It's a shame Frances Kindon doesn't get all the facts right in her Feb 5th resume for the Daily Mirror of channel 4's documentary about the death of Stuart Lubbock at Michael Barrymore's Essex mansion in 2001. The 31 yr old was in fact unquestionably dead when the Police arrived. The evidence is quite unquestionably that as Stuart's Brother recounted for the Documentary, he wanted to be able to tell his friends that he's been to a Party/Gathering at the Celebrity's home and went along with a group of men in the small hours to Mr Barrymore's residence. Fact is that they all seem to have been pervy wannabee metrosexual characters. The evidence says quite incontrovertibly that he was plied with a Narcotic (Cocaine), a Stimulant (MDMA), held down by two or more men and choked to death whilst having his back passage savagely invaded with a blunt object which was probably the missing pool thermometer.
The Police seem to have been duped into thinking a drowning accident had occurred and the invasive injuries weren't discovered until the Corpse was examined hours later at the Hospital when other vital evidence had also gone missing. There is no real question Barrymore is lying through his teeth (among other things he knows perfectly well how to swim) and that a Conspiracy of Silence has been entered into by these Essex boys. The manner in which they have been allowed to ply their deceptions to the Media and various gullible TV personalities is a damning indictment of the British Legal System and the Celebrity Cult. What significantly interests me is that the killing took place at the time when my Father was apparently planning to manufacture a series of false allegations about my squatting in his Flat and assaulting him significantly it seems because of my disapprobation of his liberal demeanour: it's to say the least a rather interesting coincidence. Whether you might happen to think that the establishment has some sort of bias in favour of Sex Weirdos or not the fact is quite undeniable that a shameful charade has taken place with Lawyers and Prosecutors paying themselves enormous fees and salaries whilst a helpless old man bemoans the loss of his Son on our TV Screens though I can't help wondering if he's been bribed: for my money it was certainly the most enormous error of judgement on the part of the victim's Father to have agreed to meet Barrymore.
Vikram Dodd for the Guardian on Crime Statistics Feb 7th provides an interesting insight on traditional Law and Order perspectives for the new Tory Government
Ed Riley's Article for the Mail 05/07/2019 on CyberCrime will much undermine confidence in the Rule of Law
This Article by Raven Saunt For Mailonline 26 January 2020 strongly suggests the Judiciary in this Country have somehow become absurdly distanced from social & economic reality
As does This Article by Sophia Sleigh 08/08/2019 For the Evening Standard
Since 2004 I've mentioned that I started having flashbacks to events of my infancy that I had no prior recollection of and that they seem to refer to Cocaine use and the cost of Cocaine use. The scar on my lower right palm I found in 1970 tells me that shortly before the picture was taken I'd made some kind of unfortunate attempt to take an interest in someone's mirror and razorblade and what is of the assumption due to reasonably surmised associated circumstances that my Father had been genuinely in fear of his life soon thereafter. I think the picture goes with that of Reggie Kray in a Nightclub at the bottom of the last Weblog. By the age of fifteen when I thought the Local Authorities had accepted I would need to be housed in my own right as soon as it was lawful, I had known nothing but neglect, abuse and squalor and was not a suitable candidate for pauperising political & social intrigue; what is of reiterating it a reasonable looking presumption that simple truths about myself and my situation are strangely hard to come by because so many influential persons in the Borough had been indirectly involved in tacit ignorance of the trade in Cocaine.
Perhaps more importantly is the fact that as I have oft repeated, rather than being some aspiring criminal who was a willing accomplice or co-conspirator at any point, it is the failure to acknowledge that I had been badly savaged in the days before this photo was taken. The fact that my Father not only never admitted it but actually seems to have undertaken further unhelpful, even hostile, and without doubt appallingly damaging intrigues designed to disguise the fact, is in itself a significantly good explanation for my history of unending misfortune and legal problems as among other things various individuals have found it easy to bully me out of relating what really needed to be said or have simply grown accustomed to ignoring what I have said, waiting until I seem to have said something else, and then pouncing on it.
What has just happened here remains unresolved in any genuine sense and it involves not merely black market commercial narcotics distribution but actual death threats and dirty deeds of an extreme nature.
I haven't yet quite stopped sifting through the disturbing morass of discovered memories that started resurfacing in 2004 but as far as legal problems associated with the behaviour of relatives is concerned what is unreservedly of the remark that the last time I was on any sort of genuinely unreservedly friendly terms with my Mother was some time before this picture was taken. My discovered memories tend to suggest my Mother had recently gone off to do Gangster shit with the Krays, had profoundly resented any attempt to impede such activities, and that I had been left in the care of her older Sister Bernadette who may have been (I don't really think so) the author of the scar on my lower right palm. I do admit that much of what I have sought to relate on this site might seem suspiciously complex and I do say might, but it is a fairly simple proposition that well explains much, to say that she was (took a fatal Heart Attack in 2006) a potential or wannabee sort of Eileen Wuornos whom she closely resembled, who had nothing to lose (except perhaps a certain amount of liberty) and had sought to persuade the Krays to Murder my Father. It concisely explains surprisingly well many sub plots and psychological conundrums to say that the course of my life has been significantly determined by the fact she was determined to destroy my Father at any cost and since I was something of his that unfortunately also meant me. So the narrative of my existence can be surprisingly simply explained by the fact that a host of relatives and officials have sought to ignore her violent and voluble pursuit of my Father throughout the years of my mandatory schooling.
It seems a reasonable surmisal that she had been expecting to benefit from her younger Sister getting involved in Prostitution and that this may have been because she had herself engaged in Prostitution to provide things for younger members of a family which had been completely broken by disease and alcoholism in the immediate post war era.
(Something more needed in the way of sociological description here)
So the course of my life, especially the earlier part, can very arguably be quite well explained by extrapolation of the remark that no-one believed she would behave as destructively as she did, and that any assumedly/theoretically responsible party had entirely forgotten about my welfare over many years in seeking to evade allegations she was making: amongst other things, it can also be surmised surprisingly effectively that her voice may have played a significant role in the outbreak of contemporary Irish troubles.
Notice how many English people have been using the 'Bejeezus' exclamation since the seventies?
Between '66 and '68 I had to be cajoled extremely resentfully I might add into accepting my Mother when she again turned up which is probably significantly due to the fact her elder Sister was already there. My discovered memories overwhelmingly suggest that during roughly those couple of years or so I had only seen her when she needed a cover for drug muling or conveying respectable pretences/deceptions to a Court; there is a particular recollection emerging of a Courtroom scene I haven't quite yet deciphered among these 'discovered memories.' I do as I say with some clarity now recall being highly offended when she turned up again in 68 I think it was. What is of the remark I had been much too badly savaged by Christina Singleton (remark needs to be significantly elaborated at some point). My Father had bought a cheap House on the Southside's Chantry Estate that year, which he fled for a Job as Assistant Borough Librarian in a mining Town near the Scots border after he and his parents it seems fair to assume, had by late in 69 been bled dry of what was left of their resources excepting a small empty looking Bungalow.
As I have often repeated, all I could recall of my previous existence between 1970 when I started School in Northumberland and 2004, was that during infancy I had been cared for exclusively by my Grandparents. What has gradually been taking shape is overwhelmingly the suggestion that my Mother had become Reggie Kray's enthusiastic and willing accomplice, that she had cursed my Father for condemning her to a pointlessly legal existence, that he had robbed her of the chance to be the next Mary Millington and so on, and I'm therefore surprised to find the circumstances generally suggesting that she was oppositely motivated or that her apparent role in my paternal family's effective destruction in the decade '65 - 75 ignored or overlooked by fairly Conservative social and legal authorities in the Shire of Suffolk: but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself and it's arguably mere conjecture.
The context nationally is of course one of a great Social Revolution taking place as the population generally sought to take issue with the Political Figures and Legal Establishment that had legitimately and legally organised the Holocaust and the appalling destruction of lives and material that WW2 brought with it. Harold Wilson became the youngest PM of the Century a few months after I was born in 1964 and it may have significantly been Labour's association with unreformed post war Black Marketeering and Gangsterism which saw the Party's surprise defeat in the Election of 1970. Proper comprehension of such a remark entails a detailed and highly insightful understanding of the Sociology and Psychology of Great Britain and Britishness in general, which very few possess in any significant respect. I suppose in referring to the conclusions taking shape in respect of my 'discovered memories' this tends to point most specifically to the fact that people like Princess Margaret and the Krays were part of a nation defining new atmosphere in the after dark World of London Town.
It is again at the risk of sounding repetitive that I find myself reiterating that in 2004, I awoke one morning thinking I was having a particularly unpleasant dream and only eventually realising that I was in the process of discovering real memories of a pair of darkly attired and black haired twins appearing in my parent's front room. I had then surmised that these were the Krays and that I had missed a number of appalling ensuing stories and intrigues in the space of forty odd years and various details are continuing to fall into place. Not the least of interesting observations is that quite a number of people are probably trying to sell books that are trying to grasp for the truth about releated facts and events, so for the now on December 3 2020 I'm going to leave it at the comment that my Grandfather must have meant something to ER or perhaps her Sister, and that she/they had been seen to say something of a forbidding censorious nature to Reggie about what business he was engaged in: as I now recall it he had said to me (I was at about my 3rd birthday) that I had guessed wrongly about which one of them was which if I wanted an easy time. Of course I didn't know who the hell he was or wht he was on about, I was a very small infant trying to take the friendly interest in people and surroundings that small infants do.
More about this sometime ................
Some weeks ago now I was watching Donut Frump wheezing his way through another of his trademark oversimplicities in referring to the interests of the American People and the American Economy in the same breath and in terms of concepts that are really quite contradictory, in more respects than we often care to admit, I was reminded of Tony Blair's blurring of ideological inconsistencies in ignoring the inherent conflict originating from the simple contradiction of governing a country that is supposedly somehow both a Democracy and a Monarchy and the thought that arose with the Bliar Government, that there'll be a dreadful price to pay for this fudging. Endless Middle Eastern Wars, Civil Strife and Brexit debate later, the familiar complacent governmental evasiveness with which serious issues are if at all possible, managed by the docile English speaking Media has been suddenly unhorsed and brought crashing sharply down to earthen reality by a Micro-Organism.
For my money the fiasco of Boris Johnson, his Health Minister, and the Country's Chief Medical Officer contracting Covid19 under the glaring scrutiny of camera lights at pretty much the same News Conference is evidential of a similar unready malaise at all levels in seeking to cope with this new Viral Threat.
That something really very serious is wrong with the composure of the domestic political establishment is all too evident by the manner in which the Tory Government has suddenly decided to spend money and lots of it, as among other things they did decide not to earmark a relatively trifling sum following a 2016 simulation and case study for a Pandemic, which has always been the most likely sort of disaster to overtake the human population at any particular point: viruses are humanity's greatest enemy, they wiped out almost half the population of Europe in the mid 14th century.
For all the twaddle being peddled by various characters about good will in the Community and the conflicting signals emanating from the Centre, there isn't that much to say about the Virus and the social exigencies it has created, but of what there is to say I have to firstly be highly critical of what has. For instance the remark that low risk people living in high rise dwellings without gardens and such like can't go out to engage in a little discreet sunbathing is quite absurd when viewed in juxtaposition to the real hazard faced by Supermarket Workers not being issued with Masks and Gloves as mandatory. There are many such inconsistencies in what has been said since the Deputy First Medical Officer opined that it would be fine for the well behaved and well to do to attend the Cheltenham Race Meeting last month.
The Virus is an inconsequential seeming Chameleon appearing as any one of a number of generic seasonal bugs, usually presenting with a sore throat and temperature. Most of the youthful and healthy will shake it off swiftly and almost without noticing, but what has really caught the eye of the statisticians is that it has invisibly and often literally decimated numbers of the elderly and infirm it has infected: that is to say that it is something of a capable and silent Assassin inflicting casualties among the over seventies of often literally ten percent or more. When you add to this not only the fact that it is among the handful of most virulent Organisms we have ever encountered, but that roughly twenty percent or more of Carriers are unaware of their infection, what you have is something that is capable as we see, of quickly overwhelming a First World Health Service and putting the fear of God into Civil Authorities whilst further demonstrating a ready talent for Escape Artistry that saw it transmitted across the Globe in weeks despite what was leaking out of China where the Authorities have an immense commonplace disregard for the health of their own people.
These factors were what made the Lockdown unavoidable as aside from a reassuring manner what had actually been said was that the Virus cannot be effectively traced, contained or even restrained except by mass quarantine!
What should have been more honestly related was that there is no way to expedite the procuring of necessary equipment or personnel to carry out proper mass testing and that months rather than weeks would be a more honest estimate of when such a phenomenon could be contrived to any meaningful extent. At the moment Covid19 has only killed about a dozen people by each parliamentary Constituency and it seem the Powers that Be may be happy to keep a final figure down to a relatively small multiplication of that figure in the UK, but I think the real challenge may be in coping with the fallout from something like a three per cent or more death rate in middle eastern Refugee Camps and parts of the Third World where much in the way of food and raw materials are sourced for large Urban Populations in the northern hemisphere. A lot may likely depend on how well the US reacts in coming weeks and months as an increasingly large fraction of a million people have been officially infected in mere days in North America and the Authorities there are already talking resignedly about the spectre of a six figure casualty total for the outbreak.
There's a lot of fatuous twaddle being peddled around by the Media about goodwill and togetherness and if there's one thing that needs to ensue from the crisis as far as I am concerned it is some real acknowledgement of the depth of this mass delusion. Lets face it folks, the rise of so called Alt Right political ideologies derive directly from nebulous statistical ignorance on the part of liberal post war idealogues who have been painting a rosy picture of the future for far too long. The beaming smiles of the token black and indian figures in the Media and Political Establishment have become disturbingly divorced from any sort of sense of statistical reality as far as assumptions about water, food, jobs and healthcare for the/an expanding (sometimes voting) population of any sort are concerned. The essential point is that the human population is clearly at capacity, even a small multiplication of our present numbers will pretty much guarantee a huge disaster of some sort immediately occurring to it. There were probably no more than approaching 200 million humans alive in the time of the later Roman Empire, at the end of the 19th century it was something like approaching two thousand million and is already racing toward ten thousand million.
Awareness and discussion of mental health issues is already tending inevitably toward the conclusion that western europe is generally cramped and overpopulated to a strikingly apocalyptic extent. People aren't meant to live in silly little concrete boxes with only tiny gangster plagued needle and condom strewn parks remaining of anything like a natural environment, and that much abused environment's ability to sustain populations of anything is declining increasingly rapidly. This is to say nothing of the conditions in which billions are living in India and China where it is increasingly unusual to find something as basic and essential as clean air and water fit for drinking. You may be among those who think this is just the usual load of wolf crying on the part of populist liberals but it is for instance in the bigger picture being authoritatively alleged that a third of the World's children are suffering from lead poisoning in various degrees and that's just one particular toxic industrial by product.
