What most who had the misfortune to witness in the later seventies was in itself part of an ongoing train of equal or greater misfortune which it would seem had been going on since early infancy. If anything the later seventies were slightly less undignified than the earlier half of the decade; if they seemed also less sympathetic that may also be because I was increasingly able to fend for myself. I really wasn't some spoiled precocious petulant making unworthy criticisms of hard working middle class parents nothing of the sort.

I couldn't remember having been looked after according to any sort of acceptable family norm other than in it seems approximately correct to describe as intermittent recollections of what were little more than publicity stunts as the seventies waned. I had seen my Father swiftly lose his own Father, his marriage, his Mother, and his nice Job in the seven years following my Father's unceremonious departure for a new Job hundreds of miles from the home of Grandparents which was the only place it seems I had ever found any kind of peace or constructive contentment. I clearly lived in horror of the gaping gulf between his ambition and his incapable deranged demeanour. I clearly felt that his refusal to admit or discuss any of this made my choices for me in that I didn't want him to supervise any more of my history than he had. Over the Winter of 80-81 I had expressed no positive interest in any outcome except the possibility of being housed in my own right after extensive official enquiry into my Father's latest attempt to play happy families which had fizzled out by the summer of 1980.

It is absurd to suggest I was at all tolerant or approving of my Father's association with a liberal identity for want of a better phrase; people were far too keen to read some serious intent into my association with the labour Movement at that time. they had feigned a helpful interest but as time would show whatever they had heard was exactly the story I was trying to get away from. I was abandoned in North Wales by the Comrades with, no home, no scholarship and a solitary fifty pence piece for company. I don't have it confirmed yet but it may be the case that principal among those who realised some kind of error had been made and covered it up rather than provide some helpful explanation to a Lawyer, have/has recently retired from their/his duties as Councillor.

Anyhow the short and the tall of it is that it is an interesting coincidence in view of the recent deaths of Carrie Fisher and her Mother, and perhaps in respect of the former having spent much time filming in London at around that time, that the suspicion that someone also known by that name who had also gone up from High School to Lower Sixth in 1980 had for various reasons misreported the fact of my upset at not getting at least some kind of Place from September '81 has saliently arisen almost simultaneously with the Actress's unfortunate and untimely youthful demise.

I had realised this was at least partly true since it had crossed my mind before I saw her with my Mother in a local shopping centre about two or three years ago now and found my fears that they were or both had been engaged on the same hostile deception since 1980 rather perversely confirmed. Of course the fact I didn't realise then that the nature of my Mother's marriage didn't endear her to people I needed to be on good terms with if I was to develop a career from what I was good at. I didn't know Carrie much at all really. I had never met her family even in passing whereas I had in at least several cases of girls who did turn up in the lower sixth that year because I spent a lot of time socialising with them out of the School I was qualified for but wasn't allowed in anyway. If she had parroted certain such fictions as a student she may also have sought to cover them up to some extent; for instance by prompting health professionals toward patronising erroneous appraisals in much more recent years in her Job as Social Worker. There are quite a few Public Service Workers and other interested parties in the central neighbourhood who are de-facto aligned with Labour from one necessity or other and it isn't easy to explain this to them.

I think however some of this is becoming increasingly undeniable and I will not easily be persuaded that The PM's crackdown on sham marriages whilst Home Secretary doesn't significantly stem from the manner in which my Father was blackmailed into a liaison in 1983. He couldn't court the kind of company he was trying to and the photos of it show among other things it might not be too vain of me to imagine, that one or two love rivals (of mine) have harangued him into another marital intrigue which is diversionary from an honest or open explanation of relevancies he cannot reasonably avoid making. Now for instance I hadn't ever asked him to make such a thing publicly and what is very much of the remark that what is taking place is none of their business. I thought I had then made it clear that I would sign only under absolute protest and was certainly heard to say so. Hence the absence of any subsequent conversation substantiating some kind of legal ceremony based on real agreement and her failure to return to the UK despite lots of obvious reasons for so doing: including perhaps most obviously the cost of medical treatments in Thailand. Such truths were relatively inconsequential in the later eighties when I quite ill advisedly in most respects as it turned out, twice visited him there. The unadorned truth would at that point have done only pointless harm to a younger half brother too young to have been a culpable nuisance of any sort.

If I had told any of my Father's eastern acquaintances any suitable sort of fiction once they had laboured to ignore what I actually had first said then I was perfectly justified

I've been working furiously over the Winter and a vast Library of Books and papers is finally beginning to look like the Library that was disassembled at the end of 2001. The CRTs have gone and I've a bit more in the way of ancillary equipment and tools but the Books and Papers are much as I've lovingly cared for them since before I learned to read. I've sat and stared at The volumes which comprise my Father's Library almost every night for half a century or so now.

I've been forced to start preliminary talks with a Civil Lawyer a bit earlier than I'd like owing to the fact of ongoing disagreement with the Landlord and am only about half way into composing a formal submission. In a small Town it seems every story is part of many others and I had recently made it known that I wasn't happy with the help I'd had from certain persons. One bloke whose family were admittedly well informed about my Father having been almost Wartime Neighbours, had offered to help with my Father's Obsequies which wasn't really necessary in that I didn't really skimp anything, but the only thing I firmly did ask him to do was make sure he got the particulars of the Ladies from the Home who attended.

I was never happy with the failure of anyone claiming to be friends, to reiterate how absurd the authorities reaction was to his boozy fabrication in 2002. Firstly in respect of the fact my Father's behaviour was Blackmail motivated, and secondly that his younger Son's behaviour was intolerable, dangerous and sinister.

Some explanations have of course since emerged but they're definitely not good. I've also been discussing a formal approach to the Police Commissioner about the failure to appreciate this in 2009.

It's grimly ironic that I should first start working really well with Web Design software when the last of my childhood family is no longer extant and able to admire my achievements. Obtaining some good insights into IT and some associated subject areas in the mid to late nineties was then a final legacy of some familiarity with the local College and academic acquaintances. I've committed a lot of resources to pursuing its potential in the last twenty years. Most of it has been very badly spent in that I wanted to pursue legal issues not get bogged down with learning new machine skills, playing games and watching videos.

This evidently has not yet produced the result it was intended to. I would probably have been better off making sure I had a decent holiday and a Driving Licence than have visited my Father in the eighties.

I'll close this entry with the remark that if my Aunt's motivation for her actions was as has been speculated elsewhere, indeed seriously considered to be more of the criminally sinister variety, that it would be no surprise to find that whilst being continuously exposed to increasingly critical examination on the part of more and more high powered medics she had meanwhile, plotted the fact of her own demise: there's a famous quote from Hamlet which describes how the guilty can become the victims of their own aggressive deceptions

As far as Brexit and perhaps some opportunity for well adjusted progress is concerned: whilst there is much to say it seems to me that in Europe we should take the line that we are too ashamed of our recent generation of political leadership to seriously feel happy enough to proffer for serious consideration any of the relevant intranational conversation presently at hand.

15 06 17

Bad Advice? Bad Advice?

The fact I have been immersed in trying to compose some sort of legal presentation for many weeks doesn't necessarily mean it won't be ignored. Since it is no real exaggeration to say everything I have officially related about the fact of my existence always has, this would hardly be any kind of big surprise.

Bad Advice?

A General Election has come and gone but it seems discussion of its fallout has been rather abruptly sidelined by events in London: the smoke blackened tomb that is Grenfell Towers stands in the middle of what is said to be London's most prosperous Borough like a grubby testimony to an increasingly implicit confession of institutionalised dishonesty on the part of the wider political nation. I don't really see how the Labour Movement can portray itself as less than complicit in manufacturing assumptions of competence and good intent in overestimating, overvaluing and profiteering from the promulgation of dangerous illusions about the nature of our Democracy: or perhaps you haven't read any of the contemporary articles about the manner in which planning regulations in the Capital are being swept aside by big money interests with the representatives of the people practically trampling on one another to get their noses in the trough.

Whilst it is one thing to appreciate that The PM had misinterpreted the public mind in calling an Election it is perhaps illustrative of a rather more fundamental malaise arguably boding seriously ill for the future, that her professions of sympathetic interest in the Voters had fallen rather emptily flat. The expectation on the part of contemporary idealogues of some further mandate for Brexit than already clearly does exist, failed to materialise with the General Public apparently rather preferring to view the issue as resolved in principle.

It is difficult to say as to how major Terrorist Incidents may have exacerbated the high voter turnout which traditionally favours Opposition Parties, but it is clear that it didn't take much in the way of inconclusive and conflicting statements about traditional bread and butter issues on the part of Government Ministers to irritate various interest groups not entirely lacking in political influence who might have been more willing to vote with national consensus in mind: too many Public Servants haven't had a pay rise for years; too many young people have been deprived of eligibility for Housing Allowances; too many Students have had to shoulder unprecedented debt burdens; too many Teachers have seen class sizes expand and budgets contract; too many Nurses have seen the value of their earnings shrink; the food banks and the resigned unwillingness to challenge prevailing financial ideology makes many suspect the Lawyers, Bankers, Politicians, Journalists and Judges who pull the strings behind the scenes really don't care about the human individual or as to what sort of a world their descendants might be likely to inherit.

As far as Grenfell Towers is concerned it seems clear that Firefighting Practice was rendered counterproductive by the fact of flammable Building Cladding and it would seem there's a fair bit of it about. The fact that even an institution as contemptuous of civil rights as the US Government has banned this product may help to comprehend just how genuinely disgusting the commercial antics behind this matter are.

I think it appalling that the right wing Newspapers somehow think some sort of nebulous resoluteness on the part of the so called Royal Family is an appropriate response to such a Tragedy.

Resolute about what exactly might I ask? Resolutely incompetent? Resolutely deceitful? Resolutely stupid? Resolutely what?

All I see is resolute resignation to institutionalised corruption: no-one could be more to blame for the culture of contemptuous lying on the part of Lawyers and Politicians that underlies this sort of Tragedy than the, so called Royal Family, and I think it a complete disgrace that so many appalling deaths should prompt little more than a fresh outburst of particularly cheap and mean spirited flattering sycophancy being addressed to those who are most to blame for the plummeting reputation of a highly imaginary Democracy and the deaths of so many innocent citizens.

20 07 17

There is no such thing as an innocent human being

I don't mean to be pointlessly or meaninglessly critical but it is very much a flaw in our society that we have as a people come to accept institutionalised deception of the sort that has successfully demonised various sorts of Welfare and Benefit claimants whilst rubber stamping hazardously profitable building practices and laundering the sexual offences of the wealthy and powerful. As a historian I find it inescapable to point out that such rampant institutionalised corruption usually presages the collapse of a nation or society. In seeking to substantiate that the Grenfell Towers Fire is not an isolated instance of officialdom being completely resigned to corrupt and dangerous practices, and with regard to what the future may be for such Democracy as may be reasonably said to exist, I think it needs to be said that we are entering very dangerous uncharted waters. The fact is for instance that for over half a decade I have been trying to persuade people that a Firm of Lawyers who claim to have thoroughly investigated my case in respect of an incident in a local Pub clearly incriminated themselves in writing to the effect that they really couldn't even remember what County the incident took place in: that is just the tip of an Iceberg in that two previous Solicitors had assaulted and ignored me in '85 and in 2002. The fact is that for all the twaddle that is peddled around about the theoretical existence of some supposedly wholesome society by political wannabees not one person has spoken up for me that I know of. I have to repeat the allegation that Teachers who were entrusted with the task of accurately reporting my familial problems appear to have instead composed fictions for the benefit of irresponsible parents and relatives. This is of course nothing new as I have been saying this ever since I was at School. The problem is one of dishonesty not of misunderstanding. It does indeed seem a fair assumption that Teachers were involved in things they should not have been and had been counterblackmailed by Thieves and Perverts. If some aspersion has been cast against my name because I made no formal comment about the former whilst at secondary School which seems unquestionably responsible for a completely ludicrous portrayal of myself at School leaving age, then I have to point out that my opinion at the time that near relatives were all negligent perverts or otherwise criminally motivated has been very much substantiated: the latter were a lot more of a nuisance to me and very arguably to society at large than pupils with thievish aspirations whom I had in fact castigated as such.

I was not in a position to speak out on the matter of crime amongst secondary school pupils since my Father's negligence had left me effectively ostracised from any sort of worthwhile activity or actions at Copleston High School and was not infrequently beaten even without formally authoring remarks about thieves. If that is what lay behind the huge misapprehensions acquired by the Constabulary almost immediately as my Father first illegally made a joint application for housing in 1980 then I have to point out that this hypothetical situation is in fact curious in the extreme. Why should so many Teachers decide it should be so important that a victim of various sorts of abuse and negligent parenting should be responsible for making dangerous accusations. I was as I say getting beaten for refusing to take an interest in my Father's latest marriage and had my eyes firmly fixed on a future in which I would not be governed by such suspicious individuals as my near relatives were and indeed are.

This conveniently brings me round to a succinct comment on the present nature of society in that many people don't seem to realise what the political nation in this country has conceded or admitted in the last decade. It seems to me that it is overwhelmingly the case we have been governed more by the consequences of sexual scandal than by any other identifiable factor in the post war era. The lengthy list of cabinet members and peers recently implicated in scandals of a sexual/marital nature including such household names as Ted Heath and Clement Freud has clearly dominated and directed the political life of the nation above all things. Even the most serious conversations about national debt have clearly been subsumed to the fact of subliminal sexual blackmail and the consequences are more profound than people care to admit. It is unfortunate that such facts cannot be cured or even addressed by anything less than a massive revolutionary change in society and politics involving some kind of meltdown at the top and until such a time I feel it needs to be acknowledged that our society is massively corrupt and we desperately need to stop looking at it through the rose tinted spectacles of liberal illusion: it is after all dangerously a fact that both Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May have both been intimately and profitably involved in this culture of corruption and deception for decades. The real hazard to my mind lies in the question as to what is going to happen when it gradually sinks in to the consciousness of the voters that much of the news coverage of such matters is designed to disguise the contempt that Politicians have for them and for the ordinary citizen's conceptions of morality. So many self satisfied Journalists cannot entirely disguise the truth of the matter though it's not for want of trying. Even traditionally right wing papers are seeking to legitimise what has traditionally been viewed as aberrant behaviour. Portraying so called 'gay relationships' as normal and wholesome and tacitly encouraging unfortunates to believe they can make their lives better with a sex change operation is perverse, it is sinister, and it is cruel.

If you are from a poor working class background it is generally a fact that if you want a decent life that can perhaps compare with the lifestyles popularised by the Clarksons, Evans and Humphrys of this world, it is generally speaking, a fact that you have to get lucky when you are at around School Leaving age; lottery winners, wealthy politicians and the odd successful uneducated entrepreneur do not make up the ingredients for a healthy aspirational and deserving society. In general I would contend that no-one has yet offered a cogent rational explanation of what happened in this country in 1939-40 with particular reference to the existence or evolution of a so called liberal establishment. That is to say that it is a particularly dangerous thing to formulate long term national policy on the basis of little more than old wives tales and rhetorical misconception.

In respect of my own personal legal difficulties I have been musing over the presentation and content of this site and I'm probably going to open up some of the past weblogs on it that I recently placed behind a password. There's really not that much point in trying to restrict what I have already published about the misbegotten and destructive intrigues of my local legal establishment. What I am going to do however is divide the material on the current Weblog into personal and public sections. This means I will be able to put that which relates to what family I have and appertaining legal questions into a document which is concurrent with a separate Weblog dealing with general issues and daily or at least weekly gossip for a more general audience. Generally speaking what is of interest about my case to the average voter or citizen is that Officials managing my existence locally have deliberately accepted a tissue of lies which now seems to have originated with Teachers and was passed on to Legal Officials who had a reactionary agenda: every other Official involved with my welfare including the Medics have in turn all lied and cooked up whatever convenient fiction is required by a pretence of conscientious public service. What seems to be significantly arising here is the conclusion that the Country is governed by its Lawyers rather than its Politicians and when they turn bad so does everything else. In respect of the remark made by the first Solicitor who theoretically took a serious look at my case in 1985 one Anthony Smythe that I "didn't deserve a proper defence" because I didn't have a Job and didn't seem to be looking for one according to him, I really have to point out that this was only a few years after the point in history when exactly the same sort of misconception about respectability had kept the serial killer John Wayne Gacy free to rape and murder dozens of young men. Some people do keep their reputations manicured so to speak but I had rather thought that it was my turn to find something good about being British, I'm afraid I didn't think there was going to be any sort of further argument about what I thought was reality in the early eighties and of I'm still waiting for an honest word about these matters.

My point is that these individuals are trying to say that you should forget about their systematic undermining of what taxpayer funded education is for. It is not intended to allow Teachers to have an easy time screwing under aged Schoolgirls, neither is it intended as a means to launder the fact of parents seeking to Prostitute their children which was what happened to me, and neither is it a resource with which to promote European integration. I am not a gold digger I had never laid any bets so to speak on the basis of anything other than my own ability and these people are basically sitting around laughing and saying we have sown all these damaging lies and you can't get us.

So from now on the more contentious remarks and details of allegations will be placed on a password only document and will be referred to only generally in my public Weblog. Whilst I cannot immediately resolve various legal issues at least I can now explain all the details of my sad and largely wasted life. Whilst there are obviously other complexities it isn't a particularly complicated story in essence to say that my Father had engineered my Grandfather's death because he wouldn't give him, his Sister and his so called Wife and her affinity any more money for Cocaine: he was an aged and vulnerable individual by 1970. This didn't get the sort of attention it should have firstly because his Wife my paternal Grandmother had managed to blackmail most of the family's money for her relatives at around early 1940 and didn't want any relevant investigations especially according to her blood relatives, secondly because my biological Mother was in the process of trying to profitably remarry, thirdly because my Father would stay out of jail, fourthly because my Father's sister would find herself the sole heir to the family property without any reference to my welfare and fifthly, it also accounts for the fact of my one surviving great Aunt having tried to supervise relevant discourse away from the fact of my own education and feigning that I have some kind of a career interest in politics. This hypothesis not only neatly and accurately explains why my Father's Sister has told so many lies about me since that time but all the details of my life story that I can think of. I have never been at all properly cared for by anyone else but my Grandfather that I can recall and the remark that my Father had with significant premeditation inflicted a fatal stroke upon him explains far too much far too well. Most obviously I suppose in that there was never thereafter anything but conflict between my Father and myself perhaps until the final months of his own life though it is probably more generally apparent that these relatives have not only failed to defend me against adversity and legal hostility when they clearly should have, but have actually been actively hostile toward me and this is presumably the reason why. It may sound like an improbable tall order but if One thinks in terms of unwanted intimacy with my Father's new family it makes more sense. You have to consider that My Grandfather seems to have been told he couldn't afford my Mother by certain of London's Gangsters and being forced to put up with someone something else who did actually want my Father and it being the shall we say hypothetical case that a fatal instance of over excitement occurring as the result of the unwanted attentions of a fit 19 yr old Colliers daughter was something that would save my Father from any more embarrassment at least in the immediate future. In considering that this hypothesis is nothing more than a few stray coincidences and random circumstances I have to suggest that this theory is the only one I can think of that adequately explains the strange intricacies of my personal history. Again in answer to the suggestion this is rather far fetched I have to repeat that the real memories I discovered from 2004 unquestionably substantiate that my Grandmother's family seem to have blackmailed significant monies from my Grandfather and Great Grandfather as war broke out.

Of course I'm not happy with such conclusions about my Grandfather but his life and the lives of many other Britons may have depended on winning a War which arguably became the biggest in history.

Such a remark conveniently brings us back to the general issue inherent to the comment that the events of 1939-40 are such a defining moment in history that no-one has yet published an accurate account of the personalities involved: it is not possible to overestimate the danger inevitably accompanying such a climate of deception. In analysing the long term psychological fallout within humanity's collective unconscious it is a fairly reasonable starting point to assert the importance of the fact that at the time almost no-one had envisaged a world entirely polluted by mass produced plastics, that the sheer numbers of humans being born could be so overwhelming as to threaten the survival of the entire species or a bomb that could destroy an entire city: war had for instance almost always been a game played out between young men collectively bored with farming, fishing and factory work on the pretext of nationalist ideology.

22 July

Another shitty birthday in another shitty life: binned the usual card from the biological Mother as usual, and returned a present unopened from a suspiciously behaved acquaintance.

26 07 17

It's not widely been publicised that the Gay Actor Kenneth Williams was a freaked out nut who poisoned his Father. He was never actually convicted of the Crime but even people who liked him and worked with him tend to take it as fact. What is very much of the remark that my late Father Kenneth was very much a disturbed sort of parallel personality. I obviously can't expect people who didn't know him to make any sort of meaningful comment but I cannot avoid making the assertion that he had secretly schemed to bring repeated ruin on my shoulders because I wouldn't share his extreme views on marital and sexual relations.

There must presumably be some circumstance of unusual political sensitivity in his past that has caused so many respectable people to have assisted him in this as they clearly must have. I mean what kind of sick f*** perpetrates such, ruin is the only word I can think of, on the only relative who was prepared to help him at all. Even having vainly condemned his own first Cousin to a humiliating and degrading death in 2001 had only magnified what must be described as malicious intent.


I am making a last ditch attempt to speak to a Firm of Lawyers about this: there was no good reason why the WRVS shouldn't have acted immediately in reiterating the argument I immediately, unmistakeably and unreservedly endorsed, that one of the most serious sorts of neurological disorder was to blame for his plummeting fortunes. Instead, over the following two years they went out of their way to buy an incredible load of evilly inspired Sex Weirdo bullshit. Rather than conveying congratulations on a quite brilliant piece of deductive medical diagnosis, the local authorities are still insisting on treating me like a common criminal . At the moment I'm even afraid to go outside and exercise in case some New Nazi Labour Nurk accuses me of threatening behaviour!

Cousin John looks quite well here but it's someone within months of decease: he was twitchy, and ppl who hadn't heard the story of his immediate personal history tended to think it was a sign of culpable Kleptomania. I don't know quite what the reason was, whether he was just bored, or like me he had profound suspicions that the local authorities are a load of clumsy thieving dimwitted reactionaries, but right up until the time he was finally carted off into a cheap Psychiatric Ward with various Doctors and Social Workers being prompted by the erring Head of the Family to blame anything except the diagnosis I had swiftly made some eighteen months before, he had been stomping purposefully all over Town during daylight hours and practising shoplifting skills in all the stores and corner shops. After his appalling and heart rending decease there were literally hundreds upon hundreds of stolen confectionery items in the room he had been occupying: it seems he had a particular taste for Crunchie Bars.

its awful

The Old Boy ended up bungling his Cancer treatment whilst engaged in an ongoing attempt to launder this particular little misjudgment away from any formal official approbation or acknowledgement, and I mean, that's really not a pretty sight !

Another Funny Story about the NHS By Matt Roper for MailOnline

There has to be some kind of come uppance for various characters who have obviously helped him with this and for instance I did point out that photographs taken of the Soham Children on the day they disappeared had significantly betrayed their having been misled by these individuals and agencies within the woodwork of the County establishment whom, like Mr Huntley, were far too contrarily attuned to the subject of the welfare and education of minors. Several of these individuals have quite recently claimed to be dead themselves and it is no mere coincidence in my view that Ted Heath did not long survive the publication of this comment.

cartoon? another cartoon?

29 08 17

The fact I've been sidetracked with Insurance quibbles iro a couple of minor road accidents involving right of way issues rather reminds me of the fact that when I first got my hands on a Motorcycle at the age of seventeen I was profoundly struck by the extent to which the general population were only genuinely friendly with each other as road users. I mean you never really see the kind of cordiality that Car Drivers and Motorcyclists seem to display toward one another in daily life as Pedestrians or Shoppers and this is undoubtedly something significant in terms of analysing human behaviour in shall we say contemporary western society for want of a better phrase.

Before moving on to other subjects of importance related to the principal object of this Website which was always to seek some justice in respect of the simply hostile and negligent Legal Advice I have been saddled with whilst seeking to conscientiously discharge my role and responsibilities as an adult citizen I have a few more News story picks. I see that Brexit negotiations have recently focussed on issues relating to legal jurisdiction. My point in relation to this debate is that in or out of Europe there has to be some better way of an agreed sort of contact between the citizen and statutory law than the reliance on the integrity of Lawyers whom are far too effectively immune to any sort of complaint. I mentioned many years ago in an earlier Weblog that this makes a very distinct contrast with Canadian Law which I understand can fit in a pocket book for any individual to conveniently carry around and quote from.

A brief further word on contemporary legal issues I suppose relates relevantly to the fact there's been something of a resurgence of interest in the fact of the decease of Diana the Ex Wife of the putative Heir to the Throne, and is to the effect that anything like an Act of Ratification legitimising any irregularity in the bloodline of Queen Victoria's descendants cannot possibly include the individual known as Harry Wales or Windsor. The simple fact being that he is clearly not a descendant of the last Hanoverian Queen and the notion of legitimising such a huge contemporary discrepancy is absurd: it's not going to happen Harry!

Article for the Daily Mirror About the consequences and shortcomings of Online Vigilantism by Keyan Milanian

In respect of the matter of the Article I do believe that to some extent Police Forces have recently expressed some distaste of the activities of self appointed Paedophile Hunters. What is all too evidently of the remark that a more appropriate place to begin is with the Political Elite who have or so it would seem, made such behaviour a commonplace routine in the post war era: I mean it isn't particularly brave or clever and surely there has to be at least some argument this at least tacitly constitutes the tactics of entrapment or the agent provocateur.

Another funny story about NHS funding by Stephen Adams for the Mail on Sunday

This seems to some significant extent to go with the fact an increasingly old friend was driven to suicide whilst being pointlessly detained in a Psychiatric Ward at about the same time several of my natural teeth were not merely pointlessly removed to treat a large abscess which only required draining. What is of the remark that in both cases we were both being punished for having stories about imperfect race relations in local society which non ethnic NHS workers found superficial reason to dislike. This despite the fact for instance that we have both had black girlfriends of one sort or another in our time. Contrary to what some may think I do not have to explain my/any reasoning behind the company that I do or do not keep: it's called freedom of association and in a democratic society it's completely unqualified.

What's been going on whilst Labour MP's fiddle their expenses and Ministers order themselves Rent Boys out of Children's Homes: by Daniel Lavelle of the Guardian

Indian MP Shashi Tharoor points out how colonial atrocities still form an ideological barrier to adaptive trade agreements: by Ajay Nahir for the Daily Express

Even Churchill was appalled by the Jalalabad Massacre but he should have gotten round to saying so rather more quickly than he did.

