It's probably a reasonably good idea to point out that I had been living on Nacton Road above a Bookmakers near the recently demolished Racecourse for several years waiting for my Father's death without access to a Garden prior to my moving to the neighbourhood and had been, as I'm sure most will readily appreciate quite driven to distraction by the numbers of people daily passing the front door. Various attendant circumstances are detailed in my Weblog but it does seem apt to say here and now that the salient story as far as the local community is concerned in the fact of my moving to the Alexandra Neighbourhood, is that of how two new acquaintances of mine (Rosie Hunt and Desmond Thorpe) were murdered, and the lives of several others utterly ruined against a backdrop of one might say careerist politicians with little natural connection to the Town having been caught putting themselves about far too clumsily in the build up to the last General Election. That is of course to some extent unfair and it's of course also tasteless in the extreme to think of mentioning it might seem reasonable to infer that several other incidents such as the mowing down of two hapless youths on Bishops Hill a year or two previously also pointed to a generalised sort of flaw in perceptions of what local government means in traditional looking communities such as that centred on the Nacton Road Shopping Parade. Whatever your views on that specifically it certainly is a fact that north eastern section of our sprawling Borough has witnessed a lot of change and investment in the last few years with a Tesco's replacing the Racecourse, the Airport built over and much else besides.
I am now surprisingly well known in various parts of the Town and do think that among other things I have wrongly been associated with political faction in certain respects. In terms of stories that have been put about concerning myself it was known to some that I had been very dissatisfied with my experiences of being associated with the Opposition in the early Thatcher years, but had in view of the particularities made it plain that I didn't want to be associated with the other side of the coin as it were. Neighbours are particularly well suited to judge as to whether or not there is any truth in the logically consequent looking question as to whether or not I have encountered an unusual amount of put up conversation perhaps partly or perhaps significantly as a result of this, and of course as to the veracity or otherwise of relevant allegations I have had to make. I went Copleston School and briefly attended Northgate as a Sixth Former so I am better known generally in the northern half of the Town; I am hoping insofar as there is some detail about expensive looking legal situations and long term problems with Legal Representatives that as far as odd characters go, the fact I am quite well known locally might assist in some speedy resolution of these.
For example I'm not on speaking terms with my Mother's family in the manner in which most would superficially assume. She's supposed to be happy with their company & I think it suffices to say it seems at least now reasonably obvious that she is too much the author of the woes she is seem to assist with. Without wishing to complicate matters it's probably a more insightful remark to point out that the story there should probably be interpreted as her family having set out to wreck my life chances once they discovered they couldn't get get certain stories out of me about her. We were less genuinely familiar than they wanted to think. As a matter of fact as far as I know I'm only half on speaking terms with about two of my living relatives and none of their in-laws or anything like that so there shouldn't be any significant evidence of their voices or conversation about: it so happens to be an interesting fact her Partner and a business acquaintance of his were held uninsurably responsible for the Docks Fire of '82. She has two boys and a girl via her present partner and the elder of the two males is in the process of moving back into northern Ipswich. He left Ipswich for a computing job on the south coast after apparently putting it about in around 1990 that I was some kind of conspiring Sex Offender which at the time I thought was either a joke or some kind of appalling mistake.
I think it has become increasingly apparent now that he has been aware for many years that the marriage of his parents is a sort of internecine blackmail plot which is continuing to have an appalling and disastrous effect on the local community in that for example it is his family not me which has sought to launder the reputation of my own Father in this respect. This seems to underlie the event of my Father having made ludicrous Assault allegations about me in 2002 which had left me largely robbed of a life's work and dumped in an appalling Flat on Nacton Rd. There is for those who may have reason to be interested, an increasingly detailed and surely plausible looking exposition in my recent Weblog entries, which seem to be more and more relevantly supportive of the allegation that School authorities had misled Social Services and Welfare people at the time Thatcher came into power. There was no positive or naturally occurring portrayal of my Mother on my part, with which to fuel the dynamics of relations with the people she met after my Father took me north in the winter of 69-70. Perhaps the most dangerous or destructive aspect of completely misbegotten attempts to engineer this sort of thing lies in the attempt to insinuate my Mother's Partner into the position of trust that my deceased Grandfather had occupied prior to 1972. There is unfortunately no truth in any such seeming however convenient it may appear to be, the fact my Father had lost any confidence I had ever misplaced in him beforehand, it did so happen to be the case that the only person I had trusted since my Grandfather's death was his daughter my Aunt, and the circumstances of my Father's death and her role in fashioning them, clearly signified this to have been an appalling mistake.
