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I am developing a strong suspicion there's a retarded female among Father's friends who has known me since infancy seems to think I have some kind of story or understanding that I am flummoxed and intensely annoyed by: the notion could explain much but if it is to make sense I need to make some more qualifying remarks in respect of my long term personal, and more recent medical history.
When I first fished this picture out of my deceased Father's belongings in 2009 I had attempted a wry comic aside in seeking to assess that there is some very serious and unpleasant happenings going on behind it. I suppose it was a bit similar to a line from a Dan Ackroyd Comedy and I do apologise for that and assure the reader that any other jokes are entirely original: accidents it seems will happen. Firstly and more obviously iro what is visible in the picture is that I am increasingly resentful of being wheeled out intermittently to facilitate a pretence of responsible interest on the part of my Mother. Secondly and more interestingly is the suggestion that has powerfully emerged in recent weeks to the effect that, and you might think this a long shot, my Granny has spotted the fact that in recent weeks Ted Heath has seduced an adolescent boy and is airing comments about the fact.
Oh yes its been a long, long time since I've thought about getting a present from my Granny.
There is a lot going on in the picture and as I say the main noticeable or deducible feature of it if you examine the image magnified is that I am rather more irritated by the infrequent presence of my Mother than anything else. Until 2004 I had no recollections of anything that had taken place in infancy beyond having been mostly looked after in my Grandfather's home and it would seem had been carefully this was not unusual: he was a brown eyed individual.
What is most relevantly of the remark that it seems I had been savaged my charlied up Mother who at some point had attacked me with a knife leaving a scar across my lower right palm, (this of course has nothing to do with the way Bobbie Moore wiped his hands before picking up the World Cup that year). It seems my Father had been blackmailed and extorted and worse, and that whilst it was immediately and intelligently disguised, I never developed any interest in her company in anything like the way children usually do in their Mothers. Stories about my being on good terms with her and her new family, once I returned to Suffolk in late '76 are really just that, stories, with no real basis in fact, which are rather overemphasised by the fact my Father was then, in respect of any practical purpose or intent, a destitute, discredited and deranged individual: it also being a relevant and well known fact that Beggars can't be Choosers.
If my memories are increasingly serving me correctly then what had happened was roughly that Reggie, pictured here with Ronnie Knight, Babs, and the ill fated Frances Shea, had recently been trying to get a laugh out of partly public perceptions of the habits and behaviour of some of his more notable clients by giving me a consignment destined for my Mother's family and generally speaking watching what happened when some infant started sharing medicine. It might also for instance have been the case that it may have been suggested by them that it would be a good idea to let the infant share out the stash, which for example wasn't Ms Windsor's very own, partly perhaps in the hope that various Cops and miscellaneous Dignitaries whom were all too aware of such goings on, might take it all in good humour rather than otherwise: I think he (or perhaps Ronnie) was a bit disappointed with the unimaginative response, what being of the remark that according to all known facts One has to presume this desirable outcome had failed to materialise.
Fanciful perhaps but it does rather seem as if some infant's disappointment is the subject of Mr Knight's rueful shrug: if the gist of the hypothesis is correct then it's a real shame for me that I didn't piece this all together until well into the 21st century, and it might seem for many others.
Among other things it might seem to explain why certain parties associated me with and/or sought to embroil me in drug related behaviour/activity in earlier life particularly in teenage years.
It is an interesting observation that Charles Prince of Wales was of approximately latter school age when these events occurred and it's tempting to theorise that his naive suggestions and portrayals may have something to do with the manner in which matters subsequently fell out. It seems sensible for the here and now to confine oneself to the remark that those with great roles and responsibilities are inevitably doomed to make great mistakes. This would of course be true of anyone and it seems apt to point out that this cannot be remedied by replacing any given individual in such a role as it is simply just another unfortunate fact of life.
About three years later my Father has taken me several hundred miles to a Job in a Mining district on the Northumbrian Coast & I am nauseated by the whole thing.

I dunno when this was taken exactly but it was a relatively short while after the death of Vera Brittain the Author of 'Testament of Youth' an autobiographical work about her coming of age in WW1: there was a new film version released in 2014. It would probably be something of a dramatic exaggeration to say that particular event had prompted something like a wave of corrupt disinterest in nationalist propriety on the part of the political Establishment, as such a remark would betoken and presume the most extraordinary and detailed sort of insight into the fabric of the nation at many different levels and from many different perspectives though there probably is some truth in the suggestion. The observation is more relevant to contemporary events than might easily be considered in the light of such facts as the allegation that nationalistic moral propriety has been thoroughly traduced in the last century and that our leaders are only paying 'lip service' to the notion of a national community and nationalist loyalties.
As I've said elsewhere what's needed is more objective historical consensus in respect of such questions as what did happen to the UK in the mid twentieth century with regard to such matters as some perceived reluctance to discuss the suggestion it became arguably little more than an American satellite which arguably precipitated the spread of unconcernedly materialist values from the 1980s onwards. Have you ever had the experience of listening to a significant speech from a major Politician and getting the impression you were being dumped with a load of input from somewhere abroad & feeling u r being told u should know what its about and that you are stupid or uncool if you don't? What seems in looking at the practicalities of a so called Brexit (I think it's a clumsy word) to be of the comment that many of our Leaders have been surrendering gradually to the idea of a unified Europe without making an effort to keep people informed and of course once the thing has happened it's more difficult to undo than might easily be considered.