GCHQ Whistleblower protests swingeing penalties for Government Employees: by Owen Bowcott for the Guardian

Big Brother is Here: Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian on the Fact of Contemporary State Surveillance Capability

Farage completely lost the plot with speech to AFD in Germany this week; I never really liked the rude tone he took with EU Parliament. I mean they were in fact elected by someone and merely becoming abusive like that it betokens lack of depth: you can't be a Nationalist and an Internationalist Monsieur Farage it just isn't reasonable!

another cartoon?

This kind of story makes an interesting contrast with reports this week that the leftist political fraternity have attacked the historical role of Lord Nelson and the Royal Navy in perpetuating Slavery. When you consider that even Irish Republican Historians have stepped up to say such remarks are genuinely absurd and atrocious and that Slavery would have persisted far longer into the modern era than it did without the involvement of the British Government and the Royal Navy, you have to consider that such genuinely tasteless rabble rousing tractics on the part of self interested leftist ideologues can only tend to justify Government employing espionage tactics. Myself I prefer to examine the way individuals are classified as responsible or dysfunctional in later School years with little genuine justification, or on the basis of reasoning which assumes far too much about the integrity of Teachers and Parents.

I'm afraid I want to join in with the various people who have protested the coverage of 20th Anniversary of the death of the late ex Princess Diana. Any ordinary person getting pissed and whizzing around Town at 150 MPH would be slated as antisocial irresponsibles. Whilst she may have been fairly genuine and likeable I can't quite understand why her behaviour has elicited so much delusionary sycophancy. She was an Adulteress and an Egomaniac and hard working taxpayers are probably better off without her. I don't know quite why but I can't help getting the impression that there is something particularly grubby about the manner in which her two children (if there are only two) have taken the money and run from any really incisive enquiry into the manner of her death.

What do people think?

The Real Heroes and Saints in Society today are people like this volunteer Surgeon Asim Shahmalak

08 09 17

I see there has been a resurgence of media attention in the deceased Infant known as Baby P a 17-month-old English boy who died in London in 2007 after suffering more than fifty injuries over an eight-month period, during which he was repeatedly seen by the London Borough of Haringey Children's Services. Much of what I have unfortunately had to say about the hostile and felonious behaviour of Lawyers towards me stems from their institutionalised contempt for anything remotely associated with Welfarism or Civil Rights and their unwillingness to question a social context framed by Parents and Teachers whose tacit statements about me should not have been taken at face value: as a matter of fact they should not have been accepted at all. The case of Baby P raises similar questions of principle but that's perhaps not what immediately captures my attention so much as the suspicion Baby P may have been mildly retarded and that this may have been a contributing factor in causing the neglect which led to his death. This arises because it recently comes to my attention that at least two individuals closely associated with my pitiful life story since I was about his age have this particular physiological condition.

I firstly have to proffer that this has had a significant impact on my own attempt to get to grips with personal social and legal issues in that for instance one such individual is an ex stepbrother whose input I have failed to distinguish from that of a person of normal or average IQ as I had entirely forgotten over many decades that this individual had certain 'learning difficulties.' In recent weeks I have been examining online research into the condition and it seems clear I have failed to recognise what this actually means in behavioural terms. It seems there are two salient behavioural characteristics of a retarded individual and they are firstly a very high degree of suggestibility, an inability to find flaws in propositions or hypotheses that are only superficially logical. Secondly is the fact that a retarded individual has an overwhelming subconscious desire to confirm its own thought processes by seeking to agree with people it perceives to be figures of authority: that is to say for example that an individual afflicted with retardation will far too readily seek to agree with almost anything said by a Police Constable, a Social Worker or Magistrate

Without going into detail here and now it seems this has had a negative influence not only on my own affairs as I seek to empathise with the problems of others during the course of yadayada normal social interactions, and find myself mysteriously and unaccountably bogged down in my own, but it has I would say quite clearly had a significant bearing on the evolution of significant criminal incidents and legal events in the recent history of the Borough.

In simple clinical terms the condition, which arises, from an embryo developing imperfectly or badly for genetic or environmental reasons, is more significant than most seem to casually consider. It is in fact the case that an individual even moderately retarded has extreme difficulty in managing something like a simple daily routine and should not be left to make any sort of serious life decision in respect of (iro) things like finance and household management without the close supervision of a competent and sympathetic individual.

It is unfortunately the fact that very few of those with even mild retardation do not have even an adolescent IQ much less that of an adult, and generally speaking, they are simply overwhelmingly unable to comprehend the social realities of adult society. Interactive difficulties obviously arise when for instance an individual with a fit healthy adult body but a single figure mental age attempts to fit in with yadayada normal society and can evidence behaviours like exposing themselves in public whilst genuinely thinking they're telling a clever or sophisticated joke. In respect of sociological and political notions of yadayada equality, it seems apt to point out that the notion an individual with an IQ of about sixty can undertake tasks typically undertaken by a white collar professional or engage in the kind of interactions associated with this Social Class, is in fact, whilst it may not be so immediately obvious, as absurd as a six stone weakling with multiple sclerosis in a wheelchair trying to join a higher league professional Soccer team: generally speaking persons with more than very mild retardation should probably not be considered as adults in a legal context.

If you take it that I among those at the opposite end of the scale it being the case that in later schooldays I was told I had at least a moderately gifted IQ rather than being moderately retarded then my career perspectives should be viewed in this sort of context: if you're an individual with say an approximately average IQ, in an approximately average neighbourhood with an approximately average sort of interaction with society at large then you probably have some reasonably accurate idea how difficult it is to interact meaningfully or creatively with individuals afflicted with moderate retardation. I have to point out that it isn't really some egotistical flight of fancy to say that if you accept I have a moderately gifted IQ then generally speaking I have the same degree of difficulty in interacting with ordinary people of approximately average intelligence and I tend to ask them how they would feel if they were forced to endure the company of retarded individuals.

That's in effect what people are saying to me when they say that I should be forced to get an ordinary Job, forget about my complaints about deliberately hostile legal advice and all the rest of it. What is really of the remark that the best years of my life were spent being forced to work skivvying quite pointlessly in filthy conditions under illegal threat of summary imprisonment.

This particularly in respect of some imperative or compunction to have me doing delivery or labouring work which I do not understand. Much as I'm rather more interested in contributing something worthwhile out of a fascist plagued EU than in it, I don't see how any particular efforts on my part are in the short term going to do anything other than help feed loads of Dirty lawyers and Bent Cops: it's not going to happen! I'm trying to point out what these sort of characters are costing taxpayers not pander to their disgusting traitorous antics in trying to bury any decent well intentioned individual who doesn't maintain an overly manicured reputation every time they find a some sort of contrived put up job.

I'm not trying to buy my way out of trouble I don't deserve and haven't really got with any good works in the community/neighbourhood: when it is rather the case that I feel I've really got no choice but to try and stir up a hue and cry if you will, about the particularly destructive and mean spirited conduct of Lawyers.

11 09 17

It isn't quite literally correct to say that I am actually being impersonated but I think a great deal of what has happened within the last twenty years or so with especial regard to the fact of my attempts to conduct the legal/bureaucratic elements of the fact of my existence has been derailed by individuals who have been persistently eavesdropping, making noises, and placing suggestions around and about my attempts to engage with local authorities particularly legal authorities.

It is only until very recently that I have even considered this might explain my continual upset and confusion since I had never perceived a possible or even plausible motive for such actions on the part of acquaintances.

another cartoon?

In respect of the nature of this exchange I think it entirely dishonest of various parties to allege that I was seeking to do anything other than bitterly complain about the fact I had been set up with a criminal record by my Mother her Partner and a very large Solicitor: I'm afraid ppl seem to have absolutely no idea how shocked and angry I am by the way this latter bit my head off. As far as I'm concerned it is the absolute height of irresponsibility to have persistently ignored what I have said about this and there must be some kind of extraordinary but flawed reason/explanation of the conspiratorial variety among local people: ie some person or persons must have elaborately sown some sort of contrary fiction. I have never offered to say in any way whatever that anything but anger, hostility, dysfunction and the gradual evolution of misunderstanding accidents could possibly ensue from the failure to have this matter properly and correctly addressed: I had been waiting patiently throughout a completely nauseating existence from as soon as I could walk and talk to find something/anything of the least value or usefulness for me as an individual from the British State.

15 09 17

It's been quite a while since I've had any intense or highly active dreams but during the last few weeks I've had several lengthy, strange supernaturally charged story like incidences: They haven't been unpleasant but they have been tinged with a feeling of some kind of submerged menace. Last night I had a most extraordinary tale unfold in my sleeping mind. I Dreamt I had been seduced by Sophie Myles and despite the eruption of Media stories about a near Terrorist catastrophe at the Parsons Green Tube Station the narrative remains clear and lucid. I met her somewhere in Town and she took me to her family home which was in Diss, and she introduced me to a quirky sort of upper middle class family who lived in a home off a main street near a Church with lots of maze like architectural features in it which were built on a slope facing toward the eastern sea with a town centre sort of feeder road at the bottom of it. She said her Father was a Coastguard Helicopter Pilot or something like that and she was giving me Joints of Marijuana in between bouts of flitting around this house and making love to me in careless sort of desultory fashion, not playing hard to get but neither being overwhelmingly consumed with physical passions. Sometimes with these sort of dreams one feels a sort of bitter disappointment on awakening and finding it isn't real: I was understandably reluctant to awaken and managed to fight off consciousness several times before awakening and I think she had agreed to be my girlfriend.

The house and the story seem to be reference to be a clear reference to a shouldabeen sixth form sweetheart whom I wanted to marry: even now decades later I still find myself tearfully moping around the Town's Central Business District around fourish waiting for her to finish her A level classes and come downtown, feeling completely and hopelessly lost without her. The reference specifically to a contemporary British Actress seem to relate to remarks I have made and am on the point of elaborating about hearing and communicating in the context of my alleging that I have been unknowingly subject to strange sorts of impersonations, that among other things for instance seem to be to blame for the fact I have never got to grips with Facebook and Twitter Accounts: this has forced me to question my state of mind because I seem to feel that some unidentified acquaintance or other who isn't me, is already one jump ahead of me, and, not only that but actually conversing with other ppl I don't know and moreover haven't even ever heard of.

I suppose I should elaborate somewhat sometime soon despite the fact that I don't really want to talk about it: there is quite a significant story there really.

16 09 17

I am developing a strong suspicion there's a retarded female among Father's friends who has known me since infancy seems to think I have some kind of story or understanding that I am flummoxed and intensely annoyed by: the notion could explain much but if it is to make sense I need to make some more qualifying remarks in respect of my long term personal, and more recent medical history.

photo scan

When I first fished this picture out of my deceased Father's belongings in 2009 I had attempted a wry comic aside in seeking to assess that there is some very serious and unpleasant happenings going on behind it. I suppose it was a bit similar to a line from a Dan Ackroyd Comedy and I do apologise for that and assure the reader that any other jokes are entirely original: accidents it seems will happen. Firstly and more obviously iro what is visible in the picture is that I am increasingly resentful of being wheeled out intermittently to facilitate a pretence of responsible interest on the part of my Mother. Secondly and more interestingly is the suggestion that has powerfully emerged in recent weeks to the effect that, and you might think this a long shot, my Granny has spotted the fact that in recent weeks Ted Heath has seduced an adolescent boy and is airing comments about the fact.

Oh yes its been a long, long time since I've thought about getting a present from my Granny.

There is a lot going on in the picture and as I say the main noticeable or deducible feature of it if you examine the image magnified is that I am rather more irritated by the infrequent presence of my Mother than anything else. Until 2004 I had no recollections of anything that had taken place in infancy beyond having been mostly looked after in my Grandfather's home and it would seem had been carefully this was not unusual: he was a brown eyed individual. What is most relevantly of the remark that it seems I had been savaged my charlied up Mother who at some point had attacked me with a knife leaving a scar across my lower right palm, (this of course has nothing to do with the way Bobbie Moore wiped his hands before picking up the World Cup that year). It seems my Father had been blackmailed and extorted and worse, and that whilst it was immediately and intelligently disguised, I never developed any interest in her company in anything like the way children usually do in their Mothers. Stories about my being on good terms with her and her new family, once I returned to Suffolk in late '76 are really just that, stories, with no real basis in fact, which are rather overemphasised by the fact my Father was then, in respect of any practical purpose or intent, a destitute, discredited and deranged individual: it also being a relevant and well known fact that Beggars can't be Choosers.

If my memories are increasingly serving me correctly then what had happened was roughly that Reggie, pictured here with Ronnie Knight, Babs, and the ill fated Frances Shea, had recently been trying to get a laugh out of partly public perceptions of the habits and behaviour of some of his more notable clients by giving me a consignment destined for my Mother's family and generally speaking watching what happened when some infant started sharing medicine. It might also for instance have been the case that it may have been suggested by them that it would be a good idea to let the infant share out the stash, which for example wasn't Ms Windsor's very own, partly perhaps in the hope that various Cops and miscellaneous Dignitaries whom were all too aware of such goings on, might take it all in good humour rather than otherwise: I think he (or perhaps Ronnie) was a bit disappointed with the unimaginative response, what being of the remark that according to all known facts One has to presume this desirable outcome had failed to materialise.

photo scan

Fanciful perhaps but it does rather seem as if some infant's disappointment is the subject of Mr Knight's rueful shrug: if the gist of the hypothesis is correct then it's a real shame for me that I didn't piece this all together until well into the 21st century, and it might seem for many others.

Among other things it might seem to explain why certain parties associated me with and/or sought to embroil me in drug related behaviour/activity in earlier life particularly in teenage years.

It is an interesting observation that Charles Prince of Wales was of approximately latter school age when these events occurred and it's tempting to theorise that his naive suggestions and portrayals may have something to do with the manner in which matters subsequently fell out. It seems sensible for the here and now to confine oneself to the remark that those with great roles and responsibilities are inevitably doomed to make great mistakes. This would of course be true of anyone and it seems apt to point out that this cannot be remedied by replacing any given individual in such a role as it is simply just another unfortunate fact of life.

About three years later my Father has taken me several hundred miles to a Job in a Mining district on the Northumbrian Coast & I am nauseated by the whole thing.

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I dunno when this was taken exactly but it was a relatively short while after the death of Vera Brittain the Author of 'Testament of Youth' an autobiographical work about her coming of age in WW1: there was a new film version released in 2014. It would probably be something of a dramatic exaggeration to say that particular event had prompted something like a wave of corrupt disinterest in nationalist propriety on the part of the political Establishment, as such a remark would betoken and presume the most extraordinary and detailed sort of insight into the fabric of the nation at many different levels and from many different perspectives though there probably is some truth in the suggestion. The observation is more relevant to contemporary events than might easily be considered in the light of such facts as the allegation that nationalistic moral propriety has been thoroughly traduced in the last century and that our leaders are only paying 'lip service' to the notion of a national community and nationalist loyalties.

As I've said elsewhere what's needed is more objective historical consensus in respect of such questions as what did happen to the UK in the mid twentieth century with regard to such matters as some perceived reluctance to discuss the suggestion it became arguably little more than an American satellite which arguably precipitated the spread of unconcernedly materialist values from the 1980s onwards. Have you ever had the experience of listening to a significant speech from a major Politician and getting the impression you were being dumped with a load of input from somewhere abroad & feeling u r being told u should know what its about and that you are stupid or uncool if you don't? What seems in looking at the practicalities of a so called Brexit (I think it's a clumsy word) to be of the comment that many of our Leaders have been surrendering gradually to the idea of a unified Europe without making an effort to keep people informed and of course once the thing has happened it's more difficult to undo than might easily be considered.

The Sex Pistols

Is this the m.p.l.a
Or is this the u.d.a
Or is this the i.r.a
I thought it was the u.k
or just another country

Anarchy in the UK 1977

The main single fact supporting such a contention is the extent to which South Eastern England and London in particular has become a tax haven for disreputable foreign money which is clearly buying up Property as an investment, generally pauperising the British people as a whole, whilst a wealthy few have been dramatically increasing their share of the national income. The Electorate in this Country were originally sold the idea of trickle down Capitalism on the basis that a super wealthy social class would invest in business and infrastructure creating new employment and general prosperity but analysis tends to suggest they rather invest in Jewellery, Fine Art, Precious Metals and other collectibles then wait for the price to rise.

An unspoken question on many lips in recent times especially among those who by virtue of relevant education or practical insight really know what is happening in the Political and Economic World seems to be a to how leaving or remaining in the EU might more genuinely empower individuals who feel they are little more than statistics to be manipulated instead of citizens to be respected in view of such facts as that recent economic crashes have only redounded to the benefit of an international class of super wealthy.

One only has to flip through a few BBC Documentaries to see how confident this class is of its right to exist and how little regard it has for historical, social and national loyalties in general. The desire to succeed and the love of money is an inevitable first instance motivation in today's world it is true but there are wider questions of values: for instance, there must be quite a lot of people about besides me who have got enough in the way of mass produced goods.

the other side of the coin so to speak from the simple contention that an international class of super wealthy have go too much in the way of resources which ought to be shared out more equally is an equally simple question as to exactly how many. It is unfortunately the case that it doesn't matter how clever you are or how well reasoned your plans and calculations may be because there is no means by which the world can cope with ever increasing numbers on anything like the scale that has been seen over the last two generations when a population roughly the size of India has come into being each decade; as I and many others have cogently and repeatedly sought to express, the only logical consequence of a good healthy population of anything is its decimation, whether it's microbes in a test tube or people on the third rock from the Sun, that which is born must die! The individual only has to look at the darkening skies and the increasingly polluted air in it to see that the self justifying causative contempt of successful internationalist materialists with their assumption of limitless growth in an in fact finite environment cannot continue endlessly without some demographic cataclysm occurring by some means or other and of course it's laughably obvious to say that this will happen sooner rather than later if Governments don't get a grip.

In respect of the capability of our national governments I'm afraid this international class of super wealthy are far too good at eroding the integrity of democracies and consensual government in general. If the figure quoted by the BBC of 365 billion or 24000 per UK Household as what the UK Government had to find to bail out the banking system in 2008 is roughly correct, then we have been severely mistaken in our impressions about how we are governed. To try and put that into some sort of meaningful perspective Apple is said to have 250 billion in assets stashed offshore beyond the reach of national governments. It may be something of an oversimplification to say that International Corporations and Banking Institutions were able to compel the national government to do what they wanted rather than vica versa but it is hardly an exaggeration. I think it overwhelmingly clear that some massive exertion of political will is needed if the actuality of our supposedly self determining democracy is to be made into something that actually resembles the rhetoric of the political establishment.

That a tiny few wealthy movers and shakers were able to twist our Government round their fingers should be cause for alarm to many in respect of the assertion that we are or have been directed governed by international financiers. If this is to be viewed as a problem then any solution has to focus on Psychology, how people perceive what is happening and exactly when, about what motivates Soldiers and Policemen to think they're doing the right thing. Historically I feel we have to go back to the emergence of our post war yadayadayada liberal establishment and say where did that comforting illusion come from. Unfortunately I also feel the answer is that it does happen to be an illusion, one spawned by a reluctance to coldly examine the historical and social truths about what caused WW2 and the Holocaust when mass production and modern living standards make conflict and enquiry seem pointless. So, if our Democracy is highly illusory we need to be focusing more skeptically on things like the party political badinage we so glibly accept from our News Media and take a more objective and detailed view of the events of modern history that shaped these preconceptions in our daily lives. For example it springs readily to mind that it wasn't just tens of millions of people that were simply extinguished by totalitarian ideology in pre war eastern Europe, it was tens of millions of the best educated most capable and informed thinkers and intellectuals. It's very convenient to forget that this really happened under the guise of a liberal progressivist ideology: ideology that was accepted by many of the best respected and most able thinkers in our own western society.

I'm of course echoing here what many have and do say if rather more stridently and analytically than that in which popular historicism is usually stylised when I say that we know all about the darker side of WW2, but that the Stalinist era purges were of at least similar dimensions in terms of millions of complete innocents who were swept into premature graves by gangsterish politicism, in that era of mass political movements when the checks and balances of atavistic feudalism had been swept aside as the people were ushered into dark satanic mills to work in new industries. It is an interesting question as to whether relative ignorance of Genocide in the pre war Soviet Union makes it a more dangerous psychological precedent in that to some extent the biggest and best of the leading figures targeted by the Nazis had in many cases some significant opportunity for escape, but over the preceding decades in the Soviet sphere of influence the leading lights just went out, and so did anyone who was caught trying to write the story for any sort of enlightened moral audience?

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This sort of causative contempt on the part of today's wealthy internationalist elite is perhaps best instanced by quoting conversations I had with my Father in the early 1970's against the background of the Miners Strike though there are other ways of examining interactive behaviouralism besides the immediate objections to undermining established interests. What was of having observed whilst witnessing at first hand the consequences of economic strife and social instability in the conflict between Government and Coal Miners, that energy is simply out there in the environment, in the wind and the waves and it only needs to be harvested: several decades later it very arguably seems that attempting to deny the truth of this is one of the biggest deceptions taking place in the domestic political arena. Another area in which I have been significantly vindicated is in the contention that mass employment on monetarist or capitalist lines if you will, was rapidly going to become irrelevant as a means of or rationale for social stability and economic progression. This is visible at home in the UK with the vast expansion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity in the area of Employment and in Europe where perhaps several Governments have recently been experimenting with the idea of a statutory living allowance. Traditional notions of a stable social structure and the division of labour in society which have been always been generally accepted, are disappearing like dew in morning sunshine. In practical terms what I want to know is what's going to happen with these trite self justifying claims about rewarding hard work when even such tasks as retailing and rubbish collection are going to be carried out by robots powered from renewable energy resources and who exactly will benefit from that?

If a so called Brexit is to be meaningful it has to be more assertive of the real interests of its people, it also has to define and confront the forces that have been so effectively manipulating our Sovereign Parliament's control over resources, and it really goes without saying, that the same thing is generally true of democratic institutions across the European Continent and elsewhere. Like many others who do have some significant short term motives for taking issue with European influence I find the word Brexit something of a clumsy oversimplification of what is taking place. At a personal level I need some kind of legal judgement censuring the actions of pro europeans in determining the path of my personal history rather than some new political theory however valid or useful it may be.

At a guess I'd say the picture was taken in 1972-3 maybe a little earlier or round about the time that Ted Heath was advocating the Treaty of Rome and membership of the EEC. With regard to the perspective on proposed or envisaged legal actions there are several things about it that I would seek to point out about it albeit reluctantly, besides the putative fact that I do not have a financially advantaged background which people have been trying to make out in recent years: amongst these perhaps for instance the fact that the child on the right is wearing an expression which arguably does seem reminiscent of Ted Heath.

It has struck me within the last few years that the manner in which I came by a stepmother and two stepbrothers was as unceremonious as was my Father's departure from Ipswich in early in late '69 and there seems to be some sort of element of Blackmail in it: I tend to think that Primary School Teachers tended to tell him he was going to have to acquire a surrogate Mother or something such in the way of domestic arrangements or they'd report him for crazy parenting or something like that.

In recent years people seem to be telling me that these two ex stepbrothers were volubly engaged in presenting blackmail oriented conversation in my Father's direction when I was of later School and College age and it seems important to advance the argument that I was not party to any voluntary denial of such social realities at that time, but was rather wrestling with memories and impressions adding up to the fact that I had been violently deafened as an infant and had gotten used to not hearing things without knowing: it would not be until 2004 that I personally recovered memories that enabled me myself, to realise this was significantly a fact or so it would substantially seem.

The elder of the two on the left might seem to have been behind this deceitful complaint that I was making threats of violence the last time I was formally involved in further and higher education insofar as quite a few people seem to have acquired some kind of low level conspiracy theory or theories about what I was doing or consciously involved in at the time. I am still trying to scoff at the suggestion that what has taken place is some kind of royally inspired script gone wrong if only for the sake of my own sanity. I cannot quite altogether deny that I am repeatedly encountering the suggestion that my atrocious miserable existence has been caused by the fact of some interest from on very high within the political nation/establishment that I'm supposed to know about.

It seems glaringly obvious in certain respects that the younger whom I had forgotten suffered from mild retardation and learning difficulties seems to have been targeted by certain hostile and shall we say, manipulative agencies in answering questions for me or in just seeming to be me, without my really knowing it and assuming that he was just a friendly acquaintance from childhood. For instance he seems to have been taken in by facile materialist values in for example, not really understanding questions about such a simple concept as style in a social context, thinking people care about getting new or supposedly fashionable clothes amongst elite peer groups who are too smart to be taken in or guided by mere appearances: but I won't discuss this in any more depth here and now.

        Document detailing some of the facts about these mystifying allegations

There is a fair bit in the way of relevant recorded correspondence that I should like to be able to upload here in due course fairly soon if I can but here is a rather more contemporary comment which was been emended once since it was first uploaded in 2021.

I don't necessarily say that it is Mr Mowbray's voice that's prompted these accusations and I certainly have not made any threats in any letters to College Staff at any time, ever, in fact quite the contrary. He does seem to be the chief suspect in trying to how to put it, trying to reinforce my role in mistaken perceptions about what I was saying in respect of an illusory sort of presumption of a conversation about politics and education: the document above was written about twenty years ago though it has a new foreword detailing my motivations for certain actions at the time.

I should probably be willing to proffer him some kind of minor apology in respect of what he told me about his younger brother having had some involvement with Sexcrime in the early eighties in that the seriousness of the remark had escaped me at the time. He did spend some time in here in Ipswich with me on a couple of occasions since his Mother's liaison with my Father fell apart subsequent to the death of my Grandmother in '75. Once in the early eighties and again in the early nineties he spent some months sharing places I was living in and looking for work. I was still thinking of trying to make something out of studying things like History, Biology and Sociology part time and was rather wrapped up in my own sorrows to comprehend what it was that he had actually said and as a matter of fact I think offhand I had dismissed the idea and thought he was joking: this recollection necessarily prompts several others if it is to be genuinely meaningful.