As far as the Government's handling of the Pandemic is concerned I suppose a negative view might be balanced with the remark that a Pandemic is like a Funeral, there's no good way of organising it! Having said that however there does seem to be a remarkable lack of straightforward honesty about what has happened, and it perhaps stems from the fact that the Chinese Government seems to have been first less than candid with its own people, Politicians in other parts of the World had then arguably stumbled into various kinds of bad management. Having studied History and Biology well beyond A level standard up to the mid nineties and beyond I had some immediate appreciation of what such a Respiratory Virus could do and was surprised at the apparent incomprehension Cabinet Ministers and the PM's close Advisors appeared to evidence, since surely at least some of them must have undertaken similar studies. The PM should have made a single terse and sobering address to the nation early in March outlining the situation and appealing to the General Public for a commonsensical reaction. Too much of the daily briefings which followed ignored the reality and tried to make reassuring noises about progress which was going to take the Boffins months or years rather than weeks according to the basic scientific facts: mask wearing should have been much more forcefully promoted as an alternative to decades of crippling debt and the so called Retirement homes completely locked down.
Masks are cool!
This Article by Alex Brummer for the Mail tends to show some lack of effective communication and understanding between NHS and the Tory Government.
Dare I say the NHS is too good at fishing around for compliments? It's probably true of most branches of Public Service to some extent or other.
Apologies to any Party with a legitimate interest in some of the serious matters described on this site but I've been plagued by strange connection problems and another significant attack on my Computer since the last time I had prepared an entry which among several items concerned the passing of Dame Vera Lynn. What was of the remark that she would no longer be able to endorse any sort of critical comment about the Royal Family's dysfunctional antics, and I have to derive some small crumb of comfort from the reasonable looking deduction that I must be getting something right if a certain agency or agencies are concerned enough to hack my Computer and destroy my work. After all if I was really just some disaffected nut who's plaintive suits were entirely unjustified then why not just ignore me/him/it: what was of having in recent weeks not only surmised that the Dame was also of partly Jewish descent but that she may also have been a distant relative of my Father.
I really don't think I'm being unnecessarily critical in suggesting that the Media is rather understating the dysfunctional significance of the obviously illegitimate Son of an Army Major (Harry) hardly stopping short of trying to set up a rival Court to that of his gormless heir to the throne fictional Father whose younger brother Andrew is wanted for Statutory Rape by US authorities, not that it's something they haven't apparently studiously ignored until suspiciously recently.
(A more detailed comment about the Queens capabilities and weaknesses really needed here but it's difficult to avoid a deepening and unwholesome perception the Royal Family are making a laughing stock out of the UK with all this)
I'm afraid the song "We'll meet again," had always left a nasty taste in the mouth. As I have been at some pains to elaborate, I had no memory of infancy, from the age of five until several years into the Millennium, of anything other than being looked after by my Grandparents. Once my Father had it now seems, simply fled from my Mother and her affinity in the latter part of 69, the particular recollection surfacing in about 2005 was that her older sister had been wandering around telling the neighbours he wanted to sexually assault little boys, I had only thereafter seem my Grandfather on one solitary occasion in '71 when I was begging to be taken in and be spared any more of my Father's parenting: he failed to make it through the following Winter, and we, never did meet again .....
(sounds of real choking and sobbing)
I really feel that I need to reemphasise that what happened to me from the later part of 1969 through the following years was a really nasty experience by almost any standard. I hadn't ever gone past the garden gate of my Father's residence or my Grandparent's home, and it now seems I had only just missed sensing something terrible was wrong with familial arrangements, that death threats and blackmail were floating about, that my Father was being asset stripped and was desperate to avoid another spell in Jail now seems among reasonable conclusions. I've always nursed the most painful sort of memories about what happened when I suddenly found myself on the streets of a deprived mining Town near the Scottish border, thinking one day circumstances would improve to the extent I could resolve strange painful recollections and little did I think that the truth was several times worse than the harsh reality I had perceived. The streets of Blyth were little more than a working class ghetto where other five year olds amused themselves by "hoying rocks at the street lamps" and quite routinely tried to break into almost any sort of shop or residence that looked as if might contain goods worth stealing: about every second or third building around the Town Centre had broken glass set in cement atop its walls. A story which speaks volumes about the nature of the place is that I recall on the first night we spent there in a Council House some Workmen had installed a slot machine for packets of Embassy No 6 on the frontage of the Shop next door and when we awoke the following morning it was a pile of tangled wreckage.
Saying that one or two other evolving local sub plots are going to have to be briefly mentioned here instead of neatly inserted more appropriately really betokens the remark that if the site is going to make much sense I really need to recover the earliest versions I made during the mid nineties and prepare some revised versions with some sort of commentary and/or retrospective emendation up to the present day.
The Flat I have been living in since 2010 had no hot water over the Winter and has had no washing facilities for several years.
It was the Fire Brigade who first drew my attention to the fact that the Borough Council's Environmental Health Department had powers to enforce standards of maintenance following a Fire at a nearby residence several years ago. An Operative from said Department commanded that certain fairly irrelevant works be carried out which was arguably about 15% of what really needed doing to meet general contemporary standards: he didn't specifically say that they were about the worst bunch of crooks in Town but that was what he seemed to mean. I have been and am continuing to seek some form of legal advice in respect of this and several other matters which are all interlinked. I have had no joy with any of it despite the unceasing propaganda barrage to the contrary and when last Autumn's season for haplessly fiddling around with broken knobs and pipes on a barely functioning central heating system arrived the gas boiler swiftly conked out and I ended up contacting the EH people again: having had no response over the Winter I contacted them again in late February when another and this time surprisingly sympathetic Operative ordered them to fix it.
So the hot water was fixed in about late February time apparently because of some fear of the Council's Environmental Health Department but it failed again in late Juneish. I was a bit puzzled as to why they didn't ignore the Environmental Health as they've ignored everything else that's been said to them in about a decade. I haven't been back to the Letting Agent as I didn't quite understand what the Company Rep said to me about not being able to move a broken down washing machine and wanted to clarify what the position is or might be with the local Law Centre and one or two Councillors involved with it, what is of the observation that they are or certainly were until quite recently very much allies of the Landlord.
As fate would have it an annual check by a (qualified) Plumber and Gas Engineer quickly replaced a broken Pump whilst reiterating that in general the whole system wanted replacement and is as old as anything he has encountered.
The other item of information relevant to the ongoing narrative consists of the remark that I wrote to the Police Commissioner about the same time in late February seeking to pose the question as to why the local Force have occasioned so much appalling dysfunction over the years and hoping he might be willing to find fault with some of his Colleagues.
A properly structured remark about my distinctly personal business should commence with some statement of actuality in respect of my situation as a five year old only child and continue with some elaboration about the reality of what had happened to me by the time I returned to Suffolk at approaching the age of 12 in '76.
It is an unfortunate inevitability that here and now I am going to have to skip over much of what should be effectively recapitulated from a relatively unstructured series of recollections and observations I have made over the years. I really had no idea that I was, among other things it seems, being targeted by notorious Gangsters for some kind of portrayal of events to which I had been an infant witness, and therefore for instance obviously neither, that it seems to have been the case my Father was determined to abnegate any such happening, and seems to have said what they were on about was something they were only ever going to get one shot at getting right.
I have mentioned that I've never really got over the shock and horror of finding myself on the lawless streets of a Northern Mining Town at little more than five years of age. It seems apt to suggest that the reason my Father had shacked up with a Single Mother Collier's Daughter with two half brother Sons a little younger than myself was rather more due to him being threatened with having me taken away by Social Services than anything else. She might have gotten a bit carried away with the idea that the arrangement was going to be permanent & I found out rather by accident than design that he had lost his Borough Librarian's Job in 1974 when relevant documents surfaced among papers he had abandoned when he disappeared into the far east in 1983: it seems he had been caught 'in flagrante delicto' with a female assistant in his Office Broom Cupboard.
He always denied anything of the sort but from reading between the lines as it were I would have thought he meant to proffer some explanation of why he had accepted domestic arrangements that weren't genuinely therapeutic in any sense: at least as far as this relatively innocent latter incident from '74 is concerned.
We, had moved to Lancashire in ,74 where he went in for a bout of disturbing, dirty, flea ridden and squalid Poultry Farming for two years or more until his Mother died at which point he was supposed to have been moving into a relatively well to do old flame who's husband had been killed in a Docks Accident leaving her with a tidy sized insurance payout. I should say that of all the Stepmothers I'd had she was the only one who could realistically afford to look after me to the extent of fulfilling basic school age necessities. I had also found the idea quite attractive because she had a Daughter a few years older, but that fell through, and my Father and I then found ourselves sharing a bedroom in what had become his Sister's suburban Bungalow: years later I got the impression she'd simply been trying to help him dispose of the ambitious Collier's Daughter.
One very relevant sort of sub plot still very much arguably ongoing, seems to relate to the fact of one contemporary from the School I spent the next four years attending prior to the arrival of the Thatcher regime, having proceeded to move from a quite unremarkable slightly better off working or lower middle class suburb into a Job as a Policeman. I haven't spoken to him since those years, except maybe once or twice in passing but I do see him about now and then since I moved back over to the North side of the River in 2002, I'd say he was a Traffic Cop but the point, is rather to say that he was seen to be muttering on about how I was going to be some kind of criminal anti-establishmentarian character in the late seventies while we were still at School and has very arguably made a first rate career out of protecting the public from his own story in many respects: easy money if you can get it. His name isn't Jim Falcones and I'd say he was worth a couple of million quid now, and I tend now to assume he'd overheard some story or other about my Mother wanting this Gangster Plot instead of being mired in the ennui of shiretown suburbia. It is at the risk of sounding repetitive that I point out that my Mother's family were Dublin ghetto escapees and that their apparent assumptions and aspirations seem rather to reflect the realities of the Gangster's Paradise that was London in the sixties. Many individual contemporary's sense of social reality today remains preconceptualised in the actualities of their youth, when it was for example relevantly the case in the late seventies that about a quarter of the population were under the age of 21. Many don't realise such a proportion is about half that now or have much accurate consideration of the fact this has a very dramatic effect on the way people think in terms of various assumptions about everyday life varying dramatically from contemporary social reality.
Leaving aside here and now some more detailed description of the sordid reality of my upbringing save for the remark it was considerably more sordid and troubling than many may have realised; so much so that I've on only a few occasions (in the very early eighties) even come close to disgorging anything like an accurate recapitulation. When it is the case I should reiterate also that I had been on the receiving end of a lot of strange flattery about my literate nature. It was of course unsurprising that the child of a Graduate ex Teacher and highly trained Librarian should understand well the Arts and Humanities but as far as schooling went I had only once that I can recall ever finished a piece of written work in the four years at Secondary School. This was in the first couple of weeks after I started and was a minor French translation for a married Lady Teacher by the name of Waller.
I have mentioned here and there that I had been assaulted by the German Head of Year within about a half hour on my first day at Copleston School and by the time I was nearing the end of those four years my Father had been knocking me about apparently trying to get me to expose myself for the delectation of his latest wife/partner/girlfriend the Daughter of an ex Lady JP. Much could and should have been said to him about this that wasn't but I think the essential point that should be made, is that they way this was laundered out of existence by a succession of officials is an indelible stain on the reputation of the UK in general: I had put my honesty, trust and faith in the Officials I spoke to about these matters and been cynically kicked in the teeth instead of finding the help I needed and believed I had been told I could rely on. Among other things if you're not going to do anything about this sort of parenting you should ignore and shut up it instead of making matters worse for the victim. The fact may have been seen as only an isolated incident or two but it was part of a much more genuinely dangerous story that had been smuggled around four different regions of the Country at a number of different Schools and under the auspices of various educational authorities. So is the cheap shitty see through manner in which my putative Stepfather got away with portraying me as some kind of shiftless scheming creature in need of hard work: I've never thought of him as a genuinely adult personality. In 1980 I had never known anything but hard work! Any individual owning any genuine social percipience should have adjudged I was thoroughly incapable of good humouredly engaging in anything much to do with my relatives and that the Saturday Job I was persuaded to take working with Engineer friends of his was thoroughly unsuitable. My Father had, when I was just six, become an uncaring monster who put me to work shovelling coal, at the age of nine he had lost his nice white collar employment, and for maybe approaching three years subsequently my Stepbrothers and myself were daily engaged in some genuinely filthy and arduous work managing literally thousands of farm animals: once back in Suffolk from the age of 14-16 I was doing dog walking and paper rounds as part of a very lengthy and busy day. If for example I had ever personally wanted to entertain thievish ambitions to be a Burglar, when it so happens to be the case that a few years earlier I was delivering Papers in residential roads near the Hospital in Bixley Ward which was full of overgrown driveways and hidden back passages to Bungalows and Detached Houses, a considerable proportion of which were owned by dotty old Spinsters who to the best of my knowledge all knew and trusted me and haven't been disappointed with the consequences of so doing.
This, to say the least, contrasts very strangely with the manner in which my paternal half brother was allowed to consistently bully and thieve from my Father at around the Millennium for Plane Tickets, Clothes and later on Soft Drugs. Whilst it seems now that I may likely have missed some sort of relevant intrigue or few, to the best of my knowledge at the time, not one of my four erstwhile step brothers would ever have dreamed of stealing from him or striking him, I had certainly never witnessed anything of the sort, and had never even remotely considered it despite everything.
I am as I say inevitably going to skate over endless sordid details of what I had experienced but salient among these is clearly the personal treachery of the Sister of my Father who was the only surviving adult in the family in whom I had any sort of remaining trust or confidence. My Father had seemed incapable of making a wise or sensible decision of any sort, my Stepfather was dangerously abusive and it became apparent many years later that it was almost the case that I hardly knew my natural Mother in anything like the manner I should have. I tend now to assume that my paternal Aunt had first co-operated in some misbegotten attempt to rescue my Father's first marriage to my natural Mother, then despaired of it, and then engaged in a sort of calculating character assassination, seeking to tar me with the brush of working class criminality when I was back in Ipswich at Secondary School. Any serious discussion of all this had never taken place with any of my Father's erstwhile Partners but with his Sister. I had been utterly furious when she insisted I accompany my Father to the Ex Magistrate's Daughter's poky semi when a few weeks after meeting her in 77-8 they decided they were going to marry, as it seemed the logical and congenial thing that I should finish my school years from her spare bedroom and when this had failed we moved back to her Bungalow for about a year or so from summer '80 to September '81.