It is interesting to note that the behaviour of the Jewish ex Serviceman who has recently been cautioned for swearing in the street outside could conceivably be related to the fact of current personal speculation about the precise manner of that particular decease. With a certain amount of underreporting of fresh if perhaps relatively minor troubles in Ulster occurring alongside a resurgence of Scots nationalism we could be witnessing something as interesting as a genuinely distinguished veteran seeking to forestall any funny ideas like putting together a show trial iro the fact of Bloody Sunday which occurred a couple of weeks subsequent to the fact of my paternal Grandfather's death.
The fact that he obviously wasn't, anywhere near Northern Ireland or Irish Troubles as Winter held it's grip that year, obviously has nothing to do with recovering memories of infancy from 2005, principally consisting of the fact of having unmistakeably recommended the shooting of my Mother and her associates, which if it wasn't before my third birthday was certainly prior to my fourth. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to make some serious point about him or his behaviour and for instance his service record is obviously quite distinguished if as far as I know perhaps not entirely unblemished. It is a rather grim observation, that he hasn't been seem about in his Taliban hunting T shirt since the Lee Rigby Murder in which respect it's probably true that I'm not the only person who felt this to be a little incongruous. if he looks a bit less down at heel than most retired Servicemen with mental problems it's a not uninteresting fact his Father had a Pools win in the late sixties thus recapturing a little financial dignity that had been in fact entirely appropriated by the Nazis who had kept him alive for his work skills.
These observations are more sensitive and relevant than they might seem and I'm very aware that I could be doing the wrong thing in pointing out that he is one of two Sons of the little girl who offered herself to Oskar Schindler in an attempt to keep her parents alive. His Grandparents were all murdered by the Nazis and it may be a fair comment that his conservative minded Father was very concerned about owing some sort of debt to the British in the later 40s. He found himself volunteered for a twenty year spell in the Army when most were enjoying the spectacle of a world wide disgrace of conservative authority, which observation goes very much in hand with the assertion that the relative freedom from persecution his Father had found here, has come to be viewed a basic act of decency iro the notion of some kind of universal human rights, rather than as some kind of special favour deserving of unusual gratitude which strangers shouldn't expect.
I suppose the question does depend to some extent on what kind of assets such refuge seekers seek to retain and in what manner but that's the approximate situation there. As far as the related issue of political correctness in getting in line for NHS treatment is concerned it is another inescapably interesting observation that as far as I know it is likely the case that his only chance of living for more than another few years is in revolutionary cardiac stem cell treatment which, at least as I understand it has hardly yet been trialled. I do think his Son was right to take serious issue with characters pilfering from him, and from one another in the Salvation Army Hostel. The remark that people aren't likely to hold onto any worthwhile property if they view the habitual purloining one another's trifles as acceptable or yadayada normal is probably rather more worthwhile than the statement it's a shame that an elusive as far as I am concerned post war nannying society hasn't instilled values of self respect and self reliance in terms of personal morality.
When it is of course the fact that the existence of such a society is highly questionable and speculative.
I am also quite certain that my Father had entered into a conspiracy of sorts with certain Sex Weirdos in 2002 when he calculatingly engineered the deception that I had assaulted him. I was the only person who ever made any attempt to conscientiously care for him and the knock on effect of legal authorities having bought some cock and bull story about him being some innocently misunderstood retired Teacher and a responsible parent is continuing to have appalling and terrible consequences.