Firstly there is the reiteration of the general remark that in contextual terms we had different impressions of the outstanding facts in respect of what had gone before in that in the half decade or so that our natural parents had co-habited I had been only about five and a half or so, he was still short of his fourth birthday and his younger half brother hadn't quite learned to walk so under the most auspicious of circumstances it might be reasonable to claim that memories and impressions of a half century since might not be quite perfectly accurate. I should really now seek to discuss the details with him/them again in person but broadly speaking it seems a fair comment to say that it has emerged that my recollections of life prior to my Father's having taken me 400 miles to a new job under makeshift circumstances sometime over the winter that ushered in the seventies outline a very much different impression than that which had been related to the Mowbrays: this was the case even before I realised in 2002 that my memories of events prior to meeting the Mowbrays had been unusually manipulated.

The salient point is to relate, perhaps not least in view of current and ongoing contretemps about my personal medical history, that I never sought to agree with any version of events that didn't castigate our parents as suspicious characters in at least some respect or other; what is of reiterating that the sum of what any of us had separately experienced was in fact serious and disturbing and the kind of matter that individuals prefer to forget about if reasonably possible and the sort of thing that an individual might have trouble discussing with anyone, even a lifelong partner............

There are as I say a lot of details that ought to be examined as part of a meaningful discussion which ought not to be recapitulated carelessly: there is the relevance of such misunderstandings to his brother's legal, medical and personal history; my current need for some reasonably acceptable confirmation that my Father did in fact have substantial motive for falsifying resentful allegations about me in 2002; the fact that my Father's Partners and Girlfriends subsequent to '75 and their relatives didn't necessarily know what they were seeking to launder in terms of what had gone before; the need for some clarification of the truths and realities of what had happened to me prior to meeting them ie what was the real underlying story not the varying fictions circulated by various parties; why was I being secretly indisposed toward Cousins and why, did derangement, disaster and death follow so surely.

What seems to be very much of the remark that I am a recovering Dissociative Amnesiac and there is no real doubt about this, but it is for instance less obvious that all sorts of dysfunctional legal situations, have ensued from the fact of various parties having misread the state of my long term memory, developing false stories because of it, and in the case of my Father in 2002 having fabricated false allegations which ruined me despite the fact they were dropped: I haven't been getting Sickness/Incapacity Benefit for years now because I've had a violent fit or anything such. I first felt I had to request it at the beginning of 2002 after some years of struggling with my Father's delusionary behaviour, his other Son's extreme delinquency and Cousin John's deadly neurological disorder: I had also worked a lot of long hours at the Post office over the festive season. Cousin John had eventually died and I wasn't thinking of going sick for more than a few months at the time. After having escorted Jack my half brother onto a Plane with a fake cheque, my Father covered in bruising and myself trying to tell him he'd be struggling to live another five years if he didn't immediately desist from absurd impractical, delusionary ideas and behaviour I moved into the two bedroomed Flat he had been granted because of his lung condition and generally increasingly severe incapacity: this had seemed to be with the approval and co-operation of various Officials who had been pestered with his idiot schemes and the unending dysfunctional situations they had given rise to. I went to the most enormous lengths to make the Flat comfortable and when he returned from what turned out to be his final trip abroad he rapidly invented some story about my assaulting him which as I say now seems to have been motivated by a mixture of blackmail and wounded pride. I was the only living person among my near relatives who had behaved at all responsibly in any way and I was made Homeless with the entirety of my life's work scattered stolen or destroyed. It is very key to a general suit of malversation against the State at a local level to say that I myself didn't realise until 2004 that I had memories of infancy that had been suppressed and that among other things they signified a motive for relatives to try and get me into trouble with the Law. The problem I have with functioning on a day to day practical basis shall we say, stem from the fact that social and legal situations which have left me being continually robbed and pauperised have also left me suffering from an excruciating emotional deprivation, which very very few individuals are capable of comprehending and even fewer of addressing in any way.

Not the least of these legal situations lies in the suggestion that Doctors have been hopelessly misled by other Officials and that they have in turn arguably opted for convenient fictions though given the reactionary political climate I suppose I should be glad they are willing to support me on any basis.

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This Doctor replaced the predecessor I had been seeing since I was unceremoniously and undeservingly made homeless, at exactly the time my Father died. I'm definitely going to get around to saying a fair bit about the remark she makes in respect of the fact I felt compelled to defend myself against an Assault charge in 2011: I'd say she had clearly smelt a Rat as far as official stories about me had been composed. What is of the fact for instance as far as the Taxpayer is concerned that it was ignored or it didn't get brought to the attention of the Magistrate or Judge or whatever the particular idiot in question happened to be, and that they should be very concerned about the kind of money that is being paid to legalistic parasites for playing silly little games: as I've said with the utmost of confidence elsewhere he clearly realised he'd made a mistake in thinking I'd made some sort of confession.

Another point is that I have repeatedly stated that I was loaded up with bad/ill conceived dental work from the age of six and it has had a catastrophic impact on my health and personal potential in later life just as I always said it would. Besides correctly noting the circumstances which marked me out as a particularly vulnerable individual at School Leaving age this was the other main thing I had really expected a good GP to have noted at the time: it has always visibly been the case that I felt maimed and poisoned rather than sensibly medicated or well managed. I repeat that the capping procedures I was subjected to in childhood are now widely condemned by informed opinion just as I always said they should. In viewing some sort of plaintive generalised suit about curiously motivated mismanagement on the part of so called public servants who are supposed to have helped me, I am generally seeking to voice the observation that no-one wants to take responsibility for this simple fact and secondly that people casually dumping free medicine, education and legal work on citizens are far too professionally protected from complaints about the services they're providing in many respects: dumping free stuff isn't the easy way to help people it's often made out to be.

It seems perhaps appropriate to mention that when my Father died the only old friend of any sort that he had was some kind of retired Insurance Salesman who went to Grammar School with him and his Sister. What seems to be of the remark that the Mother of his Daughter is among several individuals involved with or knowing of, the truth about my personal story, whom appear to be afflicted with retardism to some degree and it seems to be arguably the case that the manner in which I rapidly succumbed to dental decay in my childhood matches up with her bite pattern to a significant degree: insofar as such individuals don't usually get much favourable attention I am tempted to theorise her Father was perhaps killed during WW2 and that this may in some measure account for the fact she did acquire the sympathetic attention of Grammar School products to some extent.

It recapitulates and abbreviates much to say that I thought I had expressed fully the horror and indignation I felt at my circumstances in later School years to School Counsellors, Social Workers, Marriage Guidance Counsellors and so on that were involved in the sordid and sinister dysfunctional mess that constituted my later School years; the main point is to say that several decades later I am still waiting for local authorities to react appropriately in accordance with what I did say then: the fact my Father had ended up in effect trying to clumsily prostitute me would seem to have been the mere tip of an Iceberg involving most of the half dozen most serious offences on the Statute Book to judge from memories of the events of my infancy which commenced surfacing in 2004.

I had repeatedly and unequivocally told these Individuals and Agencies that I was completely terrified by my situation and by my Father's management, appallingly depressed and unable to function etcetara etcetara etcetara. I was told by a Social Worker or some such similar acting Official that I was to young to be housed in my own right at 15 years of age and that if I went into an Institution for unwanted Minors it was a certainty that I would be gang raped within mere hours rather even than days.

So at the time I went up into sixth form I was expecting to be advised that a Council Flat would be made available for me and any reticence about the fact of the atrocious antics of my parents and various characters who my Father had been involved with stemmed from the presumptions that most people of my age and background would have made in that all this had been said and was supposed to have been understood, rather than for instance, some surreptitious ambition to be associated with references to serious crime within memories which were in fact, undiscovered.

About three years later in April 83 I'm pondering over why my Dad has signed marriage Papers insofar as he obviously hated doing so. The captions were designed shortly after his death whilst going through photos I hadn't ever seen. I hate photos. They are it would seem a highly accurate abbreviation of what was going on at the time insofar as my puzzled thoughts are largely addressed to an Art School friend called Michael who I spent much time with in the years I should have been at sixth form: contemporaries are generally sitting their final A level exams and preparing for University at around this time in history.

It's less than 200 years since photographs were invented and I suppose it still surprises people the things that show up that were missed at the time in terms of conscious appraisal. I hadn't really quite noticed that it is very arguably Michael Race that is listening in the subsequent Reception/Dinner: I have never seen any of the Thais there before or since. I think he had realised that there was something genuinely unpleasant about my family situation it terms of the standards of the time and place. Among contemporaries I seem to recall airing such thoughts in the direction of Dive Camembert rather than Clove Edams who seems to have bought a load of phoney beatlemania in respect of the situation. What is interestingly of the suggestion that Dive's Old Man had been significantly taken in by similar stories originating from ex Teachers of mine: I may be wrong but I seem to recall they frequented his Flat round the corner from Birkfield Drive when he had an argument with a Car near the Rail Station which left him with a nasty compound fracture. What is generally of the remark I'm afraid my Father looks rather more like someone burdened with some nameless curse he is determined to evade rather than someone entering into any sort of desired or desirable situation.

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At this point I'm saying I'll sign this only under absolute protest

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I have never had any conversation with her. Saying I did think she was an unfortunate only really then begs the remark that my Father was already too good at finding them and failing to make things work. About the only thing I have said to her is "don't use this as an excuse for gold digging," in reference to whatever it is that is actually the detail of a sham marriage which is the only thing really happening here. He did not sign marriage papers because he wanted to! On the two occasions I went to visit him in the fifteen years he spent in the far east I had to use up the only spare cash I had up until I was well into my forties in renting accommodation for both of us away from the house he was buying for her on some basis/pretext. He was clearly trying to avoid some discussion of his past and in posturing that at some point in his childhood he had become a poster boy for the war effort it seems apt to remark that a lot of people who unexpectedly find themselves the subject of unusual sorts of publicity fail to rise perfectly to the challenge and develop strange psychological quirks, problems and defects as a result.

I repeat that the local authorities should not have taken any other view of his, relationships with Thais. In saying for instance that some of the medical students he taught have sought to posture otherwise, neither is there any real conversation between them and myself. My behaviour there amounted to nothing more than a sarcastic comment on his dysfunctional marital intrigues. Insofar as he did buy her a Property worth about forty thousand in the fifteen years he was there it is especially outrageous that the local authorities here have allowed her Son to steal the effective entirety of his Will. In terms of the effective lack of creative goodwill this inevitably entails it is also especially dangerous: especially for those expecting to find any sort of constructive sentiment!

You might need to use a good imageviewer to read the text: I use MS Digital Image Editor for most of my work with images but you can prolly do it with more common easy to find software like Photoshop or anything which gives a wide range of magnification.

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Perhaps it looks better thus

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Pros and Cons of the Contemporary German strategy in Europe

I do agree that Eastern Europe needs some kind of a New Deal in respect of the Cold War and its aftermath but reiterate what I have said several times about Politicians getting big ideas in view of the obvious fact that populations even in the first world, are not being candid about the most important sorts of historical issues: it cannot be said frequently or forcefully enough that big projects like the German vision for the EU are simply doomed unless this happens. With regard to the present visible crisis of political liberalism in the western world and the exposure of its lack of statistical reality, it should for instance be firmly asserted that we are still being taught that we fought the Great War in defence of freedom, justice and 'plucky little Belgium,' but the fact is that they went off and murdered, according to various accounts, at least several million Congolese in a campaign of slavery and genocide: what being saliently of the remark that they lack the linguistic and legalistic skills of the international Jewish Diaspora. Myself whilst I don't tend to think of speaking to Germany or the Germans and in respect of personal issues I think it was a big mistake to have appointed one into a position of senior influence in my Secondary School: this kind of naked large scale deception can only lead to the ruin of so called civilisation and it isn't the work of German propagandists. I think the 'prima facie' evidence is that he was a determined saboteur, notwithstanding even such remarks as that peace abroad is as much in British interests as anything else. I did my best to ignore him during the four years I was forced to endure his presence as Head of Year at Secondary School and it seems an obvious remark he has scripted an appallingly destructive fiction about my associations with my Mother, her family and affinity for want of a better word.

He very arguably appears to think it's true that my Father had some special or close affinity with the voice and person of the Queen which may account for a criminal degree of negligence in his having effectively supervised a series of fictions around the fact for example I had been repeatedly robbed by various families with whom my Father had tried to establish marital relations. Since I was then abandoned in a sink estate full of heroin addicts as the result of mindbogglingly sordid and dysfunctional intrigues he had somehow managed to engender, I don't particularly understand any sort of presumption that I can also be seen to be some kind of friend or close ally of the national establishment in any such respect.

Its all very nice this Euromaniac presumption that we can all be happy Europeans together and amalgamate our Governments for the sake of efficiency and convenience but it isn't real Politics. Real Politics is backstabbing, treachery, double dealing, hypocrisy, corruption and shelving complaints made by conscientious citizens so they get eaten alive by dirty lawyers, bent cops, toadying academics, ambitious inadequate politicians and profiteering landlords! General Notes

Lots of missed obituaries

In respect of urgent and imminent business: after 2002 I failed to keep up with a lot of irrelevant looking hard copy mailed to me. It leaves me paralysed with fear and when I try and do stuff I'm shaking with some unknown terror: I really don't think I'm being negligent or irresponsible and that I've dealt with what I should as best I can.

24 09 17

More News Articles

A comparison of these two cases again, overwhelmingly confirms the profound suspicion that the English Legal Establishment is peopled by the some of most iniquitous, vile, shiftless and disgusting creatures this planet has ever disreputedly birthed.

Case One is of a young London Man who killed a Mother of two on an illegally designed bicycle and it has attracted some attention in the National Press not least because, he is said to have contemptuously blamed her and petulantly reacted without any remorse: now, whilst it might have been a better idea to have reported the precise particulars, the salient fact is that he will be out of Jail within a year.

Rogue Cyclist Kills Mother of Two in London

Case Two is of a thirtysomething Norwich Woman who had the nerve to seduce an under aged Boy which was reported in the Express this Week. Have a guess at what her sentence is before clicking to go the Express Website: suffice it to say she obviously isn't an Aristocrat or Senior Politician with effective immunity from such, crimes, because if she was, the cowardly, fawning blood sucking parasites who spend their days toadying away self importantly in CPS Offices planning to ruin the lives of citizens on the basis God only knows what sort of specious nonsensical drivel, wouldn't have prosecuted her in the first place!

Thirtysomething Norwich Woman Seduces Under Aged Boy

Now I say that unless their is some unusual exploitive circumstance. unrelated to issues of financial compensation for example, such as the minor being some sort of at risk individual, or the Offender having employed some sort of predatory violence, for a first such incidence/conviction, no more than six to nine months tops.

Not good enough Ms Amber my name sounds like a trendy craft beer Rudd: lamentably inadequate Mr smarmy smirking nose in the trough Corbyn; won't do Mr John I've got an IRA Sniper's Rifle up my Jumper McDonnell; what a load of rubbish Mr and Mrs effing roll muddle Windsor! This kind of conceited complacency makes me feel blushingly ashamed to say I'm British: and don't start nodding you disgraceful worthless pack of curs.

Do something about it instead!

Upcoming Topics

Why we need to start stripping full citizenship from tens or hundreds of thousands of those who've had it self interestedly dished out by politically ambitious questionables in the last few decades!

Relevant Notes

Its been too convenient a way for Labour to add votes to a supporting list of criminals, mental defectives and various unconsultable inadequates of one sort or another just for starters...

Newbies don't have to be gifted what some families and households have worked many generations to create! it isn't a hugely complex matter to suggest for instance that citizen status doesn't necessarily have to include gratis medical and educational entitlements: neither does it have to come with immediate voting rights.

I don't believe their can be any such thing as a real or genuine Scot called Kuenssberg and I ask you what and where from exactly is Becky Jago? In saying that Carol Vorderman's pedigree is a quite interesting one, it's very apt to point out that Wikipaedia is increasingly the best source of information on public Figures. It seems she is of Welsh-Dutch parentage but had little to do with her Dutch Father: whom, seems to have been haunted by Tragedy though comprehending the remark requires some understanding of what happened in wartime occupied Holland.

21 10 17

I have been continuing to have powerful, strange and lurid dreams!

A couple of weeks ago I dreamt I was mooching about in the woods south of the Orwell Estuary late one night and found my way into the famous seven story folly at Freston where loads of Public Figures including Tony Blair and members of the Royal Family were having a Surprise Party: after being at first shy and reserved having more or less sneaked in I eventually decided it was being held for me personally.

Yesterday Morning I awoke to find I'd been at some kind of wedding Party on the Essex Border somewhere but this time with the exceptions of the well known Blonde lady Historian Dr Zusammen Lymphnodes and a War Veteran I met recently they were all Ipswich People, hundreds of them, all people I'd met in the early eighties, many of whom I'll probably never see again and haven't thought of for decades. I don't know quite how I got there but I didn't seem to be unwelcome. I couldn't quite work out how or by whom the thing was being organised except that it was someone I knew on an at least reasonably friendly basis but I do remember systematically consuming huge amounts of food from all kinds of badly or haphazardly prepared dishes, especially meat dishes.

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25 10 17

I say !

Has anyone been wondering what comments about Fake News on the part of Internationally known politicians in recent years are supposed to refer to?

If it applies to this Country the idea that Home Office Officials and Newspaper Editors would collude in manipulating public sentiment by inventing news stories to elicit a certain sort of emotive response takes a lot of thinking about.

I have to admit I was rather skeptical of the stories about how young soldiers were supposed to have been cold bloodedly killing each other on a not infrequent basis at the Deepcut Barracks around the turn of the Millennium. The stories sounded rather far fetched to say the least and it was easy enough to deduce a motive for making up such tales, in that a sort of empathy for an embattled national establishment tends to be elicited and One tends to think of the phenomena of Terrorism and the controlling of sympathies for it.

What is of conjecturing that only exceptionally talented and well resourced individuals with a wide range of abilities could verify such stories satisfactorily: what I do personally feel I can safely say I relevantly know for a fact is that Government, or perhaps Governmental Institutions, can focus the most extraordinary high tech surveillance on given individuals if they so choose. The individuals involved in the Hatton Garden Gem Heist of Easter 2015 were some of the most professional and capable characters in the world of Crime but, they seemed stuck in some kind of 1950's sociological dream world to judge from the manner in which they seemed to fail to comprehend how easily they could be tracked, pigeon holed and identified by individuals with little more than College Level technical ability.

Concerns about the way that this kind of capability can be focused and perhaps more particularly about the consequences of the one sided sort of impact it can make on a Society that traditionally prefers to have a balanced historical view of criminal issues and skepticism of the moral integrity of the politically correct are of course justified, when the people who are supposed to be the good guys are far to much in the way of advantage taking baddies: these concerns are very much a feature of Carol Cadwalladr's recent article about manipulation of the Brexit Vote and I hope to have finished preparing a point to point response fairly soon.

If the Government or Governments is making up such stories then it's a very high risk strategy when belief in moral bankruptcy and ideological ineptitude on the part of government and the political establishment generally is at an all time high; something that is all too well instanced by the numbers of people willing to blow themselves and others up in lethal explosions just to express the fact.

I have to admit I can probably think of quite a few suspicious looking stories that could plausibly be a sinister exercise in mind control in recent decades.

This one from the Mail on Sunday is rather more recent.

National Crime Forensics Labs Sabotaged Just For A Goof?

Rogue Scientists ?     Pull the other one Theresa !

But seriously folks what does Doughnut Frump specifically mean when he's going on about fake news? Is it just rhetoric? Is there something specific and sinister he's talking about? If so exactly what?

24 11 17

I see the forensics scandal has fully broken and been quoted as fact by most major media outlets this week

I don't know how many people are aware of the fact but its quite a critical comment on causative versions of History, Psychology and Politics that a whole swathe of Recreational Drugs are still simply banned but Police Forces and Insurance Companies have had to introduce driving limits anyway. A parallel observation which may not have been noted by many, and will perhaps be something of a surprise to right wing elements of the political nation since it didn't make major headlines, was the remark which did crop up in the Dailies within the last couple of years to the effect that Police Forces can't be bothered to make it a matter of Policy to Prosecute people who are growing their own Pot: presumably this does disguise some irritation at the sex scandals which have exposed at the top of society in the Thatcher years and beyond since those who were culpably involved in "the party of the family."

Yes its a really funny old world at times it really is!

15 01 18

Saying that I'm shocked and saddened to hear of the premature death of Dolores O Riordan brings me conveniently round to saying that it is now some twenty years ago that I first seriously started tinkering around with my first Computer in the hope it might help me validate some justified complaint about the Legal Advice I'd been subjected to. I was then just thirty odd and still had some bright hopes for the future not the least of which was in respect of the fact I still had some significant contact with the resources of the educational establishment via one or two acquaintances whom to some extent kept me up to date with insights into the Infotech that was then driving the World Economy with an unceremonious sort of exuberance. What is of remarking in view of the fact that some secret ailment must have been afflicting the Cranberries lead singer, that among the thoughts that were salient in examining the potential of new Infotech in the mid to late nineties was that many secrets old and new would be under threat from the inquisitorial capability of such machines.

I had little thought at the time that this particular notion might be so starkly plausibly relevant as it might seem now but honestly it's really shocking that Dolores is dead at only 46. Unfortunately given what is known suicide has to be suspected so who's been giving her Pills? She was a warm hearted naturally behaved individual who will be missed by many and I particularly admired her courage in speaking out about abuse within families.

I am staring at a confused mess of Papers that if anything has only been worsening with each year that passes and this is especially strange in view of the sheer staggering amount of effort I've put into making myself understood. What is of looking back and stating that within the last few months I've been recalling that I did a fair amount of online research into the so called Ripper Murders in the last couple of years of my Father's life. This had been prompted by the fact of his having been unusually secretive and deceptive about his family's links to the time and place. I didn't think quite that much of it at the time as there are probably a significant number of innocent reasons why anyone might disguise their derivation from a successful small businessman among Whitechapel's Jewish Community at the time, most people do tend to blur their connections to immigrant communities rather than otherwise without some specific motive or motives, and there are or were arguably several tens of thousands of individuals among the population with the same or very similar statistical characteristics.

It did then seem undeniably arguable that the spike in the Prostitute Murder Rate was symptomatic not only of tensions between the London Mob and Communities of Conservative Jews but even more obviously what is of personally considering it undeniable that the Queen's late Husband Albert was secretly half jewish and that the relative equality before the Law that Jewish Immigrants to London managed to find was almost unparalleled in about 1700 years of European History. If accepted as I feel sure most do then this makes for a powerful explanatory motive for bursting the bubble of social discontent in the Capital where one would typically expect immigrant intellectuals to support liberal, progressive and even revolutionary causes. One way or another the Age of Empire was going to come to an end and if there's one thing above all that the Ripper Murders seem to express, it is a suggestion to the effect of saying, don't bother trying to derail the looming accession of Edward the 7th by fomenting disorder. Evaluating the veracity of that suggestion really requires an intimate knowledge of the time and place and an understanding of the social and political maelstrom that London was, as then unquestionably the World's Premier City. What makes this even more tantalising for generations of amateur sleuths is the not entirely unreasonably suspicion that the heir presumptive, Albert's eldest Grandson may have been suffering from Syphilis and his official cause of death of Pneumonia in the pandemic of 91-2 a convenient cover up. Though these circumstances have never been formally admitted the targeting of Prostitutes is perhaps self explanatory in such a context and is what a statistician or social theorist would tend to expect. Here again, trying to distinguish information that is likely to be accurate from that which is not over such a time period is exceedingly difficult as a single inaccurate piece of information could distort a massive convincing hypothesis. Victorian society was a complex patchwork of deceit and double standards but it does seem to be the case that Prince Eddy was associated with hypocritical loose living, that among other things he habitually used Prostitutes and had caught Gonorrhoea by 1885.

Given what is known to be fact you have to be amazingly stupid or naive not to imagine that London's Jewish community and the Royal Establishment had both a great deal to lose if a single mass riot such as was unfortunately on the cards in 1888 should critically alter the balance of power, or that this gives them a plausible sort of motive for such demonstrative killings. As far as I know it is very historically plausible and easy to imagine that a riot could have been sparked off that year by righteous indignation at the behaviour of the upper class which could in turn have toppled the monarchy and radically changed the course of history as we know it. If the so called Ripper Murders were consciously directed toward negating this possibility then they show a very very clever insight into the collective unconscious of the street level population in arguably raising question marks about disease with a display of cutting edge anatomical knowledge which can also reasonably be said to have raised the point of the fact it was then scientifically impossible to fault the royal pedigree among increasing numbers of literate and influential middlings. Among other things I don't doubt that he took a given sort of highly censorious view of the hate Propaganda emanating from the German Court where One has to assume the open sort of secret that Empress Victoria had a Jewish Grandparent had probably proved a spur to the antisemitic pogroms blowing up at the time her Nephew Prince Albert Victor the heir presumptive to the British Crown succumbed to some sort of disease or perhaps just beforehand.

I had concluded at the time that there was not necessarily any such person as Jack the Ripper and that all sorts of things could explain a spike in the rate of murders of Prostitutes or unfortunate women in the Whitechapel Area in the latter part of 1888; the stereotypical myth about some crazy toff arguably stemmed from the proximity of the Artist Walter Sickert to the time and place insofar as he arguably did have some sort of artistic fascination with the question of the Murders of young women: not only that but letters which have always been reckoned as genuinely from the Ripper have been traced to his private notepaper by the Authoress Patricia Cornwell. At about the same time it would seem that the author Jonathan Edwards had bought up a shawl once belonging to Katherine Eddowes. His published findings are the subject of quibbles on the part of other scientists than those he employed to pinpoint the DNA of a down and out Jewish Immigrant Aaron Kosminski as having raped and dismembered Katherine Eddowes on the night of the so called 'double event' of the 30th of August on which Elizabeth Stride was also murdered. It is of course arguably next to impossible to make conclusions of significant worth given the obvious difficulties of estimating the quality of information acquired, difficult enough at the time and obviously even more so after 130 years, but the two witnesses who had seen Stride altercating with young men some fifteen minutes before her Murder did not describe them as unusual and certainly not as Jewish: it isn't necessarily a meaningful piece of information as Victorian Whitechapel was a particularly easy place to sneak about in even as late as 1888.