It's relevant to point out that among the fake stories that have been circulated about my personal history is some kind of romantic interest with the ex JP's Granddaughter and of course it sounds rude to say she wasn't really feted as a good looker: the point is I simply didn't fancy her. I haven't spoken to them since 1980 and unless they've ratted out their Mother for seeking to engender questionable family arrangements I've nothing much to say to them beyond perhaps the accusation of mendacity and requests for information as to the whereabouts of personal property. It abbreviates much to say the School I continued to attend should have declined the cover up on my Father's parenting that our single parents unceremonious union implied and that they collectively shouldn't have attempted it. By the way they spoke and behaved they were intelligent and arguably how you say middle class as might be expected of the Grandchildren of an erstwhile JP but I was past getting involved with any more sordid and sinister intrigues of my Father and had sights firmly set on personal independence. It would be wrong to say that at the age of eleven I had complained to my Secondary School First Year Form Teacher that I thought my Father and his Girlfriend were Sex Offenders as no-one was responsible for them but themselves, but I clearly did express that this was the nature of my concern, and such concerns appeared to be shared by other pupils in my first year at secondary School. This was probably something to do with the fact she had at one point apparently scattered pornography around the house including images of graphic infant abuse which was probably something to do with some kind of attempt to blackmail him into continuing their relationship. It should probably be added that though they were soon parted by the death of my Paternal Grandmother over the winter of 75-6 and the intervention of an old flame of my Father: I had never thought to advise the first Stepbrothers I had that they should make any understanding portrayal of this event or of the quaintly perverse liberal demeanour of our parents.
I had tried to ignore the Cormack's attempts to play happy families from 78-80 and did try to voice complaints the whole thing was a sham and that I clearly resented the way it had been announced that I was going to be fed to their Mother who should have thought better of trying to take such an intimate kind of personal interest on the basis of what was initially no more than a few minutes acquaintanceship. In looking back they seem to have made all kinds of assumptions that I'd heard things I hadn't, which tends to go with the fact I'd been taught to pretend I hadn't been violently deafened at some point in infancy. Examining 'discovered memories' of infancy from 2004 and thinking subsequently about some of the things that had happened throughout my lifetime, especially in the later seventies and early eighties is rather like watching a film that has only ever been seen without sound and realising what the plot was about for the first time.
The only thing I had said to any of these Characters involved in my Father's during Schooldays or any of the Officials involved was that I was completely at my wits end with the whole sordid drama my Father was continually scripting, and the only relevant upshot of it all as far as I was concerned was that I thought it had been unmistakeably decided or arranged that I would have to be allotted Public Housing in my own right as soon as I was old enough: it having been said that sixteen wouldn't be. The fact my Father's Sister had sought to distance herself from events was something I had put down to a sensitive ascetic nature but years later it would seem from the manner in which she sought to stage the fact of my Father's death, that she had been surreptitiously seeking to derail my attempt to conduct a constructive dialogue with educational and legal authorities with the simple object of disposing of even any casual sort of interruption to her inheritance of a detached suburban des res: it is again at the risk of sounding repetitive that I point out this seems to have been planned with the mendacious and meticulous unconcern of the classic Psychopath.
It was as I recall it sometime in the earlier part of 1980 that we were visited by someone called Steve Wright who claimed to be from the Labour Party saying they had heard of my familial difficulties and wanted to help, and it is a matter I have often referred to in the decades I have been elaborating online protests about the way I was browbeaten into signing things for a Lawyer and violently coerced into agreeing with anything he said in 1985 despite the fact that when we got to Court the Magistrates didn't seem to be complaining about me at all.
As I recall it they definitely did seem to have found a voice they didn't like but I didn't really agree with the remark it was mine!
I have always made it plain that nothing but evil would come of the way I had been spoken to and that I couldn't constructively react and was overwhelmingly disaffected from any notion of being or wanting to be British by then. The Solicitor Smythe's actions were like something out of a horror story and I've never been able to get my head round the disgusting man's vile pernicious attitude, I could hardly have been more deserving of a decent hearing and some kind of fresh start with whatever assistance the State might have been able to offer but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.
Rather than being introduced to Councillors who were going to supervise my move into a Council Flat so I could get on with or actually make something of my Education, I ended up being introduced to Under Aged Drinking from the age of not quite sixteen and Cannabis Smoking within another year. There is much that really ought to be said in examining the appalling waste of my abilities that ensued, not the least of which is perhaps that I was and indeed am, a Child of the Commonwealth rather than someone with European family or European connections of any sort. My Mother may have been born in the Irish Republic but has no attachment to it in any sense. Both her parents as far anyone knows were born in the UK prior to the Easter rising of 1916 as were all eight of my Great Grandparents and all but one of my Great Great Grandparents. The point here is to say of course and in the light of the recent referendum refusal to carry the process to its conclusion, that the significant political undercurrent to these events as they were mismanaged by my German Head of Year was arguably pro European in character and sentiment, rather than in terms of a prioritising of a national restructuring and rebuilding under the first serious Tory Administration for fifteen years.
So among other things I can't easily factor in some conventionally responsible comment about cannabis smoking for the benefit of ambitious Tory Toadies who should probably have had the vision and insight to have thought more carefully about why it has been so widely and so studiously disregarded before making witless attempts at self glorifying commentary, it being for instance the case that most Police Forces are in something like a state of rebellion against Tory parliamentary sentiment as far as any serious attempt to enforce the ban on smoking Grass is concerned and for the simple sake of Order in Urban areas. It might not occur readily to many but the fact the Letter of the Law is held in contempt not only by much of the Metropolitan and Urban Population but by the mass of the National Police Force is much more undermining of real and general consensus than might be considered in the big picture. Stories about how people have come to grief after seeking to responsibly inform on drug transactions in Urban Neighbourhoods including not infrequent bad tempered killings, stem from the simple fact too many civic figures have entered into informal but very real agreements not to persecute certain kinds of medicinal black marketeering.
I don't say this from any particular or specific kind of personal interest other than in terms of one or two sub plots I have already referred to several times, most salient being the suggestion taking shape in more recent years and months that the reason Steve Wright had approached us was because someone associated with the local Labour Party had been ripped off by my Mother and/or her family and associates on a Coke Deal, the assumption now being that they were seeking to anticipate some kind of payoff to my Mother's affinity from the Kray connection: prior of course to their release after serving a relatively token sentence for Capital Murder or something like that.
It may be recalled by some who take an interest in Current Affairs that some few years ago there was a particularly egregious double Cop killing undertaken by a one eyed Mancunian Gangster Dale Cregan who had emptied a Pistol Magazine into the face of a fresh faced WPC of about 5ft 2 and scarcely more than College Age, then killed another with a continued grenade and small arms attack. It may not have readily occurred to many who have not for instance lived among baby boomers on post war Council estates or anything such, but what I read into the affair in causative terms was such high level ignorance of mass drug crimes. It seemed to be the case that Creagan's wayward behaviour was getting him counted out of a circle of inner city drug lords that are routinely ignored by civil authorities and often less thought of as 'enemies' than those selfsame civil authorities in urban working class districts where the illusions of our pseudo-democracy tend to be more pauperising and perspicacious in many respects.
I seem to have stumbled into making a number of accurate conclusions about post war gangsterism and early modern history that many for instance have been trying to sell books about. It's very interesting but I'm trying not to diverge from an accurate recapitulation of my experiences with the specific goal of persuading people they really need to take some of these Authorities to task somehow. As far as I'm personally concerned about Crime in any way it has to start with some reasonable and responsible comment about the fact I was turning up to School with bruises and clumps of hair missing as the result of my Father knocking me about in an attempt to get me to expose myself for the delectation of the Ex Magistrate's Daughter. Living out a schizoid delusion about being some bourgeois mover and shaker is one thing, but this was quite another, and until someone does come up with such a comment I do not feel under much compunction to relate the truth about other Criminal Incidents though I generally have: there are of course various sarcastic contrarities, red herrings and the odd justified deception scattered among the narratives on this site and they are all generally speaking reasonable devices for meaningful expression and exposition.
Over the Winter of 80-81 that I was a sixth former I found myself wandering the streets looking for friendly company most evenings as I had nowhere to do any School work, in accepting drinks and things to smoke I ended up as I've said, getting exposed to all the worst society the streets of the Town had to offer which was bad enough under any sort of circumstance, but owing to the political connection and the fact I had become associated with the Labour Party/Movement, it was also a fact that many indigent people tended to expect to find me a source of helpful conversation/input, and I ended up making enemies of more worthwhile contemporaries I couldn't really afford to alienate though thankfully most seemed to realise I was rather tongue in cheek about trying to get people to vote Labour. It tends to substantiate the suggestion that some kind of serious and dangerous political intrigue was going on here. One Bus Driver's Son Conrad Payne who wanted to be an Artist and had also become a fairly close companion for maybe a year or two at around this time, had rapidly become suicidal, and as I understand it stabbed himself in the chest and leapt from the top of the Council Apartment he'd been granted. He was a naturally decent sort, at least prior to the time he started imbibing stories put about by Labour wannabees; what seems relevantly of the remark he didn't really fit the description of a bright young thing in any obvious respect. In terms of people expecting me to be sympathetic for their problems today I often think of pointing out that I don't think he had quite made quite 21 years of age and neither do I think he had ever known anything like the healing intimacy of a desirable young Lady's touch.
It's a really spooky story and I suppose I'd be letting myself down if I failed to mention how he had got me into trouble one freezing unpleasant morning over the Winter of 80-81 when I was off to my appalling unsuitable Saturday Job in an Engineering Yard because it seems to have played a role in the way I was ineptly and inappropriately prosecuted in 1985. I wasn't interested in machines myself, knew nothing at all about Engineering and it would have been far more appropriate and tolerable if someone had offered me a Job helping out on a Farm. The only kind of trouble I'd been in since I moved back to Suffolk with my Father in '76 was when I had made a genuine mistake in wandering out of a Co-op downtown with a Tin of Cat Food I'd absent mindedly forgotten to pay for, one of those small ones like a can of Tuna and I hadn't pocketed it I had simply forgotten I was holding it.
I hadn't been in any sort of trouble for the four years I lived in Northumberland despite the comparative nature of the place and saying that I had only been involved in an isolated incident whilst living for two years or so in Lancashire really betokens the remark that it was a similar sort of impoverished high crime neighbourhood working class neighbourhood. On the first afternoon there I found a burned out workshop/factory on the far side of a bombed out Railway Station with piles of smouldering boxes of shoes and boots littered around inside which was probably the result of an Arson attack; I had spent it must have been a couple of hours staring at all these new shoes and wondering if I could help myself to any before failing to summon the temerity to examine the place more closely. It was about a year later however that I was with a couple of other late Primary School age children from nearby and one of them had burgled another Workshop nearby of a few cases of cans of fizzy drink and I had accepted some from him. I was a few months into the age of criminal responsibility and the Prime Mover was a few short so I got an earful from some Detective. So did the bloke whose Workshop it was because he had left a window open facing into a dead end side street and he was told that it was far too much of a temptation to
the significant numbers of impoverished Schoolchildren who frequented the adjoining bombed out railway station.
Saying that my Stepmother had a lax or perhaps not very conservative attitude toward Crime tends to betoken the observation that there was some kind of implicit blackmail inherent to her relationship with my Father: I tend to assume that she and most of her Siblings did have significant records of Juvenile Crime. Whatever the truth about this may have been the two children involved a Gary and a Chris decided to carry out some kind of revenge attack on me a few weeks later which involved one of them sitting on me whilst another urinated on my face so it only goes to show that One wants to be careful about how one talks to the Police about criminal behaviour. In looking back I find myself thinking it the incident might have been partly owing to some perception that my Father had been involved with the Krays and that he/we was/were supposed to have been wanting to be involved in certain varieties of Crime.
What is of reiterating that once back in Suffolk I was having an impossibly hard time coping with my family situation, had related to my School Counsellor that I was impossibly depressed and quite unreservedly mad with hate, I don't mean the destructive violent kind of hate so much, but the hysterically upset variety. I had forgotten to tell him I'd been assaulted by the German Head of Year and that I was not only afraid/reluctant to tell him about Property Crime going on in the School, but had assumed he (the Head of Year) significantly knew of it, and was also mystified as to why he had said or done absolutely nothing about it. If that had not been so, it might likely have been the case I would have chided Conrad about his habit of occasionally thieving unattended pints of milk from doorsteps before the morning he was almost seized by an alert Householder.
I suppose in general I tend to suggest the School had been negligent in (as far as I knew) ignoring petty Property Crime and that even if Conrad and/or myself had been guilty of a string of such misdemeanours, that it would have been a reasonably fair comment that they had encouraged such behaviour by their inaction in such matters.
I forget what he was doing so far from his beaten track on the bypass in the Northern suburbs, not least at that time of day, and I suppose we must have been out somewhere the night before. I was myself on route to my place of work and had not even trespassed on the Property but was regarding the incident from the main Road when the Householder appeared. The truth was that I had hardly been aware that he had just impulsively darted off down someone's Driveway in the dark gloom of a gradually dawning Winter morning, I may have heard him muttering something about what he was going to do but had hardly had a chance to draw breath when a very large and very angry looking Householder appeared out of his front door just as Conrad was just reaching down toward his doorstep milk rack. He only just evaded the Householder's grasp and then scarpered. I had borrowed my Aunt's bicycle to get to work as it was a seven or eight mile journey, and couldn't also flee from a large heavily built bloke who obviously couldn't run much without abandoning it which wasn't an option. He got into his car, drove straight at me and I'd have been knocked over by him if I hadn't ridden onto a nearby Heath and into a mass of gorse bushes where the Cops found me a few minutes later. They may have been somewhat misled by the fact there wasn't any milk in my lunch things along with a couple of sandwiches, some sugar and ground coffee, but the truth was that the only sort of material the Employer had ever provided his workers was a large tub of powdered milk in their tea hut and it was the only thing I didn't need.
Despite this I was told I was lucky not to have been prosecuted and was issued with some kind of a formal warning (I didn't get it, for what? Nothing to do with me!)
What is of recently surmising that the School Counsellor had scented certain intrigues relating to Sexcrime, had perhaps thought I was some kind of witting or contriving Party to them, and had taken a relatively easy option in rather determining to launder them and exonerate the adults involved, than having kept it in mind that his concern was firstly the welfare of the Pupil. Recent scandals involving public figures from the post war era in general tend to suggest that successive Windsorian Governments have not defined or managed the issue of Sexcrime and personal social morality very well. What is clearly very much of reiterating, that I had no conscious memory of any incident in the Biology Class which might have suggested I had some kind of lighthearted or understanding attitude toward the phenomenon and was in fact extremely concerned about my Father's .