The point is that I didn't realise until 2005ish that my Father had a more significant reputational problems than I had realised. I had thought he was a far from unusually moderately seedly sort of middle aged businessman who looked a bit too much like a Sex Tourist and didn't realise that he was disturbed enough at rumours about him to make up the most damaging sort of diversionary story.
Insofar as I do have some familial connection to the Town, it being the case for example that one of my Grandparents was of a Suffolk/North Essex family, I spent much of the first few months after moving here early in 2010 in trying to make some worthwhile exposition on the matter of my curious looking proximity to a number of serious accidents and mishaps in letters to a local circuit Judge who had handled what I took at the time as a friendly sort of notice to quite from the Bookmakers who owned the Building I had been living in. It was (to say the least) a very extempore and unsuitable arrangement that had seen me dumped in the place in 2002 and what was of the supposition that the Area Manager had been aware of certain difficulties around the issue of my Father's death that had delayed the fact of needing to find somewhere more suitable to live, and was helpfully trying to hasten me in the act of doing something I obviously needed to do rather than castigating my character. It didn't occur to me that he might have encountered shall we say an unfriendly or opinionated sort voice that wasn't mine, and made the mistake of associating it with mine, or perhaps actually thought it was mine: I suppose the point here is that I am continually finding more evidence that I have been the target of fabricated conversation to an unusual degree.
His Office very guardedly declined to comment but I won't bore you with the details on this page: there is some relevant comment on the matter on my Weblog and in the latter stages of my CV Life History. The main point I seek to get across as far as my personal troubles are concerned, is that I had no reason to think that the Police were seen to be acting on other than entirely mistaken grounds, and that they would be ready to apologise and seize my half brother once my Father had actually died under his hand in controversial circumstances at the end of 2008. I have been ignored by my own and my Father's Doctor in making relevant and reasonable representations about this, also by the Police and various other parties including my half brother's Solicitor. What is of the remark that he robbed my Father's sheltered Flat and took most of any money in the Estate abroad with him having violently shouted down any arrangement he didn't like and from which my Father's written Will specifically excluded him from doing.
Insofar as I was unusually shocked by what had been related to me in the latter part of 2009 about the copycat demise of two pathetic and already ruined individuals, and in Desmond Thorpe's case a genuinely likeable and blameless one, I have for example corresponded with Mr Clarke who is convicted of being the Agent of their Doom in the most serious respect and so far he has sought to contradict the story that he was the Boyfriend of Desmond's Daughter Lorraine, she also being doubly convicted (as I understand it) in the most serious respect: this might tend to detract from the fact of sexual jealousy being a significant cause of these fatal unpleasantnesses but we will very likely hear more in due course. I don't have any personal interest in Murderers but what is of the suspicion that a lot of what the local Paper tries to put over about life in our Communities is highly speculative and overoptimistic.
I do think some kind of almost uncanny connecting fact made these two Murders occurr very significantly as the result of deliberate ignorance of the Prima Facie manner of my Father's death, and I think it needs to be said in some meaningful sense that this arguably seems to derive from long term queries I have relevantly been making for some time about the integrity and respectability of local Politicians in certain significant respects, which in turn seems to make some contrast with the assumptions manufactured by what might arguably be viewed as a general media indifference.
Some years ago now I was touring Cornwall with my deceased Hound Milly and noticed how neatly maintained some of the smaller Ports and Fishing Villages were like a perfectly arranged Toytown and it would be nice to think we could similarly arrange the immediate area. I calculate that I can easily produce continuing volumes of blooming flowers and plants that I have now established. and am willing to provide them free to anyone willing to place them into a local Street display. The real challenge I suppose is to try and multiply what I have effected alone this decade and to persuade Householders to consider spending money on pots and potting material as well as committing to maintain them. Whilst people struggling to hold down their Jobs and family responsibilities might not relish the prospect of working or spending, the visual and olfactory impact can be very good news for the character of a neighbourhood and is likely to improve the value of Properties rather than otherwise.