Those well up on the subject will be quick to point out that Kosminski was an oddball down and out who could hardly have conducted anything like a campaign of terror by himself or with the establishment of the day. He is however known to have come from a family who had endured the worst sort of severe persecution at the hands of Central European Governments which is likely to have tainted his sanity and self control. It is far less obvious that the/a presumed profile of my paternal Great Great Grandfather does rather more resemble someone who does but so do a significant number of people. So during the last couple of months the thought has been recurring that endless official misunderstandings of the fact of my own existence could be plausibly linked to the hypothesis that my Great Great Grandfather was actually involved in some way with the so called 'Ripper Murders' rather than being merely a politically relevant sort of statistic in the same time and place. I can't really avoid the suggestion even if I wanted to for some reason as it has clearly occurred to many who have been involved in recent personal events as well as a wider audience of those in the eastern half of the County who knew of my paternal family in the interwar period.

Statistical facts can become the strangest things when the quality of reasoning is applied to them and there can be no telling as to what kind of journalistic conjecture will ensue from various speculations. For instance, West Ham was a sort of relatively prosperous and crime free Middle Class Suburb with about a mile of marshy fields remaining between it and the London Conurbation in the later 19th century. There was a Child Rapist/Murderer operating there at the time who was considered to be at least as prolific as the so called Ripper in terms of victim numbers. The fact history has hardly yet deemed the matter worthy of attention is suggestive of the proposition that the 'Ripper Murders' were considered politically and racially sensitive at the time and to some extent still are. It also perhaps seems strange but probably attributable to the efficiency of a Regime that had been desperate for a legitimate heir when young Victoria had appeared on the throne over half a century before the events of 1888 that so little has been published or perhaps I should say publicised in respect of the social and moral flaws of industrialising so called civilisation at that time. Herein lies the Onion so to speak, in that despite the fact it seems reasonable to say no-one will ever be formally convicted or identified in respect of the 'Ripper Murders,' I don't suppose many would quibble over the remark that if One does accept a sort of counter revolutionary social and political scenario then the remark that preserving so called civilisation amounted to little more than frightening the denizens of a key suburb into a semblance of sober order with a serious of horrific slayings of pathetic down and out women becomes difficult to respectably evade, even for historians and various commentators with decidedly right wing ideological viewpoints.

I think it clear though I can't expect most people to understand exactly why in that intuitive understanding of historical texts and history in general is something I have devoted my life to and it takes a very intelligent person decades of work to acquire the insights I have, that there was a distinct powerful and intellectually valid undercurrent of disaffection with the regime. Leaving aside for instance the suggestion that political events are really psychologically rather than circumstantially caused and that humans are innately dysfunctional rather than logical, it seems fair to assume that there is a great deal more of interest about Society in the Victorian era that has never come to light which the moral fables of Charles Dickens really don't satisfactorily explore. There has for instance been little substantive detail forthcoming about crime and disorder in general and in London in particular. Given what is known it seems fair to assume that there was tension between a more Conservative Jewish Community and the London Mob but there are no easily accessible statistics which might for instance make a more definitive picture and answer such questions at whether there had been any sort of systematic threats made against Jewish owned shops and businesses at that time and place: I have to confess that the spectre of so called liberal or progressive rabble rousers who were actually enacting a destabilising German plot sounds awfully familiar. Be that as it may if there was a seriously such unpleasant undercurrent of feeling on the streets in the mid eighties then it seems very reasonable to suggest that in 1888 it was being held down by bad weather until roughly the time that the so called Ripper Murders occurred and such facts do tend to bear out such a general perspective on the events of that year.

Subsequent to the fact of his complaining about the number of his contemporaries that were dying young with specific sorts of social and medical problems I was recently conversing on a few relevant matters with an acquaintance of mine who happens to be the Son of Windrush Generation Jamaican Immigrants when I happened to mention of the fact of foreign originating communities and their occasional incongruous rapport with elements of the conservative establishment by referencing the events of the 1620's. I pointed out that in simple terms you can never make everyone happy and that in terms of political perspectives anything like genuine political consensus is a remarkably rare phenomenon and the fact Victoria had it seems significantly befriended the jewish diaspora, has a seventeenth century precursor in the fact that the marriage of Charles the 1st to the youngest Daughter of the King of France and the increasing numbers of the French Courtier Community had become a frequent target of the London Mob when Charles was holding his first Parliament, and, amongst other things, plague was also rife in the city.

The lessons of my lifetime seem to illustrate only too well that violent disaffections with our so called Democracy occur in late summer, modern commentators tend to describe late August to early September as the Riot Season and a brief examination of the weather reports for 1888 tend to support rather than detract from the assertion perhaps that some kind of a crisis point was reached, a bubble of potentially catastrophic civil disorder had burst, and there was to be no sort of moral, intellectual, or democratic relief from the Queen's grief or the stifling Oligarchy accompanying it. It might seem far from unreasonable to say that in many respects the stage was set thereby for the Great War and a clash of flawed nationalistic ideologies: January had been quiet damp and foggy though not rainy and toward the end of the month cold weather set in; February was dry and cold with temperatures 5-6 degrees (Fahrenheit) below average in the South East; March was squally and changeable with low temperatures throughout the Country; April saw temperatures in the South East as much as 8 below average; in May temperatures were normal but the month was very rainy; in June there was not much rain but north easterlies meant cold in the east, with temperatures five below average in the south east; July was very cold and wet and temperatures were 6 below ave in the South East and it actually snowed on the Isle of Wight on the 11th; August was also cold but there was little rain; in September in the south the weather lifted with fine dry weather and above average temperatures; October was a little cooler than average but dry in the South; November was in the south stormy wet and warm; December was mild quiet and also warm.

Many people were murdered in the later 19th century and most of the Killers did escape detection justice or vengeance: European Jews aren't Chinese Railway Workers or Plantation Slaves in the New World or Feudal Serfs in the old, or any of many other interest groups who became targets for exploitation or easy riches in the Age of Empire, and if the contemporary stats on missing persons are believable, then much as it is contrary to the kinds of social propaganda people teach their children, it is still the case that most people who commit Murder don't get caught though it might perhaps seem more accurate to say Prosecuted and it does depend on what is meant by caught. To judge from what I have seen and experienced in my own lifetime I am very willing to believe that Murders are only prosecuted when it is sanctioned by Rightist Goons in the woodwork and it is politically expedient to do so; what is very much of the remark that the Prosecution of two impoverished Skinheads for the Murder of a Down and Out Perry Mason in 1992 was clearly, very professionally fudged by people who didn't like New Labour Ipswich Borough Council and were suspicious/critical of the manner in which their progressive agenda had been advanced in the prior decade or so.

What is of the fact I was unexpectedly and particularly rudely robbed of the value of my Father's Will in 2009, that there is arguably no greater or more symbolic insult than such a negligent contrivance. I was left effectively at the mercy of my Mother's poor judgement and the relevant paper trail became somehow even more complex in that I had to move early in 2010, and arguments about responsibility for maintenance of a derelict Property I moved into, have corrupted everything else I have been trying to do. So at present I am musing over how to talk to Lawyers who seem to have a preoccupation that anyone trying to talk about the rights of Welfare Claimants in any respect should already be dead and Landlords who seem to be trying as clumsily and negligently as they can to profit from waiting for the event.

I have achieved little even in terms of ordering the Household my Father abandoned in 1983 since I moved here in 2010 let alone in any of that which has been added to it in between times.

I will however briefly point out that in terms of hypothesising the political consequences of the so called 'Ripper Murders' that it has been a significant determining factor in the course of my own existence that my paternal Grandfather seems to have lost a lot of money at the outbreak of WW2, and that I find myself constantly seeking to refute the suggestion my personal history has been tainted by the suggestion of intrigue from on high within the political nation if only for the sake of my own sanity. What is furthermore of the fact of my Father's Sister whom I had always imagined myself closest to, manufactured pretexts for having nothing to do with me upon the fact of my Father's death, sold the family Property I was supposed to inherit one day, disappeared into thin air and according to at least one Firm of Lawyers, is already dead.

This latter fact of course couldn't possibly be anything to do with the suggestion she was going to be better looked after as the result of reading between the nods and winks of the political 'cognoscenti' in relation to the hypothesis, than as the result of behaving like a decent reasonable human being. It is appropriate to reiterate that perhaps the most significant historical detail that points toward the Ripper Murders as politically significant, is the obvious fact that the Royal Family had clearly acquired a Jewish cast from somewhere by the later 19th century and that the British establishment has always been suspected of involvement in these killings. It's rather more difficult to get a feel for the Victorian era than is often imagined in that the control exerted by the regime was highly effective in arguably allowing much personal freedom but not a great deal of political licence. The magic of Trafalgar and the sense of national invincibility still hung in the air and in many ways it was matched by political and economic achievements throughout the reign. Liberals as they came to be called tended to represent the newly enriched Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and as a political creed came to be associated with what we now call 'social justice.' It seems a fair comment that Society became polarised in many respects in that toward the end of the reign One could find unscrupulous exploitive colonial attitudes in the same neighbourhoods as rigidly upstanding religious communities and workers' co-operatives.

The growth of cities has always been foremostly dependent on the availability of clean water: London had completely rebuilt its sewage system along with much other new infrastructure in the third quarter of the century in particular and with very little in the way of qualification could be said to have been the busiest most active place in the World at the time. Unprecedented numbers of all sorts of immigrants and travellers would have been facilitated by this progress and hand in had with this expansion were various sorts of scientific developments including those relating to Urban Disease Management, so One has to tend to think in terms of a very fast moving and confused sort of World at Street level in which the social certainties of previous generations had been undermined and distorted beyond recognition whilst the governing classes remained anomic and spellbound by the Queen's endless grieving after her Consort Albert had worked himself to death.

There is a lot of very publishable material at

I'm not going to elucidate on this any further for the simple reason to be quite frank, this sort of research is intensively time consuming and I really cannot afford to digress into it without some kind of financial incentive: I simply have too much to do that cannot be neglected for less than some kind of immediately forthcoming emolument. All I have said here is a bit of a more thoughtful reiteration of what I posted in about 2006. Neither do I have any conclusion or remark to add to the fact that the Queen has a significant amount of unadmitted Jewish blood in her background; the fact has been observed by generations of compatriots many of whom have lost more than I have to the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune and I don't feel it is for me to tell them what they should think about it.

My Christmas was just as lousy and miserable as the last thirty odd! It's a pity I have to remind my British compatriots, friends, associates and acquaintances that I am a victim of various appalling injustices which have in fact ruined my life. What is of repeating that the last Law Firm (Taylor Haldane Barlex) that formally had anything to do with me claimed to have fully and competently investigated my complaints but didn't even refer to the correct County Police Force in asserting this claim. It is a very great shame that I have to point out that this must mean something is severely wrong with my Legal Advice and Representation not with me, and an even greater shame that such glaring facts have been contemptuously ignored by many highly self regarding individuals and an even greater shame than that, that I must continue to remind friends and neighbours who shouldn't have to listen to such stories and clearly have better things to do with their time. Amongst other things I should have been getting Sickness Benefit because of unusual stress in relation to legal and social problems not because of some conveniently invented/discovered personality disorder which miraculously absolves dozens of Public Servants and aficionados of the Borough Council of any sort of responsibility or error of any sort.

Isn't that so completely unthinkable and unpredictable: what are the odds I wonder ......

18 01 18

No-one has ever personally accused me of being schizoid, having a disordered personality or of being paranoid except one very young, very inexperienced and very badly informed Doctor at around 2004. I have endured an unusual degree of poverty by the standards of time and place and people do get scatty, especially when they're subjected to such genuinely disgusting legal representation. It is a cleverer more complex and generally accurate remark to say that I am a victim of abuse and recovering Dissociative Amnesiac. or perhaps rather a Dissociative Amnesiac who might recover properly or happily as it were if the Authorities would get their facts straight.

I can't help wondering as to what extent the presence of my Mother's older sister Bernadette may have militated toward some tendency toward uncomplimentary, unfriendly, inaccurate diagnosis since I did engage in an enormous amount of correspondence with GP from 2003-5 in particular and then with a new GP after my Father's death. What was as I have said elsewhere of having only vaguely recognised her when I returned to Suffolk in '76 and despite the fact I couldn't quite put my finger on the reasons why at the time, by 2000 I felt that I was somehow being associated with her in terms of more practical conversation despite the fact I hadn't seen or spoken to her in almost twenty years at that point.

What was of the fact that I had spotted and was trying to comment upon the fact of her partner Daniel Dellar having a suspicious complection I wanted analysed.

In reiterating the situation I'm trying to be realistic and immediately practical as most of what I unfortunately have to say has been said before if somewhat less lucidly and much more is only just in the process of becoming apparent if increasingly undeniably so. Perhaps the first significant point as far as my own interests are concerned is that whilst it's a tasteless inconvenient remark my Mother's partner had fairly obviously found her and her few sisters and friends generally up to no good and had blackmailed her into marrying him rather than informing on them which would very likely have been much better for me. He is a man of relatively few but unfortunate words so there is no real story there except to say that he seemed to have put it about that I was party to some kind of choice in this when I really didn't have a clue what was going on: my Mother had for instance never specifically told me that she wanted a divorce or remarriage. Anyhow for whatever reason we didn't get along in that as I say I never understood what he was saying to me about his relationship with my Mother. Whilst my Father lived in the North I had always travelled down to spend at least a couple of weeks of summer holidays with them and had been with them every Christmas for several years in latter schooldays and was quite intimately involved with his children in their formative years up to the time I was seventeen: he has two boys and a girl about 9, 10, 11 years younger than me whom I've hardly spoken to since '81.

My half Sister seems to admit I was trying to go on about Dan's complection, by '81 I had been for several years, and whilst my Stepfather was endlessly cursing me saying I "shouldn't be allowed to study useless book knowledge," when his uninsured welders burned down the Warehouse in his charge and much else besides as I understand it. I don't quite recall as to whether this was before or after he had boasted of sabotaging my attempt to make something of a sixth form career, but the point as far as my immediate situation is concerned is that this, entirely aside from anything else that might have detracted from my obtaining a decent truthful account of my situation then, makes for the most enormous motive for disguising how serious were the problems I faced in that numerous influential parties suddenly had a very very big reason to say there was no such dysfunctional story about him or my Mother when, it seems a fair comment the nature of their marriage and concomitant circumstances are the kind of thing that tends toward misunderstanding rather than comprehension shall we say.

They were supposed to have been well intentioned toward me and whilst my Mother may have been she was much less familiar than she supposed in for instance failing to comprehend that I would be fatally upset by losing my sixth form place and would have nothing but trouble following some other career path: I didn't understand at the time why she was so powerless to help me in this. I thought the School was going to arrange at least some basic housing for me and assumed this, would be known to Councillors and their political aficionados who were instead giving me drink and drugs from the age of 15.

As far as making myself understood from 2003 is concerned what is of the remark that my Aunt Bernadette was a particularly unfortunate individual who like all her siblings endured some horrific Sociology in post war Dublin, and that she didn't want my Mother marrying off and leaving her and that she and my Mother's sisters, along with an old school friend drifted into dabbling with the world's oldest profession having gotten through his family's money. This tends to explain my Father's behaviour to some extent in the later seventies when he married a Mother of three who was a bit too dishonestly interested in seeking to consume my adolescent vitality in that the phenomena of Prostitution was something he had originally tried to protest about: if only because he wanted an excuse to marry some good looking sixteen year old. The fact this family were literate, middle class and rather more respectable than most of those with whom he had tried to establish marital relations in the seventies also seems to account very strongly for the lack of anything truthful about my personal medical history at this time. I had thought the family Doctor was going to help arrange a basic Council Flat and take note of the fact that a spell in the Army for instance would have required something of a rethink of the dental fixtures I had been thoughtlessly gifted by an erring science. The third major obvious factor in apparently determining the fictionalisation of my medical history in later teens was the fact my Head of Year at School was from a distinguished German Armaments manufacturing family which sounds like a brand of famous Lager. He knew my paternal Grandmother had been more involved with my care as an infant than had my Mother and moreover that her pro German views had been extreme and he seems to have ignored anything that didn't proceed politically toward the goal of European Integration: he is very arguably the individual at most fault in that it was specifically his responsibility that matters should proceed thus and not thus so to speak.

A bit more about what I'd actually said to the School Counsellor here. Perhaps foremostly is the remark that I was trying to ignore my Father's latest family from 78-80 and considered their attitude toward Sexcrime far more of a hazard to my personal well being than a few stupid thieves who the School should have dealt with. It's a fairly simple comment that his first marriage went down the pan because of the influence of professional Pimps and the inclination of my Mother's family toward this sort of crime and that he was after a manner of speaking trying to protest about it by doing the same thing with a Son in whom he'd lost interest except as a means perhaps to obfuscate a revenge strategy.

I would be well into my thirties before I realised that I had a Jewish cast or that the bloke I had sat next to in Form Classes was actually the Grandson of a very senior wanted Nazi who had organised the Paris deportations. CJP was probably thinking originally of asking for some helpful input in respect of him having difficult parentage but he and Mr Heinkel have assiduously overseen maliciously intended fictions being written into my personal history and in very general terms have successfully set out to delude people about their motives and seem to have had little thought for the consequences to various British interests in the process.

Its probably worth reiterating that an incident of my exposing myself was not motivated by brash extroversion but by fear of my domestic situation in that I felt I was being almost professionally impersonated: that is to say someone was giving out that they were me feigning to understand lectures and answer questions and I didn't have much any who it was. I was sharing a bedroom with a mentally ill Father constantly wetting the bed and grinding his teeth, wasn't making anything of education as a result and was rather trying to get the School to take him to task. If he was not going to contribute anything toward my education why didn't he just f*** o** and leave me in his Sister's Bungalow for maybe a few years so that I could get some worthwhile qualifications. He definitely didn't contribute anything of use, despite the fact I didn't want much and it wouldn't have been difficult to provide, and the evidence surely must now give rise to the suspicion that he was calculatingly trying to promote a destructive conflict. I didn't recall the incident until about 2015 by which time it seemed that CJP had firstly persuaded various parties that I was hitting on her rather than merely theorising that my only hope of making use of mandatory education might lie in sacrificing my virginity to a single female of approximately her age and situation in exchange for board, lodging and miscellaneous support.

At the risk of sounding repetitive it seems fairly obviously a reasonable suggestion that Mr Powell/Heinkel was obsessed with promoting phoney Euromania and giving my natural parents so to speak enough rope to hang themselves.

The fact is I ended up being dealt a very nasty hand by the School in general and wasn't guilty of being some clumsy thoughtless out of date lefty as I was being portrayed. When my Stepfather had commenced having relations with my Mother he had also arranged to have me summarily dumped into a family with two separately fatherless stepbrothers with a Miner's daughter as surrogate Mother: what is of the remark that the younger was mildly retarded and that I have somehow ended up getting blamed for conversation that appeals to him which is obviously simple and causal, too shallow for further education, and generally hostile towards well to do southern Conservatives among many other things. It might not be an exaggeration to say that many of the accidents and murders among the Town's Labour communities might not have taken place if he had not been mistaken as speaking with or for me as it were as part of some kind of presumed pro labour faction in that there was much less goodwill around than its formal representatives tend to put about.

We hear a lot about the quality of our NHS but it so happens to be a fact that despite many hundreds of exchanges that have taken place since 2002, the simple question as to why the simple facts of my personal history at School leaving age have disappeared from record or reckoning is being consistently ignored.

As regards Bernadette's plausible role in misleading local authorities with regard to what happened in 2002, the point is that she had been involved in all sorts of crime. That this was really due to her environment/background rather than any extreme personal iniquity is undoubtedly true. She and others of my Mother's family and friends may have been pleasantly surprised by an experience of Prison which by the seventies were much more like therapeutic holidays away from street life rather than the punitive sort of Institution she would have expected in Dublin in the mid to late fifties. Whilst I obviously had trouble sympathetically understanding this even after she was dead, it's a real shame that she had collapsed with a fatal heart attack only days after getting something like approaching fifty grand compensation for her Orphanage experiences not just for herself but for any of her Relatives or Medics. I obviously had more trouble than most in viewing her objectively as some kind of victim of circumstance and a genuinely unfortunate statistic: not only did I never understand what sort of serious conversation I was supposedly involved in with her but I have to reiterate that I never understood the fact there was supposedly some/any according to many people. Many individuals from among relatively stray acquaintances associated with this illegal and dysfunctional familial history have apparently made and/or are trying to make unscripted additions and alterations to my thought and conversation, and I have to assert that it is remarkably unusual to find people claiming they have some reason or other to believe what acquaintances and relatives have given out instead of what I have been clearly and categorically saying for decades.

I was watching question Time on the TV a few months ago and recall one woman saying how politics is something that's done to people and that the nature of participant democracy as we're encouraged to believe in it is almost entirely illusory and this is the sort of thing I mean: there is really an awful lot of mistaking history for politics going on. If you accept politics is to blame for social problems rather than history then you are inviting the well off to blame the poor and the poor get led into blaming themselves and making conclusions such as the last Labour Government is to blame for economic problems rather than the self interested rationalisations of the financially successful.

Saying that I have never stolen a penny from my Father or any other family member for that matter with one very justified exception betokens some reiteration of the assertion that a very serious general misappraisal of the sort of person I am has apparently been accepted by the local legal establishment. I don't recall exactly when this happened except that it was aproximately 1982 and this exception consists of the fact that I had climbed through a window in my Aunt's Bungalow and abstracted a twenty from her money stash. When I related to her that I was in fact responsible and not some stray Burglar I offered it back and challenged her with the accusation that she was misleading various parties about family problems (especially my own) since it was the case no-one else could have been responsible for an apparently complete misundersanding of anything I had ever said about the fact of my official existence. I was rather too caught up in the day to day realities of my atrocious life to ponder the matter at all in much depth and it would be approaching a quarter of a century before I commenced reasonably linking the fact to the nasty scar on my lower right palm and surmised that it must have been a fact that most of my adult relatives were significantly addicted to Cocaine in the later sixties and that I had at some point been attacked with a razor blade.

So, to say that it was a rule proving exception isn't quite precisely accurate and the fact is that such behaviour as calculating thievery has always been rather beneath me though this might not for instance in 2004 have been obvious to a painfully young looking Lady Doctor with little experience of real life Sociology so to speak. That I was correct to also tell my Aunt in '82 that she ought to be a little more careful about household security was substantiated by the fact she ws burgled via the same window whilst visiting me in Hospital after I had been stabbed in the chest on Armistice Day 1986.

06 08 18 (emended 27 03 19)

Apologies to anyone who may have been hoping for some further emendations and elaborations to the matter on this Website but the truth is that after twenty years of trying to complain about non existent and/or simply ill intended legal advice and representation I have been developing RSI to with my incipient Heart Disease and have simply had to give it a rest. Staring at screens for ten hours a day is also having a severely deleterious effect on my eyesight and the weather has been more apt for any healthy affordable outdoor pursuits.

This morning I had a nightmare about meeting Donut Frump so I thought I'd try to relieve the tension by picking up my keyboard again.

Besides that I can really add little to what I have said and feel that I am going to be better off carefully revising and refining what I have already said as among other things I can't keep repeating myself endlessly. I am going to have to become more unpleasant than simply asking nicely for Justice and it seems apt to reiterate that Millions of American, Irish, Australian, Indian and Canadian citizens didn't obtain independence from the British establishment by waving around voting slips or any other silly little bits of paper: they either simply told the British and their vile packs of legalistic Lawyer Parasites to f*ck off, or in absolute desperation of a single honest word, simply picked up weapons and started shooting them.

I've led a very shitty nauseating life as the result of trusting in the integrity of British Law and British people and in seeking to consider how I might find some sort of tolerable existence with what's left of it have no choice but to think of how my skills and intelligence might for instance be of use/value to various foreign powers. I could conceivably/arguably/make quite a good job of various diplomatic tasks. Whilst I'm not overly ambitious much of what I have learned does relate to politics. I could happily be a Sheriff in a quiet little Arizona Town or something like that. As a relatively neutral party I could work for the Russians on some kind of analytical resolution of their violent internal history in the last hundred years. I could meaningfully advise the Iranian state on how to cope with and respond to English speaking intrigues in the World of politics and journalism: there are various possibilities.

With regard to the remark that I am a victim of a morally bankrupt and thoroughly discredited domestic legal establishment I refer readers to

The Guardian Article by Hannah Summers of March This Year and cite the article as evidence that my story is not so far fetched as some would have you believe. I differ strongly with the Barrister Whistleblower whom unsurprisingly blames paucity of finance for perceived problems with the national legal system and personally find in principle that there is some atrocious misconception in the way we handle criminal issues. Local Justice, at the risk of sounding like a Communist, should be centred on something more like Peoples' Committees than on unpaid Bourgeois Magistrates supervising a game wherein Lawyers, Prosecutors, Cops & Professional Criminals are all trying to make money from Crime, who can in effect simply make up the Law as they go along and are are unaccountable Spaniels to an increasingly corrupt Oligarchy. For example, I believe it is a generally accepted fact that one third of the entire NHS Budget is spent on settling Law Suits and more than one third of that goes straight into the pockets of Lawyers. I was quite taken aback to hear this but I believe it is generally accepted as fact by relevant authorities that these figures are quite correct: In other words, Lawyers who have a significant vested interest in the propagation of misunderstanding, really contribute absolutely nothing whatsoever to Society in general  take fifteen maybe twenty per cent, perhaps even a quarter of the annual NHS budget.

Whilst there are some strictly personal reasons why, among other things, I feel thoroughly pauperised by the free Education and Medicine I have been subjected to I am sure that a significant many feel the same. I don't doubt many work diligently and in some cases for comparatively little reward to try and make the Service something everyone in the country can be proud of, but for example there is a lot of prompting going on here and there as well as some instances of poorly considered management in both left and right wing perspectives.

08 08 18

If anyone has a problem with Boris Johnson's joke about Muslim Women in Burkhas looking like letterboxes (I think he meant Postboxes because they look like black postboxes sneaking around)) I strongly believe that the problem is their own and nobody else's. I'm really struggling hard to believe that serious politicians could have taken the time to complain about it and am certain it will backfire on them. I may not be Mr Johnson's biggest fan but it's just a humorous aside. Surely most Muslim Women must think it reasonably funny. Hasn't anyone heard of freedom of speech? Isn't that important?

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Hoary Porter and the Half Brother's prints lol

There is absolutely no question that the Man pictured above is an illegitimate Son of the retired Major James Hewitt, who a certain short**sed Monkey tells me, was in the habit of boasting to his assembled Regiment that he'd, "Sh**ged a Royal last night." Only a blind mental defective could possibly think otherwise.

