Why I'm asking for a Boycott of this Public House
Context of the Incident
I feel that the context of the Incident in question overwhelmingly relates to the fact of my Father having died while being shaken about in the Hospital by my half brother at the end of 2008 and of my having no luck in getting Police to speak to him about it and perhaps prefer charges. I had agreed to share a Flat with him after his other Son my half brother had been sent back to his Mother's family in 2001 with a fake cheque for money he had been demanding and he had then fabricated an Assault allegation which left me homeless. In looking at the question of official corruption in general I have to say this was all very difficult to believe as I had been closely involved in all aspects of the welfare of my Father and Half Brother since they returned to the Country in the late nineties when the latter immediately acquired a shocking reputation for criminal behaviour including sex attacks on fellow school pupils and our Father must have gone to quite some length to mislead Housing people and other Officials. I had always asserted that he was being blackmailed by his Thai Relatives and this was a highly destructive act which ruined the entirety of my adult life's work. What is of pointing out that I had since my own schooldays found a rather negative unwillingness to discuss the fact of my Father and his history. He and one or two people who had been involved with him seem to have persuaded Local Officials and Politicians that I was shall we say considerably more understanding of his quirky liberal behaviour than I was: he was a shabby and seedy individual if well educated and I had thought of him as more of a victim than an offender at the time of his death.In 2002 I somehow managed to get the scattered belongings of several addresses into a grim noisy place above a Bookmakers on a main road adjacent three housing estates on the east side of Town though not without having two aged motorcycles stolen. I didn't really recover any sort of personal composure in that too much had been ruined and other possessions presumably stolen by my half brother most notably a Jewellery Box. When I first spoke to my Father again he was living alone in sheltered accommodation having presumably lost the Flat, my Half Brother turned up and told me to get out or else. From that point in 2004 I only spoke to him on about a half a dozen occasions or so having to think of dodging my half brother whenever I visited him which was the situation in the last days of his life. Whilst I was trying to get the Police to deal with my half brother two acquaintances I had made were murdered. One was the ex girlfriend of a Friend Rosie Hunt who was beaten to death after a drunken altercation in her home with one Lorraine Thorpe the 16 year old daughter of an Industrial injuries victim Desmond Thorpe who I had met at a friend's on a nearby estate and her middle aged boyfriend. Desmond was having enormous trouble coping with three children after having split with his longstanding partner and seemed to have been a bit let down by social services. He was then murdered by his Daughter's boyfriend and the official story seems to be that this was in order to get him to shut up about the Murder of Rosie Hunt. This had happened against a backdrop of incipient electioneering prior to the General Election of 2010 in which the association of political parties with Murder investigations and controversial Trials had been under some discussion not least in view of the fact that a serial killer had murdered five Prostitutes in the locality very recently and the fact that the Borough has witnessed an extraordinary rise in violent crime over the previous three decades. Several things could fairly be said to be of relevance to the Murders of Rosie and Desmond including the fact that certain politically right wing characters had been making negative remarks about the ignorance of soft drugs particularly Cannabis in Estates where there are more significant numbers of welfare claimants and individuals with relevant social problems which in many ways only contributes to alcohol abuse which obviously played a very significant role in these two murders. What is in general of making the observation that if my half brother hadn't been so obviously untroubled by Official censure in respect of his behaviour at the Hospital at the end of 2008 which may simply qualify as Murder, and in simply helping himself to whatever he wanted subsequently which began with him clearing out my Father's Flat of ready cash the morning after he died with the abbetance of negligent and deceitful Care Home Staff, that impressionable characters from the nearby Estates might have behaved very differently in following months. I see the IPCC has in fact upheld a complaint about Officers not investigating the scene of the Rosie Hunt Murder in 2012 and have to put it that local Police seem a bit keen to follow prompts that seem to come from sources of Executive Authority like Councillors and Prospective Parliamentary Candidates in this case with regard to the fact that they decided nothing was wrong despite the fact screaming had been heard. I also have to put it that these two Murders did significantly ensue from negligence in not pursuing my half brother for his actions the previous winter. When I went to the Spreadeagle it was mere weeks after the Conviction of Paul Clarke and Lorraine Thorpe and I was still reeling from a partial awareness that I had very significantly overheard what had taken place. I had given Lorraine and a friend a large measure of Malt Whisky to give Desmond that prior New Year after my Father died and never found out if he had got it. I was also thinking about remarks made by regulars in the Spreadeagle many years before when I had been a regular in respect of the controversial acquittal of two rightist skinheads for a Town centre Murder. I think this context on my own conversation is apparent in the sensational claims of excessive violence made by witnesses who obviously cannot have seen anything like what they claim to have seen and whose testimony resembles speculation about the precise manner in which the Death of Rose Hunt evolved, which in turn led to the death of Desmond Thorpe: what is of the remark that ignorance of the manner in which my Father died was the catalyst for these unfortunate Murders and that the contretemps about evidence in the Spreadeagle ensues very significantly from the fact I have said I wanted the CCTV from the Hospital on the night my Father died.