Whilst it's always true that looking after pennies helps pounds look after themselves there isn't much point in me trying to make money out of materials associated with the idea. What I'm really asking in return for taking a little trouble over neighbourhood matters and trying not to make too much of a big deal about the simple fact whilst others are more pushed to find spare time is some consideration of the allegation that I've had genuinely ill intentioned and thoroughly bad Service from Lawyers in this Town.
In respect of that generally and in respect of the recent Spreadeagle incident from 2010.
I realise that I've made quite a few separate remarks on different pages about this matter. I did not understand how to make an Application to the Criminal Cases Review Commission and could not comprehend what were asking me for: they refused to accept my written summation of the matter.
I'd be grateful for any assistance anyone might have to offer. I am eventually making some progress with sorting the mess of unsorted goods from about half a dozen different households that I brought with me in 2010 which will undoubtedly assist in the matter to some extent.
It is hoped we will see some more reasonably spectacular floral displays among my ecological hobbying: I have acquired a modest quantity of hanging baskets which are about fifteen inches across, quite lightweight and easy to install at two pounds apiece which I'm willing to pass on to local residents at cost price if they put them up and I can fit them for free. Putting Flatbacks along the railings at the bottom of the street eventually led to targeted vandalism and I feel I need a little more support and assistance if such extensive works are to be maintained in future. There's also a Telegraph Pole or three that would look good with pairs or even quads of suspended baskets on each. It seems appropriate to answer safety considerations by producing a fail safe design that can't have any accidents. If they were suspended at six and a half feet for instance only a very tall person would be able to walk into one and being made from relatively soft flexible wire and rattan framing they're not that dangerous at all. There are probably many ways of safely suspending several baskets from the one Wooden Pole. It is in exactly the right spot to not only make a large attractive splash of colour but is also perfectly placed to get birds and butterflies singing and dancing down the Street and I don't think residents should allow pettifogging Officials to make invalid and unworthy objections: there are too many petty Officials inventing excuses for underachievement in our Society generally: it is very tempting to suggest that this actually signifies that there is a distinct lack of genuine control and direction in political leadership at the top but I am trying not to clutter up this page with a political or philosophical commentary.
I might try breeding a few butterflies since the Property containing my Flat is now significantly restored and more usable.
If something is particularly worth mentioning here and now it is the fact that simultaneously stimulating the population of Butterfly species entails a little more intelligence than is involved in acquiring a few decent sized pots and baskets to fill with the kind of material that gives those large ground covering blooms. Butterflies are not only highly specific feeders in that almost all species feed from a very limited variety of plants, but they also do so at different stages in their life cycle.
Those pale green and lemon coloured Goneptyrex Rhamni or Common Brimstone we see doing their vertical Courtship dance will lay eggs only on Common or Alder Buckthorn and like hibernating in deep dense Ivy; so it would be interesting in terms of evaluating our local biodiversity to learn if any particular household has this tree as one tends to assume from their sheer numbers one recent summer in particular that there must be some established nearby: their colouring likely explains the origin of the word Butterfly.
Classified as the only member of the genus Inachis the odd Peacocks we see look like two pairs of eyes on a reddish background...
It hibernates over winter before laying its eggs in early spring, in batches of up to 400 at a time. The eggs are ribbed and olive-green in colour and laid on the upper parts, and, the undersides of leaves of nettle plants and hops. The caterpillars, which are shiny black with six rows of barbed spikes and a series of white dots on each segment, and which have a shiny black head, hatch after about a week. The chrysalis may be either grey, brown, or green in colour and may have a blackish tinge. The caterpillars grow up to 42 mm in length and will feed only from nettles or hops.