One has to feel sorry for Harry in certain respects (I think that's a perfectly adequate title) since at some point he was clearly told to play along with the deception. I can't help thinking that if M&M really loves him, she should have counselled him that he ought to have been honest about it by the time he came of age.

Get yourself a shave Harry you look like some damned Garden Hedge!

There is unquestionably a very serious malaise in the nation at large as this deceitful, sycophantic and utterly cringeworthy crap published in the Daily Star instances all too well.

Star Website

I'm all for Freedom of Speech but such a serious deception must be a significantly cause of numerous apparently inexplicable accidents both small and large, whether you're a Fireman trying to make snap judgements, or a Surgeon trying to concentrate on a microscopic manipulations, you really shouldn't be hampered in your efforts by the existence of such a profound deception at the very centre of national life: and how can the CPS reasonably prosecute people fiddling their Social Security claims while this sort of thing goes on..

What is unfortunately of the remark that the Illegitimate Bastard Son of an errant, braggart of an ex Soldier cannot also be a Prince of the House of Windsor......................

20 10 18 (emended 01 04 19)

An old friend of my Mother has passed away with the heat of early July and a grim sort of chill has somehow permeated the Summer's heat. It is a very reasonable comment to say that Christina Singleton knew me rather than I knew her so to speak. Saying that she had superficially been a stranger to me when I encountered her in the Engineering Yard where I was inappropriately, quite pointlessly, and entirely hopelessly working on a Saturday Job I hated over the Winter of 80-81 very much prompts the observation that her passing has prompted the resurgence of strange recollections that seem to point to her involvement in my personal history as very relevant and very disingenuous.

I needed somewhere suitable to live by myself before attempting anything serious in life and among other things the Saturday Job couldn't have been more dirty and menial and I couldn't hope to earn more than the price of three pints down the Pub for an extremely lengthy arduous and unpleasant day's work once travelling miles by bicycle and cleaning off industrial waste had been undertaken and there wasn't much point in trying to interest me in engineering. I owned nothing except the few rags I stood and her significant insistence that she knew my Mother had prompted only consideration of a remark to the effect of, "well what would you like a poke in the eye or a kick in the shins?"

The fact she had sustained a serious accident mere months later in 1982 following surgical procedure to remove a Cervical Cancer seems very much part of what should be said especially from my point of view as it seems arguable I was (as far as I know) the only individual to have at all honestly or helpfully sought to explain the social context in which it occurred. As I understand it careless swab removal had led to a kidney infection which led to the removal of a kidney, so her later life had been dogged by a profound and very serious struggle with the consequences of such a serious mishap. I had seen and spoke to her in about February time I think and she clearly didn't look well though of course this was obviously nothing new. What does make the recollection that chat seem more interesting is the fact that in conversation with her and her Lodger in the local Supermarket I had ended up gossiping about my endlessly single status to some extent and it seems quite relevant to the nature of what has taken place.

She was one of several of my Mother's affinity who claimed to know me after I returned to Suffolk with my Father in 1976 and obviously did. I only recognised one of her Sisters (the youngest) properly, couldn't remember anything about them, or relevant events, quite frankly didn't want to once I had and shouldn't really be assoicated with their conversation in the way that seems to have been assumed. The one thing above all that Christina's death has occasioned is the feeling of certainty that what had happened to me in infancy was that at some point I had been brutally and calculatingly savaged by my Mother's older Sister Bernadette and that my Father's actions in the subsequent years were an elaborate and failing contrary pretence of the simple fact that he was being blackmailed and extorted. It is in fact a rather new idea that drugs did play some significant element in this aspect of her conversation but an altogether larger question is to what extent this may conceivably have played a discernable role in the outbreak of the contemporary Irish 'Troubles' which occurred in parallel with these dysfunctional intrigues and the formal separation of my natural parents: historically of course the later 20th century troubles are often said to be part of a wider demand for civil rights in that they did significantly blow up alongside the Prague Spring and the Paris May Day Protests.

I may not yet have got all the personal details worked out properly but such a scenario is now clearly the gist of it.

She may have been offering to shed some honest light on these matters to some extent when she invited me over last Christmas but I didn't want to join in some friendly pretence that was/is only likely to lead to further accidents and misfortunes: I did offer to walk the dogs for nothing at least once if only for their sake. This, in respect of the fact that as I have mentioned elsewhere at many times there are a significant number of accidents attached to or occurring alongside my personal history which all too clearly derive from the pretence that my Mother was socially respectable enough to remarry a local Shipping Company Manager rather than some Gangster Girl who had encouraged her older Sister to poison the Baby and distribute its family assets amongst her own and should instead have been thrown in Jail: perhaps most of those derive from the fact that I had a German Head of Year at School since it is possible to now conclude with some certainty that he had encouraged this absurdly friendly fiction about my Mother and her affinity.

I cannot possibly afford to temporise on legal interpretations of the actions of my Mother and her affinity. Whilst she may not have originally, particularly, intended to wreak the mischiefs that befell my paternal family and myself I am convinced that they, particularly Christina had by the standards of the time and place extorted vast sums from them/us and my father was too vain to see it and too cowardly to do anything about it. The remark that it serves my Father right is no doubt one that many might be willing to endorse but, it takes no account of the welfare of a small infant. It is perhaps more relevant that it seems to be a very fair comment that by the later seventies the Taylors had decided they didn't want her after all, and had started making use of their familiarity to sow more and further false impressions and among other things, had noted that my Mother and her Sister were too involved in profitable marital plottings to notice me going on about her Sister's boyfriend's complection.

It probably just about does a satisfactory Job of explanation to suggest that he (Mr Taylor) had schemed to destroy my chance of a 6th form education (indeed he did boast of it) because he couldn't get her, and ended up burning down his Company Warehouse shortly thereafter at more or less exactly the same time that Christina was clumsily operated on or rather that is to say his uninsured Welders found they had started a fire instead of putting one out properly.

I'm probably guilty of repetition to some extent in pointing out that these so called accidents very much have a common thread stemming significantly from Mr Taylor's resentment of the marriage he must have gone to some lengths to procure. It occurred to me a few years ago that a young Lady Biology Teacher who'd been working at Copleston High School under the auspices of Wolfgang Heinkel/Powell was a relative of the soon to be deceased John Lennon, possibly even a Sister.

It may sound ridiculous but, it is an interesting proposition that it is me that his thought is addressed to in the moments before he is shot or something like that perhaps.

When you put these facts together and start mixing them up it doesn't seem so ridiculous.

a) In recent months it has occurred to me that she did say that she was a close relative of said Singer. This didn't occur to me at the time as I was unable to take part in much of School life and would have had to have been a skilled Lipreader to have noticed, insofar as the allegation is that I have been savaged in infancy then convinced to believe otherwise whilst being moved around and kept confused with the result among other things in later life of some hearing difficulty with for instance people thinking I'm ignoring what's being said when the reality is rather that I had given up on trying to hear things easily at a very early age or something like that.

b)If the hypothesis is correct then there must have been some kind of a substantial attempt on Mr Lennon's part to have signified some kind of acknowledgement of his hearing about his Cousin's new Job from as far back as 77.

A Massive trail of misinformation and sabotage goes right back to the illustrious German Head of Year and the Grandchildren of a notorious War Criminal one of whom was present when this Teacher arrived. When she gave her first lesson and allegedly it seems in retrospect had confessed to being a Relative of the now deceased Popstar I was rather thinking of strange scenes with prior Lady Teachers in my School career which related to my Father's disturbing behaviour and dysfunctional familial situations generally.

c) They, and other relatives of mine on my Mother's side seem to have been trying (with far too much success I might add) to make out that I was some kind of Sex Weirdo because I was among a group of sixth formers who used to recite sections from works by De Sade in the Library that month. The 120 Days of Saddam is a comedy spoof on life in a seventeenth century French Institution and most emphatically not some kind of Sex Manual; it is probably more recognisable as such to its original French audience in that English and Welsh communal religious houses and foundations had been destroyed by Henry 8th over 200 years previously. The trick as far as adult jokes go is to recite a given passage(s) with an almost bored sort of perfunctory disdain, as the spell to inflict uncontrollable ribaldry carries nothing like the same force if recitals are punctuated with fits of giggling. Such a circumstance being predicated it can be absolutely guaranteed that noises will unfailingly send whole roomsful of eyebrows rocketing skywards never to be seen again: ha ha ha having said that what is of the remark that such a feat of objective self control is just about as impossible as anything I can think of.

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De Sade exhibits a most uncanny and unparallelled insight into Human Psychology in writing which is at once both unbelievably hilarious and unbelievably disturbing. He knew exactly how to cruelly mock the pretensions of the Peasant class and it is no surprise that such a work of literary iconoclasm precedes the French Revolution: I don't quite concur with the view that de Sade's works can be reasonably juxtaposed alongside the classic gothic horror novels and prefer to settle for a definition of extreme comedy: compare the Chuckle Brothers, Lorraine Thorpe, and Martin Luther King.

Anyone even focusing on the text in the Book must immediately make a saving throw versus wands and spells at plus 2 or lose 1-3 points of wisdom and 1-3 points of charisma, however, anyone making the saving throw, gains 1-2 points of wisdom plus, 1-2 points of charisma and intelligence. !

The Humour of the Ambitious Jamie Cann and the Suicide of the Virtuous Conrad Payne ................

I'd give as much to see the latter smile and talk with him again as I would to have never heard of the former!

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That's my natural Mother bottom left and Christina bottom right: all the girls are clearly quite preoccupied with their sad estate in different ways.

Trying to sensibly start from the beginning as it were probably necessitates some mention of the fact my fractured bits of recovered memories unquestionably point toward her having played an unhelpful role in my life since it was unavoidably the case that I was the child of my Father's family rather than my Mother's in early life. If one accepts that the reason my memory has behaved with such involuntary strangeness especially since 2004 is significantly because I had witnessed Gangster related activity as an infant in the later sixties then it becomes a fairly straighforward surmisal that her presence tended toward a rather different sort of social dynamic on my Mother's part than that which appertains to the role of Mother and Wife. Judging her tends to prompt the observation that she never knew a Father, had grown up in an Orphanage and fled Ireland after sustaining an illegitimate pregnancy which she had little choice but to have adopted and which ruled out a career in domestic servitude. She was however without question one of a very small number of people who knew how I came by the nasty looking scar I found across my right palm in the Spring of 1970. It would probably be jumping the gun a bit in terms of a good explanation to say that her medical accident ensued significantly from her having wishfully thinkfully been a major factor in what surmised, had become hardly less than a clumsy sort of blackmail/extortion of my Father's family by approaching my third birthday I was three but that's basically the gist of it though a lot of details could paint varying perspectives none of them do me any real good.

I'm told that when their Mother died her half brother used her ignorance of legal persiflage to acquire the not inconsiderable fortune appertaining and One has to suspect that more than mere greed might have lain behind this. The really interesting thing is that as far as I know the only indication as to Christina's intentions as to her Estate consists of the fact that she named my Mother as her next of kin on Hospital documents and her Son seems to admit as much: since it seems entirely arguable that the voice my Mother claims to be is mine or perhaps rather me it seems logically justifiable that I might expect someone should give me a deed of title. My Mother however doesn't seem interested in pursuing the apparent or presumed fact ie that Christina did intend her to acquire a Semi she had almost paid for since among other things she had perhaps several significant reasons to do that rather than enrich her Brother or Son neither of whom had for example taken any sort of constructive interest in her retirement: her life had certainly run in rather more consonance with mine and my Mother's than with her nearest blood relatives. It's an intriguing notion that this could be significantly for the same reason Christina's half brother had abstracted their Mother's fortunes or the vast majority of it: ie because various parties including perhaps several Security Agencies could plausibly be interested in suing them for various historical reasons. As I understand it English Common Law would tend to favour the Half Brother over an adopted Son whom I have met but of interested parties nobody else seems to want him to get anything because of his technically legal but personally deceitful and unscrupulous financial manouevres over their Mother's Estate which is hardly surprising.

Amongst other things I think it might be a meaningful gesture of responsibility to make at least some minor allowance for the children she had looked after whilst working in the Care Industry at least one of whom she continued to support up to the time of her Death but what is evidently of the remark that such an asset ought not to be hived off as it were. The fact he seemed to have started to help himself to a few items of Property might be suggestive of him having sensed such a scenario as I portray here. A heated and unseemly sort of confused squabble ensued between various parties including people she had worked with about what should happen had after all taken place and they will it seems come to the conclusion that there was a bit more of a story to Christina's history than had been realised and that for instance she probably shouldn't have qualified for Care Work.

Neither my Mother or Christina's Son have had the wherewithal to pursue a specific course of action. If I'd had the ready cash I'd have probably been willing to put up the funds for a simple Service but the fact remains that I have been struggling with the consequences of what my Mother and her Partner related to a Solicitor in 1985 and have no money, no job, no future, just a pile of belongings that are a little too valuable and hard won to abandon and too little to be really happy about much as I would immediately prefer to take to the Road given the nauseating pauperising experience that trying to run a Household in Ipswich has been.

Besides being also 74 my own Mother is already remarkably busy and financially committed and Christina's Son is already trying to hold down a Job a Mortgage and a long term relationship in the Irish Republic. As I understand it her Half Brother who is a UK resident has pre-empted their dithering over Obsequies which was probably to the liking of Lawyers wanting to hussle matters along and get their pound of flesh. It's a shame really because different parties have now gone through her belongings and the odds are now against any one of them wanting to admit to the existence of a Will should they find one.

Her ex Lodger will probably corroborate the remark that I was clearly quite sick of the idea of persecuting an Orphan in her seventies who was dying from internal injuries but quite a few people probably deduced as much. The Manageress has noticed me chatting up one or two of her staff, or at least feigning to and has followed my conversation quite closely since for example Christina and I both lived nearby, and she seems to have wanted to satisy herself that I wasn't some Hells Angel Gang Member eying up her security arrangements.

(section added 27 05 19) The Staff in the place have heard quite a few interesting conversations over the last decade or so since the shopping centre in question lies about half way between this and my last resident address about a mile away. Perhaps more interesting, at least from the point of view of local Taxpayers was an exchange with one Councillor Edward Phillips brother of a self confessed Christian by the name of Mark who offered to provide me with any help I might want in the matter of my Father's Obsequies and then claimed to have lost the names and Flat numbers of the Ladies from the Care Home. Young Edward had become a Tory Councillor at some point subsequent to the fact of the circumstances appertaining said Obsequies which as I say had been significantly observed by staff in said establishment it being additionally the case for example that the requisite Funeral Parlour lies a Stone's throw from the Store and had occasion to repeat this in front of certain of the mostly female workers in the place which runs 24/7. There was a lot about what he said that didn't add up not the least of which was the casual manner in which he repeated this as if it was something as casual as forgetting to put sugar in someone's tea so I'm glad it was witnessed; what is after all for instance of the remark that on many occasions people have probably been summarily murdered for offering such degree of insult as his brother has thereby conveyed me and been subsequently acquitted of Murder. That there is some deeply unworthy device in their conversation was instance by his feigning not to know that Ipswich was a Unitary Council which is an absurdly odd remark from a Councillor who is or was sitting on said Council.

This Brian Reade Article for the Mirror on May 10th hints at some of the spooky stuff today's nationalistically propriotous Tory Party may have lined up for our Society's unfortunates if they can script their way past another General Election. I suppose the issue of Capital Flight will be uppermost in the minds of many Movers and Shakers since the economic anomie blamed on Labour Governments from the seventies has ever since enabled the conservative nation at large to palm off the remark that it cannot or will not impede the acquisitiveness of the economically successful and define the realistic scope of the next Labour Administration so effectively and within such derisory bounds, it made a complete joke out of the notion of an Alternative Government or Opposition Strategy and well past the point of decency at that.

If there is a General Election sometime soon as most probably do anticipate, if with a mixture of fear and loathing, then most surely must back a Labour Win or at the very least a Labour dominated Coalition. In order to do this cleanly, and contrive some politically stable resolution of the tumultous uncertainties of recent years commonsense logic tends to suggest that Jeremy Corby has to honour some commitment given to the nation at large to accept the Brexit vote in a meaningful manner. In assessing the fact this could offer up the interesting spectacle of a very determined looking Labour Premier with the most unbending and hostile attitude toward International Capitalist Democracy in his Party's History with some mandate for a very significant infrastructural investment programme and a much wider scale of public services, one tends to assume he has to achieve certain specific goals amongst which probably foremostly lies in honouring commitment to the nation at large to deliver Brexit whilst preventing his own contemporary largely remainist party from disintegrating into a sectarian bickering.

Someone surely has to deliver a meaningful version of Brexit since for instance if there were a second Brexit vote, the Brexiteers would be able to employ exactly the same arguments for a third if they lost it, as the Remainers are seeking to do now in arguing for another Referendum. The Brexit issue is such an unpredictable wildcard in terms of voter intentions it could conceivably dictate or procure almost any sort of conceivable Election result in any sort of near future circumstance.

Theresa May's having formally declined to serve more than three years really puts the Cat among the Pidgeons in that Voters and Taxpayers tormented by years of baffling political persiflage leading nowhere, cannot now realistically expect some winding down of the tense atmosphere prevailing at the centre of the political nation or some acceptance of any sort of stalemate among those whose views have been polarised by the debate on Europe. Any succeeding Tory Premier would want to impose their own meme on the present Tory Government in the approximate two years prior to the legal necessity of another General Election but the signs are very much that Boris Johnson will in fact be appointed, in which case we can (if we are to believe the gist of what has been reported of him) expect some serious and particular attempt to impose a meaningful version of what the Brexit vote implied. I suppose on the basis of what I have seen I have more confidence in his contemporary political vision of the World beyond this nation, than I do in his appreciation and insight into the precise humour of the Country, or his precepts on social justice in contemporary Society.

A Johnson Premiership in theory makes for an unpredictable time ahead in that it seems assured that Boris will seek to act decisively so Jeremy Corbyn isn't in this case going to be facing a weak or amenable Tory Leader who will be happy to oversee a staged sort of retreat and play for a draw within the conventional bounds of the game so to speak.

It is certainly to be hoped the feeling that under Theresa May the Country has attained the atmosphere of a vast Sanitorium will not be immediately exchanged for that of a Circus.

I, am trying to talk to the Staff in a new Law Centre opened this year about the contempt shown for my Father's Will and other related matters but they wanted documentation of specific incidents and events which means completely revolutionising and reordering my entire household, all, of a huge collection of documents, servicing and gutting about a dozen Computers before I can even begin. Under the most ideal of circumstances this would take many months.

A lot of threads seem to come together around the remark that I did tell the sitting Tory MP Michael Irvine that I had been forced to work illegally under threat of false testimony in 1992ish and that for instance, among other things I have to entertain the distinct suspicion that other relatives of my Mother's have gone to enormous mendacious lengths to seek to persuade him otherwise. Christina's medical accident is one of several such incidents marring my personal history and it is increasingly clear to me that so many contrary and uncomplimentary stories about myself do stem from some secretive hostility between anglo-irish relatives about drug deals, implicit blackmail and questionable marital arrangements. The fact it has taken me a half a century to significantly unravel is increasingly obviously owing not just to the number of individuals who seem to have become involved but also to their quality. I am increasingly encountering the suggestion that among those who have been to entertain some other story than that I was savaged by my Mother's older Sister and that my Father had been extorted was because Cocaine had been finding its way into the noses of perhaps several highly respected war veterans and/or their families, as well as influential and respected members of the Labour Movement and, members of the local Anglican Establishment/Hierarchy.

Under certain circumstances I could possibly have Moved in to start looking after the Lodger or have let the place as it was within about a month.

I'll be adding a few details to what I've posted here about the death of Christina Singleton just as soon as I catch up with a few related matters not least in view of the Prima Facie argument that she had encouraged my Mother to ruin my paternal family in the later 1960s. However nicely One may care to put it, my Father did have a record for Sexcrime which he was in a state of denial about and once Drugs had come into the equasion it was not likely that he would either be believed or viewed in an understanding light if unpleasantries about money and social arrangements came to much public attention: all of which is to point out among other things, that Christina certainly seems to have regretted plunging my Mother into pauperising problems and in fact had enormous motives for leaving her worldly goods to her. My Mother seems to feel that Christina, and since her passing, her Relatives owe her some sort of significant consideration. I have to assume that I am reasonably welcome to the nick nacks and perishables that have come my way but regardless of the fate of her Estate I don't think the underlying story is going to go away anytime soon: ie that I was severely savaged by her at some point in the weeks following England's last World Cup win. The suspicion that she may have perhaps been in trouble with the Law with the City Authorities when she left Dublin is really indivisible from the suggestion that my Mother's older sister Bernadette also was in certain specific respects, and perhaps a little more interestingly that she had acquired a fair bit of sensitive information about the involvement of local Gentry with Vice Trade in the City ..............

What had happened last Christmas was that I had approached the younger of two Half Brothers by my Mother's so called Husband who lives nearby whom I haven't seen since he was about fifteen. I put it to him in writing along with a copy for his older brother that they and their Sister are no longer children and should have firmly takwen issue with their parents criminal behaviour at least ten years ago (more details inc how their career paths have been plagiarised out of my work, that their Father's account of how he met my Mother is a criminal nonsense in itself, that I have never considered him to be psychologically adult. In many ways I could easily sympathise with such a person but it is a complete nonsense to say that he is not a criminal conspirator: he seems to have found my Mother and her affinity on the game locally after having digested the larger part of the wherewithal of my Father's family. As far as I know he then blackmailed her into a marriage thereby quite effectively laundering her particularly culpable involvement in Blackmail, Extortion and Narcotics dealing giving everyone a load of crap about having reformed her when he had simply hidden her crimes and, took away her last chance to make some kind of meaningful apology or recompense and forced me and my Father into a clumsy partnership with a Geordie Miner's daughter. This was about the time a huge rubbish dump caught fire covering the County in toxic smog and it seems to be associated with various deceptions perhaps most notably that his parents have systematically lied to authorities iro medical diagnoses in particular, above all that if he and his family want to have our Mother carpeted which in theory they must that they need to get it straight that their parents are criminal conspirators and I am there Mother's original victim, not the other way round in that they seem to posture that I am or have been involved with some sort of conspiracy aimed at their Father's family's wherewithal, when the truth is in fact that they are involved in a criminal conspiracy aimed at me and the point of which is to say that they cannot reasonably wash their hands of my Mother as they seem to want, without admitting this, and that they need to seek to make some immediate alternative legal/financial arrangement for me first if they're going to do that as do involved/interested legal authorities.

It is rather interesting in view of allegations about deliberate sabotage and fatal medical misinformation originating from their Father that he was hospitalised with a life threatening condition within hours of that conversation.

His older brother has been married to a local girl for maybe twenty years: what is unfortunately of the remark that she joined in with the conspiracy and that liking his income she and her family have been particularly keen to try and ensure my reputation remains undeservedly blackened. It might not be entirely fair to say so in that my Mother's last three children have had limited information but, it is stretching credibility beyond reasonable limits to say that they didn't realise the truth about their parents' actions by the turn of the Millennium. Of coarse I hate to entertain suspicions her parents and family have been too keen to supervise the rubber stamping of odd mistakes made by interested Medics and Educationalists and have importuned various misunderstandings.

My Microsoft Outlook Express Account was hacked on Monday the 10th December from the following Swedish IP address.

2001:67c:2660:425:4::243 I would be grateful for any information or assistance with this as Microsoft cannot immediately be contacted about the matter in any investigative sense.

As I explained to one War Veteran recently I dont mean to decry what he had sacrificed in a demanding twenty year career, but he does tend to look at Society, and indeed at his own existence through the rose tinted spectacles of convenient rationalisation, and doesn't tend to want to admit that Society is arguably ineffably corrupt, especially, and, much as I don't want to say it, contemporary British Society. He wants to believe that his Service Career has edified and enriched the nation and I have to portray him as something more like an unwilling ally of Oil Interests, Parasite Lawyers and cynical corrupt Politicians, rather than for instance, someone who's actions have alleviated poverty, mistrust and ill will among our fellow Britons: it seems neither of us have ever laboured with the aforethought of treacherously subverting the Constitution for some/any kind of pan-european plot ..............

27 11 18

With reference to the fact of a recent helicopter Crash perhaps Daily Mail Article About Corruption in Thai Society by Rebecca Evans for the Daily Mail April 9th

It wasn't the Cops who got on the wrong side of me so much as the Lawyers making absurd comments about the validity of my Father's marriage. Since I can see no reason to doubt that the crackdown on the enrichment of individuals at the expense of the British State via sham marriages seen in recent decades stems directly from the malicious chaos emanating from a series of illegally devised marital liaisons on the part of my Father: he made a half dozen or so attempts during my School career and maybe half of them had got as far as being questionably formalised.

The Guardian's SE Asia Correspondent Hannah Ellis-Petersen Suggests in her May 10th Article that Thai Security Forces Hunt Down and Murder Persons Critical of the Monarchy

So what happened to Phony Tony's Universal Values?

15 12 18

Up until half way through last month things were shaping up quite well for getting things done this festive season. Everything but getting papers and belongings into shape for seeking to approach some kind of formal legal actions had been kicked into touch, I had at least had some recent respite from decades of fruitless typing and, an increasingly accurate idea as to why this had been the case. Two things however have brought my plans to try and enjoy some kind of normative midwinter existence and make some geuine progress with my legal problems. Firstly I have gone down with a very serious bout of haemorhoidic infection in my back passage which has severely limited my ability to function, every night for weeks I have been sitting down next to a bucket of hot water and a row of surgical instruments: at one point I had taken a pair of surgical scissors to some dried accretion, and found the most extraordinary elastic resistance until something went snap with terrifying audibility like a steel hawser under enormous tension. I have extracted so much of various sorts of matter from my backside including gelatinous cubes and a couple of feet of stringy bits, that I joked with one one friend a retired soldier that I was half expecting to claw out thence the meagre remains of my dentition upon which he atrabiliously ordered me out of his Flat complaining that he was thinking of having dinner. The girls in the A&E were apparently too busy chatting about Meghan's latest Dress and the details of their plans for a forthcoming Valium Morning to be able to take much interest; besides which my experiences with a giant gumboil early in 2008 left me rather concerned they might make some absent minded mistake like having my testicles removed.