About the Incident ItselfIf this matter has been a waste of public money and will continue to be so it is because it had been clearly agreed at the time that the CCTV was to be the only evidence and that there could be no argument or debate about what it showed. It was six weeks later that I learned the Police were lying about having "secured" the evidence and six weeks after that before I saw witness statements from a selection of people who had been present. It is increasingly difficult to recall all the surprisingly relevant minor details as I was told repeatedly by PolicePersons throughout the night and following morning that they had obtained the video recording of the entire incident as I had insisted at the scene. This was recounted to the Duty Solicitor in the morning and it was the only detail I was concerned to remember until many weeks later when I learned they were changing their story. This was on the first of September 2010 when another Representative of the Duty Solicitor's Firm told me that he'd be willing to help out with one or two other immediately urgent and related matters if at that point I neglected to make a formal complaint about his Firm's actions. This was in respect of the necessity of speaking to the Hospital Staff on the night my Father died, he agreed and among other things said that it was "not possible to obtain a Dismissal of the Charges," on the basis that Policepersons had apparently lied to the CPS in framing them. His Duty Solicitor Colleague had sent out a stream of gibberish courtesy letters which I had clearly stated I found disconcerting in terms of professional representation, then failed to turn up to answer Bail despite that a written assurance she would be in attendance, I had then been advised to come to Court to enter a Plea some five hours too early on the day in question. What is of the observation that he also seems to have lied and that nothing official has happened as far as I am concerned except my attempt to have him brought to book for ignoring what he had agreed to, and his apparently moving toward the end of obtaining an easy and remunerative Dismissal which he had told me he could not obtain: there are a few more details on my Weblog. It was in fact late on the evening of July 17th 2010 when this incident occurred: I say in fact because a number of legal documents ensuing from the Case seem to have been misdated. This is more relevant and interesting than it might seem at first sight in that the only independent looking witness who could subsequently be found focused on and hugely exaggerated the extent to which I had made comments about trying to profit from the illegality of the seizure and false arrest that was performed by the Landlady's Partner and certain characters in the Pub, who dragged me back in when I tried to leave as part of a belated attempt to appear responsible. This seems like an elaboration of remarks I have made about my paternal half brother's behaviour in the Hospital when my Father died it being the Case that whilst complaints about it were being ignored the Death Certificate was misdated.