There were perhaps several circumstances appertaining that forty years on appear undeniable though perhaps increasingly irrelevant with the passing of time, which have arguably contributed to some undeserved portrayals of myself as worthy of Prosecution: the notion that my Father was aggrieved about his own legal history and was thinking of scripting unfortunate happenings for the legal and political establishment with little genuine concern for myself; the suggestion the Krays were trying to haunt me for a certain sort of portrayal and wanted to find that (for want of a better phrase) I had some unusual and/or unfashionable understanding of the working class criminal mentality; that the children of Police families from my previous School may have been bored enough with their suburban existences to have patronised the same kind of sentiment to some extent; the fact my one Aunt whom I trusted seems to have been scheming clumsily just to get rid of me; the fact of ex stepbrothers perhaps wanting to be part of a successful crime story rather than slavish Thatcherite adherents are all additional matters which have only been gradually deduced since concrete evidential memories began resurfacing in 2004.
I suppose I always did think my Father some kind of disaffected Sex Weirdo but had never previously realised I had memories that signified anything more specific, or that they were serious enough to prompt his contriving hostile situations for me as a distraction. What isn't quite so easy to deduce is why so many nominally innocent and supposedly responsible parties had over the years apparently helped him do so.
The fact was that Winter I had been awaiting some notification that I would be granted some basic form of public housing in my own right when I attained the age of seventeen the following summer like the kind of one bedroom flat that was routinely awarded to teenage pregnancies and was as I say terrified of my Father's mysterious self deceiving incompetence. I had been a very small child who hadn't ever really encouraged him to be understanding of my Mother's family. Whilst of course it's very difficult to conclude anything much with any certainty so long after the event, and for instance I haven't had much chance to seriously consider the fact his Parents' Marriage wasn't quite what it was supposed to be, the fact remains that they had died fairly quickly after he had taken me hundreds of miles away to a new Job just as I was about to start Schooling. When his Father swiftly died he had little left to give him besides a couple of hundred quid which is I suppose more like two thousand in today's money. The only thing that was of moment, was a three wheeler Reliant which was very much worth having, as he didn't then have a Car Licence and could drive it on his Motorbike Licence. It is an appalling testimony to the kind of strangely preoccupied ineptitude I describe, that he didn't make it back to Northumberland with it as he'd forgotten to top up the water in the Radiator which almost anyone would do for such a long journey: half way back the cylinder head overheated and blew up leaving the vehicle a write off.
In again returning to the assertion that I was/am a victim of the hubris of the Legal Profession, what is of reiterating that I was genuinely and unreservedly shocked by the reception I got from the Solicitor Smythe over the Winter of 84-85, not merely in the literary manner after which many describe real surprise, but in the sense of real nauseating physical shock and from right out of nowhere like a small child being hit by a Car. Since I'd ended up getting warned about Prosecution over the Winter of 80-81 quite a lot had happened as I say, most particularly that I'd fled in tears from my Careers interview in September 81 after having been refused an application that was strictly speaking something that shouldn't have been refused. My whole life had revolved around schooling since the time I unexpectedly found myself battling rough Miner's children with strange accents in my first year at an infants School hundreds of miles from the only World I could recall which was that of my Grandparent's Garden in a middle class suburb of a southern Town. I had always been told that I was very intelligent and had nothing going for me except the fact that I could always understand and interpret the most difficult sorts of historical and literary works well enough to impress the Teachers I'd had even if I hadn't ever written anything much. I couldn't do anything else well except play Cricket, I didn't want to do anything else, and I found being separated from the Society of other bright young things in the Sixth Form intolerable and crippling to any chance I had of making something worthwhile of myself. I was then only just seventeen, was still sharing a bedroom with my Father, hadn't enjoyed that Summer, and really needed to see some friendly, sympathetic and understanding faces from my own peer group instead of the Town centre's population of down and outs, oddballs and politically ambitious characters. This could clearly be elaborated in much more detail with some regard to Stepfather's boasted intent to sabotage my chances of making something out of sixth form (he knew I liked it there), relatives generally having less than respectable stories they didn't want intelligently appraised, the possibly plausible unusually (if mistakenly) motivated jealousy of so called friends etc .............
In respect of allegations of criminality there are perhaps a few points that I've never recalled adequately enough to express contextually in the way they should and they're probably best related by pointing out that my home in subsequent months became the downtown Pubs and whoever's Bedsit or front room I fell asleep in. I have recently partially sought to express to a Nurse to some extent how difficult it was for someone who'd spent most of his childhood in remote parts of the Country by the Northumbrian Coast and the Lancashire Fells to adjust to living in a Tower Block on a deprived Housing Estate that was long overdue for demolition. Even if I had no other sort of problem, I had never imagined living somewhere so unpleasant, had always had at least the solace of a Household Canine and a relatively natural if squalid environment. I had unenthusiastically signed up for Night School in adult classes at the College but was enthusiastically meeting the Town's population of literate teenagers by night. What was of the fact I had been quite pleasantly surprised by the extent to which I did manage to find agreeable company that actually spoke the kind of language I'd previously found only in books. This was probably something to do with the fact I had always been an outsider in the places I had lived and though I did have various step siblings and by then Junior School half siblings, I had never really considered myself as anything other than an only child stuck in some kind of unfathomable nightmare.
By the following Christmas holiday it seems I had gotten drunk one Lunchtime with a few characters from the local Public School and blundered off out of a Department Store called Coes which still survives where my Mother and Stepfather had an expense account with a couple of items I hadn't paid for, and so had maybe several of the characters I had been with. Saying that I had only partly elaborated a tale of personal woe betokens firstly the observation that I wasn't aware I couldn't remember the most important parts of it. Things that had been said but ignored over the previous few years were foremostly that I definitely should have been marked down as a vulnerable individual and helped into whatever sort of independent accommodation might have been available. I daresay the ins and outs could be argued over from various perspectives but I thought that was what had been formally decided. I suppose it's easier to agree that someone such as I was, had very little chance of arguing successfully against relatives who were determined to obfuscate the causality of my situation and officials who had gotten hold of formalised versions of events and my personal history. What hadn't then been said or agreed to be factual since, was that while I didn't know much about the truth of what was going on behind my Father's social and marital history in Schooldays generally, his then most recent Wife had definitely stolen from him and sold a few things of minor but not entirely insignificant value that remained from odds and ends his Father had left him which I think mostly consisted of a Stamp Collection.
I couldn't deny that I'd pocketed a couple of trifles which I think were a letter opener and a paperweight but the truth is I was so full of booze from a lunchtime drinking session I couldn't remember what the hell had happened and fell asleep immediately after being stuck in a Cell: I must have been complaining about the fact I was supposed to be a thief to some extent. It seems a not unreasonable comment to suggest that my Mother was aware that it would have been a fairly good idea to have impressed some fairly new acquaintances (of the better sort) and had been trying to give me things off her joint account and my youthful half siblings had probably been trying to help her. Saying that their Grandfather was probably also trying to give me a few things betokens the remark that he was fairly contemptuous of this particular Son of his; I only met him once but thought him respectable insofar as I can relate to or am understanding of people who are typically working class. When he tried to buy his parents' Council House he got a flea in his ear and his Father was most insistent that it remain in the Public Domain: now that's what I call Patriotism!
In commenting on accusations of disrespect for personal property I have to say I don't know what had happened to my own Stamp Collection begun when my own Grandfather was still alive but as I have within the last few years tried to explain to the Mother of one of the characters I was with that afternoon who still lives locally, the only item of any value I would eventually recall having owned in the previous few years (which didn't happen until I was approaching the age of fifty) was a Comic Collection which I had hidden behind a Unitarian Church opposite the Department Store in question, I think it would have been one Saturday in the Spring of 1980. I didn't know anyone I could have trusted to look after them for me and the fact I had forgotten about them/it signified rather that I was a victim of Crime (acutely embarrassing memories) than a conscious Perpetrator. There were things that I didn't want to remember about my sordid familial history and any real friend or responsible Party should have argued vociferously that my memory was innocently malfunctioning and have pointed out that I was variously a victim of some fairly serious unpleasant scheming on the part of many who had successfully feigned such responsibility. What seems to be of the argument that the situation whereby a group of young pissed up students had felt constrained to play at being thieves was rather one that had been foisted than something in which I/They/We had seriously become spontaneously mischievously thievish. One can of course argue the toss unendingly about the rights and wrongs of such a matter. Over the last few years I have also eventually recalled that a friend of the elder of the most recent Stepbrothers I'd had via the onetime JP's daughter, had kept a collection of a couple of hundred medieval cavalry figurines that I'd forgotten I ever owned over the various rapidly changing and unwholesome circumstances that governed the fact of my having reached College age: they would be worth perhaps a small four figure sum now. One half German fellow Pupil from Secondary School also still owes me a small issue/collection of thirty British Issue Conan Comics which he refused to return at the end of '79 they would be worth maybe a few hundred pounds if they are still in anything like the condition they were when I let him borrow them: I happen to have a battered copy of Ursula le Guin's Wizard of Earthsea which belongs to him which I'm obviously willing to exchange.
So as far as the actual facts go in respect of what the Solicitor Anthony Smythe alleged to be incontrovertible evidence of my unwholesome character in 1985, even without remarks about the School's inadequacy in matters of policing and reporting in the general sense (possible to include a few details about how this had corrupted Conrad Payne), it firstly consisted of one incident I had no real involvement in, so how could I have justified being threatened with Prosecution or being told that I was being given a final warning over something that was nothing to do with me? Secondly as far as the Department Store incident is concerned, the argument I/We deserved to be formally prosecuted in a Magistrate's Court depends on prior ignorance of the Law not its upholding, and the Conclusion reached by Anthony Smythe that my position was indefensible and that I deserved to be prosecuted on the technicality that I had burgled my own home in 1985 similarly nonsensical the fact of the matter being quite the contrary to that alleged.
What is of the remark that I pretty much did strive to say this when these events occurred and that the kind of violent ignoring of my reasonable arguments have been abnegated by the advent of IT which permits such public representations despite the attempt to formally deny them. What is clearly therefore of adding that in certain respects the PolicePersons and CPS Employees who pursued matters whilst thus deluded are also victims as is the Public Interest.
It seems apt to point out in hereby conclusively arguing that the way my own legal history has been managed is worth meaningfully apologising for, that the recent arrest of a Suspect in the Birmingham Pub Bombings of 1974, underlines the real fallibility of the Police and Legal Establishment in that six completely innocent people each spent a decade and a half in Jail!
Apart from the fact he had a Civil Service Job and could afford to buy a few drinks Steve Wright had made a rather counterproductive nuisance of himself in that for instance he was heard to be going on about kicking Germans or half Germans quite frequently, it didn't seem to go down well and I didn't really approve of it. I have to repeat that I never had told anyone (didn't have anyone to tell) that I'd been assaulted (picked up and thrown at his Office Wall) by my German head of year in '76 and it is really only in quite recent years that I have recalled the fact: it was and is enough of a demanding task to endure the fact of living one day at a time. It is also only in relatively recent years I have retrospectively noted that my Father's one surviving paternal Aunt seems to have played a role in these events, ie, it seems to have been the case she had been seen to be involved in classroom exchanges with the German Head of Year and fellow pupils. As far as I know she (Miss Clacton on Sea 1938) is still alive and recently became a centenarian, the story about her seems to be that she was significant among the cacophony that was pursuing the Royal Family with complaints about the 'phoney war' in early 1940. I have said that many people seem to have acquired the impression, (and believe you me I don't want to say this at all as my sanity has it seems always been stretched further than I had imagined or desired) acquired the impression, that my German Head of Year and my Father were seen to be involved in some kind of meaningful exchange with ER about that situation and the conclusion about my Father's Aunt seems to have been that they (the Royal Family) were getting a bit cheesed off here and there with hearing from her.
Suffice it to say I prefer to put this comment as a question posed to contemporaries rather than as a statement of fact: Mr Heineken had certainly raised eyebrows when cursing me in our fifth year class saying he hated me and wanted me to end up on the scrap heap with some genuinely aggressive vehemence but what no-one knew was that I had actually been assaulted by him on my first day at that School. The more intelligent were rather thinking that they wanted rid of a high spending racially integrationist Labour Government and I had thought that the Labour Activists who had contacted me at around that time, were going to help me settle into a Council Flat but the bottom line is that it seems they were thinking of calling shots over the drugs trade and mistakenly thought I knew something about it.
Any reticence I may have arguably evidenced about all this in meeting other new Sixth Formers later that year in September 1980 stemmed from embarrassment rather than guile in that I thought any sort of troublesome conversations about my family were done, and in saying so a lot of details worthy of examination are going to have to be omitted here and now. Suffice it to say for a passing recapitulation that some of the details of his parenting were so troubling I have never more than partly related them to anyone. The real sticking point was that he wouldn't discuss the fact he had any kind of legal history relating to Sex Offences; I wasn't asking him for some kind of public statement and all he'd do was stare into the middle distance and say nooooo! I may have been completely itinerant (no exaggeration) but I thought I'd at least have some self determination. In academic terms I had begged the 6th Form Teachers I met that academic year not to try and put me through the hoops with trying to get basic Maths, Science and a Language qualification sorted out immediately but rather to let me get my teeth into some major historical and literary works which I was much more capable of doing in the short term. For example in the previous year or two I had read all Steven King's early novels as they came off the Press and had devoured William Shirer's Rise and fall of the Third Reich in a few days: it remains a standard historical textbook for the period.
A fair bit also needs to be said about how I came to be a youthful Bedsitland itinerant instead of a happy young Student and I take it very badly that supposedly civilised and sophisticated Civil Authorities should have mean spiritedly sought to portray me as some kind of wannabee teenage drug fiend lounge lizard desperate to avoid military service or something like that, rather than someone who was trying to be nice about a series of unremitting tawdry and pauperising experiences that should have been obviated by such responsible authorities.
I had made the Minimum Entry Requirement to go straight onto an A Level Course if only by the literal minimum when I turned up for my careers interview in September of '81, and wasn't expecting an easy time but I didn't have any reason to expect a curt and entire refusal of an A level Course or the absence of any comment at all on where I was going to be living (more details needed here sometime especially about the voices of various relatives, ex relatives and their acquaintances making forceful and unhelpful suggestions that should have been ignored): all I then wanted was to be in charge of my own destiny and manage my own Flat making sure that every penny was properly and legitimately accounted for.