I'm still having a lot of trouble getting my head round what happened to me when I went to the Hospital since I'd have been a lot better off if I'd gone over the local Estate or one of the nearby Parks and tried to steal a Syringe off some Junkie so I could lance the boil myself. Some big muscley Asian Surgeon took a dislike to me and decided on the basis of some superficial observation that I was a load of Nazis and pretty much deliberately removed three badly needed Molars instead of draining the Boil even lying to me as I was being anaesthetised. This was a particularly unpleasant experience and no-one has even offered to apologise for a particularly obviously maliciously motivated piece of wanton disfigurement which immediately presaged the swift and complete failure of my Father's Cancer treatment, this despite the fact I was precisely correct about the infection in every detail: it was just an oversized boil or rather I should say several boils with one large one in particular.

So my feelings about the NHS are entirely hostile and as far as I'm concerned you can scrap the whole thing lock stock and barrel: whatever it is that these so called health professionals are doing, my understanding of what they said to me about that matter in particular means that it is so important that they ought not to be put to the inconvenience of tending sick people, so my advice to voters and taxpayers is that they are not only completely wasting their money, that would unfortunately be far too kind, they are in fact funding their own deceptions as the money gets spent on financing the illusion of a Service working diametrically against the citizens whose benefit it is supposed to exist for.

The NHS is not a Public Service it's a Publicity Stunt & it exists to keep people employed, especially those with lefty PC credentials, caring for the sick, is as I was told in completely unqualified terms, a demeaning and unwelcome inconvenience for these worthy characters.

Secondly the poxy nuisance of a a Motorcycle Computer and its equally over engineered Security System have both crashed and there isn't even the remotest chance that I will be able to figure out how it works even if I wasn't facing months of work to locate relevant documentation which I unfortunately am. When I first obtained the thing some thirty months ago I said at the time, this is nothing but a horribly over engineered gimmick which carries with it the most enormous potential for hazard. It was a pure fluke that I got either functioning to the extent that allowed me to ride it and I haven't the slightest idea how to use any of the features even if I did want them which I don't. I firmly and unreservedly believe that such so called control devices should be immediately prohibited: they don't aid control, they take control away and it isn't made plain that without something like a month's full time study under expert tuition the rider can't possibly be in control of such a device.

Here are a few pictures of the Open Sewer of a Shower Room I've been bleeding in all month.

photo scan photo scan photo scan

It ought to be remembered that these are pictures of something I've been working on most of a decade with all kinds of professional cleaning equipment and that the whole Flat was just as bad throughout. Without immediately recapitulating all of the details of how I came to acquire the use of these facilities my lack of progress in pursuing personal goals has been severely hampered by the fact I have had no washing facilities for several years and didn't even have any hot water for most of last year.

The general situation seems quite well instanced by the allegations made recently in at least one major daily to the effect that there are hundreds of thousands of sub standard properties in the South Midlands alone: this seems to directly contradict the carefully sown illusion that Lawyers seek to uphold the Law, that is dangerous nonsense, Lawyers make money from Crime and they don't care who they trample on while they're doing it.

This is of paramount relevance to the fact for example that when I moved in the reality or actuality of what was firstly said by maintenance people was that they knew the place was in a dangerous and unmistakeably dirty condition (it would have been a simple statement of fact to say that its hard to imagine anything more derelict or unclean) but that they were just going to leave it because they knew firstly that it was no exaggeration at all to say I couldn't use it without doing thousands of pounds worth of cleaning and maintenance (this was true of interior and exterior). What happened next was that I had a perfectly good reason to do something completely different than listening to their self justifying rationalisations as I couldn't possibly continue avoiding a full deployment of all the resources I had under my control as I generally had since 2002 and having only vouchsafed to try and work with fixtures and fitments that were improperly maintained in which particular matter I had again little choice but to attempt.

Aside from the observation that it is a better idea to query as to whether third parties such as neighbours then witnessed this exchange make a decisive contribution toward another entirely counterproductive debacle having ensued in terms of making attempts to communicate with Lawyers than it is to make personal assertions; at a personal level it is an obvious remark that how can I entertain friends, allies, cousins and obviously the Son of my Mother's old friend when I am forced to endure such conditions? Such an asset as even a very small Apartment reasonably handily askance to the Land Route from western regions of the British Isles to the Continent ought to have been working much better for me and for Society in general a long time since: I should have been able to also reduce costs by subletting to spring touring students from the University a mere stone's throw since in term time and all sorts.

14 01 19 (emended 27 03 19)

The manner in which the festive season has passed brings recollections of the assassination of John Lennon whilst I was briefly a sixth former in 1980-81. I had recovered from a bout of extremely painful arterial haemorrhoids and got my Motorcycle running by Christmas Day only to succumb to a minor fit of flu which left me quite inactive until the the New Year. The precise manner in which these recollections have risen sharply to mind over the festive season seems particularly meaningful, they carry with them the unmistakeable suggestion that the event has been seen to be causally related to the demise of any career prospects of my own from precisely that time.

Somewhere nearby in the darkness of a red brick Attic, its mind tormented by Schizophrenia a simple Christian Devil, is endlessly laughing away to itself !

It was about three years ago that I recalled having had a Teacher at Secondary School from 77 who had the same surname though it didn't occur to me then or at all until the last few years that she might have been a relative of his or that the manner in which the assassination occurred could conceivable have had something/anything to do with me or my atrocious life story and career. I am surprised to find in retrospect that I did not note or even consider at the time that she might have been a relative of his. It seems apt to reiterate that what has very much been of the more recent arisal of the increasingly well substantiated suggestion I had been secretly deafened by childhood abuse in that as soon as I rewound my memory to what had been seen rather than what was supposed to have been heard, it seems that CJP had asked and she had confirmed herself to be from among his extended family.

It seems he, and I had numbers of Irish Aunts in 1980, he could easily have had half a dozen or more female Cousins and the hypothesis the Assassination to some extent goes with events surrounding the local Career of one of them, as well as allegations of liberal corruption and perversity, tends to be substantiated by the apparent or presumed fact of Christina having plausibly/allegedly made an elaborate sort dying confession. What is very much of pointing out that around this time I significantly became accused of being the same kind of clumsy firebrand liberal and it again seems apt to point out that I was in 1980 expecting to be offered a Council flat from a Labour Controlled Council and wasn't really advocating the return of a Labour Government in the tone of voice that was at all meant to be taken quite seriously. When it is unfortunately the case that such an offer is longer of any use or value to me and I honestly can't see myself finding the will to move to another place in Ipswich if I can possibly help it having for instance had no access to higher education for twenty five years: as far as possibly realistic scenarios go I'd be happy enough to live in a Trailer somewhere across the other side of the Country or something like that but even if I had the money it would still be an enormous task.

I was completely down at heel broken by years of unrelenting misfortune and humiliation in the late seventies and was to say the least completely at odds with mystifying portrayals of my situation, strange and empty flattering, over optimistic to the point of being sinister. Now I can't possibly fail to point out that whilst I willing to be corrected over certain of the precise particularities, CJP is also the Author of remarks to the effect that as far as he was concerned it was naughty of people to think of assisting any wannabee Nazi Hunters chase up any more of his Father's Associates. I think it a not entirely unreasonable allegation that both he and Herr Powell are co-conspirators in what has been a fairly successful attempt to palm off a fictitious account of my own personal history and contemporary status on an audience that was increasingly tired of liberal/progessive themes as the seventies wore on. Whaaaat is of course among other things of observing that Herr Powell clearly likes to think of himself as something more like a contemporary European Icon for the Bourgoisie than a mere Secondary School Academic, a historical mover and shaker who's supposed to be too good to be mixed up with grubby jumped up Nazis and ex Nazis and their families with their expatriate network in south america, the middle east and indeed here and there, closer to home.

Topics I want to deal with or that I think should be dealt with

Legal Reform: our legal system is based on a centuries old format originating from a time when most couldn't read or write. We have to stop feeding this army of sycophant backstabbers. It takes a particularly odious kind of person to become a Lawyer, a propensity for personal treachery and willingness to serve the Oligarchy without moral scruple is what the establishment looks for when they groom these vile creatures. I mean the sort of grubby looking oiks who turn up squirming around in front of the TV Cameras after each fresh controversial violent crime wearing cheap clothes, spouting pithy aphorisms, claiming to be moral, misunderstood and overworked lesser middle class of modest means.

Another particular point is that Prosecutors shouldn't have such enormous fortunes to pursue ludicrous arguments at public expense whenever it suits some powerful institution or person which is what they do: this is not in the public interest! If there's one thing that can also be very specifically said about the workings of the Criminal Justice System it's that new technology doesn't just enable the Prosecution of selected crimes once considered unsolvable it also very much calls into question the quality of information Prosecutors have worked with and I'm sure many will readily agree, also tragically demonstrates that they have forcibly and violently covered up their own mistakes with criminal deceptions almost as bad as the crimes they have sought to sanction on an almost routine basis. As for instance correcting mistakes with such work is obviously increasingly an almost impossible thing to do once the wheels of Court Action have been set in motion as the consequence of some information having been accepted as accurate by Prosecutors. I can't help thinking for instance that there must be many instances of people working in the CJS realising that verdicts fail to really answer questions they shouldn't avoid, are often simply wrong, and find them too then is that formal verdicts are too difficult and expensive to question.

Another interesting point that hasn't often been made when examining the question for instance of policing budgets is also with regard to the fact of new technologies making it a much easier and cheaper task to gather information about crims given for instance the contemporary ubiquitousness of cameras and the ease of reporting online.

The Criminal Behaviour of Politicians: Jeremy Thorpe died recently and the establishment had always been keen to downplay the fact he hired a hitman to kill a gay lover. What are they up to?

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It doesn't matter how you look at this it's not a pretty sight .........................

-According to Ian Drurys Article for the Mail on 29 03 18 they haven't been diligently managing the Country nor are they at all truthful about the nature of the situation.

21 01 19

I've been working on some attempt to clarify the resume of my older Weblogs and hope to have that done quite soon. In defending myself against accusations of tardiness I have to repeat that it isn't easy to recapitulate what ought best to be said from the matter of decades of personal history in a few paragraphs.

Here are some more Newspicks

I found this one thoroughly upsetting not least in view of the eerie consonance it has with my own life story and the remark that this was what my own so called family threatened me with in 1985 when I was almost exactly her age.

Driven to Death: the grim and shocking tale of a life cut short by prison experience by Alex Mathews of the Sun 04 11 18.

RIP Katie Allan

The reason I find the sentence of gratuitous appearance is that the Driving Offence in question wasn't a life threatening one, and given the general ease with which the motoring lobby has a tendency to minimise such side effects of its activity it's a strange story. The girl clearly had no experience of criminal fraternity or legal justice system (what's the difference?) and appears to have chosen the wrong time to lie according to someone or other who wasn't entirely nobody. It reads like a story from a clumsy late nineteenth century Penitentiary and I'm tempted to remind the discerning public of the realities of our penal institutions in the present day. Having lived in East Suffolk for nearly half a century I'm afraid the world of socially conscious, professionally competent, morally concerned middle class liberal understanding, supposedly the Zeitgeist of my childhood seems to have about as much reality as the Cat in the Hat stories my father used to read me.

I suppose on balance, I'd hazard, from reading between the lines that the Plaintiff was after money.

The leniency with which this Murderer has been treated by Dorset Magistrates makes a mind boggling comparison in that negligently killing a Toddler in my book has to be worth at least a statutory five year sentence and that with much in the way of extenuating circumstances. William Cole for the Mail 19 05 19

Some interesting detail about the involvement of Organised Crime in some of Europe's quaint little Regions by Laura Callaghan for the Express Feb 3

Article About Summary Deportations 1 May Bulman for the Independent Feb 2

Article About Summary Deportations 2 Robert Booth for the Guardian Feb 3

Article about the consequences of Summary Deportations Diane Taylor for the Guardian May 9th (less like leftist social propaganda than usual).

I suppose from the point of view of the average reader it's best to summarise the deportations controversy by pointing out that people have been deported for little more than being caught up in the prevalent prevailing Phoney Beatlemania in the UK's major Urban Centres. Many may not realise how distant these too summary and heavy handed deportations are from the defining social revolution of the 60s and 70's or even from generally held contemporary values. If you consider that persons of significantly Caribbean background aren't particularly good at interpreting and managing official bureaucracy then it makes the proffered excuses for getting rid of people rather weak and to say the least mean spirited. The numbers involved aren't great but in principle the damage done to the British reputation is going to be larger and far more reaching than the hamfisted Tory Bourgeois behind it can have readily appreciated: numbers of people who have been putatively presumed to be British from quite an early age have been dumped in a significantly alien society of which they have little or no experience or understanding and about half a dozen or so have so far been murdered.

Rebbecca Radcliffe for the Guardian on Declining International Respect for Civil Rights 27 11 18

Disturbing Article About Modern Slavery in UK by Kate Hodal for the Guardian feb 2

Article About Holocaust Justice by Dominic Lawson for the Daily Mail: appraisal of Mary Fullbrooks new research Opus 'Reckonings'

Articulates facts about some nebulous presumption of goodwill in what for many is surely the central objection to European Integration: I feel that a more generalised meaningful and worthwhile sort of qualifying remark should strongly posture the suggestion or observation that there is no generally accepted or acceptable version of the Holocaust in historical, academic or political terms and that what we do have is really nothing much more than different Schools of thought about how to analyse and define the conflict which dominated the mid century last among the different nations, societies and individuals caught up in it whether by accident or design.

This Article by Nika Shakhnazarova of May 15th for the Sun about an heiress of German Choco Leibnitz biscuit empire glibly asserting that the Slaves in her wartime family Firm were "well treated" makes an interesting perspective on varying attitudes and conceptions. Whilst it is no doubt a fact that very few of those who probably deserve it will ever obtain any justice and/or compensation for their roles in the Holocaust, there are some interesting facts and figures on the subject in the article in that for instance the Firm claims to have paid over three hundredths of a Penny to twenty million Holocaust victims. It would be interesting to have a better idea of the derivation and reliability of the relatively innocuous facts and figures quoted by Choco Leibniz, since however understandingly it might be viewed, it remains a rather quaint notion that enslaved persons can really be considered "well treated" in any other context than that which compares them to more badly treated Slaves!

Article About Startling Erosion of Public Land Rights by Simon Jenkins for the Guardian 27 04 18

Some Eye Opening Facts About Work Opportunities in the Global Village for Ordinary Folk: Rebecca Ratcliffe of the Grauniad 01 02 19

I suppose quite a few people saw this Refugee situation involving a teenage Saudi Woman Rahaf Mohammed spring up on the Evening News in recent weeks and for me the fact highlighted quite a few issues about Refugees that ought to be clarified. I'm afraid I see a fateful tendency among people who ought to be more responsible for the terms Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee to be used almost interchangeably when they are in fact very different things: this, doesn't help in the construction of worthwhile debate because these terms do refer to very different and in fact opposing concepts. Eastern England and indeed Western Europe in general is a very crowded place nowadays and concerns for example about Crime, Unemployment and Housing can easily lead to some catastrophic misunderstandings in such circumstances. Migrants are rootless individuals looking for work and opportunities to better themselves by attempting to enter the first world by legal or illegal means from continents adjacent to Europe, whereas for instance when the British media calls people travellers, it tends to mean people who live on the road in Caravans and Mobile Homes rather than in one fixed place and are usually ethnically British in general terms. Immigrants are persons who have established permanent or semi permanent abode in the UK on any of various legitimate bases and therefore usually or almost always belong to the category of non ethnic citizens. Refugees are again something quite different in that they are persons in danger of limb and life in their own home countries for reasons deemed by our government to be repressive, unethical and morally unacceptable: they are people who are here taking refuge from tyranny pure and simple.

The fact there is a lot of scope for misunderstanding and resentment in crowded western europe is perhaps what made this spectacle of a teenage girl barricading herself into an Airport Room and demanding sanctuary from yadayadayadayada civilised nations on the six o clock news so interesting and provoked several questions of the sort that have long been left unanswered by an English speaking world that has been preoccupied with major conflicts abroad and political upheavals at home for the last twenty five years. On the one hand was perhaps the presumption at first sight that this was just another teenage girl having the kind of upheaval that teenagers around the world all do, and the thought inevitably arose that it can't be a particularly realistic sort of policy if almost anyone can fish another couple of billion such statistics out of less than half a dozen middle and far eastern nations. I think it quite clear that she is a member of the Saudi Governing Class so I expect to see a few red faces if her case attracts much more publicity: as among other things, the notion that so called civilised nations can protect Saudi Citizens from the Saudi Government doesn't square with the fact of selling billions of pounds worth of military hardware to the same Government ..........

Report on the Rahaf Mohammed Case BBC Website

On the other hand was the interesting spectacle of the relatively unusual phenomenon of a classical case of the ideologically driven Refugee: a young Woman of College Age clearly literate and motivated providing a brief unscripted snapshot of life in the Saudi Kingdom of which we have heard a fair bit about one way or another in recent decades not least because of the vast sums they have been spending purchasing western military hardware from our own emptily moralising Goverments.

This Article by Roy Greenslade for the Guardian from 9th December 2018 demonstrates only too well that we don't have to go as far as the Middle East to find Victims of enormous injustice or Journalists being treated like Criminals: it focuses on handling of some of the final atrocities in Ireland prior to the Good Friday Agreement.

10 03 19 (emended 22 05 19 & 27 10 19)

I became the subject of a Police Raid in the small hours of Friday March first.

They awoke me around 4am saying that someone in the Community Law Centre had complained I had racially abused them and asked me to accompany them to the Station to ask a few questions: upon arriving I was unceremoniously arrested without explanation; thrown in a cell for ten hours & treated like some miscreant on the basis of allegations which remain unspecified; having been thereby worked up into a surly ill humour the next shift then conveyed me to a Mental Hospital across the other side of the County until the following Tuesday afternoon and at no time did I get to see a Lawyer. I didn't have much trouble convincing the Consultant Psychiatrist to release me once I had actually seen him though it remains the case I have little idea what was said about me other than that I was constrained under section two of the Mental Health Acts without explanation after as I say, being successively lied to about wanting to ask questions that were never asked and then placed under arrest without explanation.

I find it firstly disturbing that individuals theoretically supposed to be responsible PolicePersons could lie so cynically and with so little in the way of plausible or reasonable motivation since I had been fast asleep in my own bed and it is a most remarkable sort of circumstance under which to accuse someone of evidencing behaviour with criminal characteristics: I had been drinking that night but was just about lucid, if I hadn't been I would have said so.

There is a fair bit to say which mostly points to the fact that if there exists any genuine immediate rancour in my tone of voice it is rather due to the fact it is members of a given ethnic minority who are extorting my Mother of monies for their negligent management of the Flat in which I have lived for a little in excess of nine years and have it seems been giving out that I have been working on the Property to make up for damage incurred from flooding when a Kitchen overflow pipe had been left blocked and disconnected. I am however not concerned about their ethnic background so much as the allegation they have singlemindedly if perhaps not quite singlehandedly amongst other things, derailed any prospect I might have had of conjuring my personal affairs into some semblance of worthwhile order throughout that time and since and as far as I am aware have told everyone a complete pack of lies about the train of events.

I don't recall making any mention of anything to do with racial issues during my visit on Tuesday 26th February: I reminded the Receptionist that she had spoke of documentary evidence when I visited last August & had tried to recapitulate my position stating sensibly enough surely, that since I had spent something like forty years in the Town, had likely criss crossed the centre about every other day during that time and logically enough would have some trouble in separating various specific legal issues since it is the only appreciable sized Urban Centre for dozens of miles in any direction and matters tend to be even more intertwined than they ordinarily would. I did for instance speak of a high profile Murder Trial underway as the result of a group of youths and/or young men having set upon a local seventeen yr old stabbing him a dozen times but I don't recall mentioning anything that was specifically a racial issue: I made no qualitative remark of any sort and was simply trying to find out what was behind her.

What is for instance of the remark that the Company managing the place are predominantly of first generation Jamaican origin, have at one point almost killed a Polish Toddler and then reneged on an agreement to maintain proper safe Service Standards, are acquaintances of the Murder victims Jamaican family as far as I know, and the only reasonable observation I can proffer in the short term is that it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

I have furthermore been accused of several extraordinary things by another first generation Jamaican Tenant downstairs in the same converted semi including my supposedly having acquired some kind of poisonous gas making machine in an attempt to poison him, he has threatened me in the Street outside though he hasn't been seen for some time now. What is of the remark that he borrowed a Car from a War Veteran acquaintance of mine, ran up most of a thousand pounds worth of speeding fines and then ignored attempts to contact him. This War veteran has volubly regaled various parties with the story of how "a black man" has been photographed speeding in his car and the fact is these various parties including myself want some legal resolution of these problems in Court; he was the only black man who has borrowed his Car so this may be what lies behind the gratuitous complaint and I have to respond that a Community Law Centre should be something more than a pressure group for any particular interest group within or associated with it.

The only result of whatever the gist of her complaint may have been is that there is now that much less worthwhile attention for any sort of genuine victim of racial discrimination and other individuals with genuine grievances about the legal functioning of Society. I first visited the place August 15th last and briefly conversed with two female Receptionists, one of whom was apparently an ethnic Briton in her mid twenties and another whom was a black/african/negro woman of diminutive stature about twenty years of age sporting a Muslim Headscarf. I noted in describing my problem that this latter seemed offended by the presence of someone who appeared white and sounded middle class, she was obstructive and obfuscatory saying I'd need documents prior to a Consultation which now seems false.

For want of a better idea I'm probably going to try and ask my Neighbourhood Watch Group to approach the Law Centre on my behalf since one of the Organisers has a teenage child who accidentally started a Housefire that could have claimed lives quite recently and whilst I haven't asked anybody if this could or ought to be linked to the fact that a few doors away I am having to put up with a Landlord whose Representatives have been continually ignoring observations about safe maintenance and it is hardly an exaggeration to say, terrorising the neighbourhood and extorting from my aged Mother of whom it seems a not unreasonable observation to say that she has less than worthy motives for contriving to seem responsible, but it might seem a not unreasonable question.

Amongst the points that need to be made are firstly that the place was advertised in the normal way, I had little choice but to take it, and did not at any point agree to be unusually responsible for the fact it was not serviced properly. I had thought given the rubbish strewn in it and the abominably filthy derelict condition it was in that the plumbing would have been serviced since I was going to have to undertake thousands of pounds worth of rubbish disposal and cleaning and maintenance before I could make any use of it but the shower failed immediately and it was a month before the plumbing fault was traced & repaired.

In absolute despair at one point I gave this odd job man twenty quid to see if he could get it going as the evidently amateur Maintenance people had made several failed attempts before calling in a qualified Plumber.

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Some months later I was visiting a local Computer Centre a few hundred yards away and the Polish Chap who lived downstairs came bombing down after me saying "Kevin the ceiling's fallen in." Upon hastening back to the Building we discover that I have left a tap running, an easy enough mistake to make, which is why it is mandatory to have overflow pipes fitted but we also discover that it has been left blocked and disconnected and without a functioning overflow pipe the water had spilled onto the floor, taken off the ceiling, smashed up his toddlers Cot and it was a pure fluke that she wasn't in it at the time.

What was/is firstly of the remark that if the Maintenance people had been honest about saying they were skimping on essential maintenance and said we can't be bothered to even carry out basic safety procedures because we know there isn't any kind of legal system to protect Renters from such exploitation and you'll have to spend several hours just to clean and service the pipes around the kitchen sink before using it, I probably would have done, and even if I had then subsequently left the tap on it wouldn't have done any sort of significant damage. The fact was that they had only said " you want to be careful with that a couple of times," whilst nodding around at various hazards in the obscenely filthy Apartment and as I have said before if I had taken this to mean anything I thought it had meant that the disgusting dirty washing machine was full of dirty rank water and would have to be utilised with significant circumspection.

Under any such circumstance the Maintenance People would be in my view legally responsible but in this case not only did they not do the work, then not notify the work hadn't been done, but they actually primed the accident by in effect lying about the condition of the plumbing.

Soon thereafter I put it to the Owner's Son and Representative (One Mr Bernard) that he had been catastrophically underinvesting in the place and what he told me at the time was that he unequivocally did accept blame. I proffered that there were various other tasks that needed doing and that I was quite well equipped to undertake them and that over time I could turn there place into something like showroom condition: he agreed to put up £500 for the materials and a payment or kickback of £20 monthly which strictly speaking was supposed to be indefinite as in effect it would be years before he would have repaid the value of the work or anything like it: that is to say nothing of the inconvenience to myself.

(there are obviously quite a few additional details that need to be added here, perhaps foremostly that at no time have they had any good or legitimate legal reason to speak to my Mother about arrangements )


The Polish Tenants downstairs didn't seem to realise that their was absolutely no possibility of any sort of legal advice or assistance with such a situation despite a constant offensive and too niggling barrage of propaganda to the contrary: I have never ever under any sort of circumstance even once found or heard that if you don't have thousands to play with or a story obviously congenial to the conservative oligarchy which lies behind our legal system, of an individual being greeted with anything other than a fairly curt, thoroughly unmistakeable and fairly threatening message to f**k *ff no matter how appalling the situation. I suppose it is of a somewhat broader relevance that I recall thinking when some meaningful and belated (since it was already signed) discussion of the stipulations of the latest European (Lisbon) Treaty was underway, that there will be at least several million Poles here in five minutes Flat, but this was the first time I unmistakeably assessed that the eastern Europeans I was encountering in increasing numbers in and around the Central Business District in particular, had definitely been sold the Treaty as some great new beginning by German Ideologues as some sort of systematic premeditated strategy.


In seeking to describe the present situation for a Lawyer and/or a Judge I next need to point out that the Jamaican Contractors are very big (six ft plus heavyweights) and that the Polish Gentleman in question was about 5 ft 4, weighed little more than a hundred pounds and his partner wasn't any bigger: he immediately complained that they wouldn't fix anything in his Flat and they left soon thereafter complaining that the Contractors were behaving poisonously which I actually heartily agreed with. They didn't seem to understand what I have painfully learned over the years with regard the functioning of British Law in that they wrongly seemed to have deduced that I was somehow helping the Contractors/Mr Bernard/whomever is with/behind them as a matter of some sort of choice when the truth was rather that he was very arguably the last person in the Borough I wanted to do any business with.