What is of noting that the incident in itself, and a prior arrest which was nothing to do with me at all were perhaps prompted by the Landlady having, after a manner of speaking overheard thoughts about events related to the recent death of my Father in Ipswich Hospital which has entailed a lot of official correspondence with legal authorities of a generally right wing disposition. In the former case the Police are lying about not having received letters querying the reasons why my half brother had not been arrested for any number of public order offences up to and including Murder in respect of his actions in the Hospital; in the latter case I did not say anything about what happened in the Spreadeagle except under the assurance that the video was in Police hands and that it was therefore irrelevant. This was why I was so shocked and offended to have been detained as I had obviously been attacked as I tried to leave the Pub, having only just appraised that I was being asked to leave: I thought, once I had been helped out of the Pub that I would be offered some sympathetic attention and perhaps a cup of Tea before being driven home. Documents Relating to the Case: updated 28 10 12 Sequence of Events: updated 07 10 12 I recently had to move into a flat in a fairly derelict rubbish strewn property and have had to spend a huge amount of time working on it and waiting for things to be repaired before I could get back to working at all properly on my Father's Estate and it happens to be near a Pub where I was a regular up until '93. On the evening in question a Rock Band could be heard for miles around playing at extraordinary volume from said Public House and I went out at perhaps shortly before nine O Clock not so much with the intention of visiting this particular Pub or wanting to hear live music but rather with the thought generally in mind of visiting once familiar weekend haunts and perhaps even finding friendly faces I hadn't seen in years. I found myself wandering into the SpreadEagle where one old acquaintance who was a bit drunk firstly got a bit carried away with an overly intimate physical greeting which event tends to agree with the remark that I am or have been a victim of plotting on the part of sex weirdos who had over some years helped my Father (and themselves?) evade censure. It also probably reflects to some extent also that I had just walked through a crowd of self defence enthusiasts at a local Gym which is half way between my home and the Pub in question: nowhere else was open at that time of night. At around 11:30 I had decided to leave and stood in the Pub Doorway for a couple of seconds then decided to have one for the Road. I made a bit of theatrical joke out of invading the space at the Bar asking a bloke there if he'd join me in a drink and bought a couple of half pints. The female who served them said something about not being able to drink because she was on medication for acne which some months later I realised was probably an attempt to ponce a (non alcoholic) drink. Once I had been assured repeatedly that the video was in Police Hands I didn't bother to recall any such odd little details and assumed that I would be getting an Apology and a modest offer of Compensation for being detained and lied about. I had started telling this bloke (approximately) that I was fed up with being associated with political intrigues and that I had been badly served by self interested promises and statements made by mostly left of centre Politicians in previous years, he seemed a nice enough bloke and when he apparently misunderstood some of what I was saying I told him not to worry about it: I was doing little more than thinking out loud about the conversation of Regulars I used to know. More or less as I was mentioning that I had known a previous Landlord who'd had problems with getting it across that Cannabis smoking was not allowed in the secluded Pub Garden someone was arrested outside (apparently for drug possession) and I made a few comments about how I thought Gordon Brown had shot himself in the foot with his reclassification of Cannabis. At this point the Landlady turned up and started screeching at me not to talk about drugs in her Pub which strictly speaking I wasn't, I was talking about Law rather than Medicine so I politely if somewhat superciliously ignored her nonsensical remarks whilst ruminating on what the bloke next to me had misunderstood: no-one in this Country has the right to tell another what is or is not legal or acceptable conversation. She then appeared behind him and to my right and hysterically struck me in the chest. Legally speaking she did become provocatively violent and committed Assault, though at the time I thought she was admitting she hadn't made any sense and was doing a bit of a Barbara Windsor impression saying in effect, oh of course you're right as it were which of course I am. I am still having severe problems nursing the after effects of unnecessary and maliciously intended Surgery for what might seem to have become a plausibly "potentially life threatening" mouth infection early in 2008 and asking her not to provoke me instead of sending a clear signal as to what she was saying, was among the things I did mention to some extent as I politely sought to enquire of her intentions, but as I say at this point I thought she was just larking about and had realised that I was in fact trying to be helpful rather than otherwise. I reacted theatrically pretending to swing a blow and as I stopped, became aware of movement behind me which may have been the Band removing the last of their heavy equipment and had inadvertently brushed or patted her on top of the head as I looked round: among other things the Video clearly shows that I did in fact apologise (quite profusely in fact) which she didn't deserve, and had only humorously tried to make her jump which I suppose seemed quite in keeping with a Saturday night entertainment venue. She went off and I, having held on to my good humour didn't think anything more of what had happened at this point as she clearly had not asked me to leave and a major part of my attention had clearly, been directed toward ascertaining her intent in this respect: it had seemed fairly ordinary for a place that had people in fancy dress wandering about a few of whom I knew and I continued talking to the bloke at the Bar until she reappeared with a group of males who were moving rapidly toward me with apparently violent intent. I