So in examining the general legal problems relevant to the fact I was charged with burgling my own home late in '84 it was the case firstly that my Father should not have booked joint accommodation for us. It was the worst kind of thing anyone could find, a filthy post war tenement long overdue for demolition, in a 'sink estate' on the far side of Town miles away from familiar faces or any plausibly helpful company.
The Solicitor Smythe refused to consider this was relevant and as a matter of fact he refused to consider anything, even that I deserved the rights of a British citizen (suspicion that the young William Wales overheard this quite clearly) and it's perhaps an interesting point for example as to how could I betray a Nation that doesn't admit I'm a legitimate citizen. Saying that I'm not supposed to have to try and earn these rights as he stated really tends to betoken some kind of general comment about how the British Legal System functions on trusting Lawyers, in respect of the allegation or observation, that too much depends on the kind of understanding that individuals manage or don't manage to effect with these qualified and approved individuals.
It reprises much that I have variously stated, to say that I was firstly expecting an overwhelmingly apologetic official reaction to my story and that I had only asked my natural Mother to speak to the Solicitor with the object of getting it firmly into his head that the context definitely was one of my Father having been a suspicious and disturbed kind of closet Sex Weirdo, who had in previous years leapfrogged around from one strangely concocted marital/relationship liaison to another, before somehow managing to arrange joint accommodation for us, despite it being as far as I was concerned the overwhelming single conclusion of these preceding contretemps, that if he wasn't going to make any sort of sensible or meaningful discussion about the unremitting ill fortune that had pursued us since the late sixties, that he should simply make sure I had been accommodated by the Council, preferably with at least some degree of congeniality and hopefully established in some kind of worthwhile study at 6th Form while he went off to do whatever he was going to do with whatever kind of fresh acquaintances he was going to make.
This hadn't happened, I had fled from my careers interview in tears and rather put it that in the few years between then and meeting the Solicitor Smythe I was trying to enjoy being young with as much edifying good humour as I could muster, which wasn't really a great deal, and I didn't think anyone had seriously put me down as a thief. I didn't want to involve my Mother or her Partner in any meaningful discussion of other particularities. It hadn't seriously crossed my mind that anyone would doubt my Father was to blame for sordid and dysfunctional happenings, that his behaviour was profoundly suspicious, or that I was as well intentioned as I, or for that matter anyone in such a situation could have been.
It seems a fairly simple and straightforward point compared to much of the more complex psychological matter I have to some extent outlined, that at least several things were dead strange about my Father's attitude toward fundamentally significant social facts, and that his so called marriage to a Thai Woman he had known for some months was an attempt to evade discussion of his parental role and actions among various contemporaries who had gathered partial versions of this tale of woe.
He had left with her on Nov 26th 1983 saying he'd be back within three months and didn't reappear in the UK for some years; he had during the course of 1984 written a couple of times making vague assertions I should take over the Tenancy on the Flat which according to various interpretations of prior events was either mine/his/theirs/ours. To judge from what happened since the turn of the Millennium I don't think he ever related anything accurate to his so called Wife about what had taken place. By this time I was out of my mind with the most excruciating kind of depression and I could hardly remember anything that had alleviated the numbing fear and shock I had first encountered on the streets of a deprived Northern Mining Town at five years of age. The comparatively tolerable novelty of being a young and footloose young adult instead of a neglected, persecuted and abused adolescent had definitely worn off. I had lost helpful and therapeutic contact with more worthwhile individuals of my own age and social class, and the Estate outside the tenement was full of unemployed Heroin addicted working class baby boomers. I hadn't been able to afford to keep a Motorbike on the Road for about a year and a half and the thought of being able to take a holiday or affording to get a full Licence was so impossible it was more akin to thinking of joining an expedition to Mars than it was an even remotely plausible ambition.
I should reiterate that I'm the last person who wants to theorise that the kind of experiences I'd had were the result of some kind of conspiracy or plot among movers and shakers in the social and political establishment, in that my suit is a quest for law and justice not fame and favour. I've no doubt that famous and favoured individuals will try and kid Society's nobodys that they are doing useful things for them if they can, and the politically ambitious characters I had run across did seem as if they might have found some kind of such script, but if it was ever real it had been hopelessly hijacked and subverted by people with better insight and hearing than I had. I tended to think that the extent to which other down and out indigents seemed to think I was someone with official or semi official connections and tended to associate me with supposedly positive aspects of the Labour Council was the result of routine pauperising tricks on the part of people trying to encourage the young and naive to engage in good works as part of furthering some illusion of a wholesome functioning democratic society.
As '84 wore on the whole thing had gotten worse and worse and worse, my Girocheques were all spoken for weeks if not months in advance of their arrival and I was completely powerless to start paying off the utility bills that were arriving in my Father's name. I'll never forgive any of the people who were involved in framing this set of circumstances. I listen to the way people talk about the NHS Naff Health Service nowadays like it's some sort of sacred cow and I don't trust anyone associated with it: truth is I don't trust anyone much any more. I had really thought that the longstanding Family Doctor and the School had got it straight in '79 and that I couldn't reasonably be expected to put up with any more of whatever lay behind my Father's negligent scheming. Whatever anyone else may like to think about free British Medicine the singular conclusion is perhaps that if the ideal of the NHS wasn't so much subject to optimistic propaganda pressures that a negligent putative story that was politically correct would never have been accepted: that is to say for instance in other words that it's difficult to imagine such a story of dangerous and disturbing psychological and material conflict sneaking past some kind of points based health insurance system or something like that.
I'd be very interested to hear if Doc Williams is still with us in that he must be getting into his nineties if he is. What seems most relevantly to be of the remark that he did to some significant extent overhear everything that has taken place from the time I was a three year old voicing concerns about my Grandparents medical condition. (a few details needed here about problems with my nose including the fact it was broken in a fight/murder attempt in '86 & left me with breathing problems for a decade).
The Head of Year at School was arguably more to blame and he must have known perfectly well that he should have forestalled this train of events; that I did in fact specifically tell him to insofar as I told him anything besides the fact he was guilty of common assault. I daresay since I have recently published that he is Guilty of having assaulted me within minutes of my having started at his School that I might hear more from people in time as to whether or not they think he had been evading the fact aforethought as my career there drew to a close. A fascinating story has reached my ears in recent months about the demise of one of two Head Boys from my year at Copleston. I've heard odd scraps of gossip that might have hinted at such a scenario since I found myself back in the neighbourhood of the School from 2002, but what has really captured my attention in no uncertain terms during the Summer this year 2020, is the statement/story that one of these Head Boys (an Alan I'd only ever spoken to on a small handful of occasions), had joined the local Police Drug Squad and had not only gotten addicted to Drugs as the result of helping himself, but actually died from an overdose. I'm presently musing as to whether or not this could reasonably be linked to my present attempt to carpet a Lawyer or two but I tend to suppose the story more obviously seems to fit in with the general narrative of my own personal history.
The fact was that as 1984 drew to a close I had to do something about the domestic situation that had been illegally imposed on me. I was no longer quite oblivious to the fact that a local political community I had taken for high minded City Father characters were thought of as more like opportunist criminals by the Legal Establishment, but was in no way at all prepared for the reception I personally got from this huge English Lawyer a***hole. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he is now or has been a Divorcee with complaints about the way he throws his weight about involved in marital contretemps.
I tend to assert it that my version of events becomes much more comprehensible and believable if it is accepted that a huge part of my subconscious was straining to locate dormant memories of infancy that pointed unmistakeably to some sensational conclusions about familial involvement with Organised Crime and that very few who knew bits and pieces about it had realised they were dormant: perhaps no-one not even my Father.
At some point over the Summer one of the Copleston Secondary School Crew Peter Murray Cowpat had moved in though it subsequently seemed he really only wanted or needed a place to store a collection of musical equipment. I had no other option but to seek to try and attain some control over running the Flat and Petey wasn't willing to stump up anything more than the very minimal token contribution of a tenner. I then sold a few of the items he had left in the Flat to a mutual acquaintance with the object of so doing when my Mother persuaded me to abandon it. I heard in the New Year that it had been cleared out and I've never had any explanation as to how this happened or as to who was actually responsible for it: what is for instance that my Father and I were also both robbed of certain sundry items. I repeat that I tried to get my Mother (and the Partner she brought along) to get it into this Solicitor's head that he had a suspicious sort of history, that I shouldn't have been put in the position of having to manage it in the first place, that this was definitely the relevant perspective, and that I had already been robbed repeatedly by various prior and ex family members during the course of various suspicious and questionable familial arrangements throughout the course of my entire life. What happened was that suddenly according to them he had metamorphosed into some kind of role model unworthy of any sort of criticism, and specifically that he didn't have a history of sexual offences which he did: he had twice been dumped out of good white collar Jobs not that he ever admitted to or discussed the fact as I say.
Instead of being proffered some general apology for what had been foisted on me by various officials, I found myself being threatened with summary imprisonment, since according to what I then thought I knew about my Father, his troubled demeanour and appallingly badly judged actions and decisions were largely the consequence of having spent three years in a prison at the end of the 1950's, I completely freaked out and caved in to whatever these three demanded whilst trying to unreservedly warn that the long term consequences would inevitably be appalling. I'm obviously still musing over the plausibly historically significant conclusion reached only in 1994 that not only was my Father of a pre war multi-racial background but that his parents' marriage might have been something like a propaganda piece or publicity stunt rather than something genuinely wholesome in the way of a love story but that remains conjecture: they were very much opposites in that she came from an impoverished rural farming family and he came from the reasonably well to do multiracial middle class of inner London.
That same Winter that Mr Cowpat found himself divested of his entire collection of musical instruments I had blundered off with someone's Purse out of a downtown Church on Christmas Eve after seeking refuge from the unseasonable inexplicable and hostile dystopia that had descended on me. Now as far as I know the Officials in the place haven't disagreed with the remark that I was a galloping case of Dissociative Amnesia, struggling to work out what lay behind my Father's extremely disingenuous behaviour, which had among other things occasioned the mislaying of any personal property of my own, and that I shouldn't really personally be blamed for what came to pass: it seems one elderly Churchwarden in particular knew a fair bit about my Father's family.
It must have looked pretty funny because the place was packed and I noted one elderly lady who had presumably been doing some late shopping with her Purse balanced precariously on top of a weighty bag of sundries next to me and the thought that first took me was to tell her to put it away somewhere more safely. I picked it off the top of her bag and then realised that about half the Church including the Vicar were staring at me, I suppose you could say some kind of instinctive impulse overtook me in that I was depressed, cold, hungry, penniless, entirely at a loss to explain how and why, had nothing but perverse problems and a grim dystopia to awaken to, and in the blink of an eye had fled with the poor old girl's purse. I didn't really stop to think about what had happened beyond vaguely but angrily reflecting as I pocketed £15 and dumped the Purse down a drain that my Head of Year at School had spent far too much time listening to discussions of how Pupils might engage in professional thievery: as a matter of fact besides having angrily picked me up and thrown me at his Office Wall on my first day at the School I had never really noticed him do anything else! He did make a few comments about German Politicians on one occasion but I didn't have any idea why or what it was precisely that he was trying to say. The Vicar must have been marvelously distempered and what is of remarking that the story was on the tip of my tongue at the point I gave up trying to talk sense to the Solicitor Smythe who as say, made several dangerous comments about the fact I didn't in his view qualify for a proper defence and with which I have ever since been trying to take formal issue. What was of the fact that Christmas that I could have been associated with two different addresses and should have been associated with neither. I was completely stymied by his insistence in respect of the fact I was technically guilty of Burglary in seeking to unwillingly do something about a Maisonette I had been illegally allotted with my Father, that this illegality was irrelevant, and in respect of the fact he had unceremoniously disappeared into the far east with a questionable and questionably married individual, that there was no such thing as Sex Offenders. Among other things I suppose like to think I have overwhelmingly rubbished the unflattering portrayal of myself that he insisted was Gospel and which seems to have formed the principal basis for his hostile refusal to accept anything I had to say.
In respect of my business with Mr Cowpat I wasn't trying to steal from anyone, felt I was generally rather a victim and was rather trying to provoke Petey to do something other than rely on me to look after his things. He and others from the School had it seems now, only a partial and inaccurate understanding of relevant circumstances, and it also now seems a fair comment that there were powerful, sinister and self interested political forces at work behind these dysfunctional occurrences among baby boomers who were supposed to have had certain political allegiances.
Some further questions really need to be expressed in detail about how and why Smythe came to be under the impression I was something other than a particularly well behaved individual who was without question the victim of negligent Teachers, questionably motivated Parents and dubious political intrigue and what is for example of remarking that the Yanks I ran across in the early eighties seemed to have unmistakeably obtained such an impression.
I am examining the suggestion that my first stepbrother's might have wanted in on a succesful Gangster Story that might have provided them with a route out of the working class ghettos of the ex mining Towns, (most working class kids of the time probably would) it seems quite relevant to point out that they might have thought I was keeping stum, waiting for a payoff from the Krays and relishing youthful crime as the result of what they might have overheard of my Schooldays subsequent to our parting in the Summer of '76: the fact I did seem to have attracted the attention of children with petty and professional criminal associations does retrospectively seem to have been due to some perception that my unhappy personal family history was linked to their decline. I am again having to repeat myself in saying that the Cormacks (the ex lady JP's Daughter's family) were thoroughly foolish in seeking to ignore and launder the suggestion of impropriety and illegality in my Father's personal history when after about two weeks acquaintanceship in it must have been early in ;78 or thereabouts our parents decided to marry. I was utterly livid when my Aunt insisted I accompany him, as far as I knew it would have been perfectly congenial for me to have at least had the opportunity to actually make use of free Schooling after years of being oddly flattered about my intelligence without anywhere to work or sleep in private. They weren't going to launder the suggestion their Mother was too inappropriately interested in troubled Minors by joining in some story about bicycle thieves though it definitely was a story that ought to have been formally aired according to the norms and values of a generally law abiding Society in a southern English County Town.
I can without much imaginative exaggeration imagine someone committing Murder over what they blithely sought to sweep under the carpet.