I thought I had managed to constructively broker some sort of sensible agreement and when I subsequently put his Cousin up for a few weeks, I thought I was being helpful in saving him money in that he seemed to have related that he was spending his Minimum/Living wage earnings quite pointlessly on temporary rentals, I was cooking most days and had facilities he found useful and hard to come by on temporary work and so on; he then tried to take over having given every impression of wanting to share the place permanently and when he was finally escorted off the Premises, he had wasted a lot of time, failed to come up with even the modest contributions toward daily living expenses over the agreed month or perhaps two, and seems to have helped himself to a memory chip from my Camera. Mr Sierdjac, the original Polish Tenant also at this moment in time also owes me a not altogether insignificant amount of money for a hand held electronic device.

I have to admit that I got the impression that certain of the Christian fraternity whom it seems had helped sabotage my attempt to administer my Father's Estate were somehow involved in passing off some false or confusing version of events in which I get pauperised by the State and they get to tell their reactionary conservative friends that these sort of shiftless and venial Welfare Claimants are penitently and self sacrificingly working to amend their worthless ways (to be clarified if possible).

I'm quite a helpless mark as I've been at some pains to point out and maligning me is obviously an easier road to favour with such conservative forces than castigating the Nation's Landlords whom if statistics are to be believed number many tens of thousands of individuals illegally profiteering with an impunity that is near absolute.


In contrast to what they seem to have put about the Letting Agents and/or their Contractors have not only not contributed anything to the cleanup of the garden of the Property and its exterior/interior fabric: they have in fact been a completely counterproductive nuisance and this situation has now written off any chance I may have had of a late life career. The fact they turned up here completely pointlessly on the day I was due to try and defend myself in Court and were seeking to further various sorts of misunderstanding put me right off being able to manage any sort of conversation in Court later that day.


Little would give me greater pleasure than to see them get a proper bill for all the work done but it also needs to be said that I will not be happy with less than a six figure sum in compensation for the mischief done to my personal affairs in that for example it remains the case in 2019 that I have had no washing facilities for about three years. Since I have no resources or and arguably no genuinely well intentioned friends or family, this is a huge handicap to any sort of constructive activity.


I'd be very surprised if an investigation didn't reveal to some extent the place had been used as a mailing address by health tourists and illegal immigrants with ready cash and few or no questions asked.


What happened was that he rapidly put the Rent up or that is to say someone from their Office did and they then continued to ignore representations to the effect that this was unacceptable and that they had by any reckoning engaged not to do anything of the sort. They then commenced threatening my Mother and related to the Borough Council that I wasn't paying the Rent and when I explained the situation to them they accused me of Fraud despite the fact it is as far as I know perfectly legal for me to accept as much as ten pounds weekly without having to declare it. At this point they ignored everything I said to them knowing that I was unable to use the Flat without adding to the thousands of pounds worth of cleaning and maintenance I had undertaken so as to how much the Rent actually was at that point was entirely a matter of opinion among various interested parties. I have got a couple of notes about my having earned a total of thirtyish on one occasion in attempting a Delivery Services Project and a twenty on another since I moved to this location. The reason I haven't yet filed those with the DWP isn't for want of trying in that I haven't as yet got an email address I can report to. When I last reported early in 2018 I had done a couple of days work on a Building Project nearby, they asked me to fill out a form about 'the job' and I consequently forgot about another odd couple of very minor payments I'd had prior to it. It hasn't seemed a particularly urgent matter to get this up to date as for instance I need to clarify matters relating to the fact I didn't get paid for the Courier Work my Father had financed before his death and there is also some question about the Jobcentre Staff monkeying around with my Claim in 2012.

It abbreviates a few relevant circumstances to say I had then made several specific unmistakeable notifications that the Kitchen Taps were again malfunctioning when exactly the same thing happened again so I reckon it a legal fact that I am neither reasonably to blame, nor legally liable, for either of these flooding occurrences.

The idea was to make a cramped environment work to maximum efficiency: hundreds of people walk past these highly visible taps every day and almost all of them tend to assume that what they are looking at has been properly serviced and isn't like a rotten apple in a Barrel.

Whilst there are many details that are going to have to be related what is generally of the fact that I had just been robbed of the entirety of the value of my Father's Will, the Police insist my reports about it weren't reports because of some technicality, there was and is no-one to help with any of it and there was absolutely no help available with this specific matter. Despite years and years of being hunched over my Computer writing letters of complaint to various parties and letters to Solicitors I have had nothing but vile, deceitful, contemptuous abuse in return.

Having been awoken in the small hours I had expected to be back within a couple of hours or so on the basis of what was said when awakened and didn't even have underwear or my mobile phone so the incident became something of a nuisance in that I had to ask people for favours in picking things up for me over the weekend as I got nothing but vague information about when the Consultant might be willing or able to rescind the order if he could be found and so persuaded. Beyond apologising to these friends and neighbours I am able to do little as for instance among the few matters which are clear is that I have been run into the ground with decades of composing what is in principle the same simple plaintive remark about the legal advice I have had. Given suspicions that this obtuseness on the part of specifically Local Authorities isn't as it were an entirely natural or random sort of coincidence I was quite taken aback to find that the Consultant actually did seem to know what I was talking about to some extent in referring to my situation. I did find time to say that it was only within the last few years, and rather from reading between the lines of my experiences since I had firstly asked for some temporary time off, on Sickness Benefit in 2002 and had not asked for some strange diagnosis or other, in respect of it having been the case I had laboured diligently and thanklessly for several years prior to that time in 2002 with family affairs afflicted with more serious sorts of criminal behaviour on the part mostly of my paternal half brother, and the apparently deliberate attempt to misinterpret my diagnosis of the "most serious sort of neurological disorder" in my Father's Cousin.

Despite the fact this was a particularly clever piece of medical diagnosis no-one except John French himself has congratulated me for making it. It had after all been something his own GP in his own home town had disastrously failed to pick up on. I'm really rather keen to hear from his ex Partner and any other close family he may have had not least in view of the fact I felt he had clearly nominated me as the heir to his last worldly possessions.

I have to put it that Norfolk and Suffolk Health Authority's Mental Health Services are very ill reputed as far as various branches of the Health Service are concerned.

The Case of my Friend Christopher Schonbeck who was taken against my Will (and his as I understand it) from my Flat and then found dead whilst being "treated" some years ago now remains entirely unanswered. He is now one of many odd such cases on a list which commenced with Conrad Payne back in the early eighties and it unfortunately seems isn't going to stop growing any time soon. What is sadly of the suspicion that someone connected with Social Services somewhere, has been trying to bang ideological square pegs into round political holes, with little thought for the individuals involved: it is no real exaggeration to say what they all have in common is that they had notably expressed more serious sorts of criticisms of New Labour's Ipswich Borough Council but in my view a relevant and meaningful observation .

I cannot add anything of consequence further to what I have repeated for some years now in respect of my Mental Health and the matter cannot be elucidated further without legal advice of some sort unless it can be agreed that my own evolved diagnosis of Dissociative Amnesia since prior to my Father's death should be viewed as correct. It may not be quite a literal fact in certain respects but it is profoundly sinister that the Borough Council Authority should have supervised the theft of the value of my Father's Will leaving me penniless and completely at the mercy of people who are little more than Street Criminals, then leaving the County Council to suggest I am spontaneously mentally ill for some inexplicable reason.

There is no legal basis for any discussion or negotiation around the fact of my Father's Will and any attempt by parties other than myself to engage in such is profoundly illegal. So dear PolicePersons, why have I had to surrender anything of value appertaining? Because you have been ignoring complaints about him that's why! Of course it also goes without saying that in an increasingly tense and crowded Borough this couldn't possibly be anything to do with the Murders of Rosie Hunt, Desmond Thorpe, Tavis Spenser-Aitken or the deaths of Conrad Payne, Alistair Barrow and Christopher Schonbeck. The spectre of an ideologically bankrupt political opposition looms large in a Town that has had a Labour Council for as long as most can remember: people have been pushing too much Phoney Beatlemania and they're not interested enough in the communities they represent (if only by default) and the people they claim to be helping.

I'm tempted to reiterate something about the dangers inherent to a society that engages in excessive self deception: I was talking to a yadayadayada black friend/acquaintance of mine some time ago now and am still musing over the questions he posed in asking why so many of his contemporaries has died young from specific sorts of social and medical problems and among a few points of interest he did state himself that it was a good question as to why people who had come here to fill up the lower end of the labour market should be in so many cases expectant of something so much more or better than that which tends to appertain to the social and political interests of lower ranking blue collar families. I believe I tended to suggest that for instance they cannot differentiate between for example a significant legitimate political message or dialogue and routine propaganda as easily as most, and that because of the ethnic nature of the conflicts of mid century last there are a lot of how you say rabble rousers around trying to posture concern for the poor in Society when they are all too often just trying to pointlessly stir up trouble/discontent, often of the less worthy sort, and for their own benefit with little thought for anyone else's. I think I was trying to get it across that middle class western european society tends to demand the degree of literacy and conversational ability of its six and seven year olds as is considered adult by the children of the Windrush generation: what is of observing that the third and fourth generations seem to have a better or more accurate idea of the significance of such disparities in relative cultural sophistication.

I am reminded of a case I read about a few months ago when a fourteen yr old male youth of Immigrant Jamaican descent had been shot through the head in a London School Yard whilst under the best sort of red flagged status protection that Social Services can give and for instance much as I don't want to sound like Enoch Powell, I don't think we should underestimate the capacity for social breakdown and disorder when parties have such widely varying assumptions and expectations about the extent to which the State is or should be involved in Crime and Community issues; especially when Politicians seek to convince people that such Services are of worthwhile quality when they are rather subject to all sorts of contrasting interpretations and criticisms, dismissed by many responsible parties as socially unrealistic or materially impractical. The role and function of Social Services in such matters is much more speculative than is usually assumed by the average statistic; especially for instance middle class statistics who don't have much experience of such mental problems as are comparatively routine on working class Council Estates, where for instance drug addiction rates among impoverished younger singletons and working class families frequently reach double figures. Such Mental Health Services as there are tend to act as a buffer between such troubled or shall we say socially challenged individuals, and the Criminal Justice System and on the basis of what I've seen I don't tend to estimate its capacity to undertake much more sophisticated tasks than that and perhaps not least in view of the speculative nature of Psychology as a science. It does seem apt to point out that in many cases this is a consequence of the Criminal Justice System's inflexibility, in view of the fact for instance that it is almost impossible to undo an intrigue that has actively or negligently been fostered by a Solicitor on some basis, and which is also for example to say that the whole weight of the CJS is brought to bear on an individual frequently on the basis of nothing more than the fact some obsequious Lawyer didn't like the individual in question. More, shall we say Middle Class characters having mid life relationship crises or young single people having semi trendy fits of drug addictions or slimming syndromes are according to my understanding of social and statistical reality, just as likely to fall victim to some resentful lefty levellerist on a revenge trip as they are to encounter any useful diagnosis or palliative therapy in any sense.

It's a point I feel particularly strong about and I don't think it somehow a racial or ethnic issue in any sense, certainly not in the way we have typically considered how you say multiculturalism in the earlier post war era. It's of course easy enough to say and many of those who opine freely will no doubt have relatively unworthy motives for so doing, but I really, really do think that we are storing up the worst kind of social problems by compressing such large urban populations together. So many people of all walks of life and ethnic background now live in a cramped concrete environment from birth to death and the present knife crime epidemic could easily be the mere foreshadowing of what is to come when the Politicians have so little to offer beyond more empty promises and flawed suggestions. There is a dangerous smug and complacent air wafting around Westminster as far as these issues are concerned and I have to pose the question where is it all going to end?

There is after all no particular divinely ordained reason why the UK Murder rate shouldn't multiply until it resembles those in Papua, Mexico or the Philippines.

So many Politicians on the national stage have abandoned the post war themes of social justice and centralised statism whilst pursuing profitable Victorian economic rationalisations that it resembles a stampede of african ungulates and so few seem to have a genuinely accurate grasp of sociological realities. Amber Rudd's continual confident and clumsy assertions that her business and landowner friends are being pauperised by unscrupulous welfare claimants is a very disturbing symptom of this kind of blindness. It is even more disturbing that she actually seems to believe a lot of what she comes out with and I can only assume she hasn't seen much of the country's sordid underbelly: of course she isn't alone in this. The political nation generally seems oblivious to the gathering storm clouds and scripting another lame duck Labour Government with an unambitious social agenda seems to be the only sort of vague strategy the establishment has for developing its contemporary american style state minimism: in terms of assessing our hallowed democracy lets not forget there has been only one Labour Government in forty years and it was a complete patsy for the Military-Industrial complex .

The notion of a worthwhile functioning democracy has to be called into very serious question from such a perspective.

There is a genuinely huge and hazardous gulf of misunderstanding between the cosy ecological radicalism of the David Attenboroughs, the nebulous contemporary culturalism of Luckless Parsnip and Mole Olivier and the urban communities of the major conurbations. There are now no Ethnically British communities in Inner London, a huge logistically maintained underclass has taken its place and for those who don't make it in Soccer or Boxing, little realistically remains as a plausible way out except via the burgeoning black economy in Drugs and Prostitution. The only wildlife people are going to engage with are rats, pigeons, seagulls, and maybe the odd dangerous tropical snake illegally maintained in some cramped tomb of a grubby magnolia daubed social housing bedroom full of diesel particulates.

The Mind Boggles

Fresh obscenity courtesy of the Daily Mail

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I know just how she feels

It recapitulates briefly to say that what is of the remark that the quality of information that seems to have accrued on my personal medical record appears to represent almost pure inventive fiction and that my GP and associated Health Workers have only made matters worse by acting upon it/them. I put it to the Consultant as I have been seeking to put it to a Lawyer, that it has only been within the last few years that I had deduced that my Father's fourth or fifth Partner during my Schooldays had managed to effect the impression that I was some kind of a shiftless wannabee rent boy character instead of a thoroughly well behaved victim of irresponsible parents, which was clearly the story I thought had been accepted way back in the seventies. He and his Assistant did seem to agree that it didn't require an enormous imagination to consider how either sort of story could be made up, from the same or a similar few facts, which perhaps represented some progress.

I even thought he overheard me considering a mention of this little story since what seems to have prompted my Arrest and Committal is some prejudicial propagandistic fear of criticising members of ethnic minorities despite the fact I didn't mention anything about certain parties being of any specific interest group: I did tend to suggest I thought that at least in very general terms the Landlord's affinity were/is acquainted with the family of a recently murdered teenager young Mr Spencer-Aitken who's Mother was pushing him around in a Pram when I moved into Stoke Park Estate with my Father over the winter 2001-2.

about a 77 yr old Asian ex Mayor of Coventry working as a Bus Driver who'd worked over two hundred hours in the fortnight prior to him killing two by crashing into a Supermarket, whereupon, it was discovered that he'd got Dementia and would be unable to stand trial for a Criminal Offence.

11 04 19 (emended 28 03 19 and 05 05 19)

There is no means by which the Local Area Health Authority can now be seen to responsibly tell the truth about my Case not least in seeking to agree with what I have always said forty years after I first said it!

More Newspicks 18 04 19 (emended & ongoing)

I see someone has finally been convicted of the killings of Nicola Fellows and Karen Hadaway "Babes in the Wood," from 1986: unfortunately however, much as I'd like to think the families might have some justice and closure from a terrible ordeal, I really feel I have to point out that my Solicitor has been assuring me since 1985, and without qualification or reservation, that there is "no such thing as a Sex Offender," so there has obviously been some appalling mistake, and what is even more unfortunately of asserting that the original verdict will have to be reinstated.

Mail Online Article 10 Dec 2018

Have you seen this man?

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Guardian Article on Home Secretary's Criminal Records Proposals

I do think Mr Javid is right to examine the question in general but in view of what happened to my Father's Estate I tend to suggest there ought to be more transparency in the process not less, in that it seems to have been the case that PolicePersons had no understanding of the character of my paternal half brother because in 2009 he'd been out of Prison for more than three years not that the experience had at all abated his unfailing predilection for poisonous, destructive and thievish behaviour. The issue clearly ought to be examined from several different perspectives as a broad social matter of legitimate general public concern and interest so to speak but I have to reiterate that events in the several years prior to the dated official document below had left me in a completely ruinous state which by 2009 hadn't improved at all and nothing could have been more stupid than for the Borough's Employees to have let him rifle the place and then lied about it which actions were completely in contravention of his Will in any respect and left me with nothing but and left me with nothing but years and years and years more completely undeserved trouble than that which he and strangely uncritical social services had already caused.

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Despicable is the word ! Not just for my paternal half brother but also for all those officials who have made such an unparalleled magnitude of destructive insult out of the relatively small recompense he had sought to make me in that he had really brought me nothing but disaster after disaster even abusing personal trust several notches beyond any measure of decency.

Is there any point in reiterating that the narrative tends to bear out the suggestion he was/had been blackmailed and that it was an unusually large and supposedly meaningful apology that he sought to convey to me personally perhaps more than anything else?

This is what makes my being locked up on the pretence of being helpfully treated so unreservedly sinister ! The Norfolk and Suffolk UnHealth DisTrust have got plenty of input on the subject of what lies between my ears in order to respond meaningfully to the assertions I have made in respect of Dissociative Amnesia and they have had for over a decade. They don't need to detain, observe or interview me any more than they already have and the suggestion they have any good or legitimate reason to is utterly beyond the pale of any civilised society.

There certainly is some cause to clarify matters somewhat in respect of the fact I have found among all my other contemporary troubles that I cannot easily do without the extra fifty quid a week I get from claiming Sickness Benefit. Whilst I am reasonably confident the State's medical Support Services have clearly been seen to be so curiously politically motivated amongst neighbours and local society in general as to be able to count on their concurrence of its worthlessness and inaccuracy in every other respect than the merely financial, I feel I have been reasonably on the Ball in my exchanges with the GP's Office/Surgery and that there is perhaps some tacit admission on their part that there is something more sinister at hand than dysfunctionally bungled politically aligned or motivated sorts of differing interpretations as are often quite routine if rarely in such enormous magnitude. Lets just say for instance that among all my other difficulties and the usual seasonal demands made by the management of Urban Gardens that I manage to find time to find out who was legally responsible for my summary incarceration over the first weekend of March, imagine that I got copies of all relevant documents and found for instance that there weren't enough Doctors present to make the Committal legal if by some unlikely chance I could find some kind of amenable informed character or relevant Official of some sort whom might be willing to relate the necessary particulars, whom would I then talk to about it as there clearly is no way of making any sort of formal complaint or intercession in respect of the event?

I feel I have given a clear account of ongoing attempts to acquire some sort of meaningful legal advice in relation to my status as far as the State's medical Doctor/General Practitioner and NHS Staff adjunctive to that Office are concerned.

What was comparatively recently of having deduced that a rather dysfunctional and supercilious sort of disingenuous non response to an enormous magnitude of relevant correspondence particularly at around the time my Father was actually dead had been intended as an insult to the effect that you're just a low person with violent antisocial tendencies seeking to thieve from parents and respectable people by one means or another and don't expect us to waste our time on you was the sort of message I had been expected to understand, so more recently my attempts to elicit some sort of constructive justice from the powers that be have been focused on Lawyers as we see. Over the Winter of 16-17 I had queried what had been some niggling continual haemorrhoidal irritation with a middle aged Englishwoman I was almost startled to see. The Surgery in question has had a dysfunctionally significant turnover of staff in recent years and I have for instance little idea as to what extent people employed there find this consequent of the agonies of European disintegration: she was able to provide me with the opinion I had requested as to the presumption there was nothing more serious in evidence such an enlarged Prostate Gland.

When I last attended the GP's Surgery shortly b4 Christmas 17 I had thought not least perhaps in view of the suggestion my Case is if considered in Psychological terms, perhaps of some unusual political sensitivity that I would see the same GP: it seems to be the Case that Case Notes are adjusted as and when the outcome or subject of Appointments is or has been addressed and that the Surgery appears to consider it appropriate Policy to see any GP enrolled by the Practice, whom, are apparently required to appraise the particulars of an Appointment from said Case Notes which is I suppose most would tend to observe, seems rather counterproductive to the sort of assumptions traditionally made about the role of a family GP.

What was however of having undergone an exchange with a Middle Eastern Doctor, whom was apparently as least as disturbed by what I had to say as I was by what he had.

I think we both found the encounter quite salutary even if it was not immediately obvious as he related to me that various diagnoses of strange mental dysfunction I was attempting to decline as my Father sank into the immedicable condition of a painfully spectral cancerous metastatic lung cancer victim throughout 2008, were considered incurable conditions; since I am and have been for some time significantly preoccupied with seeking for explanations as to why I should have been conveyed such insult and inconvenience by the local Constabulary I took this to mean that persons ascribed with such diagnosis were considered generally unworthy and shouldn't for example have any time wasted on them by Solicitors wanting public money on some basis or other or PolicePersons with time to better spend on approved citizens.

I forget what the precise reason was that I had made that particular Appointment but I do recall that I had asked him for two things: firstly was the presumption that he should have had enough input to comply with the request that the formal reason for my being in receipt of Sickness Benefit or its modern equivalent in the form of Employment and Support Allowance should be recorded as Dissociative Amnesia.

There is clearly some basis here for a discussion of the way Health Professionals evaluate certain conditions borderline to legitimate NHS Concern in that for instance some retarded individuals do fit in to the community. They may struggle with complex tasks and making effective appraisals of the nature of adult social reality but they do often struggle through and whether by luck, chance or something like an effectively supporting family, fit into mainstream society without formal intervention on the part of Mental Health Services who may be asked to evaluate an individual in for instance a sordid, toxic or merely dysfunctional familial situation. Such a remark as the astute and insightful Health Professional has to use his or her own judgement in such cases holds true in the remark that some people have been violently traumatised to the extent that they do exhibit severe dysfunction like blotting out memories for innocent reasons, sometimes whilst seeming to be ignoring justifiable suspicions and accusations, and for instance that this can be the case without them knowing it, and furthermore what is equally clearly of the assertion that in some cases and situations it should be accepted as a specific medical situation in for example, the same way as a badly set broken bone can lead to a long term deformity!

It very much seems to be the case that I was badly savaged as a child in some kind of traumatic domestic situation, that it was then disguised and the fact I didn't become aware this was the explanation for certain phenomena until I was well into my forties, has clearly caused certain specific misunderstandings perhaps foremostly that I seem to be ignoring subliminal sorts of comments about behaviour more routinely than I should when the fact is that I've rather learned and/or been forced to make a pretence of friendly listening at such an early age as I haven't learnt to recognise it as unusual in later life.

This in respect of obvious questions about the extent to which the State should or should not be involved in such aspects of the private Citizen's existence inasmuch as for example, if someone's an Aids victim gone mental cutting their wrist in a crowded town centre TakeAway, then it definitely lies within the purview of such publicly funded provision as exists for medical emergencies, to do something about it, whereas for instance, if someone's pricked their thumb on a sewing needle and calls 999 they should in fact be ignored!

I secondly asked the Middle Eastern Doctor if he could book me in for some Liver Function tests as I had been told some years ago when Hepatitis C first became a significant talking point in contemporary domestic health news that it would be a good idea to have these done occasionally. He had seemed oddly freaked by both these requests saying, "I can't give you a Sick Note." As if it were some shocking revolutionary suggestion I had postured right out of the blue: as I saw it I was only asking for what was then the supremely obvious. Such a remark is the only one that I can understand and as far as I know is the only one that makes any sense to friends, neighbours, acquaintances and the Community in general. he seems to have sent me out some forms for things early in 2018 but I didn't get around to any serious attempt to decipher them as for instance I had no idea why they had been sent and was already up to my neck in attempting to order my Library of books and documents in two small & badly maintained rooms with bad plumbing and no washing facilities.

This remained the situation over a year later and I have made a number of meaningful entries recounting my attempt to seek legal advice about these situations.

If I haven't yet related these encounters To the Practice Manager despite having for instance asserted to the Cameronian Watchdog Body for investigating such Welfare Claims in the New Year that I would, it is because the conclusions relating to these situations and the development of my Case seem so obvious that they can now be reasonably taken for granted. If the Health Service is going to go to the inconvenience of awarding me Sickness Benefit surely it rather defeats the point of doing so to confuse perceptions as to why, or, for that matter to simply lie about the reason(s) for it.

What, is of the assertion at this present time, that the money I claim to live on and pay the Rent, is being largely wasted on a Landlord whom has found a near complete ignorance of any legislation that might have compelled him to spend money maintain the place I have been forced to live in to a genuinely useful or legal standard, that the cost of my Benefits has been and is of little value to anyone else whilst this situation endures, and that my Mental Health is really firstly dependent (as surely would anyone's) on having some success in engineering a reversal of this particular situation in respect of the place I am forced to call home.

Having said all that I can now/then make some meaningful description of what I encountered in Bury Mental Hospital and I'll try to keep that down to a few salient observations to add to the assertion that there was no good reason for me to have been there and unfortunately however that in itself isn't the only or perhaps not even the most serious of circumstances appertaining which are without reservation or qualification entirely and profoundly sinister.

I was glad to see there seemed to be some awareness of the dangers posed by viral hepatides in such a close environment: the rate at which Hepatitis C as it is now called has permeated western european populations, subsequent to the boost given by WW2 to the practice of enthusiastically transfusing, intermittently crops up in Health Analyses and it isn't much of an exaggeration to call it an epidemic. They say that disease has always been a great leveller and one side effect of this hidden epidemic is interestingly that it makes the Job of the Ward Cleaners arguably more important than that of the highest paid Consultant or Administrator.

Mark Duell's Article for the MailOnline of the 2nd May this year points not only to some fairly slapdash ideological assumptions about moral propriety in the application of free medicine, but also to a fairly shabby unwillingness to confess serious faults on the part of Health Service Managers and Policy Makers

If anything the Case of Della Ryness-Hirsch and her fight to protect her Son from being treated with American Blood Products in George Martin's Article for the MailOnline of 9th May this year is even more outrageous.

She had managed to ensure, a senior medic had told her and her husband in 1985, he was the only child at the Great Ormond Street Hospital Haemophilia Unit that did not test positive for HIV: the Article doesn't say specifically that it was there that he contracted the Hepatitis C which subsequently killed him but it seems to be what the Article infers: comparatively little was known about HCV in the eighties (Compare Hepatitis A &B) as it was still considered an innocuous unclassified group of Organisms.

A third Major Inquiry is underway the first two having been branded a Whitewash.