tried to leave and had got half way through the door when I was seized by this group who dragged me back into the Pub and accused me of assaulting her; the sum of all I really said to them was that she was in fact guilty and that they, would get into serious trouble as the result of trying to start an Affray and making a False Arrest. The Landlady's Partner had clearly not been as attentive of her ill humour as he should have and above all things ought to have taken it sarcastically when she told him I had assaulted her. When the Police arrived I suggested that any argument about what happened was unnecessary as a bank of six cameras had recorded the whole incident. Both Police and Witnesses agreed to abide by the video evidence as both parties had made accusations of Assault, and I was only pacified when the Woman Police Sergeant ordered one of her male colleagues to make sure this evidence was secured as Police escorted me from the Pub, where among other things by then I had arguably been twice sexually assaulted during the course of the Evening. Several people had been holding me and the Landlady's boyfriend had for several minutes been rubbing his erecting penis up against my bottom. They seem to have simply allowed her to delete the recording despite my stating clearly in the Pub that they could not show it without displaying themselves guilty of perhaps several crimes though I gather she has since managed to boast about showing excerpts to her friends. Among other things it definitely shows her complaining vociferously about the Barmaid's turd smelling offensively loud which was an entirely justified remark unlike anything else she said, and the manner of my recollection probably signifies that she did not hear that the Barmaid was thinking of trying to ponce a drink which is possibly also why on the spur of the moment she hadn't made any signal or sign of asking me to leave. It's no-one's fault but her own that she mistook my benign and solicitous observations for some unnecessarily critical comment and no-one's fault but her partner's, that he wasn't being attentive of her ill humour, he was in fact in another part of the Pub. I had patted her on the head with an absent minded condescension that was largely involuntary in itself, entirely humorous in terms of any intent and was intended to say something like, it's over, he's gone, what's your problem now? I was being entirely friendly and helpful not aggressive or menacing in any way. The Landlady McGeown had on balance, clearly sensed that to some extent the Woman Police Sergeant in particular was prepared to swallow the spiel that had accompanied the phone call that led to the first arrest in that it was probably a bit late in coming, and I hadn't for instance seen the prior arrestee given any warning about his behaviour in which respect he had been dancing around a bit exuberantly for a small Pub, she seems to have then decided to build on that once she had mistaken the gist of my conversation, she hadn't been party to the exchanges that preceded her arrival at the Bar, so she didn't know it to be a fact that the Barmaid seems to have been trying to ponce a drink. This was arguably why on the spur of the moment she did not repeat any single odd request to leave that I did in fact honestly miss in the process of trying to pay attention, among what was a comparatively complex attempt at reasonable conversation for the time and place. The fact that when her menfriends had seized me in a simulated rape posture, she tore my shirt off exposing knife scars acquired nearby in '86 and triumphantly spat out "Now you're going to stay here," tends to suggest that she did consider at that point that she had put something over on the local Police who had just attended on her, and that her actions were calculated to be a nuisance kind of distraction that would consolidate what they had perhaps superficially decided to accept, and were not the consequence of some importunity or misbehaviour on my part. At the present time I have not been able to obtain any legal advice about the matter. No discussion about the Case ever took place with the requisite Law Firm as its Chief Representative obtained my signature for public funds under false pretences when he agreed to write to the Hospital about events connected with my Father's death and ignored subsequent references to such an agreement. I only agreed not make a complaint about the Firm's ineptitude if he did this immediately, and it also being the Case as I say that my half brother's impersonation of myself was arguably what really seemed to have annoyed the one relatively independent witness though as I have pointed out I had encountered quite a lot of sinister events in the then recent past, much of which is connected to the allegation that my Father was being blackmailed by Thai Gangsters. I feel that just because I tried to make a joke out of what happened, it doesn't mean that she didn't assault me or that I wasn't acting in legitimate self defence. She had appeared out of nowhere, and started screeching on about what she did or didn't like in the way of conversation which isn't a legal prerogative of hers. It seems obvious now that she was clearly seeking to manufacture some distraction from what had taken place earlier, with regard to the question why someone had been arrested whilst on his way home rather than before he had finished spending his money in the place. What is as I say of the remark that the one relatively independent Witness who hadn't already made himself unavailable after considering more carefully the Landlady's actions is nothing but a seething mass of angry recriminations having realised that said Landlady (one Cheryl McGeown) had deceived and manipulated him for her own selfish ends rendering him guilty of Perjury, which has been noted by the local legal establishment and is likely to have serious consequences for him if he doesn't come across with this as a formal statement at some point. Mr Conley of the Law Firm Taylor Haldane Barlex had said that they could not obtain a dismissal of the Charges on the basis that Police and Witnesses had apparently lied to the CPS and was neglecting to answer my calls when I approached the CPS myself and told them I would have to be representing myself, as with only about a fortnight to go THB had as I say obtained my signature under false pretences, had pumped me for interesting information, given me no advice and time to acquire any relevant