It is again a repetition if one that fits well with the narrative, to say I was so terrified of my Father's delusions about his situation and status that I was relatively unconcerned about what exactly it was that might lie behind it. I had partly determined that I would inform on certain thievish antics once I had been established in my own home away from my Father's intrigues (a few people see to have overheard this before '81) and in a straight line, what is of pointing out that it never happened (unless you count returning stolen books to Northgate Library in the later nineties when I had managed to establish a certain amount of personal stability) in that my generally inadequate and ill considered rental arrangements have almost all been under some legal question or uncertainty of one sort and another. It was among a host of good and legal intentions which I significantly lost hold of under the mystifying and hostile barrage I was subjected to by the Solicitor who was supposed to be defending me in 1985: what he insisted was legal reality was so preposterous it was literally like saying the sky isn't blue and the grass isn't green and as I say I completely freaked out. I had every expectation of a resonable hearing swiftly leading to a large exoneration of how I had been portrayed in the previous ten years and was subjected to imposible lies by relatives and told I was going to be carted off to Jail by this Lawyer and he didn't for instance offer to consider that the charges might be likely to be dropped as the result of a proper analysis.
Of course I didn't realise I had submerged memories relating to historically significant criminal incidents and it seems very key, in view of what I started recalling about infancy in 2004, that I had learned to ignore and not remember things at a crucial point during my Primary Socialisation, and that in later years at stressful points in my life some sort of recurrence of a sort of mental shutdown has occurred when I really needed to explain and express certain matters as fully as possible.
That is of course an extremely difficult matter to substantiate satisfactorily.
To say that I have been threatened, bullied and bamboozled into all sorts of contrary actions and statements over the years is a significant understatement; there is for example the case of Martin Tolley another ex Coplestonian from my year who could well have done without getting inveigled into renting ramshackle properties from my Mother's acquaintances. It does now seem a statement of the obvious that this wouldn't have happened to him if the School authorities had done as they should. That I'm not the only person who lacks confidence in the Suffolk Constabulary is appallingly well instanced by the story someone related to me that in the later eighties his Mother had been involved with an unsavoury character and that he had robbed a few Pubs with the intention of getting himself despatched to Jail in order to find said character and ensure he got the message to stay away. I overwhelmingly applaud him in this and in reflecting on this news I suppose I tend to posit generally that in a Town that's had a Labour Council for fifty years it tends to be working class criminal types that have gotten the rub of the green rather than those with more conventional middle class perspectives on society: I was very saddened to hear that he was diagnosed with a form of acute Arthritis in the mid nineties which has malformed his bone structure leaving him permanently and quite severely crippled.
I don't really feel that anyone could mistake my real resolution in insisting that British Justice must be at least so good, and that it isn't vain or unreasonable of me to insist that such and such an outcome has to take place or I have no really honourable choice but to think of playing on the anti british sentiment of various foreign powers in an increasingly serious and dramatic fashion if this does't happen. It's not unthinkable that someone in Ireland, Europe, America, the Antipodes or elsewhere might hate the British Establishment enough to want to provide me with an acceptable dignified sort of alternative to the shitty prospect of an empty humiliating retirement and dying painfully of my own Lung Cancer while being tended by spotty stupid thievish multicultural charlatans in some ghastly cheap tomb of an old folks home: perhaps in return for my unreserved contribution to a really venomous and well informed hate campaign. Saying so does rather though ignore the hypothesis that a strangely unremitting life story of endless curious misfortune is the result of some cross national intrigue; that is to say it might be significantly explained by the presence of a German and/or European audience to the affairs of my Schooldays when I suppose I had reasonably presumed it to be an English speaking audience.
The Russians are always looking for ways to upstage western pseudo democracies but the fact is they can't even afford to clean up their own nuclear accidents much less afford to compensate me for the criminal incompetence of British Public Services. I tend to consider that a lot of Donald Trump's disingenuous electoral antics are intended to express some disapproval of the way in which Russia and other undemocratic nations don't seem to acquire more widespread international disapproval.
It was 1986 that I first complained/related to the Suffolk Constabulary that I was being forced to work illegally as the result of the hostile negligence of the Solicitor Anthony Smythe at the beginning of the previous year, and it being for instance the case I was rather disappointed no-one had done so for me, 2001 when it became apparent they had my details mixed up with my Father's after a traffic stop and 2005 when someone told me that my name had been mentioned in connection with the failure of a Murder investigation from '83 which made too much unfortunate sense in the context of my having been supposed to be some kind of a crazy leftie. I suppose the notion had occurred to me on a couple of occasions but this was the first time it had been significantly independently corroborated
it doesn't seem unreasonable to suggest the Carribbean Club murder of '83 seems correctly attributed to the Town's Caribbean fraternity that year but what seems to arise more recently is perhaps some significant suggestion it might be meaningfully connected to the Steven Lawrence affair. I don't know how much interest various individuals might have taken in the matter but documentaries tend to show that Steven and the friend who was with him on the night in question Duwayne Brooks, were quite the opposite of any sort of Antisocial Jamaican Gang Member Stereotypes like the character called Melvyn Lucock who I'd say in 2009 had fouled in some coffee he'd passed me whilst I was trying to help old Mr Tempest on the Priory Estate (more details sometime soon) a tale which tends to go with the fact of my Dog being poisoned at his Flat and both stories ensuing from (as far as the Estate's indigents were concerned) the failed/flawed script about my being a helpful Labour fraternity man.
Some details needed here about the bloke who wandered off with approaching a hundred pounds out of my Flat after I'd taken the trouble to show him a few Computer tricks. (Got a photo of him trying to look like a Native American called Chuck also well known hereabouts or used to be) and about how how it presaged an infamous double murder carried out by a teenage girl (Lorraine Thorpe) and her older boyfriend from the neighbourhood: (the fact he was older relevant to what seems to have been put about concerning my own personal history)?
For a first generation immigrant Mr Brooks has tended to exhibit a surprisingly literate and well spoken demeanour in commenting on the tragic Lawrence Affair: the theory seems to go that Steven's parents' marital difficulties subsequent to the fact of his his death, might betoken some meaningful connection/association with Ipswich's Caribbean Club Murder of '83, perhaps through the person of Jamaican Ex Councillor Albert Grant whose OBE, had it might be fair to say raised the odd eyebrow in certain respects here and there (could perhaps do with a picture if the story is to have some value to the community as information). If he seems oddly familiar with me for someone I've never actually spoken to, it might, besides the fact of Labour Movement intrigues, be something to do with the suspicion I used to play Cricket with relatives of his on Summer holidays in the mid seventies: maybe a younger brother: I understand that he was really a bit of a passenger who had to be helped with simple spelling and suchlike. I should probably add that I am rather more certain that he'd spooned up a load of duplicitous codswallop about my Father's so called marriage to the Thai Woman also in '83 probably via other Councillors at least one of whom had then recently told me in approximate if not uncertain terms that they, weren't worried about people smoking Cannabis, and that I should or could ignore the Law. What what is of emphatically stating I had obviously already worked that out and for instance it seems a reasonable assumption he (Mr Grant) was a friendly (or perhaps not so friendly) acquaintance of the Pimp that the Thai Woman (my Father had been spuriously mixed up with from '82) had been working for. Insofar as someone whose opinion I valued alleged that my name had been mixed up with the failure of the investigation into the Caribbean Club Murder of '83 in about 2005, I have sought to discuss the relevant and plausible circumstances quite widely since then. What is of remarking that I could be wrong about some of the things I thought I had seen and heard prior to the Spring of '83. To be at least reasonably sure of certain circumstances I'd have to go over my personal history in more depth than has yet been the case. This would firstly entail clarifying the truth about unwholesome intrigues I had been subjected to from my final year of mandatory education and would also require more honesty from among relatives and acquaintances than has yet been forthcoming. I obviously wouldn't presently be inclined to make anything like a formal quotable statement on the matter but would tend to speculate the Jamaican Pimp (or ex Pimp) in question had given out that a significant circumstance appertaining to the Caribbean Club Murder was in fact the lax attitude of Politicians toward the fact drug use among baby boomers partying in the central business district and I obviously tend to endorse any suggestion that they were rather trying to palgiarise 'phoney beatlemania,' than take a theoretically censorious attitude toward it.
These are just a few examples of incidents which seem to fit into some kind of meaningful storyline which perhaps (in historical terms) ought to commence with the suggestion or observation that the Victorian regime had become significantly allied with the Jewish diaspora. It seems surely fair to say over the years that very few have found the courage to comment on the suggestion Prince Albert was in fact himself half Jewish and perhaps that too many historians and politicians have avoided difficult questions taken the money and run so to speak. Such a remark quite conveniently presages the suggestion that in certain perhaps significant respects, by the mid 1960's Reggie Kray had become the Queen's ears in matters relating to the general Sociology of Daily News and Current Affairs in the Capital: what being relevantly of the remark that her husband isn't any/much good. It arguably supplements much of what I have had to say about oft promoted fallacies regarding the question of race and non ethnic citizenship in contemporary British Society to reiterate that it is really quite unusual either historically or in modernity, to find different ethnic groups enjoying anything like a genuine functioning equality before the Law, and a logical suggestion or conclusion might seem to be that we often tend to speak too casually about such matters. It took hundreds of thousands of years for hominids to evolve into several major ethnic groups and the amount of people who will casually assure you they can be creatively mixed up and arranged almost like changing your style of shirt is simply amazing. There's also the fact that no doubt millions have lost their lives in various conflicts throughout history in seeking to make legal racial equality an at least technical nominal fact: the American Civil War and WW2 spring rapidly to mind.
It was in fact the 23rd December 2008 when my Father died and the Constabulary refused to react to my complaints about his younger Son having been allowed to ransack his Premises in defiance of his voluntarily written Will and explicit instructions; the result was the loss of much else besides the figure of approaching a mere five figures which he had promised me, which I desperately needed and overwhelmingly deserved.
I should really add that a significant element of endless continuing misfortune from my early teenage years now seems to stem from the fact that it seems now a fair assumption, that many of the Pupils in the upper bands of a school of 1600 plus on the better side of a marginal Constituency were from Police families. I have mentioned previously elsewhere that these were likely in general looking forward to some kind of serious Conservative Government, it being the case that throughout my life and that of peers, there had only been the lame duck Tory Heath Government the principal act of which was to join the EEC; but it does also seem relevantly the case to suggest that perhaps a few daughters of Police families had found themselves motivated to spin romanticised sociological interpretations about criminal behaviour which may have been partly motivated by boredom and partly by some possible awareness that certain of my relatives had some dealings with the Krays and of course I didn't really need that kind of sentiment however much objective validity it might have.
In looking around at the World in more general terms today and the appalling Pandemic fiasco (better details sometime maybe) it is very much the case that since in fact the late nineties I have been very much calling into question the capability and integrity of persons associated with Care for the Elderly and Care Homes in particular, and saying that in principle as a way of coping with the increasing percentage of elderly in the general population we are far too accepting of the practice of shunting comparatively unwanted Pensioners off into these places.
The point about the Police Commissioner is that the post happens to be a fairly recent addition to Local Government with some kind of a brief to extemporise, and short of asserting in a brief statement to the Community Law Centre on one of its online forms that I can't be expected to again pointlessly explain details of my situation if they are really going to be purposefully ignored, I'm a bit stuck for options; I suppose at the time I had reasons to believe that he had been sent a copy of a relevant letter I sent to Councillor Leader Ellesmere a few years ago about input I've had over the years which I had then tended to assume had originated from a dying elderly neighbour. The reply sent I haven't as yet looked as among other things strictly speaking, it's gone to the back of a decades long queue, but it appeared to be headed by some sort of complaint about allegations of incompetence. Getting peoples' details mixed up certainly isn't for instance far sighted or inspirational and among other things it's about time the local Force started acting like conscientious responsible adults instead of petulant children. It certainly seems also reasonable and appropriate to among other things pose the question as to whether or not he's personally really heard of any of these Ambulance Chasing Lawyers that are supposedly pestering the nation at large. It also seems repetitive to point out that the last Law Firm I had anything to do with (Taylor Haldane Balex in 2011) completely fouled up any chance I had of what should have been a complete formality of an acquittal with attempted self aggrandising deceptions: their Complaints Handler claims everything they had done was above board, but didn't even name the correct County when referring to the incident.
I'm afraid I expected people to be impressed with that, not least on the part of various neighbourhood characters who continually fanny on about the Community, and I haven't had a single sympathetic word from anyone.
The document I sent the Commissioner was admittedly an advanced draft rather than an entirely finished document but additional details are mostly rather minor like checking to see whether or not I had made a report of the theft of my Kawasaki AR 125 in 2002 as for example they may have found it abandoned. I know that so far I haven't made a report of the theft of the other aged 125 I owned at the turn of the Millennium, a Yamaha SR 125 though I believe someone may have seen it being stolen.
There's much I should and will likely add about these events given time but I'm going to have to cut it short and upload what I've got ready with the unfortunate
observation that my freshly serviced Motorcycle was tipped over in the Road outside on 16th September. Having now spent a huge proportion of my adult life hunched over Computer screens, chain smoking and composing letters no-one takes any notice of, I really needed to make the best of the last week of good sunshine southern England will see this year. I have only had the Bike as a second user for twelve months or so and hadn't used it much beyond taking advantage of the late summer sunshine to go and see a few coastal locations I haven't been able to visit over the years. Since the disastrous performance of Triumph's official local outlet which had twice serviced the Model I exchanged it for into a hazardous condition I had been evaluating carefully what it might or might not have needed before taking it to my regular professional, finding it smashed up two days after getting it back from him is a really nasty kick in the teeth: among other things I can't afford to have it repaired again.
One final note concerns the fact Social Services appear to be in possession of family photos hacked off my Computer as far back as the Winter my Father died and among other things I'm reminded of the fact my photo had apparently attached itself to my Microsoft Account the first time I started running a Windows System. I should explain that knowing full well what the Social Services should have in the way of Records and what they should have concluded about me, I haven't made a detailed examination of the minutiae of our exchanges and have stuck to reiterating what seem the main unanswered points. What is of making the assertion they are or at least have been making deliberate misinterpretations: I tend to have it that this ensues from the apparent fact some person or persons, perhaps a significant number of persons associated with Ipswich Borough Council in and from the early seventies had been expecting some kind of underworld payoff from the Kray connection and had assumed I was the key element of such an intrigue. I rather think they (the Krays) were getting wise to the fact of establishment attempts to manage their activities by the late sixties and were learning how to say things without making specific statements if you take the meaning. A concomitant observation is that I have not been involved with my Mother or her affinity in anything like the meaningful manner which is being purported and such apparency is due rather to the fact they had kicked my head in when I was an infant and no-one had been responsible or concerned enough to point this out while I have been gradually awakening to the fact. Now I did tell my Mother when she insisted on taking an unwelcome sort of interest in a hopelessly under resourced attempt to get into University in 1992, that if she related to the then Tory MP Michael Irvine anything other than a confession that she and her Partner had lied to my Solicitor in '85 it would be on her own head!