That something both unusual and dishonest was taking place might seem to have been arguably evidenced by the presence of a young Lithuanian man who'd been presented with a severely autistic Son, apparently whilst still a Teenager, in that he seemed to be rather coincidentally seeking to gloss over an aggressive affinity for martial arts and an assertive presentation of adult personality by saying that he had Asperger's Syndrome rather than some other less complimentary behavioural condition or other, and in pointing at the question of the way diagnoses are fixed on people and corruption in Ipswich's liberal establishment, I tend to assert that it seemed evidentially supportive of the assertion that certain persons involved in said local establishment are and have been for some decades now, seriously involved in ignoring facts that don't fit their romantic liberal inventions. I don't know what exactly his problem actually may have been or how his Case played out but it was an interesting coincidence, not least in view of the fact his permanent residence is also nearby in North Ipswich and his preoccupations/presentiments seemed to chime with observations I had made about the putative legal and political assumptions made by the Poles I encountered in the Flat below when I moved here in 2010: he was clearly appalled by the magnitude of the task of coping with an autistic Son and at least seemed to be making some sort of mental effort to confront the enormousness of such a responsibility though also perceptibly afflicted by Brexit insecurities.

The characters in the place were fairly predictable sorts of individuals to find in such a place: a saucy Grandmother with some kind of domestic problem trying to live life like the script of some Carry On Film from back in her twenties; a satanic looking girl in her late teens or early twenties with long brown hair in a Celtic Style and some kind of domestic trouble she didn't disclose; a large bespectacled eastern european gentleman with a suspicious complection who seemed to be doing his best to appreciate the Pax Brittanicus with as much significant good humour as his poverty racked demeanour could muster and several more such petty social dramas ..............

If I felt less ill at ease away from Ipswich than I have for many years now in trying to extract any sort of reaction from Social Services or a GP that wasn't hostile, insulting, negative and deceitful containing an implicit message to the effect that I'm just a petty nuisance sort of Crook and why don't I F*** O** then it only serves to underline that I am a victim of some kind of character assassination on the part of New Labour Wannabees who couldn't face up to the fact it would seem their self interested scripts fell apart (at around the time John Lennon was assassinated).

Among the facts I cite as evidence this is true is the fact that the Labour Party in the last General Election for the Constituency of Ipswich changed horses about two weeks before the last General Election in 2016. A Yorkshireman David Ellesmere who lives within a stone's throw had apparently resigned in favour of the Son of a Scots Actor one Sandy Martin and my view is uncompromisingly that this was to evade allegations of corrupt behaviour: much as I don't want to find myself making such sensational allegations I don't really see that I have much choice.

Puzzled by Consultant's interest in my Mother's opinions since she claims to be innocently and catastrophically mistaken about every major disaster in my personal history and all that consists of is a series of disasters ................

More Newspicks

This Article about the Genocide of Indigenous Peoples in Australia provides some interesting background information to current upheavals in the vicinity of SE Asia

I remember my Grandmother telling me about the Oombulgurri Massacre   and the real Kevin knows what she said ...........

22 04 19

Phoney Tony at it Again? In a report published by his Institute for Global Change he warned that migrants "have a duty" to integrate themselves more in British society as the country faces a rise in "far-right bigotry".

I thought I had made this quite plain and it really ought to be generally understood!

A Migrant is a transitory Individual, an individual or come to that an Animal on the move: so why does Tony feel they have a duty to integrate, and if they are on the move how are they going to do that? He clearly meant to say Immigrant or so One tends to imagine, but if you thought that was bad listen to this. Blair writes: "Over a significant period of time, including when we were last in government, politics has failed to find the right balance between diversity and integration. On the one hand, failures around integration have led to attacks on diversity and are partly responsible for a reaction against migration."

Quite what that is supposed to mean I do not know..........

"We make it clear that there is a duty to integrate, to accept the rules, laws and norms of our society that all British people hold in common and share, while at the same time preserving the right to practise diversity, which is fully consistent with such a duty."

In the first place everyone who already lives here has a perfect right to disintegrate and it isn't genuinely within the purview of Politicians to offer meaningful interaction between immigrants, citizens, subjects and residents of a nation which is, especially in the south, increasingly cramped and tense! In the second, to say that we can practise diversity at the same time as holding common norms, values, laws and customs, is really a contradiction in terms: blah woffle nargs drone etc. It's patronising specious nonsense, if not quite complete gibberish, the terms used are far too vague to really mean anything and if it is genuinely well meaning, it far too arguably does more harm than good: quite frankly in many respects there isn't anything wrong with the remark that if Tony isn't willing to let 'em camp down in his back garden he might as well wrap up.

Bigotry ?!!?!?? Come off it ! How does he expect people are going to react to this sort of aimless nonsense!

In seeking to make some kind of honest worthwhile comment it seems apt to say that the integration metaphor was never really valid, whilst it may have symptomised some goodwill on the part of may in the few decades immediately subsequent to WW2, it unfortunately isn't really true that individuals can integrate into an alien society. To integrate something applies to machinery and it means having things running together, such as in the machines in a factory having an integrated Computer Management System so that the machinery the lighting and the heating can be controlled from a single desktop.

The semantic truth is that people cannot really integrate into an alien society without changing it into something else.

Here's an interesting story about social media and direct action having a real effect: I tend to agree the Establishment in question handled the matter badly but the Article makes no mention of what was actualy to blame for the Dog's death and I would certainly have expected at least an immediate phone call if my Animal started showing symptoms of illness.

Dublin Woman finds Husky Dead After Three Days in Kennels (Jessica Green for the MailOnline)

Uncle Sam obfuscating (that's not a swear word) the Global Litter Pickup by Sandra Laville for the Grauniadian

Insightful and Informative Article of 17th April about changing Land Ownership in England by Rob Evans for the Gordian goes with Guy Shrubsole's of 19th April, also for the Gradient, about secretive Companies hoarding Land

Spooky Article of 23rd April about the cost of dying in Hong Kong by Rob Evans for the Grauniad

Espresso a lack of respect for the Government is now a Crime in Russia (Gondorian Article by Marc Bennetts from March 6th)

Deutsche Bank faces action over $20bn Russian money-laundering scheme

This is an interesting one to try and get your head round if Brexit and the Knife Crime Epidemic haven't provoked a discernible deliberation of Crime Issues (Luke Harding for the Guardian April 17th).

24 04 19

I suppose I did see more Pheasant than usual around and about this week.

If I were superstitious I might suggest it was presaged by a story I read recently about how a retiring Derbyshire Cop had been (in effect) killed by one when it flew into his Motorcycle. It reminds me of a comment I have eventually come up with as the result of meeting a young Animal Rights Advocate when I first encountered the phenomenon of Social media in its earlier forms back in the nineties, which consists of the remark that whilst the farming of animal species for food is clearly cruel in many respects, it is also true that without the meat industry many animals would never get to have any kind of a life at all.

What kind of horrible, person, would deprive so many poor little animals of the right to breathe the polluted air and see the Sun's smog blotted chiaroscuro? It doesn't bear thinking about! Whilst I may have certain reservations about the kind of mind that is attracted to hunting and killing for sport this sort of point is paradoxically valid.

Emer Scully's Article for the MailOnline says that According to Heath Hatcheries the Animal Rights Action has killed these Animals even quicker than the Hunting Industry was planning to.

Other environmental stories from Suffolk this month include:

Coked Shrimps at the BBC

Coked Shrimps courtesy of the EADT

It would seem that Drug Use is not just a phenomenon confined to immigrants and the poor in sprawling urban housing estates: Prof Nic Bury's study tends to suggest the better off rural communities are getting through their share.

26 04 19

Butterflywatch is getting better results this year

But my resident Swifts haven't yet made it back despite having been permanent residents for almost a decade

According to Robin Page's Article for the Mail On Sunday of May 5th this year this may be due to Industrial Scale Netting practices in the Nile Valley.

What Price an Olive?

Phoebe Weston Science Correspondent for the Independent similarly bemoans clumsy Andalusian harvesting practices May 16th

Intermittent Stories about the lack of Civil Rights in Saudi Society Emanating from the Kingdom: Jessica Green's Article for the Mail of 25th April 2019

For the Daily Mirror by Tom Davidson April 23rd

Samuel Osborne's Article for the Independent this year covering the fallout from the Death of Italian Student Giulio Regeni apparently killed by Egyptian Security raised quite a few diplomatic eyebrows in 2016 and is a salutary one for those thinking of presently doing any sort of research in the Middle East.

13 05 19

Article on the changing Tactics of Criminal Gangs by Abdul Taher for the Mail on Sunday May 12th reports that Police Forces (unsurprisingly) reckon that the problem needs more Money. Again, I say as I say to Lawyers in describing ideological preconceptions about Crime, I don't think throwing money at the problem is the first best perspective in which the phenomenon should be examined.

In very short it seems apt to say that if more people had confidence that Society was being run respectably and responsibly by the powers that be we wouldn't be facing a Crime Epidemic in the first place. To elaborate somewhat on that it seems supremely relevant to say, that there is a big difference between persecuting unscrupulous and/or aberrant behaviour in a basically civilised society, which is what the economically successful lead us to believe is the job of Law and order institutions, and/or persecuting odd, almost randomly selected statistics for little more than propagandistic purposes in an attempt to keep order, in a world where if not most, certainly many, in fact believe onrushing progress and human greed have become effectively uncontrollable, epecially those who don't have enough money or wherewithal of one sort or another to be happy about.

A further concomitant question seems to be to the effect how is your dippy local Councillor going to control people like these Drug Firm Giants manipulating the cost of medicine Megan Sheets for the Daily Mail on Drug Companies profiteering in the US

According to quite a few Articles cropping up recently our Law and Order Institutions are increasingly outnumbered by professional criminals. Lizzie Dearden Home Affairs Correspondent for the Independent May 15th on National Crime Agency warning that the threat from organised crime is growing and evolving at breakneck speed as specialist criminals freelance for gangs across the country.

14 05 19

(note iro certain local and accommodation issues another resident has a relevant looking parking mishap over the last weekend )

See a lot of stories cropping up about atrocities from the modern Irish Troubles!

What is of supposing that oneself isn't the only individual perhaps finding it less than the easiest of matters to concur with some of what is being turned up about the conduct of British Soldiers. I think it reasonably abbreviates much to say that in my view these stories can only lead back to question marks about some of the more significantly influential characters on the national stage at the time, in looking at the role they played in firstly surrendering to the view that putting troops on the streets of Ulster was a necessity, and secondly in giving them the kind of brief that they had, since what is being said more openly in the last few years has added up to nothing less than the admission that young men hardly out of their teens had fairly wantonly gunned down statistics almost entirely at random: and on more than just a few isolated occasions.

Whilst on the one hand asserting firmly that I am getting rather fed up with hearing more and more about what were in effect extra judicial executions and the flat unwillingness of veterans to discuss the matter, it seems as I say to lead logically to those Movers and Shakers of the time, many of whom are of course now dead themselves; in that seeking to hold these young men to some further account for their actions has to lead to questions about the people who put them there with some particular focus on the apparent lack of some element of responsible political strategy. Whilst its never the most useful thing in the world to be wise with the benefit of hindsight, it also tends to occur that this might have been a lot less the case if a little more consideration had firstly been taken with purely definitive approaches to the nature of the conflict and more flexible tactics.

Some of the alleged facts which have been cropping up in Articles such as Jack Newman's for the Mailonline 13 05 19 are recounting undeniable looking allegations it is difficult for Middle English sensibilities to come to terms with and it isn't all going to go away any time soon either.

The world of the contemporary Irish Troubles had always been a long isolated way from mainland Europe or the rest of the English speaking world in a way that is arguably difficult to comprehend for increasingly middle aged and grown up people in their thirties who remember the Good Friday agreement from their childhood and have never known a world without mobile phones and computers. I don't like to make assumptions about what can be accurately assessed in the way I would if I read from different perspectives in studying a particular historical period. It isn't quite correct to describe Ireland as entirely culturally and historically separate from Europe but a rather more worthwhile observation to say that it has historically been dominated by Britain, key events on mainland Britain and has consequently, besides being seen as the ne'er do well next door by some of our less thoughtful commentators, also played the tense role of the Empire's potential Achilles Heel in the eyes of historical antagonistes.

What seems to have saliently come to light as far as the hue and cry from across the water iro the killings perpetrated by Servicemen is concerned, is that relatively Junior Officers with arguably little political sense, were entrusted with some literally, potentially explosive situations involving an unusually unpredictable social element (who obviously didn't want to know about the endless grim, windswept housing estates full of freezing outside lavatories and unfashionable grubby second hand clothes) seem also to have had little tactical direction on the ground, and as the article says, "lost control." I think it clear that the predominantly working class and less ideologically aware Private Soldiers and NCO's felt they were being asked to do too many suicidal missions. There was a tragic story in the local Rag a couple of years ago now and I might be able to fish the article out of my files sometime, which was about a Woman I recognised as a local citizen of at least some decades standing from the Ipswich's Southside a few years older than myself I think: her Father (another pathetic nobody trying to earn a living) had been sent from this world by an IRA Sniper when she was about two years old, he had taken a killshot to the Head. What made the partial account of the event so sad was that it wasn't in a firefight or anything he had been just standing guard somewhere I think. There are a fair few such stories and bereaved children from the Troubles about here and there and they tend to underline the fact that whilst for example the figures don't compare to anything like the death toll from simple crime in Latin America the simple severity of such incidents demonstrates that the contemporary conflict runs along deep historical fault lines.

20 05 19

Throughout my history of seeking to protest about the legal advice I have had and the complete ruination of any chance of a decent life this has caused I have sought to point to the fact that the Academic who oversaw a series of catastrophic misunderstandings sown into my personal history (and into various official histories) was a Son of the Ernst Heinkel who had been a child Refugee here in the latter stages of the War. What is of suggesting that he is, perhaps more than anyone else, responsible for the dysfunctional and at times deadly chaos which has ensued from the phoney beatlemania engulfing Ipswich in the early eighties via his apparently having deliberately supervised (if perhaps only by neglect) ludicrously overoptimistic perspectives on my own history and situation which had in turn been converted into damaging and implausible fictions having been taken up by Policepersons, Doctors, Lawyers, Welfare Officials and others if perhaps not precisely in that order.

Apart from observing that events tend to bear out the suggesting he was obsessed with seeking to patronise a pan-european plot rather than doing his Job, and perhaps the more sensational remark that he sought to draw a line under the doings of War Criminals, also that he is likely a relative perhaps the Father of the female PolicePerson who set me up on an Assault charge in 2010 since they are both called Powell; what is very much of remarking that a cogent substantiation of such an hypothesis is in my opinion without any reasonable doubt unmistakeably emerging. If he didn't actively mislead the presumed relative of John Lennon who started teaching at the School in 77 he certainly allowed if not fostered her and the rest of the Staff's misapprehension if they had any genuine concern for the fact I was for instance being deliberately and very foolishly deprived of the most basic resources I would need to take advantage of an education.

It is a relatively simple proposition that she sympathetically helped launder what proved to be malicious mismanagement on his part as it now seems unquestionable that he could not fulfil the role of a parent without exposing himself to Blackmail and Prosecution and another that she passed on a (largely fictional) progressive Script which was taken up by Jamie Cann (ex MP) in the early eighties and various of the New labour affinity: it is another very simple proposition that this affinity got in too deep with this and related fictions (some interesting details here possibly) and that they have been (in effect lying) about me in an attempt to cover this up ever since.

Obviously its not quite that simple in that comparatively few of those I've had anything to do with in more recent years know anything much about the truth of this narrative!

So it perhaps shouldn't come as such a surprise to find, since it is the same affinity behind the opening of the Law Centre, that Receptionist has felt prompted to fabricate lies about me though at this present moment in time, I have no idea what it is that I am supposed to have said in being accused of a 'discriminatory manner,' since I made no qualitative statement of any sort: It is a fact that the Receptionist in question told me a pack of lies about what I'd need to get an Appointment to see a Lawyer and to my mind sought to behave provocatively.

So before anyone gets any more confused I feel I need to reiterate that I do have grounds to suspect that PolicePerson Powell is a close Relative of this suspiciously behaved scion of a German Armaments manufacturing family, (someone must have gone to great lengths to spend fortunes of taxpayers money persecuting me) and that the Prosecution in which she was certainly involved, is viewed with the most extraordinary contempt by the immediate neighbourhood, and/or anyone who knows anything about it.

Whilst I don't want to make further sensational allegations what is of the remark he Mr Powell/Heinkel definitely gives out that the Queen had clearly been seen to be involved in the events at the School in the late seventies and not only that, but specifically that she was seen to be in conversation with my Father, and that many at the School had understood that they didn't want to be involved in his Education Strategy and that they would devise something else for my career path than that which Powell/Heinkel was devising. I would tend to say he definitely also gives out quite unmistakeably that it was unheard of for Teachers to be prosecuted for statutory rape in 1970's Secondary Schools and (to the effect I presume) that in a School of over 1600 11-16 yr olds there would at any one time be perhaps several such cases underway: which I suppose is quite in line with contemporary analytical appreciation of statistical reality.

I had no cognisance whatsoever of any such story at the time, didn't have a clue what he was on about, did think him a complete klutz of a Teacher (not that I ever saw or heard of him actually teaching anything and its far from irrelevant to point out that it is only in relatively recent years that I have deduced that I had been severely savaged by my maternal family late in '66 and that it has affected my hearing, cognisance and behaviour, but if that's in fact correct according to third parties such as fellow pupils, then I have to make a further even more absurdly sensational remark which is to the effect that late in '81 she related a pack of lies to the Sixth Formers I was supposed to be at School with up to '83 (instead of being the subject of a lot of phoney beatlemania in the Town's Bedsitland).

If the preceding elements of the hypothesis are true then I have little reservation about saying she did relate some deceitful nonsense about how I was planning to be some kind of self denying Paladin, working for the edification of the British nation and its Royal Family. If all these facts are broadly correct then she must have been concerned about the views of WW2 vets and those who were otherwise pauperised by WW2 and if that's correct, then it must be the case that the Royal Family must have been seen to be involved in some kind of relevant exchange with my own as far back as at least the late thirties: the suggestion then arises that he must have known something pretty damn interesting about the Royal Family if the Queen herself was seeking to launder his irresponsible parenting in the early eighties!

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" Look on my Works ye Mighty and Despair "

Since I didn't know about any of this I am unfortunately in the position of having to say, as anyone would if they had been told that third parties or a third party had made extralegal or unprompted sorts of career arrangements that they knew nothing about, that they have broken the law or encouraged others to break the law and/or one way and another ought to be thinking of paying financial compensation, rather than for instance sowing fresh specious intrigues.

So You Wanna Know What's Going On In The News?

Since fate and perhaps design have arguably appointed me as the person who's meant or intended to correct certain mistakes made by our first family it seems apt to point out that the Queen has invested much of her personal authority and credibility in not seeking to curtail the putative status demanded by the erstwhile Diana for Major Hewitt's illegitimate Son, most specifically in advancing him to a Dukedom in parallel with Charles's only Son William. This as far as I know is traditionally legal and historically, lots of monarchs have dealt similarly with illegitimate offspring and the case of Henry Fitzroy illegitimate Son of Henry 8th springs readily to mind perhaps because without a legitimate male heir he clearly had a role to play and we would undoubtedly have heard a lot more of him if he hadn't died (probably of TB) at the age of only 17: he could easily have become Henry 9th.

The question as to whether or not Harry can be generally or legally considered a Prince is more troublesome not least in view of the charlatenesque manner in which Ten Thousand Acres Cameron has berated Welfare Claimants as Cigarette Pack Parasites in recent years. The remark his deceased Mother placed too much stock in the precedent of it being an open sort of secret that the Late Prince Albert was in fact paternally illegitimate has been dramatically underlined by the fact of her premature decease. It was the accepted decent thing to do in an age when there was no scientific means of indisputably ascertaining parentage the consequences were impossible, impractical and quite pointless to undo and there was never any good or necessary reason to try and repeat it as Diana seems to have desired, purported or assumed.

For my money it was a startling error of judgement on the part of the Monarch to have sought to launder the fact of Harry's illegitimacy: it's all become a ghastly farce and William's angst toward him obviously relates to the fact that if he had publicly confessed it instead of relishing his erstwhile role as fourth in line to the throne, their Mother might not have guiltily sped off to her doom that fateful night in Paris.

Besides that there is the simple fact, "it's crime, it's crime, it's crime."

To say there is a lot of controversy over the political future of Europe presently underway is very much an exercise in understatement and what is of observing that some fifteen hundred years after the demise of a Europe relatively united under an Italian based Empire, it should come as no great surprise that hereditary rulers of a state at the western end of the old Roman Empire has a few drops of blood from an ancient kingdom at its eastern end.

I think it's a great thing !

Some News Stories Which Tend to Demonstrate the Dangerous Ideological Polarisation Taking Place in Society

26 05 19

Another Vandal attack on Flower displays I placed adjoining the property in broad daylight at around 3 to 4:30 pm

Some general notes ......

In the event of my premature decease not as much as one copper coin is to fall into the hands of my paternal half brother under any circumstance!

There are too many foreign players in the Premiership! How is the national team ever going to win another tournament if only twenty percent of players in the domestic top tier are England eligibles?

Foreign Citizens should not be allowed to buy Property in the UK: simple! What is of the remark it makes a nonsense out of the point of having a national government at all. I think a lot of more ordinary citizens and taxpayers of the kind who can't afford to take much of this sort of interest in European affairs beyond perhaps an occasional cheap package holiday, have found it surprising as the Brexit controversy extrapolates, that Foreigners need little besides money in order to buy property in the UK.

01 06 19

Britains Prince of Pretentious Poofters Elton John proclaims his Compatriots are Imperialist Idiots and that he is a European It's really quite interesting the way these Media/Entertainment Industry Bimbos intermittently pop up out of the woodwork with these most curious remarks. Whilst admitting I would personally be perfectly happy to dump Mr John and his Rent Boy Rent a Crew in some dingy anonymous Belgian Port under most circumstances I can think of, it would be nice to know something as to what extent they are or are not Tax Exiles before responding to these insults: I recall I was particularly incensed by some remarks passed by Kate Beckinsale just prior to the European Referendum opining as to how stupid the Brits are to want their own Independence and I'm fairly sure she is (a Tax Exile).

This Article by Ben Chapman for the Independent relates a lot of relevant high quality information of the sort that has been conspicuous by its absence in the debate so far. What for instance is overwhelmingly of the assertion that Brexit is desired by a lot of people with unworthy and unscrupulous motives who can rely on an invisible army of obsequious morally imbecilic Lawyers to carry out their will, and that the issue of financial corruption is perhaps the first and biggest issue that a Post Brexit Government needs to confront. Supremely relevant concomitant observations to the effect that despite Britain's role in preserving a certain amount of Freedom and Democracy in standing alone against tyranny in 1940 its colonial citizens and subjects in India, Africa and Australia were promptly engaged in a stampede to evade the same colonial jurisdiction and that its current role as a money laundering Gangster State are issues cogently requiring clarification.

Whether you're a Brexiteer or a Remainer surely the one thing that unites all British Citizens who don't have the kind of money it takes to indulge in this sort of trendy internationalism is the truth of the assertion that in or out of Europe the Right to Vote isn't worth anything at all without some meaningful legal guarantee of what the Ballot papers supposedly represent: as a matter of fact a roll of excellently useful toilet paper is worth far more than the time wasting and empty promises that come with the garish pretence of being part of a citizen democracy.

08 06 19

Here is an example of a really badly researched Article

by Bridie Pearson -Jones for the MailOnline 04 06 19

I took a certain amount of time and trouble over investigating the HCV phenomenon in the later nineties so I know what's flawed about the way this Article reports the disease.

The first and perhaps most significant observation is that there is a difference between what the Layman defines as an Infection and that which Health Professionals consider to be an Infection, in that the former tend to consider a lack of infection as a complete or absolute state, whereas a health Professional might be referring to a state of dormancy or something very similar in terms of their ability to measure any viral load: as far as the medically illiterate are concerned what is of the remark that the disease doesn't obey the rules of commonly held assumptions about infectious diseases.

The fact it takes a highly trained and specialised Virologist to explain the scientific/biological peculiarities is due to the fact that as I understand it HCV was considered innocuous prior to the later eighties, by the mid nineties it had only just begun to be meaningfully researched to the extent of it being properly classified: the fact as I understand it is that it is the smallest known living organism and this seems to have been the foremost physical barrier to understanding it. What's so frustrating about reading the Article that there is for instance little real information about the prognosis of Mr Phillips case in it. By my own ball park estimate in absolute terms of the way the average person understands the term infection some thirty to eighty five percent of the Population have been infected or exposed and that's pretty much everybody who lives or works in unusually sociable circumstances such as in Flats with communal walkways and lightswitches and individuals in some parts of the Entertainment/Music industry perhaps.

The highly variable indeed often unique reaction of individual human immune systems makes the disease particularly difficult to predict; it should perhaps be borne in mind that whilst they are very few, some people can't catch Aids.

Some like most have apparently shaken off minor exposure in the manner in which one would a commonplace bacteriological infestation with none or few visible or measurable symptoms, others have succumbed to life threatening conditions within weeks. The Immune System has so many variables it is or was not possible to make in many cases more than a very approximate informed sort of guess as to the mode of infection or rejection. Many of the more serious cases have of course been attributed to instances involving the transfusion of bad blood, since for example if it is possible to catch it off somebody's cut finger on a building site, then it is obviously commonsensical to construe that a major transfusion can carry an immediately dangerous viral load.

The Article is disappointing in that it fails to point out in focusing on Mr Phillips's Case, that he is in a medical state that arguably applies to two thirds or more of West European Populations. Aside providing a certain wry sort of perspective on the Compensation issue, relevant misapprehensions can have significant scope for significant consternation engendered by non native English Speakers in the Medical Profession, as the principal method used to scan for HCV is not to check for the Virus itself but for Immune System activity indicating that it has encountered the Virus because it seems most Immune Systems win comparatively inconsequential encounters to an extent that can quite reasonably be said to be infection free and testing positive doesn't therefore mean that you have got the Virus.

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This Article by Isabella Nikovic from the MailOnline on June 11th this year is really really spooky: it's about what was once a fairly ordinary and unremarkable looking British family the Cornes from Birmingham!

Expect to be hearing more about the Current Enquiry into the Blood Products Disaster in coming months .....................

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