medical evidence substantiating my medical condition when I was first attacked was running out. Since then I have wasted many months in seeking to disentangle some apparently guilty cover up on the part of my GP, who didn't ring me back before this Trial when I felt unfit to attend or defend myself, having sustained a curious series of accidents and mishaps in the prior week including the loss of my keys and an almost broken leg. I then spent three months or more enquiring as to how this had happened and besides the fact that it firstly resulted in a technical conviction at the Magistrate's Court it also wrote off any chance I had of preparing for an Appeal. I hope to have better news about my complaint against my Solicitor soon. The fact is that no-one has even once officially taken any note of what I have actually said about this incident as I was in effect told that I could forget about it and it was as I say three months before I even received even a partial explanation as to what kind of a fresh story Police and witnesses were going to come up with. I still don't know what the Police are actually now saying about the incident and have to assume that the Appeal Court did not hear correctly what I said in respect of the putative omission of a key negatory phrase when describing actions. I was sleepless, upset unable to eat, and had two further surgical dental procedures carried out in previous days. What is of stating that when the incident occurred I had to some extent noticed almost everything that was happening despite trying to focus on a particular conversation. It is probably the case that the one salient fact I hadn't noticed was that she, the Landlady, Ms McGeown had presumably gone down with a serious headache as the result of whatever was the precise nature of her exchange with someone who had previously been arrested and I suppose that it seemed as if I was responsible for it. I hadn't seen any of these individuals before and know nothing about any of them: I'm fairly sure that I would have reflexively tried to protect her or indeed anyone from such a presumed headache rather than otherwise. If I was not keen to display any significant anger in Court myself it was very significantly because I was in the position of having to care for my crippled blind old crossbreed bitch who'd been the victim of a poisoning attack at the beginning of 2010 which I do associate with clumsy rightist politicking which may well have ensued from clumsy leftist politicking. This, was difficult enough given the numerous practicalities of arranging a new Household in cramped conditions; one way and another there is going to be hell to pay in terms of the toxic and destructive consequences these 'dirty cops' have had on the innocent and truthful to say nothing of the pointless expense which has ensued.
I still cannot obtain any Legal Advice despite the burden of the Legal Aid budget on Citizens, Taxpayers and Householders and only obtained the agreement of the Legal Ombudsman to investigate Taylor Haldane Barlex the Law Firm in question in December 2011. I was forced to defend myself and have succumbed to a technical Conviction owing largely to the negligence of a General Practitioner whom as I say wrote of any chance I might have had of understanding what was going to happen in Court by wasting months of my time in failing to answer simple queries: to be fair this GP had only just picked up my file within days of my Father having died and I believe she is only just coming round to the conclusion that there are a lot more deceptions loaded into my personal and medical history than is apparent at first sight but the fact remains that she ought to have been more familiar with it than she seems to have been. I had only just commenced the task of refurbishing the Flat I had to move into at relatively short notice in 2010 and have hardly had a reasonable opportunity to even start going through my Father's Estate papers and a massive associated Library which isn't valuable but some of the contents are 200 years old. What is of the remark as I say that comments about litigiousness at the scene derive from overhearing my thoughts about this matter rather than anything that had happened in the Pub and what being additionally of the observation that the presence of deceitful and exploitive Lawyers was significantly what caused the Landlady to do exactly the wrong thing when she found references to the Law on Assault and violent behaviour significantly among my prepossessive thoughts. McGeown and co. definitely need to get it into their heads that no-one in this Town will ever believe a single word of such an accusation about me as that I had beaten up two small females in a Pub: I have immense trouble recalling any such incident as striking anyone in my entire life let alone any undersized females. What is very pointedly of the remark that I am not responsible for what the Townspeople might say or do in respect of this disgraceful treacherous behaviour, and that the sooner they make some formal admission of the implicit confession they made in Court this year the better off they will be. So I ask of my Friends, Relatives and Neighbours that they refrain from patronising the SpreadEagle Public House, that they ask others to do so and perhaps also that they explain to McGeown and co. that this is the reason why. There are further references to this matter in my Weblog and this remark for instance is dated 20th September 2012. As far as the recent altercation in the Spreadeagle goes I should point out that it seems fairly well substantiated now that a number of Officials and other ambitious individuals had tried to associate me with the fabrication of positive stories about the society in the poorer quarters of the Town from a pro Labour viewpoint or perhaps rather from the viewpoint of those promulgating a certain view of local politics as legitimate and acceptable. When the Management of the Betting Shop took out a Court Order to get me out I think it was a friendly attempt to get me to hasten something I really needed to do rather than any other sort of critical comment, but the fact is that I did tell the adjudicating Judge in a few relevant observations that this was the case and that characters had ended up simply forcing their way into the Flat to sit and smoke, drink and watch me trying to work with my Computer: One day there had been an incident when I ended up in a minor scuffle with someone in the entryway.