I'd be interested to hear as to whether or not any of the other children of her present Partner had been swanning around at the Conservative Association trying to make out some other story about this. I didn't hear about it (the Great Docks Fire of 82) until '87 but what is of the remark that he was a Docks Manager for an American Company (Cory Brothers) and when his Warehouse burnt down in '82, it should surely have been linked to the nasty scar on my lower right palm: his Welders had left a fire burning and it turns out they were uninsured.
Whilst I've little doubt that this may be legally irrelevant so long after the event, what is of the remark that failing to explain the fire in this context is or was technically no a significant kind of major Insurance Fraud. Whilst I don't for instance know anything for sure about the Criminal Record of either of my natural parents beyond what is a certain amount of reliable looking hearsay, the assumption seems to be that in 1966 my Mother had become some kind of a wannabee Gangster Moll who had slashed my palm in a Cocaine addicted rage, and they both seem to have bet too much on my never being able to recall or deduce exactly how I had acquired the scar I first noticed in 1970: I'm sure it was either my Mother or her deceased older Sister Bernadette.
I'm fairly certain Michael Irvine knew she was lying because it can't have been that difficult to notice I was really complaining that she and her Husband, had forced me into a life of Crime with the threat of false testimony, but there's a much bigger picture involving the mysterious reasons why the Head of the College's English Department one Bob Dumper was so keen to stage some kind of career development for me when all I really wanted from him was some affirmation of what I had related to School authorities in the late seventies. What is also of reiterating that it is hardly an exaggeration to say he and the Vicar of the Town's principal Church and many other local Officials had for Conservative social figures, found strange reasons to encourage the sort of peculation which ensued and I was realistically powerless as I say to do other than comply in the face of official ignorance, the threat of false testimony and summary imprisonment.
I had thought of saying to him then, as indeed I am now, that in general terms I really didn't deserve the kind of portrayal of my character that had ben foisted on me by my putative Stepfather whom I found a puerile and inadequate personality quite out of his depth. I don't know how it was that he came to be mixed up with my Mother but I tend to assume it involved some kind of implicit blackmail around the fact of Criminal Prosecution. It doesn't on the basis of what is unfortunately presenting itself seem particularly unreasonable to theorise that he'd been mixed up in narcotics fuelled threesomes with the recently deceased Christina Singleton and that he would rather have blackmailed her into a marital liaison: she was a much more appropriate sort of physical match for him.
To elaborate somewhat further on the allegation that some person or persons associated with Social Services has sought to supervise some misinterpretation of and an inappropriate reaction to my situation, I didn't really try, subsequent to 2003, to suggest that I was suffering from a particular kind of incurable mental illness. I rather tried to put it that I had spent far too many years living in an abused, squalid, neglected and poverty racked condition to be able to rise to any such fresh challenge as my Father's absurd allegations had presented. My Mother had spent much apparently trying to help me, but seems to have been as much trying to launder questionable aspects of her own history as trying to assist me, rendering financial assistance arguably almost pointless in the process. I had been thirty before I managed to contrive, as much by fortune as by act of will, some kind of stable constructive existence and when I found what I had gradually painfully pieced together, entirely ruined, lost or stolen because the Suffolk Constabulary had heeded the most preposterous drunken blackmail fuelled allegations made by my schizoid Father in 2002, I had never lived on anything much beyond the minimum statutory unemployment benefits and I felt entirely incapable of starting again from absolutely nothing as I was being clumsily, foolishly and quite pointlessly asked.
The previous few years had been extremely demanding and I really needed a rest from endless dangerous and dysfunctional situations my Father was constantly spawning.
I was then forty odd, had only just managed to acquire a Motorcycle Licence and besides the Voluntary Work with elderly I had undertaken in recent years, had little experience of anything other than being forced to do extremely dirty and demanding labouring work with rednecks of arguably questionable character. I couldn't face the prospect of any more, even if I hadn't been dumped in an atrocious Flat with traffic noises and aircon units growling at every window, with all my Papers hopelessly jumbled, and anything of value stolen by my paternal half brother.
This was what I was trying to get away from between late 2002 and early 2010: they were running for 100 hours a week and they were loud.
I did try and put it that the phenomena of 'discovered memories' surfacing from 2004 very strongly suggested that I was in fact a galloping case of Dissociative Amnesia but didn't proffer it as an excuse for not trying to work or seek employment. When I started talking to Doctors and the odd Psychiatrist about these facts and this/my situation, I thought they would find it very interesting from a scientific psychological point of view, perhaps even a refreshing change from the usual round of malingerers and malcontents. I have not generally sought to persuade them to undertake any other course of action besides endorsing a condemnatory view of the actions of the Constabulary and local Legal Establishment though as I say the original official fault seems to lie with neglectful reporting of my condition by the School/Education Authority. I don't really have any other kind of psychological or social problem besides that which ensues from a complete fictional history having been accepted by them and don't believe I am considered a Thief by contemporaries and townspeople. What is of course of reiterating that some original fault seems to lie with educational authorities! I am having a great deal of trouble digesting the fact they seem to have completely ignored and laundered out of existence an endless stream of dangerous parental antics of the sort that often see people jailed and/or commit very serious crimes of violence.
What is of the fact that the last time I saw a detailed examination of documentation composed by the Mental Health people, they couldn't even remember how many days there are in a week so what's the firkin point is a very relevant looking question? I really don't feel able to engage in any serious or meaningful exchange without legal advice in respect of what has been compiled from the mid nineties.
In respect of the fact I had terrorised some College Counsellor by bashing in a few ground floor windows to wake them up one day during that decade, what was of the fact one of her Colleagues had accused me of writing threatening letters to other members of Staff, banned me from access to College facilities and even accused me of being there when I wasn't and making an Application I didn't, so they were strikingly owed something to complain about. If they were capable of inventing the fiction of my making threats against staff then they were also capable of inventing the fiction I had made an Application whilst being barred from the premises. Rather more sinister perhaps was the fact I thought it a comment worth making that as far as I saw it, Local Democracy had descended to the factional sabotage of high profile Criminal and Murder investigations or something very much like it. That's obviously a very contentious remark and I can't expect most voters in local elections to assess the truth of it but that was/is how I saw/see it: no-one I know has yet expressed any disagreement with the observation in principle.
Why I don't do Social Media
What is or is not Social media must be a question many have pondered in recent decades and it is a good question. Surely all Media is social, how could it be otherwise? If it wasn't Media it wouldn't be social would it?
I was introduced to the programme Internet Relay Chat by a Student friend in the mid nineties and it was very novel at the time. Near instantaneous global communication with anyone who was also using the programme was very new and the point is to say that all the large commercial global social media programmes that have followed it from Facebook to Twitter to Tik Tok and LinkedIn are essentially little more than modified copies of this excellent free programme in which commercial activity is mercifully banned. The last time I used the programme was during the 2011 riots. I was in the process of making what I thought was a reasonably well balanced comment when I was pounced on by some kind of Moderator or Operative who seemed to be accusing me of being some kind of Rabble Rouser which I found incomprehensible. I don't know that much about it but as I understand it the Met had been a bit stymied by so many new mobile phone apps with a high level of encryption which had been used to out-manouvre policing strategy. Anyhow this guy starts shooting his mouth off about my being some kind of Anarchist Inciter and then moves on to accuse me of saying things about US Presidents with shades of yadayadayada liberal or left leaning political ideology. He went on about how I was an admirer of Woodrow Wilson despite the fact I hadn't said anything at all about America, Americans, American Presidents or Woodrow Wilson, "America's worst ever President," and banned me from IRC.
Now I won't say I wasn't bothered at all by that because I was, but being beset by all sorts of problems with my Father's decease and my own accommodation, to say nothing of being bored to hell by endless necessities involved in keeping up with evolving infotech with nothing but Internet Articles for assistance, which is also to say nothing of being equally bored by endless comments from reactionary Americans going on about how they're gonna nuke the Iranians next after having settled with the Iraqis etc etc, I didn't do anything about it. What is however more recently of being endlessly exposed to the Donut's conversational syntax and finding it identical to the manner in which I was accosted in 2011. I tend to assume he had confused me with an ex stepbrother or two, or perhaps the Jamaican Terrorist who had recently moved into the Flat below who I seem to recall has Sons who were actually involved in the rioting and who has to be overwhelmingly reasonably figured as the Prime (especially according to whom?) Suspect in inflicting four figures worth of damage to my freshly serviced Triumph Motorcycle on September 16th this year.
" Worst ever President? "
Fateful Words Indeed
Since you mention it I suppose I would have said Wilson's internationalism constituted some admission that the US is a nation unlike any other and that it was a means by which the descendants of Slaves and abused Natives whose treatment was a key driver of the Nazi phenomenon in Europe, could join in fashioning an meaningful inclusive ideology in the New World; I haven't yet studied early modern history in any significant depth but it might seem he was seeking to negate future internal conflict as well as resentment abroad, not pointlessly giving away honestly acquired wherewithal for some self glorifying egotistical or misconceived ideological motivation.
So you've not only insulted me, but you've also undertaken hostile and sinister bellicose actions against myself and now I'm going to have to hurt you, you'd better watch your back, people are going to get headaches and it's all going to oh so damned tedious: I can't help thinking you must surely have appreciated my demolition of contemporary integrationist narrative.
There is furthermore no such thing as systemic, structural or institutional racism ! Such terms may sound like clever Social Science but they're really entirely meaningless and it is't genuinely respecting to sell such gibberish to members of semi literate ethnic minorities. It's a myth invented by self interested rabble rousers and I really don't know why all this Black Lives Matter business has caused such a commotion in the UK. It has been clear for some time that there's something very serious going on between Police and African American communities in some parts of the United States about which I'm not so generally qualified to comment: suffice it to say the sight of African Americans being summarily executed for traffic violations on Utube is quite clearly contrary to the norms and values of European Society. I would say that in the UK and quite likely in North America this is or has been due to too much acceptance of a moralistic integrationist narrative that lacks much of scientific and logical validity: not many people know for instance that it's a statistical fact the average African American Male abandons its firstborn child or it certainly was at the Millennium.
The point is to say that One cannot and should not attempt to raise People too rapidly beyond their natural condition just because it seems the right thing to do at a superficial level of reasoning. Human Society cannot exist without systems, structures and institutions; racism is racism is racism it's real or imagined, it isn't anything else, you don't have to be dark skinned to be a victim of it, and it's a real shame the PC brigade haven't gotten this on board. Take the drivel being spouted by Megan Markle for instance: African (negroes who are US citizens) Americans (not half caste Negro/Amerindians) may not have the most intellectual of reputations but how stupid does she think they are? Does she think for example that they haven't noticed that she's just abandoned them and disappeared off to Beverley Hills with the conspicously Caucasian Grandson of a British Earl?
Pass the Sick bag Alice.
I'm quite willing to undertake publicity work for these kind of people and I'm sure she'll find my rates quite reasonable but Harry's position in really quite untenable. He's not a Son of the heir to the throne and nothing he or Megan can do or say is anything other than a tactful fudge of the evident fact. It would have saved the nation a whole heap of trouble if the Royal Family had been prosecuted for falsifying birth records to claim extra welfare same as anyone else would have been: if his Mother had been prosecuted for it when she should she would quite likely still be among the living.
The fact ethnic Africans as well as other ethnic groups from warmer climates don't tend to be high achievers is due to historical and environmental factors rather than some unworthy exploitive conspiracy on the part of Europeans in that for instance the african climate does not present the kind of challenges that have driven Europeans to develop science and industry. That is to say in plain English that most but not all africans have historically had effectively limitless food supplies and haven't needed to build much more than treehouses and straw huts so they haven't developed analytical and problem solving aptitudes. If you don't have to build dwellings that can withstand months of sub zero temperatures or or learn how to store food through the winters of a temperate climate, you don't tend to make things like Castles or store technical information in Libraries. Once (mostly north western) Europeans had built Battleships that could cross Oceans which with some qualification, even the ingenious Chinese hadn't prior to the industrial age, they were always going to generally dominate or direct the future progress of humanity. I believe the 17th century Ming dynasty had built ships that were capable of oceanic travel but they never did anything other than sail around the coast of the Indian Ocean. It is interestingly the case that from reading between the lines I get the notion that this was as much to do with domestic power politics as anything else: the regime couldn't afford to lose them.
African desert dwellers have had to learn to be more resourceful but the essential point remains.
It's surprising how few ethnic african descendants of the post renaiassance trans-atlantic slave trade are willing to acknowledge the role of their own antecedents in fostering and promoting that trade or their own paradoxical culpability in seeking to enjoy modernist westernised lifetyles, which wouldn't have happened for them if the slave trade had not taken place. That is significantly to say they're frequently too happy about western consumerism and too good at demonstrating contemptuous unconcern for Africans, Indians and Chinese who're genuinely poverty racked and genuinely afflicted by tyranny and injustice.
Whilst other ethnic groups have faced similar challenges, they're mostly comparatively small in number and relatively geographically isolated, like Mountain Dwellers in the Andes and Himalyas, and they have also tended to lack access to the Sea.
Diversity? Diversity !??!!!?!! People have got so much damn Diversity they can't shovel it into the ground fast enough! When, there's never anything wrong with anyone who has obvious positive qualities.
Someone's been tinkering with the previous Weblog this week.... Someone who isn't me that is...... Here are some suspicious looking characters!
Maybe its time the brunette with the Computer Science Degree had an amazing Ugandan Style Car Accident: what do people think?
It's every Briton's God given birthright to mercilessly take the mickey out of Religion and Politicians and it should be everyone's! It's a very precious thing and many have died in the course of trying to make it a reality for the living! Some forms of criticism are obviously more worthwhile and edifying than others and obviously the reasoning needs to be carefully applied. One only needs look at the fact of new technology having facilitated the imposition of contemporary western norms in middle eastern countries that are still feudal in many respects to see that freedom of speech in principle can have appalling results such as the waves of hangings of Demonstrators carried out by the terrified Syrian Regime. The deluge of SmartPhones and PseudoDemocracy that catalysed the 'Arab Spring' about a decade ago was clearly not understood in congenial terms. I tend to suggest that western and mostly English Speaking proponents of their own ideas about Democracy (and Capitalism) might have thought more responsibly about the kind of ideas and sentiments that have been circulating. Amongst other things I saliently cannot reasonably explain, except by advancing the suggestion or observation that most people really do have a rather rhetorical notion of what Democracy is, how exactly it came to be, that Boris Johnson's Tories have a large majority in the British Legislature but had captured only 43% of the votes cast in the last General Election.
If Democracy is really supposed to be real then that's quite shameful.