It should be a relatively easy matter to acquire and introduce more variety and quantity of Butterfly species into the neighbourhood as an example of good practice but this will require the use of garden space to cultivate their food plants, so if you're interested let me know.......

I do have a fairly suitable Sports Camera for capturing my own images (these are from Wikipaedia)but with one thing and another I haven't made much use of it yet this year. It's quite complex and eats its way through batteries quite quickly but it should now be easy enough to build up an interesting reference page by next summer and obtain a reasonably accurate idea of what we have in the way of lepidopteran biodiversity in the neighbourhood:
I spotted a Comma (Polygonia c-album) as late as October in recent years.
The wings have a distinctive ragged edge, apparently a cryptic form as the butterfly resembles a fallen leaf; they hibernate and are active from April to November. Adults feed on nectar, mainly of Thistles (Cirsium and Carduus.), but also on Bramble (Rubus fruticosus), Ivy (Hedera helix), Knapweeds (Centaurea.), and Privet (Ligustrum vulgare). Females lay up to 275 green eggs, which turn yellow and ultimately grey before hatching. The caterpillars are also cryptic. They are black and white, resembling a bird dropping. In the U.K the larvae feed on Hop (Humulus lupulus), Common Nettle (Urtica dioica), Elm (Ulmus species), and Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum); in other parts of its distribution it also feeds on Sallow (Salix species), Corylus avellana and Birch (Betula species).
I have been subject to some strange harassment on the part of the new Tenant downstairs at 52 and he may not mean anything or much by it but so much has gone wrong just lately, especially in matters of a legal nature that I've had to record and file complaints on an at least semi formal basis; he has freaked me out somewhat more unpleasantly than he thinks in that I am recovering from a very serious ordeal in the form, so my own view has it and so I'm hoping to get confirmed, of a rather serious incidence of Dissociative Amnesia which so it seems can interestingly be very difficult to differentiate from Paranoid Schizophrenia.
I haven't put together a working household or tried to do anything meaningful but prepare for my Father's death and it's aftermath since 2002 and they say that moving is stressful at the best of times. It will have been observed that, for my part if only because I couldn't think of anything else despite my personal difficulties, following the event of a plumbing accident in 2010 and damage ensuing from an overoptimistic maintenance schedule, I took on the implementation of recommended upgrades to the Property and I suppose the observation relates to the fact that when this was being negotiated I had envisaged theat the Polish Tenants at the time had rather deserved to enjoy living at a Property with properly functioning doors and gates and I didn't quite catch the nature of the conversation which ensued with their unexpectedly moving.
Since the matter appears to relate to conversation/input that people have tried to dump on me which has I would say in turn been partly commented on by other neighbours and is a matter of some minor interest, I've dumped it on another link which opens on a separate page rather than clutter up one which is meant to be a friendly, versatile, interesting for a wider range of age groups with I suppose to some extent the thought in mind of looking for opportunities to promote constructive community activity much as to say so is perhaps something of an overworked cliche in the immediate neighbourhood.
Click the link
This was discovered on the morning of 14th March on the frontage.

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As of this morning I have suffered four more attacks on my property in the garden since March 14th including the apparently hasty theft of a flowerpot overnight which left another strewn over the garden. THe PCSO's appear caught up in some need to play up to the presumed sentiment of Labour Councillors in adopting a softly softly approach and have done little that I know of besides cluttering up my inbox with what are effectively little or indeed nothing more than attempts to forge an appearance of dealing with questions that they have largely engineered themselves and which have not as yet significantly addressed or impinged upon the antisocial behaviour referred to.
The most remarkable of these was Tuesday the tenth of June between four and five PM. Whilst I was at the local shops a hanging basket adjacent the front door of the flat was ripped off disgorging its contents over my Motorbike which I have not as yet inspected: I haven't myself asked about this yet but this was (for instance) about the only afternoon the tenant downstairs Mr Pitters was present that week.
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