I had met a certain Mancunian Gentleman back in the late nineties and he had sabotaged a Motorcycle I was trying to get on the Road after telling me he'd help me with it and being unable to extract any significant payment which he had initially suggested he didn't want. A few days later he walked under a Bus and was severely hospitalised. Anyhow the point is that he uses the same Doctor's Surgery and I could be wrong, but the GP seems to suggest that he may have been the/any headache that I might have seemed responsible for, in that many mistake me for a what one might call a Labour Agitator and throw their weight of opinion behind my conversation as result: the fact this altercation occurred in the doorway of the Pub seems to substantiate such a theory quite well. It's interesting that he seems to be something of a refugee from Manchester drug wars, and that the incident led to Police, especially a deceitful white trash WPS by the name of Jennifer Powell shabbily lying about everything up to the point of ignoring questions in Crown Court. It is possibly quite a fair comment that she and her colleagues were trying to cosy up to the presence of Ben Gummer in feigning to be conscientious and respectable pro law'n'order conservatives in that he has tried to pose as a friendly acquaintance of mine, and very interesting that Manchester has just witnessed the Execution of two other female Police Officers. What is of the remark that at some point in the latter nineties I had pointed out that this Mancunian made a very compellingly plausible suspect for the Karen Hales Murder. Among other things at the time he did live less than a mile from the scene along a sheltered route and matched the photofit quite well. I had seen him about again on Nacton Road some years later when his injuries had secured him a comparatively desirable ground floor Flat near Copleston School and had taken pity on his apparently infirm condition, at the time of the altercation in my front door I had an old cd player of his for which I was looking for some appropriate cables among my collection: What is of the remark that I had said I would do it whenever I could rather than as soon as possible given the evident disorder of my possessions and have since returned this to him obviously. At the time he just tried to walk into my Flat I was doing something or other and was on my way out and felt like making something of an issue out of people wandering in as for example things had gone missing from outside, cash had been lifted on at least prior occasion and it was likely true that at around this time I was half overhearing the suggestion that Lorraine Thorpe had lifted a minor sum of petty cash from inside which may be a significant contributory reason as to why she seems to have explained her role in the deaths of Rosie Hunt and her Father Desmond very badly. If she had I didn't catch her nor did I ever see her taking money from her Father though one or two people told me she did: it is true that she and a friend were too keen to get money from me for a mere twenty miutes dog walking. At this point I was it seems quite true that in terms of generally calculable probabilities I was possibly overhearing Desmond Thorpe telling me that his Daughter couldn't be trusted not to purloin unconsidered trifles but he had probably sent me a more complex message than that. It's a fairly difficult matter to put one's finger on or substantiate to any extent which is particularly self evident, but I do think some badly phrased electioneering gossip played a role in his bad luck and that of the family he was trying to keep on the rails in 2006-7. I think it was definitely true that different political candidates had overheard some discussion of his situation as for instance I was atop on of a row of busy shops in between three Housing Estates, and he had moved out of his Wife's a few hundred yards away from me on one side to stay with a mutual acquaintance a few hundred yards away on the other, so many had overheard this by late in 2008 and much of it at the local Cafe a hundred yards away at the nearby shops. He had managed to get a house nearby before moving to the downtown address where he died. I had been busy with my own Father's death obviously, and hadn't taken that much detailed notice of the precise manner in which he had lost control over its direction; his children hadn't really seemed that wayward and they were making some attempt to look after it and him though they were short of money obviously. It was probably a fair comment that I did need to be more careful of what I was listening to in the months before and after my Father died but Desmond wasn't that much in the way of fair game for negative comments: he was entirely a victim and it's difficult to imagine a more inoffensive and innocent character. What is of observing among other things that he didn't need to be associated with a locally inappropriate political faction and it's difficult to imagine a more inoffensive, likeable and innocent character: it was a much better idea for him to be seen to be in the company of Chris Mole and Councillor Edwards than with the Tories.