When I was at approximately school leaving age the Royal Family seemed like a distant and vaguely irritating inanity and I'm absolutely infuriated to find the suggestion made by my Father in his final few years that they're something to do with these personally dysfunctional events, not least because the hypothesis is difficult to explain without sounding like some nut. The Queen is now the World's oldest functioning (or at least partly functioning) StatesPerson and in some respects her understanding of foreign affairs and knowledge of foreign leaders is clearly very first rate and she has arguably scripted almost every other World Leaders' actions to a significant extent. This however, is balanced at least in my view by some accompanying sort of ignorance of real domestic Sociology, it being for instance among other things perhaps the case that the principal perceptible flaw in UK grass roots politics is that it's too much geared up to flatter the monarchy and resembles too little the ideal of a debating participant democracy.
To cut to the chase as it were the hypothesis seems to be if my Father was at all correct that the Royal Family and perhaps the Queen in particular seem to have sold people some notion of having assisted my career and life chances when all they would have actually achieved is their utter ruination. Such a perception having among other things only makes me a target for jealous intrigues such as the smashing up of my Motorcycle last month. My freedom of Association is my Freedom of Association, no-one can sell it to me on some basis, neither the Queen, or the Prime Minister, nor the Pestilential Perfidious Piccaninny Receptionist in the so called Community Law Centre: whilst it may not in practical terms add up to much more than the freedom to starve in the gutter with mental patients, disease victims and illiterate immigrants, it is in principle something which already belongs to me as an irrevocable birthright.
Whatever the truth about this it was the height of folly to have saddled me with some kind of pauperising script from the late seventies: I really needed to find something that was good about being British after the nightmarish childhood I had only just endured and as I've said before, the fact I was born into a better rather than a worse off society isn't really the result of hard work or sacrifice on anyone's part, much as the rhetorical deception that it is, often plays a part in political (usually) right wing propaganda, and much as many may have worked hard to try and make our Society one that is decent, worthwhile and meaningful.
I don't as I say want to take seriously the suggestion that the Queen or the Royal Family have taken any sort of personal interest in my shitty life, much as the suggestion might seem to resolve many strange sorts of social phenomena I've experienced, as for example there is no good explanation for why I should have been patronised above perhaps millions of comparatively deserving unfortunates. If she/they did, then it surely must have been heard besides numerous other circumstances in which I seem to have been unfortunately misunderstood somehow, that in 1985 my Solicitor asserted that in his view I did not qualify for the rights of a British citizen and any honest third party must have overheard this. What he said that had really left me with a permanently broken head was that there was no such thing as a Sex Offender, it being the case that the overwhelming single observation I had made about my Father iro the fact he had clearly been told not to include me in his Public Housing Application a few years previously, was that he was above all things a socially troubled individual in some such respect: it wasn't of course until the mid nineties that I realised this had a distinctly racial dimension via the pre war marriage of his parents in that his Father had a Jewish Grandparent, didn't quite pass for white and many must have assumed I knew that I myself was easily recognised as being partly Jewish by anyone who had learned or been taught to recognise Semitic Physiognomy .
I had simply been violently browbeaten by him and shocked out of relating a lengthy recapitulation of an almost unbroken and terrifying ordeal that was the sum of my personal history which included the fact I wanted to make comments and allegations about the activities of Thieves in my School which I had actually   partly related to one or two contemporaries by late '81. Amongst other things the supposed plaintive one Mr Murray-Cowpat was far more ill reputed than I myself and as I say I remain convinced that the Constabulary/CPS would have been willing to have dropped the charges if the situation had been properly explained to them. I had only since '82 deduced that the Councillors I had taken for high minded idealogues were viewed as little more than opportunistic levellerist criminals by a legal establishment relishing the prospect of a lengthy Tory Government.
As far as I know PMC had a quite signficant record of Juvenile Crime which I'm fairly sure included at least one instance of breaking into commercial premises to steal collectibles in the late seventies but the fact he made it into Time Magazine .............
My word was and I like to think is, something worth having and in contrast the situation engineered by Smythe was nothing but an illegal war which has besides promoting criminal behavior, very arguably led to all kinds of conflict, misfortune and even premature deaths.
Among other relevancies here is that I didn't somehow become part of Christina Singleton's story at this point or as the result of this conversation with the Solicitor Smythe. That is to say I wasn't involved with her voice in any knowing manner at all. Since my Mother remarried the conversation or interactions appertaining to my her affinity and near relatives became her new Husband's responsibility. As far as I was concerned they must have gone to some significant lengths to engineer their marriage and they were supposed to be liking it rather than trying to find some kind of conversation or dialogue that involved me. As a twelve year old I had always been considered rather a goody two shoes by contemporaries and after four years of incompetent and/or mismanagement by a German born bourgeois as Head of year at my School I had somehow become some kind of lawless firebrand.
It might relevantly seem the case that Christina had become a small time Coke Dealer from the late sixties and that by '81 she had tried to persuade contemporaries from different Schools, the local College and other places wherein she must have been seeking to conceal her activities, that I was or wanted to be , involved in something more serious in the way of drug scandal than College age experimentation which it seems I had not so spontaneously encountered. It seems apt to reiterate the suggestion that it must have been quite visibly the case that the Krays had some association, if an increasingly historical one, with my natural parents and their erstwhile affinity when I was at Secondary School in Ipswich in the late seventies; what is of course of the comment that a lot of people did, many of them were embarrassed by the fact, and that the phenomenon of Post War Gangsterism deserves more objective academic study than it has been given by well paid right wing propagandists posturing as objective academics nd respectable Journalists. I also have to suggest that neither did I really deserve to be associated with the voice of my Mother's older Sister Bernadette: certainly not in the way that seems to have been suggested. These comments may seem sensational but it ought to be borne in mind that I haven't much choice now but to conclude that my Father had been genuinely in fear of his life from the Twins and that one or more of my Mother's Cocaine addicted affinity had seriously tried to persuade them to Murder him. It's odd really insofar as Christina and Bernadette had it seems both known me quite well as an infant, I had little idea that they had been seen to be friendly acquaintances in later years, perhaps intimately involved in my affairs, that the former was trying to hide out among the voices of drug experimenting baby boomers whilst dealing a modest amount of Cocaine and the latter was trying to phrase some kind of tacit blackmail in seeking to elicit some kind of therapeutic attention from the same affinity.
I had only vaguely recognised Bernadette when I returned to Suffolk at the age of twelve, she filled me with an unease I couldn't explain and it was with some idea of shaking off some kind of portrayal she had fastened on me that I asked colleagues at the Archives Dept where I worked part time for a year in the mid eighties to call me by my first forename which no-one else ever has. She had probably been trying to make conformist comments about the fact my Father had probably given my Mother Drugs as part of trying to Court her in the latter part of 1962 and had probably noted the desire of the political and social establishment to destroy the criminal gangs ruling the roost in the Capital at that time so to speak: what is relevantly for example of the remark this was likely true of at least a large minority of teenage girls in the London of the mid sixties.
In reminding the casual reader that the purpose and subject of this Website and these documents is to discredit the way I have been personally managed by Lawyers since '85 it should likely be borne in mind that none of my Father's relatives or friends had taken any interest at all in the difficulties which had ensued from the fact he had illegally arranged joint accommodation from late in '82. They seem to have been terrified of any mention of the circulation of Narcotics and equally determined that he wasn't going to get embroiled in any further kind of censure involving Sexcrime, without any adequate consideration of the profoundly upset and deranged state I had been left in by various dystopian intrigues foremostly associated with these two main allegations.
During the last three years I have tried putting it to my maternal half brothers and half sister whom I've hardly seen since 1981 that they must now know full well what their parents related to the Solicitor Smythe in 1985 was a pack of dangerous lies, not some innocently confused or mistaken portrayal or anything at all like that. What was/is of making the observation they are no longer little kids who cannot reasonably be at all held responsible for their family's collective actions in any way, and of seeking to assert that what their parents related to Smythe is a serious Criminal Blackmail involving the threat of false testimony which they now have no good reason to be party to in any way. What is unfortunately of the fact that so far the eldest, to whom these remarks are principally addressed has avoided making any response, his younger brother who I did actually find and spoke to about these facts in at least some minor detail, had swiftly come close to dying in some kind of Plane travel mishap, which might reflect that they, had very arguably done more than just think about misleading one or two characters in my/our family story about the fatal fatal condition of an Aunt's Boyfriend from the later seventies and perhaps mischievously depriving me of credit for noting it. Their younger Sister has apparently told the local Cops that I've been trying to beg for money for drugs or something like that and has as far as I know, tried to keep her parents informed instead of reacting like a conscientiously law abiding citizen: I don't suppose anyone gives a hoot but in my book that makes her an accessory if it's true. I'm strongly tempted to think that she and her Father had really believed I had been waiting for some kind of payoff from the Krays in the early eighties in that his attitude was so absurdly, destructively hostile, that it seems logical to think he must have had some other motivation than that which superficially presented itself: he had for instance violently derided my attempts to draw attention to Daniel Dellar's unhealthy complexion as "useless book knowledge," adding that I shouldn't be allowed to study. What is very much of the relevant looking remark that in 1970 he had very strongly resembled Ronnie Kray, being approximately the same age, weight, height, general appearance and physiognomy, so much so, that one could easily be mistaken for the other.
One interesting fact relevant perhaps to this situation and the suspicion that a person or persons associated with the Labour Movement at that time were trying to anticipate some kind of such payoff, perhaps because they had been ripped off on a Coke Deal by someone of my Mother's affinity, is that during the period of their Primary School Education at a local Catholic School among their Teachers were the Labour activists/agitators Roger and Theresa Mackay who have been quite well known in the Town: someone related to me recently that Roger died from Lung Cancer a few years ago. The relevance does require some careful clarification in respect of why I, my Father and his Sister, had been approached by a Spokesperson for the Labour Movement as my 16th birthday approached offering help with familial problems which I was certain meant that they were preparing to help me with moving into a Council Flat the following year and which in fact only led to under aged drinking and drug taking with political wannabees; one of these Jamie Cann became the Town's MP in the nineties, subsequently died of Liver Cancer and it is a horrible irony that he should have acquired me the credit for noting such a malaise in an Aunt's boyfriend if he was genuinely going to justify himself. What is considerably less speculative about the role of the Mackays in my own affairs besides the fact they may have been among those of whom it is a reasonable suspicion they were actually trying to call shots over the black market in controlled substances or collect associated debts rather than help anyone, is the fact that my maternal half siblings had definitely learned to avoid their rhetoric about helping the poor and disadvantaged, each consequently managing to make successful careers by the standards of the time and place. I suppose I could reasonably allege this to be as much the result of my own academic labours throughout the eighties and early nineties as anything else. For instance the elder of the two boys has a career in Computing which arguably stems from the pioneering work of my Father's deceased Cousin John French, and the younger has developed a career in Biotech which even more arguably stems from the story about a Lady Biology Teacher who was presumably a relative of the late John Lennon having turned up in the Town in the late seventies.
On a couple of occasions I had attended meetings at the Mackays at some point in '81 I do recall that the thought had crossed my mind that they were Cocaine users but didn't connect the fact with the endless series of misfortunes which had pursued me, or with the scar on my lower right palm until 2006. I was quickly learning things about real Sociology in the World outside my deceased Grandparent's home and reasoned that the same thing was probably true of about half such Labour Activists in the Country or at least a large minority of similar Activists/Agitators associated with the Labour Movement. I noticed Theresa appearing on local TV in connection with the Black Lives Matter Movement who were having some kind of Action Day in one of the local Parks in the summer of '21 and noticed that the Interviewer accused her of being an Irish Immigrant. I don't know quite what he might have meant by that but it is an interesting coincidence that for all their/her involvement in every sort of Protest Movement imaginable over the last half century, I've never actually heard of their activites actually benefiting anyone except other white trash Irish or their Children. There's little more hypocritical, absurd and dysfunctional than the all too frequent spectre of married white middle class people telling others how they should be interacting with Immigrants and non ethnic citizens: Mrs Mackay comes from a nice white middle class neighbourhood and I don't believe, if any such thing can reasonably be said to exist that she has any particularly worthwhile insights into racial and criminal problems and issues.
I got the impression my half sister and her brothers had been strongly miffed that I hadn't accepted some offer to move in with them in '79 when it had become apparent that my Father's attempt to remarry had predictably gone badly wrong and I do or can significantly understand that. It was true that they, or perhaps more especially the elder of her two brothers had never quibbled over the fact of my legitimacy. Such a resentful sentiment I can well understand but they had been too young to appreciate that the undercurrents were much more unpleasant than they seemed to be. For example I had never had any explanation as to the whys and wherefores of the manner in which their parents became connected and had nothing much in the way of conscious memory at all of our Mother prior to the fact of her having in 1970 turned up with him instead of joining my Father at his new Job in Northumberland. Their Father seems to have put it about that when he first encountered me that he had managed to make friends which was nonsense. I hadn't a clue what was going on about and he had rather made friends with the putative step family of a few months standing. What she and her brothers had seen as small children in the late seventies was rather a deeply shell shocked creature having to conceal a black resentment of some unknown coercion. Besides the fact I was having much more difficulty putting up with him in relatively small doses than seemed to be the case, I was as I say or so I thought, within about 15-18 months of being able to claim a Council Flat in late '79 so I didn't think there would be much practical point in moving in with them. Neither of those stepparents really had the space to put me up, they both already had three children of their own cramped into Urban Semis so it wasn't a case of having congenial choices and thinking one better than the other as they may have then supposed. I was stuck with a dysfunctional frightening and genuinely disturbing situation whatever I did. I haven't ever willingly spoken to her Father and I suppose you could say my own had invested far too much in the idea our Mother would tire of her friends and blood relatives and join us as a family at some point prior to 1970.
I'd like to think I was wrong in this/these deduction(s) I really would but I don't think so.
A lot of the facts I have related since I commenced this latest Weblog section are reiterations and enhanced explanations of what has gone before.
I don't think people realise how difficult, demanding, and poorly paid a Prison Officer's Job is. I mean think about it, you've gotter be a Doctor, A Lawyer, a Cop, a Teacher and a whole bunch of things all roled into one.
These aren't so much about Cop bashing but serve to suggest we are all fallible: I can't get my head round the fact they are still refusing to acknowledge reports of the manner of my Father's death: I can't, I can't, I can't! If he had voluntary intentions of changing his Will he would have told me and he never showed any. He owed me too much and was far too self respecting not to have stood up his worthless younger Son for yet another easy ride: I would have liked the sum of his implicit dying confession in writing.
The kind of People you've trusted with highly sensitive personal information?