The Sex Pistols
Is this the m.p.l.a
Or is this the u.d.a
Or is this the i.r.a
I thought it was the u.k
or just another country
Anarchy in the UK 1977
The main single fact supporting such a contention is the extent to which South Eastern England and London in particular has become a tax haven for disreputable foreign money which is clearly buying up Property as an investment, generally pauperising the British people as a whole, whilst a wealthy few have been dramatically increasing their share of the national income. The Electorate in this Country were originally sold the idea of trickle down Capitalism on the basis that a super wealthy social class would invest in business and infrastructure creating new employment and general prosperity but analysis tends to suggest they rather invest in Jewellery, Fine Art, Precious Metals and other collectibles then wait for the price to rise.
An unspoken question on many lips in recent times especially among those who by virtue of relevant education or practical insight really know what is happening in the Political and Economic World
seems to be a to how leaving or remaining in the EU might more genuinely empower individuals who feel they are little more than statistics to be manipulated instead of citizens to be respected in view of such facts as that recent economic crashes have only redounded to the benefit of an international class of super wealthy.
One only has to flip through a few BBC Documentaries to see how confident this class is of its right to exist and how little regard it has for historical, social and national loyalties in general. The desire to succeed and the love of money is an inevitable first instance motivation in today's world it is true but there are wider questions of values: for instance, there must be quite a lot of people about besides me who have got enough in the way of mass produced goods.
the other side of the coin so to speak from the simple contention that an international class of super wealthy have go too much in the way of resources which ought to be shared out more equally is an equally simple question as to exactly how many. It is unfortunately the case that it doesn't matter how clever you are or how well reasoned your plans and calculations may be because there is no means by which the world can cope with ever increasing numbers on anything like the scale that has been seen over the last two generations when a population roughly the size of India has come into being each decade; as I and many others have cogently and repeatedly sought to express, the only logical consequence of a good healthy population of anything is its decimation, whether it's microbes in a test tube or people on the third rock from the Sun, that which is born must die! The individual only has to look at the darkening skies and the increasingly polluted air in it to see that the self justifying causative contempt of successful internationalist materialists with their assumption of limitless growth in an in fact finite environment cannot continue endlessly without some demographic cataclysm occurring by some means or other and of course it's laughably obvious to say that this will happen sooner rather than later if Governments don't get a grip.
In respect of the capability of our national governments I'm afraid this international class of super wealthy are far too good at eroding the integrity of democracies and consensual government in general. If the figure quoted by the BBC of 365 billion or 24000 per UK Household as what the UK Government had to find to bail out the banking system in 2008 is roughly correct, then we have been severely mistaken in our impressions about how we are governed. To try and put that into some sort of meaningful perspective Apple is said to have 250 billion in assets stashed offshore beyond the reach of national governments. It may be something of an oversimplification to say that International Corporations and Banking Institutions were able to compel the national government to do what they wanted rather than vica versa but it is hardly an exaggeration. I think it overwhelmingly clear that some massive exertion of political will is needed if the actuality of our supposedly self determining democracy is to be made into something that actually resembles the rhetoric of the political establishment.
That a tiny few wealthy movers and shakers were able to twist our Government round their fingers should be cause for alarm to many in respect of the assertion that we are or have been directed governed by international financiers. If this is to be viewed as a problem then any solution has to focus on Psychology, how people perceive what is happening and exactly when, about what motivates Soldiers and Policemen to think they're doing the right thing. Historically I feel we have to go back to the emergence of our post war yadayadayada liberal establishment and say where did that comforting illusion come from. Unfortunately I also feel the answer is that it does happen to be an illusion, one spawned by a reluctance to coldly examine the historical and social truths about what caused WW2 and the Holocaust when mass production and modern living standards make conflict and enquiry seem pointless. So, if our Democracy is highly illusory we need to be focusing more skeptically on things like the party political badinage we so glibly accept from our News Media and take a more objective and detailed view of the events of modern history that shaped these preconceptions in our daily lives. For example it springs readily to mind that it wasn't just tens of millions of people that were simply extinguished by totalitarian ideology in pre war eastern Europe, it was tens of millions of the best educated most capable and informed thinkers and intellectuals. It's very convenient to forget that this really happened under the guise of a liberal progressivist ideology: ideology that was accepted by many of the best respected and most able thinkers in our own western society.
I'm of course echoing here what many have and do say if rather more stridently and analytically than that in which popular historicism is usually stylised when I say that we know all about the darker side of WW2, but that the Stalinist era purges were of at least similar dimensions in terms of millions of complete innocents who were swept into premature graves by gangsterish politicism, in that era of mass political movements when the checks and balances of atavistic feudalism had been swept aside as the people were ushered into dark satanic mills to work in new industries. It is an interesting question as to whether relative ignorance of Genocide in the pre war Soviet Union makes it a more dangerous psychological precedent in that to some extent the biggest and best of the leading figures targeted by the Nazis had in many cases some significant opportunity for escape, but over the preceding decades in the Soviet sphere of influence the leading lights just went out, and so did anyone who was caught trying to write the story for any sort of enlightened moral audience?