About the Role of the PoliceOutside the Pub I wasn't arrested but asked to get into the Car and taken to the Police Station where I expected to be treated as the victim I was. As it had in effect already been agreed that the CCTV would be the only evidence and what other evidence there was consisted of defensive wounds, my vest had been torn and my chest scratched above a region of scar tissue, I was a bit puzzled by the question put to me by a male Policeman to the effect that "did you hit her?" Such discussion was already supposed to be history given the allegations made by both parties in the Pub and the suggestion I made that the CCTV would incontrovertibly resolve this. I sought to explain that if there had been a little argy bargy while the Band were removing their equipment, I had taken it as an innocent bit of theatrical humour and that I hadn't hit her with any more intent than one brushes past shoppers on a busy market day in Town with the intermittent apologies this tends to entail. This unthinking attitude does as I say tend to betray that they had been a bit taken in by whatever it was that the management of the Spreadeagle had said to them earlier. Just prior to supervising my escort out of the Pub WPS Powell had ordered one of her male colleagues to "secure the evidence," and I'm sure every taxpayer and relevant official finds it disappointing that instead they were trying to manufacture a fictional confession instead of concentrating on securing the evidence as had been reasonably agreed. I had originally been taught to have the utmost of respect for these characters and they were behaving little better than deceitful thugs. I had quite a conversation with these Policepersons in the Car, pointed out that the only other evidence from that which had already been agreed was that I had been attacked and that there were no marks or abrasions on my hands or arms as there should be if I had hit anyone in any aggressive sense. Being an innocent victim I was shocked to be told that I was under arrest when I got out of the Car. I can only assume that they had been on a long shift as they couldn't seem to recall what had just taken place in the Pub. The Duty Sergeant was a very large man who assured me that they were "downloading the evidence now," and again I made a great point out of saying that I had been attacked, that my hands, arms and fingernails were completely clean and unmarked and that it was therefore impossible for me to have hit anyone as I obviously did not have any opportunity to clean up any incriminating evidence. Now as I say what is of the remark that a Firm of Solicitors took my signature from me under false pretences in agreeing to take up matters in relation to events at the Hospital when my Father died which was more relevant to the incident in the Pub than can easily or casually be considered, did not answer my questions about the case in person and ignored subsequent calls. Given various circumstances which have been partly outlined in other documents on the site, most particularly with regard to my state of shock at circumstances leading to my Father's death which was significantly framed by some very ill considered Police work in 2002 and my concomitant recent domestic dislocation, to say nothing of the fact that Solicitors only added to various misunderstandings, I have absolutely no understanding of what Police have actually said to their colleagues in the legal establishment and CPS beyond a vague appraisal that they have ignored every other circumstance except a clumsy attempt to manufacture the apparency of some confession and have lied about not being able to remember what was said in the Pub. The fact I claimed to have a headache and asked to be released in the night when I saw the Duty Doctor as far as I can recall it has been misreported by the Police (I think she may have noted that I was unaware of the presence of voices other than those that were actually in the Pub and that I was being haunted in the hostile sort of manner I have described) as has almost every other fact I can think of about what happened: I was again assaulted by one fat Constable who was unwilling to allow me sufficient time to urinate in the small hours. I hope to make more sense of what documentation I have soon as attempts to compose my Library and personal administration have also been sidetracked by Builders making an impromptu visit to carry out significant works to my Flat in April when I lost track of much of what I was doing: what is of pointing out there is no quick way to get to grips with such a huge task as this represents. I do recall that those Policepersons who were actually at the Pub seem to have circulated some story about having a video which shows some fight with the Landlady and myself rolling on the floor and this probably betokens that they were aware that they had been taken for naive idiots by the Spreadeagle management and ruefully lied to their colleagues: this seems to be reflected in the completely one sided account given by the interviewing Police Clerk the following day which omits any positive reference at all and clearly betokens that he was being encouraged to fit in with what extempore fictions Policepersons had applied to the incident. At this moment in time I can only reiterate that the Solicitors made it considerably more difficult to understand what had happened than if I had completely waived the worthless right to legal advice and representation from the first and that I have no understanding at all of why Police Statements don't match my consistent account of events.
Thank You For Your Attention .............